All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (2024)


The VII Tiger I was one of the fiercest and most feared tanks of the Second World War. Its deadly 88mm gun, seemingly impenetrable 120mm armor, coupled with the ghostly tales it carries, traveled from soldier to soldier and proved for a gut-wrenching combination. It struck as an imposing figure on the battlefield, and at first, Allied tanks were outgunned and outranked in comparison.

But was the Tiger a true goliath or just a figment of Nazi propaganda? We thought we'd turn back the history pages and examine how Allied crews were able to disable this intimidating German hunter. Dive in!

Tiger I: A Formidable Foe

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (3) A German Tiger I tank crew preparing for battle.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (4) A German Tiger I tank crew heading into battle.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (5)

Left image: A German Tiger I tank crew preparing for battle. Right image: A Tiger I on the move.

September 1942. The first Tigers roll out to face the Red Army on the Eastern Front near Leningrad. Less than three months later, they square up against the Allies in the Tunisian desert. During that time, the Tiger quickly established a fearsome reputation. Its thick armor startled crews that despairingly saw their shells bounce off the Tiger's hull and turret. In one early encounter in Tunisia, eight rounds fired from a 75mm artillery gun bounced off of the side of the tank from a distance of just 45meters.

By contrast, most Allied tanks were vulnerable to the Tiger at 2,000meters, but most had to come within a few hundred meters to stand any chance of disabling the Tiger. Even with the rapid upgrade of the 75mm gun to the high-velocity 76mm gun, the original Sherman was only capable of defeating the Tiger at close range or from the flank. In the first couple of years of action, mechanical failures proved deadlier to Tigers than combat action.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (6) A German Tiger I tank crew preparing for battle.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (7) A Tiger I on the move.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (8)

Left image: A German Tiger I tank crew preparing for battle. Right image: A Tiger I on the move.

1,347 TigerI tanks left the factory doors from August 1942 until the end of the war. While production greatly lagged behind compared to the 40,000American M4Shermans and 50,000Soviet T-34s in circulation, the TigerI claimed a phenomenal 9,850kills for the loss of just 1,715machines (including tanks recovered and returned to service). Sherman crews suffered a 580percent loss rate in contrast.

“The most important strengths of the TigerI were the 88mm gun, the optics, and the armor. It could face T-34s and destroy enemy tanks from distances we never could dream about before. We never shot at 2,000 or 3,000meters. It was a waste of ammunition! I always fired at all enemy tanks at a range of 700–800 meters to guarantee all tanks hit were destroyed with a single shot… and because at 700–800 meters, you weren't able to fail!"

– Otto Carius, German Tank Commander

Fear Factor: Justified or Heightened Propaganda?

Goebbels' relentless propaganda machine played an important role in glorifying the Tiger. Notorious tank aces, such as Michael Wittmann, were thrust into the spotlight and generously decorated for their battlefield successes. In a complete juxtaposition, Allied and American soldiers were portrayed as paralyzed combatants who had no answer to the TigerI's armor and firepower.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (9) A Tiger I loaded onto a special rail car at the Henschel plant, 1942. Credit: Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1972-064-61 / CC)

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (10) A Tiger I in Italy.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (11)

Left image: A Tiger I loaded onto a special rail car at the Henschel plant, 1942. Right image: A Tiger I in Italy.

Naturally, this is not exactly true, and you should not believe everything you're told. Many Tigers encountered limiting technical issues. The Allies captured several of them and conducted extensive performance and penetration tests throughout the war. They identified the weak spots of the TigerI—information disseminated to designers, engineers, and tank crews, who began to develop new tank variations and tactics.

"We have nothing to fear from Tiger and Panther tanks. We have had no difficulty in dealing with German armor.”

– Bernard Montgomery, British Field Marshal, in response to the “Tiger Terror” in Normandy.

Allied Response: Fighting the Tiger Threat

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (12) Burnt-out Tigers near Cori, Italy.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (13) An American soldier inspecting a Tiger I shell penetration.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (14)

Left image: Burnt-out Tigers near Cori, Italy. Right image: An American soldier inspecting a Tiger I shell penetration.

Fresh tactics required nerves of steel, while others called for a steady hand and pinpoint accuracy. Of course, there were numerous considerations to take into account—terrain, weather conditions, nature of the defense or attack, and so on—but here are some of the Allies' key principles and responses to overcome the Tiger menace:

Out-Gun and Out-Perform
Soon, the Tiger had to face the powerful IS-2 and the ISU-152—armed with powerful 122mm and 152mm armaments, respectively. They were highly effective at destroying enemy Tigers. The Soviets also developed the 85mm anti-tank gun, which was mounted on the ferociously mass-produced T-34s to form the T-34-85. Later came the SU-85, which could effectively knock out Tigers from a greater distance.

The 17-pounder gun, mounted on the Sherman Firefly and some M10 tank destroyers, was the British answer to the Tiger problem and could effectively penetrate their armor. Over 2,000 were produced, while the 90mm guns of the American M36 tank destroyer—later of the M26 Pershing—also demonstrated a capable counterthreat.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (15)

Interactive image. Slide between the two images to compare the penetration values of the 75mm gun and the 17-pounder, the latter considerably more successful at penetrating the Tiger tank.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (16)

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (17)

Get Up Close and Personal
Either flank and engage from the side and rear, or let the Tiger come close to you. Hold your nerve and wait until they are within range. That was the advice given to tank crews. Luring the Tiger from cover, getting it to expose its side and rear armor, then knocking it out from a range of around 450m seemed to be the way to go. They just had to make their first shot count!

Target Tiny Weakspots
The Tiger was littered with small weak spots. For example, the commander's cupola was exposed as a high and flimsy hatch and merely welded onto the turret. As a result, it was easy to aim at and immobilize the commander. Crews were encouraged to aim at the gun, machine gun port, tracks, commander's cupola, and fuel tanks. This example of a Soviet directive was based on early encounters with Tigers on the Eastern Front and was quickly shared with Allied counterparts to help neutralize the threat.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (18) A German tank crew inspecting a non-penetrating hit on a TigerI. Credit: Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-022-2935-24 / CC.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (19) Shell penetrations inside a Tiger I.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (20)

Left image: A German tank crew inspecting a non-penetrating hit on a TigerI. Right image: Shell penetrations inside a TigerI.

Hunt in Packs
Ambushing Tigers through coordinated efforts proved highly successful. Blinding their crew and targeting them from multiple angles meant they struggled to identify the main threat, select multiple targets, aim, and return fire effectively.

American tank units also relied on close air, artillery, and tank destroyer support. Five-tank platoons were instructed to split into two groups: one to draw the German fire, the other to maneuver to the flank and engage the tanks from the side or rear.

"Even mass firing of all weapons can reduce the fighting power of the 'Tiger,' because even if the strong armor isn't penetrated, damage to sensitive parts occurs—tracks and suspension, weapons, turret ring, optics."

– German Upper Command, Training Division Note

Tiger 131: The Most Notorious Tiger

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (21) King GeorgeVI inspecting the captured German TigerI—later Tiger131— with the British army in Tunis, June 1943.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (22) The captured German TigerI tank—later Tiger 131—on May 6, 1943.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (23)

Left image: King GeorgeVI inspecting the captured German TigerI with the British army in Tunis, June 1943.
Right image: The captured tank on May 6, 1943.

Every true tank enthusiast has heard of the iconic VI Tiger 131 —a legend captured during the German advance in North Africa that ultimately made its way to The Tank Museum in Bovington. It's the only operational Tiger in existence today, after being disabled by British forces nearly 80 years ago, in April 1943.

In 1943, the British 2nd Battalion Sherwood Foresters were ordered to engage several Tiger tanks from the German 504thHeavy Panzer Battalion at Gueriat elAtach, known as Point174, in Tunisia. After forming a pincer movement, one of the Churchills managed to secure a lucky hit on the Tiger's turret ring and wedge the gun as it was traversing. The supposedly injured or immobilized German crew then abandoned the tank in good working order. This proved invaluable to the Allies, who shipped it back to England to run tests and pinpoint vulnerabilities.

All Teeth and No Bite? Just How Threatening Was the German Tiger? (2024)


How scary was the Tiger tank? ›

The VII Tiger I was one of the fiercest and most feared tanks of the Second World War. Its deadly 88 mm gun, seemingly impenetrable 120 mm armor, coupled with the ghostly tales it carries, traveled from soldier to soldier and proved for a gut-wrenching combination.

Why was the Tiger tank feared? ›

The impenetrable armour, powerful gun and huge size of the Tiger made it a legend in its time. It struck terror into the hearts of Allied tank crews when it first appeared in 1942. The armour was 100mm thick at the front, making it impervious to Allied guns.

What was the tiger tank's weakness? ›

Its main weakness was its Maybach engine which was underpowered when compared to the size of the vehicle. The Tigers wide tracks and Torsion bar suspension, however, provided for good cross country performance, but the overlapping wheel design proved a heavy maintenance overhead.

Why did the Tiger tank fail? ›

While the Tiger I has been called an outstanding design for its time, it has also been called overengineered, using expensive materials and labour-intensive production methods. In the early period, the Tiger was prone to certain types of track failures and breakdowns.

What is the scariest tank ever made? ›

Honesty, the Panzer IV ended up being the most feared German tank and for good reason. It looked a lot like the Tiger Tank and was produced 10 times more than the Tiger. So, it was seen more often and mistaken for a Tiger.

Was Tiger 2 ever destroyed? ›

The Schwere Heeres Panzer Abteilung 501 arrived on the Eastern Front with only eight out of 45 tanks operational; these faults were mostly due to final drive failures. The first five Tiger IIs delivered to the Panzer Lehr Division broke down before they could be used in combat, and were destroyed to prevent capture.

Was Tiger 1 or Tiger 2 better? ›

The Tiger 2 was a huge upgrade over the Tiger 1 in terms of combat capability.

How many Tiger 1 are left? ›

How many German Tiger tanks are left? - Quora. For the original Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger, there are nine remaining intact in museum collections, out of which one is fully operable (Tiger #131 at the Bovington Tank Museum in the UK).

How many Tiger 2 are left? ›

Of the ~500 Tiger IIs that were produced some 150 or so survived the war. Twenty or so were distributed amongst the allies for evaluation, and some were given to France and Switzerland for use in their armies. Nine Tiger II survive today, about 7 or 8 Tiger Is are still in existence.

What size gun did the Tiger tank have? ›

Its heavy armor made it practically impervious to frontal attack, and its high-velocity 88mm gun was ready to chastise anything that came within range. The Tiger I's main gun could knock out a T-34 tank at a distance greater than three miles.

Could a piat penetrate a Tiger? ›

The PIAT was able to penetrate 100mm of armour, which can defeat a Tiger I frontal hull and turret armour, but not the gun mantlet which was 120mm.

What is a tiger's weak point? ›

His weak spots could be his eyes, and nose, so strike hard there if you can. If there is a water body close by, or a river, do not get into it until you have won a gold in the Olympics. Tigers are great swimmers and will outpace you much sooner than you suspect.

Could a bazooka take out a Tiger tank? ›

During the Allied invasion of Sicily, small numbers of the M1A1 bazooka (using an improved rocket, the M6A1) were used in combat by U.S. forces. The M1A1 accounted for four medium German tanks and a heavy Tiger I, with the latter being knocked out by an improbable hit through the driver's vision slot.

Could a Churchill destroy a Tiger? ›

Yes, below, Tiger 142 probably knocked out by a six pounder gun in a Churchill commanded by Lt Hern on 27 Feb 1943 in Tunisia. The Tiger was then blown up by Royal Engineers.

Could a Sherman beat a Tiger? ›

The 75 mm armed Sherman struggles against the Tiger, only being able to reliably defeat its armour over a narrow range of angles out to about 800 m from the side and rear.

What was the weak point of the Tiger tank? ›

A lot of good answers here but the main literal weakness of the Tiger was inadequate upper armor making it vulnerable to aerial attack. It was exploited in the battle of Kursk to great effect. A PTAB bomb was designed, produced in great numbers and introduced just before the battle.

Could a Churchill tank destroy a Tiger? ›

In one encounter, on 21 April 1943, during the start of the Battle of Longstop Hill, a Churchill tank of the 48th Royal Tank Regiment got the better of a German Tiger I heavy tank. A 6 pounder shot from the Churchill lodged between the Tiger's turret and turret ring, jamming the turret and injuring the German crew.

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