20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (2024)

The video game industry is on the rise, reaching sales of over 135 billion dollars in 2018. The industry is expected to grow and will need many video game designers with video game degrees to enter the workforce. The salary for a video game designer can vary depending on location and employer, but most can expect an average salary of around $60,000 with an increase with more time spent in the field.

To prepare computer game design degree students to enter this growing workforce of video game design, more colleges are offering a video game design major and program. The requirements for a video game design degree include classes in computer science, with a particular concentration in computer graphics. The following 20 video gaming colleges offer some of the best part time and full time four-year gaming degrees for prospective students interested in college for game designing to consider. We chose the video game design schools based on the rigor of the game design program, student’s employment history after graduation, rankings in the Princeton Review, and additional features that make the program stand out. Read on to find out more about these top video game design colleges.

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Gaming Colleges


Cornell University

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (1)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (2)

Although Cornell University does not offer a bachelor’s degree in game design, it does have the Game Design Initiative at Cornell (GDIAC) which is part of the Department of Computer Science. This top NY university also offers a minor in game design, which has helped many students secure a job in the field. This minor offers courses in technical areas such as:

  • software development
  • technical game design
  • game analytics
  • project management

Students benefit from the education at this top Ivy League school and also have the option of presenting projects at the Game Design Initiative showcase.

Related Resource:Best College Towns in America


Michigan State University

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (3)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (4)

Michigan State University offers a minor in game design and development, and is only open to those students majoring in computer science, studio art, and media and information. Students from this top Michigan university will have a thorough and interdisciplinary education in subject matter relevant to game design. Students will still have the opportunity to build a strong portfolio showcasing their game design skills.

This minor will take two full years for students to complete, in addition to their major requirements. Depending on the student’s chosen major of computer science, art, or media, there will be prerequisites they need to complete before applying for the game design minor. Video game designer degree requirements include game design studio and collaborative game design to complete this minor.


Full Sail University

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (5)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (6)

Full Sail University, located in Winter Park, Florida offers two bachelor’s degrees in game design. These programs are unique in that students can study year round and take classes on a monthly basis, instead of on a semester schedule, and finish the degree much quicker than a typical B.S. program. There is a 20 month bachelor’s degree offered on campus and a 32 month Bachelor’s program offered online.

Students at this top game design college in Florida will take classes in:

  • discrete mathematics
  • design and development analysis
  • game design production
  • game balancing
  • prototyping
  • game systems integration

If video game design is your passion, and you desire to attend one of the top colleges that offer video game design degrees in the US, Full Sail University is an excellent choice!


Cleveland Institute of Art

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (7)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (8)

Students at the Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA) in Ohio benefit from experience with external partners preparing them for the real-world upon graduation. Game design students at this top game design college will take classes such as:

  • 3D Texture
  • Mapping
  • Digital Lighting
  • four classes in game media production
  • game testing and level design
  • Intro to 3D Modeling
  • Serious Game Design: Theory and Applications

The program’s faculty members have experience in the gaming industry. For example, adjunct professor Michael Wu has a decade of experience working for AAA games where he has been an artist, designer, and development director. The video game designer requirements include:

  • transcripts
  • application forms
  • portfolio


Champlain College

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (9)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (10)

The unique advantage to Champlain College’s game design major is that it favors an “upside-down” curriculum which allows students to take relevant classes such as Game History and Development and Introduction to Game Design within your first year in the program. This gives students from this top game design college in Vermont the opportunity to begin working on their portfolios and internships as soon as possible. In addition to game design, students can major in:

  • Game Art and Animation
  • Game Programming
  • Game Production Management

There is also a sonic arts specialization which gives students the opportunity to focus on the technical aspects of the field.

Champlain is ranked as having a top video game design program in the US. All students can work on their projects in the collaborative game studio. Each year a group of students and faculty are sent to the world’s largest game developers conference in San Francisco, CA. This is just one of the many innovative opportunities provided at Champlain.

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (11)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (12)

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) located in MA, has one B.S. program in Interactive Media and Game Development (IMGD) and one master’s program. Students can also major in another subject and minor in interactive media and game development. Worcester Polytechnic Institute was one of the first colleges in the country to offer a gaming program. One of the great things about this video game designer program is that students can enroll in the BS/MS option which allows students to take courses as a step toward both degrees simultaneously and complete this top game design program in five years.

Students can choose to focus on either the technical or artistic side of the field and pick their classes accordingly. WPI also emphasizes project-based learning that gives students the opportunity to solve real-world problems.


DigiPen Institute of Technology

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (13)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (14)

DigiPen Institute of Technology, located in WA, offers a BA in Game Design that covers topics such as:

  • game history
  • game analysis
  • game mechanics
  • dynamics
  • aesthetics
  • 2D and 3D level design
  • character design and play-testing

Additionally, students must take art courses in drawing, modeling, and animation. They must also take technical courses in computer science and mathematics. Requirements for this video game designer degree include receiving at least a B in high school precalculus. Applicants are also encouraged to take calculus, physics, and computer science before applying.

DigiPen‘s classes are unique in that they emphasize semester-long projects giving students the opportunity to build their portfolios. This top game design college encourages creativity and thinking deeply about the psychology behind game design.


Hampshire College

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (15)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (16)

The unique thing about Hampshire College’s major in game design and development is that it gives students a lot of freedom to design their plan of study and focus on building a successful portfolio while competing the degree programs. Hampshire College has two labs for students to utilize: the Game Lab and Game Library, and the Hampshire College Cluster Computing Facility. The game lab is equipped with a projector and surround sound, as well as modern gaming consoles, and older consoles, such as an Atari 2600, and development consoles, like Oculus Rift with dev kit 2.

The location of this college may also be appealing to many prospective students. Hampshire College is located in Amherst, Massachusetts, which was recently voted as one of the best college towns in two independent surveys.


Columbia College Chicago

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (17)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (18)

The Interactive Arts and Media game design major at Columbia College in Chicago have the option of further specializing in one of the concentrations, including game art, development, and sound. One of the great features of this particular program is the senior capstone project which requires students in their senior year to work together as a team to produce a working game, giving them insight into what it is actually like to bring a game into production in the industry.

Students at Columbia College in Chicago first complete a course in the Interactive Arts and Media core, before embarking on their gaming studies. Some of the courses students will take in all of the concentrations will include Digital Image Design and Game Culture. Most schools do not give students the option to concentrate in sound design, making this one of the top game design programs that is particularly unique for those who want to go into that niche field.


Northeastern University

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (19)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (20)

Northeastern University, located in Boston, Massachusetts gives students the opportunity to choose from one of three majors in the game development field:

  • BFA in games
  • BFA in digital arts and game design
  • B.S. in computer science and game development

There is also a minor in game design available, as well. Additionally, there is a master’s program in game science and design and a graduate certificate in game analytics available.

BFA students will take classes that focus on art and graphic design, while B.S. majors will take a variety of computer science classes. All students in one of the game departments will have the option to take classes such as:

  • Games and Society
  • Experimental Game Design
  • Business of Games


University of Pennsylvania

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (21)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (22)

The University of Pennsylvania offers an undergraduate degree in Digital Media Design. They also offer a master’s degree in Computer Graphics and Game Technology. The University of Pennsylvania is one of the eight Ivy League schools in the United States, so although admissions are competitive, you can be confident you are receiving an excellent education. Students in the program are required to spend at least one summer working in the multimedia industry. Applicants are encouraged to submit a portfolio.

Students are required to take:

  • 6 math courses
  • 4 natural science courses
  • 12 computer science and engineering courses
  • 9 communication and fine arts courses
  • 7 social science classes
  • 2 electives

Alumni of this program have gone on to work for:

  • DreamWorks Animation
  • Disney Animation
  • Electronic Arts
  • Zynga Games
  • Microsoft
  • Pixar


New York University, Tisch School of the Arts

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (23)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (24)

The game design program at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts is a BFA program and looks at game design as a creative art form. Students begin by taking courses like Games 101, which covers the history of video games and the industry. After that, students will delve deeper into the subject matter by choosing to take classes that closely reflect their particular interest in the field. All students must complete a senior project that might involve creating a game, writing a research paper, or curating an exhibition.

In addition to the common application and the fee, requirements for this video game design degree include developing a creative portfolio at nyugamecenter.slideroom.com to apply to this program. This portfolio must contain a:

  • personal statement
  • creative project such as a game, video, website, or other creative endeavor
  • 1-page critical analysis


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (25)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (26)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers a top undergraduate degree in Comparative Media Studies with a concentration in Games and Interactive Media. Students will take courses in:

  • video game theory
  • game design methods
  • design interactions

In addition to these courses, students will also take other studio and design courses and electives. This program has been highly ranked by the Princeton Review. Students have the opportunity to participate in research through the MIT Game Lab that focuses on developing new games and players’ experiences.


Georgia Institute of Technology

Graduation Rate


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20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (27)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (28)

Georgia Tech offers a B.S. in Computational Media, as well as an M.S. and Ph.D. in Digital Media. There are several labs and studios for students to work in including the:

  • Augmented Reality Game Studio
  • entertainment intelligence lab
  • Adam lab
  • Experimental game lab

Georgia Tech researchers are also involved in cutting-edge research and have been using big data algorithms to customize video game difficulty which has the ability to change the industry. This B.S. degree is offered as a joint venture between the College of Computing and Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts.


Parsons The New School for Design

Graduation Rate

Acceptance Rate

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (29)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (30)

The New School offers a BFA in Design and Technology where students have the opportunity to concentrate in either Game Design or Creative Technology. The program is part of the School of Art, Media, and Technology and is very design focused, as opposed to technical heavy programs at some of the other schools on the list. One of the benefits of attending this best game design school is the location. New York City is home to a thriving video game development community, and The New School is the host school for the Northeast chapter of the Independent Game Developers Association.


Rochester Institute of Technology

Graduation Rate


Acceptance Rate


20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (31)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (32)

Rochester Institute of Technology offers a B.S. and M.S. in Game Design and Development and a B.S. in New Media Interactive Development. There are also several minor options within the School of Interactive Games and Media. There are several labs equipped with the resources students need available seven days a week to work on assignments and independent projects. One of the unique features of this school is the co-op program which gives students the opportunity to gain career skills and experience what it is like to work in the gaming field. Graduates of this top game design school have a 97% outcome rate of graduation, and receive a $70,000 median first year salary.

Job title possibilities include:

  • Game developer
  • Mechanic designer
  • Audio programmer
  • Graphics programmer
  • Mobile engineer
  • Technical artist


Drexel University

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Acceptance Rate


20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (33)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (34)

Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA, has been ranked in the top 10 programs for video game design by Game Pro Media and the Princeton Review. The school offers a(n):

  • B.S. in Game Art and Production
  • B.S. in Game Programming and Development
  • M.S. in Digital Media
  • graduate certificate in game-based environments

Drexel shows its strength in the success of its students who have won First Place at Game Developer Conference’s Intel Student Showcase, First Place in the Microsoft Imagine Cup, the Unity Awards, the GDC’s Narrative Review Competition, and the Adobe Achievement Awards.

The program offers various gaming devices and game engines for students to work with, as well as an 80 seat 3D theater and a 3-screen stereoscopic VR CAVE.


Savannah College of Art and Design

Graduation Rate


Acceptance Rate


20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (35)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (36)

The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) offers a BA in digital media with a concentration in game development and a BFA in Interactive design and game development, in addition to two master’s degrees. There are online courses available in interactive design and development degrees. This program has won the top prize in the E3 College game competition for two years in a row.

Students are encouraged to have a portfolio of their work put together by the time of graduation to show to prospective employers, giving them a leg up in interviews.

The freshman application takes about 20 minutes to complete and there is a $40 fee.


University of Utah

Graduation Rate


Acceptance Rate


20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (37)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (38)

The University of Utah, located in Salt Lake City, has been highly ranked by the Princeton Review. This bachelor’s degree in games offers students valuable internship experience that give them an idea of the artistry and technical skills required to make it in this field. Students also have the option to minor in games or receive a Master of Entertainment Arts & Engineering.

The application process at The University of Utah is selective and the admissions committee interviews each and every candidate to get to know them and their interests on a personal level. This top video game degree program also has a diverse student body. If you’re looking to meet people from all over, this might be the program for you.


University of Southern California

Graduation Rate


Acceptance Rate


20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (39)

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (40)

The University of Southern California game design program ranks the best in the US. It offers two bachelor’s degrees and two master’s degree programs that prepare students for a future in game design. The Interactive Media and Game design program are offered through the school of Cinematic Arts. The Computer Science program with a concentration in games is offered through the School of Engineering and is more technical in nature. Additionally, USC offers several minors that are relevant to video game design. USC’s program has several distinguishing features that make it our top pick.

It has been recognized as one of the best game design programs in North America by the Princeton Review. The program provides hands-on experience and the opportunity to be taught by impressive faculty members, such as Tracy Fullerton, who has won both a Games for Change “Game Changer” Award and Time Magazine’s Best of the Web award.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a BS in Game Design?

A Bachelor of Science (BS) in Game Design is an undergraduate degree program focused on preparing students for careers in the video gaming industry. It covers aspects of game development, including programming, graphic design, storytelling, and game mechanics. Students learn to create interactive and engaging digital experiences through a blend of artistic and technical skills.

Is a BA in Game Design worth it?

It’s a good time to get a degree in game design. For the next 10 years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 16% growth in jobs for game and digital designers. This equals about 19,000 new jobs each year through 2032. Game design is a growing industry and shows no signs of stopping.

What degree do most game designers have?

Most game designers working in the industry have bachelor’s degrees in a related field, such as game design, IT, or computer science or programming. Some also pursue degrees in interactive media, graphic design, or animation. It is important to also have practical experience and a portfolio in addition to your degree to show potential employers.

How long does it take to get a bachelor’s degree in game design?

Four years, on average. Most bachelor’s in game design programs require 120 credits. This means students take between 12 and 15 credits each semester to finish a bachelor’s degree in four years.

Is game design high paying?

The average pay for game designers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is $83,240/year. The lowest 10% make less than $41,000/year and the highest 10% make over $166,000/year. You can increase your pay and advance in your career with experience and a degree in game design.

What can you do with a game design degree?

With a Game Design degree, you can pursue various careers, including:

• Game Designer
• Game Developer
• Game Programmer
• Level Designer
• Narrative Designer
• Quality Assurance Tester
• User Experience (UX) Designer
• Virtual Reality (VR) Developer
• 3D Modeler

How hard is a game design degree?

It depends on factors like individual aptitude, prior experience, and program rigor. A game design degree program involves a blend of creative and technical skills, including programming, art, and narrative design. The challenge lies in mastering these diverse elements to create engaging and functional interactive experiences. Some students catch on right away, others must cultivate their creativity and skill.

Is game design a lot of math?

Game design involves math, especially if you are working in areas like game programming, physics simulations, or developing algorithms. Knowledge of geometry, trigonometry, and linear algebra can be beneficial. But the extent of mathematical involvement varies based on specific roles within the game design process and industry.

What GPA do you need for game design?

A competitive GPA for admission is around 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Some more competitive programs have higher GPA requirements. Always check the specific admission criteria of the university or college you are interested in pursuing.

Is game design a realistic career?

It is! But it’s constantly changing, so you need to continue your education and learning to stay on top of trends. With these changes comes diverse opportunities in game development, design, programming, and art. Your success will depend on your creativity and technical abilities.

20 Best Video Game Design Degrees (2024)


What degree is best for video game design? ›

What Education Does a Video Game Designer Need? A bachelor's degree in software engineering is an ideal place to start if you want to become a video game designer.

What GPA do you need to be a game designer? ›

Number of Credits and GPA

The Bachelor of Arts in Game Design requires completion of at least 129 semester credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better. The program usually spans eight semesters of fifteen weeks each, or four academic years.

What college has the best game design program? ›

University of Southern California

Is it hard to get a job with a game design degree? ›

Getting into the video game industry as a game designer is easier said than done. You'll need industry experience, an excellent professional portfolio, and strong interpersonal and professional skills. However, breaking into the industry is achievable and rewarding.

What degree do most game designers have? ›

Bachelor's Degree Path

Many video game companies like to hire designers with a bachelor's degree in video game design, video game development, computer science, or a related field. Completing a bachelor's degree usually takes about four years. Gain Internship or Entry-Level Job Experience.

What degree do most game developers have? ›

Typically, individuals looking to become video game developers should achieve at least a bachelor's degree in software engineering, or a related field.

Do most game designers go to college? ›

For the most part, this is true. Most game designers have a degree in video games design or a related discipline (like computer science). But there are more and more routes opening up to people who have not been college-educated to get into game design.

Is there a high demand for game designers? ›

Working in the gaming industry can be one of the lucrative career options in 2023. Games that people play every day need to be built, updated, and maintained by someone. As a result of their high salaries, game developers are in high demand all over the world.

How many years of college to be a video game designer? ›

If you go the traditional route, it takes at least four years to complete a bachelor's degree and gain some professional experience before you can become a game developer.

What is the best state to be a game designer in? ›

A 2021 Forbes article cited California as the top U.S. state for video game designers. Other major U.S. destinations include Austin, Seattle, Chicago, and New York. Internationally, cities including London, Vancouver, Montreal, and Stockholm rank highly for video game designers.

What state is the best for video game design? ›

Detailed list of the best states for a video game designer
2Rhode Island1,059,639
3District of Columbia693,972
47 more rows

Is video game design a good major? ›

Yes, game design can be an exciting and rewarding career for those interested in creating video games for the public. Game designers earn about $68,000 per year on average, and this profession could experience rapid growth over the next several years as the gaming industry expands.

How do game designers get hired? ›

Most employers want to see what a game designer has done before they hire or contract them. A portfolio demonstrates how students have applied their skills to relevant projects in the past. Students can use class assignments, work from previous internships, and hobby design projects.

What age is the average gamer? ›

The average age of a 'gamer' is actually a lot higher than you might think. 35-44 according to this: https://venturebeat.com/business/esa-ceo-64-of-u-s-adults-ar... That's older than the median age of a human being.

How likely is it to get a job in game design? ›

The overall job outlook for Video Game Designer careers has been positive since 2019. Vacancies for this career have increased by 5.31 percent nationwide in that time, with an average growth of 5.31 percent per year. Demand for Video Game Designers is expected to go up, with an expected 32,090 new jobs filled by 2029.

Is there a degree for video game design? ›

It's common for video game designers to have bachelor's degrees. Some colleges and universities offer specific degrees in game design, but numerous degrees can provide a pathway into the field, such as computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, graphic design, digital arts, and animation.

What is the best major for a gamer? ›

Computer Science

One of the best degrees for a gaming career is computer science. While earning your degree in computer science, you'll gain extensive knowledge about computers and learn how to program them. You'll learn how to develop software and about network architecture too.

Is game design in high demand? ›

Games that people play every day need to be built, updated, and maintained by someone. As a result of their high salaries, game developers are in high demand all over the world. Many people, particularly gamers, find the career path of game development appealing.

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