Gustadolph Aesfrost (2024)

Gustadolph Aesfrost is a non-player character as well as one of 2 main antagonists in Triangle Strategy.


  • 1 Profile/Story
    • 1.1 Archduke of Aesfrost
  • 2 Endings
    • 2.1 Frederica
    • 2.2 Roland
    • 2.3 Benedict
    • 2.4 Golden
  • 3 Mid-Battle Conversations
    • 3.1 Chapter XVIII, Part II: Bound by Sorrow
      • 3.1.1 vs. Serenoa
      • 3.1.2 vs. Roland
      • 3.1.3 vs. Groma
      • 3.1.4 vs. Geela
      • 3.1.5 vs. Hughette
      • 3.1.6 vs. Hossabara
      • 3.1.7 vs. Maxwell
      • 3.1.8 vs. Cordelia
      • 3.1.9 vs. Flanagan
      • 3.1.10 vs. Avlora
      • 3.1.11 vs. Svarog
    • 3.2 Chapter XIX: A Dream in Winter
      • 3.2.1 vs. Serenoa
      • 3.2.2 vs. Roland
      • 3.2.3 vs. Geela
      • 3.2.4 vs. Hughette
      • 3.2.5 vs. Hossabara
      • 3.2.6 vs. Flanagan
      • 3.2.7 vs. Groma
      • 3.2.8 vs. Cordelia
      • 3.2.9 vs. Maxwell
      • 3.2.10 vs. Avlora
  • 4 Battle
    • 4.1 Frostruler


Gustadolph was the first born son of Zigmunt Aesfrost, and the older brother to Thalas Aesfrost, Frederica Aesfrost, and Erika Aesfrost. Although Gustadolph was not Roselle, he often listened to stories about the Roselle from Zigmunt's Roselle concubine, Orlaea. When Orlaea is sent off to Hyzante, Gustadolph attempts to find Orlaea's diary, only to realize the diary is sealed by a powerful magical spell.

Archduke of Aesfrost[]

When Gustadolph came into power over the Grand Duchy of Aesfrost, Aesfrost was at a disavantage in comparison to the other two nations. The Norzelian Consortium was an organization which managed salt trade all over Norzelia, but heavily taxed salt imported into Aesfrost. The lack of salt weakened Aesfrost tremendously, so Gustadolph ruled Aesfrost with an iron fist and reformed its' government into a meritocracy. The strong and talented flourished, while the weak and subpar struggled. An exception to the meritocracy was Thalas Aesfrost, whom Gustadolph appointed as Prime Minister of Aesfrost in order to have complete control of Aesfrost's government.

Gustadolph Aesfrost agrees to partake in the Grand Norzelian Mine Venture, an alliance between all three nations of Norzelia. Dragan Aesfrost is appointed as Overseer of the Grand Norzelian Mines, much to Gustadolph's delight. Dragan discovers a massive secret in the Norzelian Mines, and threatens to reveal the secret to the Kingdom of Glenbrook if Gustadolph does not appoint him as Prime Minister. In response, Gustadolph has Dragan assassinated, and rushes into Glenbrook to seize control of the Norzelian Mines.

Gustadolph Aesfrost (1)

"The following section contains major spoilers for Triangle Strategy."

Dragan discovered salt crystals in the mines.

"This is the end of the spoilers in this section."

Gustadolph brings General Avlora to the Kingdom of Glenbrook to help with his invasion. Although he is able to execute King Regna Glenbrook, kill Prince Frani Glenbrook, and capture Princess Cordelia Glenbrook, Prince Roland Glenbrook escapes with House Wolffort. Gustadolph seizes Glenbrook's capital, and marries Queen Cordelia to instill himself as Glenbrook's "king". Under Gustadolph's rule, he abolished the titles of the Glenbrook nobility and implemented a meritocratic system that was designed to systematically divide the loyalties of the people in Glenbrook. Such action were popular with the established nobility who had the means to continue their existence of the strong trampling over the weak while the commoners who supported Aesfrost found themselves in an improved situation while the commoners who resisted ended up suffering. Regardless of loyalty, this action would serve to weaken Roland's rule on his return

Whether or not House Wolffort surrenders Roland, Benedict Pascal devises a scheme to trick Gustadolph into believing Roland is dead. A man resembling Roland and bearing the royal ring is found dead on Whiteholm's shores, and brought to Gustadolph. Gustadolph believes this body to be the dead Roland Glenbrook, when in reality it was a simple body double prepared by Benedict. Benedict's scheme is successful, and Gustadolph loses all interest in House Wolffort. He leaves Glenbrook in Thalas Aesfrost and Erika Aesfrost's care, while he investigates problems reported in Aesfrost.

In Aesfrost, illegally smuggled salt was becoming more and more frequent of an issue. Gustadolph returns to Aesfrost in order to sort this issue out, and discovers that none other than Svarog Aesfrost was behind this salt smuggling. Gustadolph also discovers Svarog harbors a suspicions against him regarding Dragan's death. When Gustadolph sees Svarog constructing the Deathsknell, Gustadolph offers to explain the truth of Dragan's death to Svarog if Svarog completes the weapon.

While Gustadolph is dealing with the issues in Aesfrost, House Wolfffort retakes Glenbrook. Thalas Aesfrost and Erika Aesfrost are both killed, while Avlora goes missing in action. Gustadolph is left to mull over his defeat, and find a way to recoup his losses.


Gustadolph Aesfrost (2)

"The following section contains major spoilers for Triangle Strategy."


After House Wolffort wreaks havoc on Hyzante and escapes with the Roselle, Gustadolph reclaims Glenbrook as his own. Although he enters into a violent civil war with Svarog Aesfrost and Glenbrook Royalists, Gustadolph recruits a formidable strategist into his ranks: Benedict Pascal. With Benedict's help, Gustadolph hopes to defeat the Holy State of Hyzante, which is now also in a civil war.


House Wolffort decides to hand over the salt crystals to the Holy State of Hyzante, and unite for a full frontal assault against Aesfrost. Gustadolph defends Aesfrost with his life, but is ultimately defeated by the invading army. Gustadolph attempts to goad Prince Roland Glenbrook into killing him, but Roland refuses. Gustadolph dies from his wounds shortly afterward, calling Roland a weak prince before he dies.


Gustadolph is called into a meeting with the recently crowned King Serenoa Wolffort of Glenbrook. Serenoa and Benedict reveal their plans to destroy the Holy State of Hyzante with Gustadolph's help, but Gustadolph is hesitant to agree to their plan. After Gustadolph is humbled by Benedict's and Serenoa's words concerning Dragan's death, the Archduke allies with King Serenoa. He readies the Deathsknell to breach the Goddess' Shield, while Serenoa distracts Hyzante's forces.

After the Deathsknell fires, Gustadolph and his men hold off Ministers Kamsell Pharant and Lyla Viscraft while Serenoa's army deals with The Hierophant. Gustadolph kills Minister Kamsell, and arrests Minister Lyla in order to force her to sign a peace treaty with the other two nations. When House Wolffort returns from defeating the hierophant, the Holy State of Hyzante is no more. Gustadolph continues to rule Aesfrost, now well aware of how his pride can cause his downfall.


Roland’s regiment makes an attempt to forge an alliance with Svarog regarding the Deathsknell. Gustadolph Aesfrost shows up at Twinsgate just in time to apprehend Svarog, and talk with Roland's regiment. Gustadolph is too prideful to help House Wolffort take down Hyzante, and instead faces off against Roland's regiment in one last battle. Gustadolph is defeated by Roland's regiment, and killed by Svarog Aesfrost.

"This is the end of the spoilers in this section."

Mid-Battle Conversations[]

Chapter XVIII, Part II: Bound by Sorrow[]

vs. Serenoa[]

  • Gustadolph: Serenoa Wolffort...I take it you're the one who softened poor Roland? Color me impressed.
  • Serenoa: It was Roland's own choice to set his grudges aside. 'Twas the only path to peace in Norzelia.
  • Gustadolph: You make a fine lapdog, yelping of peace and prosperity. But I see the ambition behind your pretty words.
  • Gustadolph: And I will not allow a lordling such as you to stand in my way!

vs. Roland[]

  • Gustadolph: Roland, our ideals can only be realized by dint of strength. Words and reason cannot compel otherwise.
  • Gustadolph: I had thought to teach this lesson by example of your father and brother. Alas, it seems my instruction was lacking.
  • Roland: I dreamt of killing you, Gustadolph. No matter how many days passed, my desire for vengeance did not wane.
  • Roland: But I feel hollow. I only wish to end this at last.

vs. Groma[]

  • Groma: This is it, Gustadolph. I've no words for you, but I'll deliver you quietly to your fate.
  • Gustadolph: We shall see, Groma. I believe before the day is done, you'll have wished you had chosen a more quiet life.

vs. Geela[]

  • Geela: Now you reap the fruits of your plotting, Gustadolph. Even your opening move was a blunder.
  • Geela: Frederica and I were sent to House Wolffort so you could use us against them. How has the strategy worked out for you?
  • Gustadolph: You are not half as clever as you suppose to be. You are yet pawns, moving on a board of my design.
  • Gustadolph: And it is time to discard the pieces that have outlived their usefulness.
  • Geela: You see people as naught but playthings. You ill deserve to lead them.
  • Geela: None again shall be made to suffer under your thumb!

vs. Hughette[]

  • Hughette: My name is Hughette Bucklar of the Glenbrook Kingsguard!
  • Hughette: For your crimes against my country and my king, you shall pay with your life!
  • Gustadolph: Soldiers should swing their swords, not pass judgment. I shall teach you the importance of knowing your place.

vs. Hossabara[]

  • Hossabara: You talk of big ideals, but ye serve no one but yerself!
  • Gustadolph: And who are you? Another fly buzzing in my ears.
  • Hossabara: Ye'll find out who I am soon enough. One final lesson before yer last moments!

vs. Maxwell[]

Gustadolph Aesfrost (3)

"The following section contains major spoilers for Triangle Strategy."

  • Gustadolph: So, the dawnspear yet lives.
  • Maxwell: Indeed. Fate dragged me from the depths and delivered me to you, that I might give them a life in return.
  • Maxwell: That I can avenge Glenbrook in the meantime is all the better. Prepare to die, Gustadolph!

"This is the end of the spoilers in this section."

vs. Cordelia[]

  • Cordelia: Had I the strength at the time, I would have stopped you myself.
  • Gustadolph: You do not possess the strength even now. You are but dressing for your betters.
  • Cordelia: You've ever been too prideful to see the good in others. It's a shame you'll never learn.

vs. Flanagan[]

  • Flanagan: Your rule is poison to the realm Gustadolph. 'Tis time to cut off the festering limb.
  • Gustadolph: The meek know naught of the sacrifices of the great. Your braying is but noise to my ears.

vs. Avlora[]

Gustadolph Aesfrost (4)

"The following section contains major spoilers for Triangle Strategy."

  • Gustadolph: You should have let death take you Avlora. It does not befit you to stand with these fools.
  • Avlora: I have not forgotten my debt. That is why it is my duty to stop you.
  • Gustadolph: You have stained the history of our nation with your betrayal. Allow me to deliver your just punishment.

"This is the end of the spoilers in this section."

vs. Svarog[]

  • Svarog: Your arrogance has finally overreached, Gustadolph. Today you suffer the sum of your crimes.
  • Gustadolph: The ramblings of a desperate old man. You will regret your impudence, but not for long. I promise.
  • Svarog: I refuse to die until my son is avenged! Until you lie dead at my feet!

Chapter XIX: A Dream in Winter[]

vs. Serenoa[]

  • Gustadolph: My dear brother-in-law-to-be. Where has my sister gone?
  • Serenoa: She has her own path to follow, as do I.
  • Gustadolph: Such sugarcoated words cannot conceal the truth. She refused to walk your path and you abandoned her, didn't you?
  • Serenoa: Enough, Gustadolph! You speak of things you do not understand!

vs. Roland[]

  • Gustadolph: Letting you slip through my fingers that day has proven to be a costly mistake.
  • Gustadolph: I had not anticipated the sniveling second prince to grow from the defended to the defender.
  • Roland: With you gone, the three nations will finally see peace-and I will not rest until that dream is a reality.
  • Roland: I have not come here as royalty, but someone who wishes for a world without war. I cannot lose here!

vs. Geela[]

  • Gustadolph: Ah, Geela. So you abandoned my sister to stay with House Wolffort.
  • Geela: You see people only as pawns...
  • Geela: You have no idea what it took for us to get here.

vs. Hughette[]

  • Hughette: ...Gustadolph, you will pay for what you did to the Kingsguard that day!
  • Gustadolph: So the lone survivor still lives. Perhaps you can find solace in knowing those pitiful soldiers died a quick and painless death.
  • Hughette: You bastard! I will have my revenge yet!

vs. Hossabara[]

  • Hossabara: Have you any idea how much unhappiness was born of your "freedom"?
  • Gustadolph: What arrogance you speak. Why would I help those who do nothing to help themselves?
  • Hossabara: You think that arrogance? I see now that a better world cannot exist with you in it!

vs. Flanagan[]

  • Gustadolph: So the traitor shows his face. Have you no shame setting foot here again?
  • Flanagan: Your ideals of freedom have brought chaos upon the realm. It is my duty to defend Norzelia from your reckless ambitions.

vs. Groma[]

  • Groma: We elders were wrong for overlooking the mistakes of the young. But the time to atone for that has come.
  • Gustadolph: Leave this place, Groma. The battlefield is best left to young soldiers like the rest.

vs. Cordelia[]

  • Cordelia: Gustadolph, I have come to put an end to this madness...
  • Gustadolph: So the puppet queen comes bearing arms. Who might be pulling your strings this time?
  • Cordelia: No one. I believe the path we have chosen is right.
  • Cordelia: I walk alongside House Wolffort of my own free will! Your reign ends here!

vs. Maxwell[]

Gustadolph Aesfrost (5)

"The following section contains major spoilers for Triangle Strategy."

  • Maxwell: My disciple was forced to walk a perilous path because of you, and for that you will pay dearly.
  • Gustadolph: ...Still alive, I see. Allow me to remind you who was the victor of our last bout.
  • Maxwell: Try as you might, no one bests the Dawnspear twice!

"This is the end of the spoilers in this section."

vs. Avlora[]

Gustadolph Aesfrost (6)

"The following section contains major spoilers for Triangle Strategy."

  • Gustadolph: Avlora...! But, how? I had thought you perished!
  • Avlora: Perhaps it was your delusions, or my tenacity that brought me here...or the doing of fate itself.
  • Avlora: But this is my chance to put my lingering regrets to rest!

"This is the end of the spoilers in this section."


Gustadolph wields the Blade of Mammon.


Gustadolph Aesfrost (7)

ChapterNameTypeDescription and Base TPRange
Chapter XVIII, Part II: Bound by Sorrow
Chapter XIX: A Dream in Winter
Blessing of IcePassiveIncreases your ice resistance while decreasing your fire resistance.N/A
Chapter XVIII, Part II: Bound by Sorrow
Chapter XIX: A Dream in Winter
Resist Sleep/Silence/FuryPassiveGrants immunity to sleep, silence, and fury.N/A
Chapter XVIII, Part II: Bound by Sorrow
Chapter XIX: A Dream in Winter
Resist Temptation/Instant DeathPassiveGrants immunity to temptation and instant death.N/A
Chapter XVIII, Part II: Bound by Sorrow
Chapter XIX: A Dream in Winter
Icy EdgeActiveDeal physical damage to enemies across 3 horizontal squares, and have a chance to silence them for 2 turn(s). (2 TP)1-1 (Height -2-+2)
Chapter XVIII, Part II: Bound by Sorrow
Chapter XIX: A Dream in Winter
BlizzardActiveDeal ice damage to all enemies within range, lower their magic defense for 3 turn(s), and freeze the ground. (3 TP)0-4 (Height -10-+10)
Chapter XIX: A Dream in WinterAbsolute ZeroActiveDeal ice-type magic damage to all enemies standing on icy squares within range, and unfreeze the target squares. (4 TP)0-10 (Height -20-+20)
Gustadolph Aesfrost (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.