Cybersecurity management: Academic Centre of Cyber Security Excellence, The University of Melbourne (2024)

Cybersecurity management is an organisation’s strategic-level capability to protect information resources and competitive advantage in a complex and evolving threat landscape. Today’s highly dynamic and fast-paced business environment shapes the way in which enterprises use their assets such as digital processes, information and IT systems to gain a competitive advantage. These assets are increasingly exposed to security threats, both external and internal, such as theft, fraud, sabotage, embezzlement, and industrial espionage. Cybersecurity management mitigates the risk exposure of organisations using a range of managerial, legal, technological, process and social controls.

This interdisciplinary group of researchers focus on:

Incident response and crisis management

How organisations can adapt their defensive posture to the changing threat landscape by developing situation awareness and by learning from past experiences.

Key research projects

  • Organisational Learning from Incident Response
  • Security Analytics for Situation Awareness
  • Tomorrow’s Cyber Security Function

Secure information and knowledge management

How to protect information and knowledge assets in the organisational habitat such as intellectual property and trade secrets.

Key research projects

  • Leakage of Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets in Organisations
  • Sensitivity Classification of Information and Knowledge
  • Information Leakage through Social Media and BYOD
  • Information and Knowledge Asset Identification for Security

Security strategy and risk

Exploring new paradigms of risk and strategy, as well as the role and influence of decision-makers, in order to address the escalating challenge posed by sophisticated threats such as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT).

Key research projects

  • Prevention and Response paradigms in Information Security
  • Security Analytics for Risk Management
  • Contingency-based Strategy Models in Information Security
  • Security Governance Models
  • Influence of Risk Perception of the Senior Executive on Strategy-as-Practice

Security policy, training, and behaviour

Looks broadly at the quality and effectiveness of formal and informal security controls in organisations. We investigate means of setting up standards of accountability and responsibility for security in organisations.

Key research projects

  • Cyber Security training for the Senior Executive
  • Security Management Practices in Organisations
  • Quality Assessment of Strategic Information Security Policy
  • Security Management Behaviours


Cybersecurity management: Academic Centre of Cyber Security Excellence, The University of Melbourne (2024)


Where is the best place to study cyber security in Australia? ›

Here are the best Australia universities for Cyber Security : Western Sydney University. Deakin University. University of Wollongong.

Can I study cyber security without IT background? ›

Can You Get Into Cybersecurity Without an IT Background? Yes. Many people come to the field with a non-technical background, but if you don't have technical skills now, there are still ways to develop them on your own time.

What should I study first for cyber security? ›

The first thing you need to tackle when it comes to cybersecurity is the basics of IT systems and networks, for example, the different types of networks available and their protocols. Once you are familiar with the fundamentals you can delve into the basics of networking traffic, security, and communication principles.

Is cyber security a good career in Australia? ›

Cyber security is a huge growth industry in Australia, set to increase by 18,000 jobs in the next few years. Here's how you can start your cyber career. Cyber security analysts protect technology assets, systems and data from cyber threats.

Is cyber security easy to study? ›

There's a difference between difficult and challenging. Learning cybersecurity can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be difficult, especially if you're passionate about technology. Nurture a curiosity for the technologies you're working with, and you might find that challenging skills become easier.

Who is the father of cyber security? ›

February, 1883: August Kerckhoffs, a linguist and professor of German at HEC, published an article in the Journal of Military Science that was to go down in history.

Which country pays most for cyber security jobs? ›

Luxembourg has the highest pay for cybersecurity experts. Cybersecurity is a burgeoning field with enormous potential. In order to get all the value for the money in this market, you must also take into account the cost of residing. Variations in the living costs can quickly devour any pay rise.

Can I work in cyber security with just a certificate? ›

Companies are increasingly hiring cybersecurity job applicants who do not have college degrees but do have relevant certificates. The field is growing so fast that there simply aren't enough degree-holding candidates to fill the positions, so those who have the right certificates have a great chance of getting hired.

Can a normal person learn cyber security? ›

Anyone can learn cybersecurity! You don't need an IT background to jump in and start learning about cybersecurity; anyone, regardless of their background, can learn cyber. You just need to be willing to invest the time to learn something new!

Can I study cyber security without coding? ›

What Skills Do I Need to Start a Cybersecurity Career? Most entry-level cybersecurity jobs don't require any background coding experience. What's more important is to have a passion for learning and a strong ability to think critically and efficiently.

Can I learn cyber security in 2 months? ›

How long will it take to learn basic cybersecurity skills? On average it will take between six months and two years to learn about cybersecurity. If only a basic understanding is needed, a six-month course may suffice.

What are 3 skills you must have for cyber security? ›

The Top Skills Required for Cybersecurity Jobs
  • Problem-Solving Skills. ...
  • Technical Aptitude. ...
  • Knowledge of Security Across Various Platforms. ...
  • Attention to Detail. ...
  • Communication Skills. ...
  • Fundamental Computer Forensics Skills. ...
  • A Desire to Learn. ...
  • An Understanding of Hacking.

How hard is a Masters in cyber security? ›

A master's degree in cyber security is not impossible to achieve, but it is still considerably more difficult to obtain than a bachelor's degree.

Is cybersecurity a stressful job? ›

Cybersecurity staff are feeling burnout and stressed to the extent that many are considering leaving their jobs. According to research by VMware, 47% of cybersecurity incident responders say they've experienced burnout or extreme stress over the past 12 months.

Is it easy to get a job in cyber security in Australia? ›

According to the Labour Market Insights2 website the Australian employment prospects for cyber security specialists are extremely positive.

How much do cyber security get paid Australia? ›

The average cyber security salary in Australia is $120,384 per year or $61.74 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $100,000 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $160,000 per year.

Is cybersecurity a lot of math? ›

Most entry-level and mid-level cybersecurity positions like cybersecurity analyst aren't math intensive. There's a lot of graphs and data analysis, but the required math isn't particularly advanced. If you can handle basic programming and problem solving, you can thrive.

Can I learn cyber security in 6 months? ›

A Bachelor's degree in cybersecurity will take four years to complete. You can follow it up with a two-year Master's degree. Alternatively, you can learn cybersecurity through online resources and courses. Doing so will take you anywhere from six months to a year to learn the basics and be ready for a workplace.

Can you learn cyber security in 3 months? ›

It can be as little as four months, maybe less. The time it takes to know cybersecurity depends on you, the individual learning it. Sign Up To Learn About Cybersecurity: Introduction To IT & Cybersecurity.

What are the 5 types of cyber attacks? ›

Types of Cyber Attacks
  • Malware Attack. This is one of the most common types of cyberattacks. ...
  • Phishing Attack. Phishing attacks are one of the most prominent widespread types of cyberattacks. ...
  • Password Attack. ...
  • Man-in-the-Middle Attack. ...
  • SQL Injection Attack. ...
  • Denial-of-Service Attack. ...
  • Insider Threat. ...
  • Cryptojacking.
11 Nov 2022

Which country has the best hackers in the world 2022? ›

1. China. By quite a significant margin, China houses the largest number of hackers on Earth.

What are the Top 5 cyber attacks? ›

Below are some of the most common types of cyber-attacks:
  • Malware.
  • Phishing.
  • Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM)
  • Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack.
  • SQL injection.
  • Zero-day exploit.
  • DNS Tunnelling.
  • Business Email Compromise (BEC)
7 Nov 2022

Is cyber security a good career? ›

Cybersecurity is a growing industry that needs skilled professionals to fill entry, mid, and advanced-level jobs. Cybersecurity jobs are in high demand and the demand is expected to grow by 18% over the next five years.

Why is it called cyber? ›

"Cyber" is a prefix used to describe a person, thing, or idea as part of the computer and information age. Taken from kybernetes, Greek for "steersman" or "governor," it was first used in cybernetics, a word coined by Norbert Wiener and his colleagues. Common usages include cyberculture, cyberpunk, and cyberspace.

Who was the first cyber hacker? ›

John Draper, also known as Captain Crunch, is often named as the first ever hacker. And rather than having lots of high-tech hacking tools at his disposal, he managed to do it all with a toy whistle from a cereal packet.

What is the easiest job in cyber security? ›

9 Entry-Level Cybersecurity Jobs
  • Information Security Analyst. ...
  • System Administrator. ...
  • IT Support Specialist. ...
  • Crime Investigator. ...
  • Cryptanalyst. ...
  • Junior Penetration Testers. ...
  • Source Code Auditor. ...
  • Security Auditor.
28 Feb 2022

What is the highest cyber security salary? ›

The best Cyber Security Engineer jobs can pay up to $193,500 per year. A cyber security engineer—also know as a cyber security analyst—helps prevent attacks on databases and networks of companies using hardware, firewalls, and encryption.

Is Cyber security paid well? ›

And the insider information can help protect businesses from high-level cybercrimes and attacks. Freshers with 0-3 years of experience can make Rs 3.5 lakh per annum in an ethical hacking role. Certified professionals with significant industry experience can earn as high as Rs 15 lakh a year.

Can I get an IT job with just certifications? ›

Many top IT careers don't require college degrees. Hiring managers are looking for job candidates who can get the job done, regardless of their academic credentials. Self-education, training programs and certifications could be your ticket to a rewarding tech job.

Can I get a job in cyber security without certification? ›

Some of the most successful cybersecurity professionals don't have industry certifications, so they are certainly not necessary to succeed. That said, certifications are helpful in catching the eyes of recruiters and hiring managers and getting past automated resume screening systems.

Is a Certificate in Cyber security worth IT? ›

Cybersecurity is a fast-growing, lucrative career field in which professionals can feel good about their work. While a bachelor's degree can give career seekers a leg up, certification offers credibility, real-world knowledge, and a valuable tool for securing and succeeding in cybersecurity jobs.

Is cyber security easier than AI? ›

Artificial intelligence is for those who want to learn more about robotics or computer-controlled machines. It's a field that has a lot to offer, yet demands a lot from students as well. More than 80% of people suggest cyber security as the best career choice for the future.

Why is cyber security so hard? ›

Technological complexity.

Any IT system offers an “attack surface” that an attacker can exploit. Cloud-based technologies and API-based architecture continue to enlarge this attack surface. At the same time, legacy systems are far too layered and complex to easily secure against cyberattacks.

Is IT too late to learn cybersecurity? ›

There are a variety of paths to get into the world of cybersecurity and whether you are young or old, it is never too late to start a career in cyber.

Should I learn Python before cyber security? ›

Python is a useful programming language for cybersecurity professionals because it can perform a variety of cybersecurity functions, like malware analysis, penetration testing, and scanning.

How many days IT will take to learn cyber security? ›

Yes, you can complete this free Introduction to Cyber Security course within 90 days.

Is cybersecurity easier than software engineering? ›

Is Cybersecurity Harder Than Software Engineering? It is difficult to say that one is more difficult than the other without determining the parameters for that. If you are someone that has the desire to get a college degree, then going into cyber security would be easy for you.

Is cyber security harder than coding? ›

Knowledge Level: There is less programming involved in cybersecurity; however, it requires a deeper understanding of networks, operating systems, system management, and core security. Consequently, cybersecurity requires a more extensive set of qualifications than coding.

Does cybersecurity require coding? ›

Do Cybersecurity Analysts Code? For most entry-level cybersecurity jobs, coding skills are not required. However, as cybersecurity professionals seek mid- or upper-level positions, coding may be necessary to advance in the field.

Is cyber security better than computer science? ›

Computer Science: Projected Salaries. Cybersecurity workers generally have higher earning potential. According to Burning Glass Technologies, a company that specializes in job market analytics, professionals in this field can make an average of nearly $6,500 more per year than other IT workers.

What are the 5 top most skills someone in cyber security should have? ›

Top 5 Cybersecurity Skills
  • Networking and System Administration. ...
  • Knowledge of Operating Systems and Virtual Machines. ...
  • Network Security Control. ...
  • Coding. ...
  • Cloud Security. ...
  • Blockchain Security. ...
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) ...
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
21 Oct 2022

Which cybersecurity skills are in the highest demand? ›

Below are the top in-demand Cyber Security skills that you can learn:
  • Cloud Security. ...
  • Computer Forensics Skills. ...
  • Blockchain Security. ...
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) ...
  • Programming Skills. ...
  • IoT Security. ...
  • Communication Skills. ...
  • Problem-Solving Skills.
22 Nov 2022

Which programming language is required for cyber security? ›

The top cybersecurity languages include Java, JavaScript, Python, SQL, PHP, PowerShell, and C. Depending on your career path, you may find other languages useful as well.

Is Masters in cyber security worth it in Australia? ›

So, is a Master of Cyber Security worth it? Absolutely. With the right skills and training, you can become an expert in this field and command a high salary. If you're interested in protecting our digital world, then a career in cyber security is definitely for you.

Is a Masters in cyber security worth it? ›

While cybersecurity roles command high median salaries overall, with information security analysts earning $98,350 per year. With a master's degree, you're preparing yourself for leadership opportunities, where the top 10% of cybersecurity professionals earn $156,583 per year.

Is cyber security easy or hard? ›

No, cybersecurity isn't hard. Although there may be difficult concepts, like cryptography or areas that require more technical knowledge, cybersecurity is one of the few fields in the tech world that doesn't require a strong technical background.

Which universities offer cyber security in Australia? ›

Here are the best Australia universities for Cyber Security :
  • Monash University.
  • Deakin University.
  • Australian National University.
  • University of New South Wales.
  • Macquarie University.
  • Charles Sturt University.
  • Edith Cowan University.
  • University of Adelaide.

What is best area for cyber security? ›

Here are the top 7 cities for cybersecurity jobs in the United States where you'll find the most opportunities in the field.
  • Washington, D.C. ...
  • Arlington, Virginia. ...
  • New York City, New York. ...
  • Dallas Fort Worth, Texas. ...
  • Silicon Valley, California. ...
  • Chicago, Illinois. ...
  • Atlanta, Georgia. ...
  • Breaking Into The Field.
26 Aug 2022

Is cyber security in demand Australia? ›

Absolutely. In 2021 the Australian cyber security market was valued at US$4.6 billion and is forecast to grow to US$5.8 billion by 2024. The local cyber market is growing at over 8% annually.

Is cyber security in PR list in Australia? ›

PR Points for ICT Security Specialist in Australia 2021

Subclass 189 (Skilled—Independent) visa : 65 points. Subclass 190 (Skilled—Nominated) visa : 65 points. Subclass 491 (Skilled Work Regional (Provisional)) visa : 65 points.

Is IT hard to get a cyber security job in Australia? ›

Is it difficult to get into cybersecurity as a career? It's not difficult to get into because jobs are abundant within the industry. Our industry is currently suffering from a skills shortage, which may be a mix of the increasing need for cyber roles and a reluctance of people to go down the cyber career path.

Is Masters in cyber security worth IT in Australia? ›

So, is a Master of Cyber Security worth it? Absolutely. With the right skills and training, you can become an expert in this field and command a high salary. If you're interested in protecting our digital world, then a career in cyber security is definitely for you.

Is a cybersecurity degree hard? ›

No, cybersecurity isn't hard. Although there may be difficult concepts, like cryptography or areas that require more technical knowledge, cybersecurity is one of the few fields in the tech world that doesn't require a strong technical background.

Are cybersecurity jobs stressful? ›

Cybersecurity can be stressful work; not only do staff need to stay on top of threats posed by cyber criminals, ransomware gangs and even nation-state sponsored hacking campaigns, they also need to ensure their users are equipped with the right tools needed to stay safe – often while working with a restricted ...

Is cyber security a high paying job? ›

While more experienced professionals are likely to earn higher salaries, many cybersecurity roles pay more than other tech jobs. An information security analyst (typically an entry-level cybersecurity role) earned a median salary of $102,600 in 2021, U.S. Department of Labor Statistics figures show.

Does cybersecurity pay well? ›

U.S. News & World report ranks it as the #1 Best Job for 2022 primarily due to the job market, growth potential, and salary. According to 2020 data from the BLS, cybersecurity and information security analysts earn an average annual salary of $107,580 per year ($51.72 per hour).

Is cyber security a happy career? ›

Job Satisfaction: 71% of respondents in North America said they were satisfied in an ISC2 study with 36% saying they were very satisfied. A similar survey from PayScale found that the average cyber security engineer gave a job satisfaction of 3.83 out of 5. This is about 10% over the average of 51% among US workers.

Where PR is easy in Australia? ›

However, the answer to which state is easy to get PR in Australia is Tasmania.

Is Australia PR friendly? ›

Due to the demand in the field of education and teaching, the PR courses in Australia and prospects for this profession are also really high. Students can apply for PR after completing their education and teaching courses. Australia provides students with an opportunity to pursue teaching in educational institutions.

How many unfilled cybersecurity jobs are there in Australia? ›

Huge surges in cybercrime, including ransoming, fraud and data theft, will leave Australia 30,000 cyber professionals short over the next four years of what is required to cover the security needs of the country, according to new research.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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