Active Shooter Training & Preparedness Solutions with ALICE (2024)

In any moment of decision… the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

-Theodore Roosevelt

Active Shooter Training & Preparedness Solutions with ALICE (1)

ALICE Training by Navigate360

Begun in 2000, ALICE Training® is a widely adopted, effective method of active shooter response training. ALICE Training® is now a part of Navigate360’s suite of safety programs for schools, workplaces and other communities.

Navigate360 offers comprehensive solutions for active shooter preparedness and other safety and emergency measures. Together, these solutions usher in a new era where people replace fear and hopelessness with preparation and readiness in the face of violence.

Our Story

From our beginning as a small school security training company, we have been dedicated to promoting proactive strategies to improve the chances of survival during an active shooter event. We’ve worked with hundreds of thousands of individuals inPolice/LE, K-12 Schools, Healthcare,Higher Education,Business, Government and Houses of Worship organizations and empowered their people using ALICE Training.

Our drive to make a difference and continue to lead the evolution in active shooter response tactics is at the core of what makes our solutions so effective. At the ALICE Training, we’re always working to create new stories of improvement. From teachers and healthcare professionals to police and everyday citizens, our active shooter training classes teach skills that improve your chances of survival anywhere you go in life.

Our Mission: To Improve Chances of Survival

The threat of an active shooter attack is rare but very real. We aim to eradicate the “It can’t happen to me” mentality and change the way people everywhere respond to armed intruders. At the ALICE Training, we believe that individualsshould be prepared for active shooter events and empowered to make their own life-saving decisions. Once empowered to make their own life-saving decisions, individuals must be trained in proactive active shooter response options, rather than a passive, mandated, one-size-fits-all response. We want all Americans to have the knowledge and skills to survive when shots are fired. We can achieve this by training as many people as possible and implementing training in drill form across all organizations. We have seen the successful results of fire drills. It’s time to start anticipating man-made disasters.

Training Options that work for the largest organization or a single individual.

Our Blended Learning approach: e-Learning + ALICE Instructors

On premiseinstruction of drills that reinforces our e-Learning

  • Policy & Implementation Tools
  • ALICE Instructor drills & exercises
  • Certify your Organization

You conduct the drills. Our e-Learning will take care of the classroom learning

Allows you to train participants within your organization whohave completed the ALICE e-Learning. This allows you to focus on higher level, site specific training and the facilitation of training drills.

An e-Learning Solution delivered via our web based portal

Interactive training course for individuals to receive an individual certificate.

  • Individuals,Parents
  • Small Organizations that do not require Onsite Training

Origins of ALICETraining

ALICE Trainingprogram was created out of a husband’s desire for his wife to have a better plan in case of an active shooter event. After the Columbine High School shooting, Greg Crane was a law enforcement officer in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and his wife, Lisa, was an elementary principal. While both prepared in their professional lives for this type of tragic event, it was not until a fateful conversation around the dinner table that brought the two worlds together and created the ALICE Trainingprogram. Around a Christmas Eve dinner in 2000, an announcement came across the local news of an officer being killed in the line of duty, and the conversation turned toward the dangers taken on by law enforcement officers. Although he had trained officers in active shooter response for many years, Greg asked Lisa a question he had never asked a school administrator, “What are y’all doing while the police are making their way to the school?” Lisa explained the school’s protocol, which was the standard at the time, “When I find out we have an intruder, I put out a “Code Red” over the PA, the teachers get everyone in a classroom, lock the door, turn off the lights, sit in the corner and wait for the police to arrive.” Greg said the abnormally high number of killed and wounded in the mass shootings of the 90s made perfect sense…these lockdown responses made people easy targets. He did not like that plan for Lisa and the people at her school, so he set out to find a better plan. However, after reading the active shooter response tactics suggested by the so called “Experts”, he found that, in the end, when the bullets started flying, the staff and students were on their own to “figure it out”.

Greg, and a fellow officer, set out to create a plan based on the strategies that brought them through some violent shooting situations. Through years of development, modifications, additions, deletions and a lot of input from other ALICE TrainingInstructors across the country, ALICE Training is the first program in the country to use option-based, proactive, survival strategies to prepare for active shooter events. Now, many Governmental Agencies, Police/LE organizations and associations have made recommendation which mirror ALICE Trainingconcepts. We continue to lead the way with cutting-edge research, updated materials and an ever increasing body of knowledge and experience to help civilians of all demographics learn strategies which can help them survive an active shooter situation anywhere they may find themselves under attack.

Our vision is to empower all citizens with the skills and knowledge to respond when shots are fired. If the police cannot be there in time to help, the next best thing is to prepare our civilian population to help themselves until public safety arrives.

Active Shooter Training & Preparedness Solutions with ALICE (2024)


What is the Alice method? ›


These lockdown procedures are evaluated for improvements after each drill. To ensure schools are prepared to proactively handle the threat of an intruder or active shooter, all principals and teachers have been trained in ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate).

What are the 4 R's of Alice? ›

A trauma-informed approach is guided by the concept of the “Four R's.” This stands for Realize, Recognize, Respond and Resist re-traumatization.

What is the Alice evacuation strategy? ›

The letters ALICE stand for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate: Alert – inform people of the threat, giving as much information as possible. Lockdown – Students and Staff can choose to lockdown and barricade the room that they are in if they determine that it is not safe to evacuate.

What are the concepts of Alice training? ›

A.L.I.C.E. is a simple acronym for the following basic life saving strategies: Alert - Notify the people within the danger zone about the life-threatening risk. Lockdown - Baricade your area and prepare to evacuate or counter if needed. Inform - Relay continuous, accurate information to responders about the incident.

What are the two options for Alice strategies? ›

The letters ALICE stand for​ Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate: Alert​– inform people of the threat, giving as much information as possible. Lockdown​– Students and staff can choose to lockdown and barricade the room that they are in if they determine that it is not safe to evacuate.

What is the Alice training controversy? ›

The controversial issues rise over the Counter component of ALICE, or the fight component of run-hide-fight, which advocates training children to try to “distract” and “confuse” armed suspects by throwing items and attacking the heavily armed gunman.

What are the 4 Rs of the trauma responsive model to care? ›

The trauma-informed approach is guided four assumptions, known as the “Four R's”: Realization about trauma and how it can affect people and groups, recognizing the signs of trauma, having a system which can respond to trauma, and resisting re-traumatization.

What is 4 R's activity? ›

The 4Rs, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, are a simple way of reminding us how we can make a difference. Each step provides us with a different way of considering waste production, what we use and how we dispose of waste.

What is the swarm technique in Alice? ›

Teach all aspects of ALICE EXCEPT the “swarm technique” (grabbing onto the appendages of a dangerous person and using your body weight to immobilize him) to students. time. There is not a one-size-fits-all answer to the situations involving a student with special needs. The school must consider each case individually.

What are the elements of an Alice? ›

ALICE is an acronym for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. It's not designed to be sequential but rather to be utilized dynamically in each unique situation. ALICE training addresses each component in detail.

What is a VCI in Alice training? ›

ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) Training is the leading program for response to violent critical incidents (VCI). VCI are man-made forms of violent disaster, including: active shooter, violent intruder, mass shooting, terrorism, workplace violence, and other unexpected tragedies.

What is in the Alice training go bucket? ›

Indeed, the buckets can be used for that purpose, hence the toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Other tools, such as rope, duct tape and door stoppers, are there to help prevent an intruder from entering the classroom, according to Pezzella.

Why is Alice training good? ›

Training That Builds Confidence

The skills that students learn in ALICE Training® encourage them to take a proactive role in their survival, engendering confidence in their ability to respond to stressful situations appropriately.

What are the three components of survival mindset? ›

A survival mindset is a protective shield comprised of three components: Awareness, Preparation, and Rehearsal.

What does the Alice drill stand for? ›

The ALICE acronym stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate. The threat of an active shooter or intruder in our schools is rare but, in today's society, a reality.

What is the Alice acronym for healthcare? ›

ALICE, a United Way acronym which stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, represents the increasing number of individuals and families who work, but are unable to meet their basic needs, including food, child care, housing, health care and transportation.

What is the Alice effect? ›

The Alice Effect provides evidence of how perspective is the true driving force behind innovation (at the personal, cultural, and societal levels) and shows ow you can effectivly generate “genius” and creative solutions by tapping into a profound type of perspective and most of us have lost: that of a childs'.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.