Which of the following is an example of an illegal interview question quizlet? (2024)

Which of the following is an example of an illegal interview question quizlet?

Questions that pertain to age, race, sex, marital status, and religious preference are all illegal questions to ask in an interview.

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Which of the following is an example of an illegal interview question?

Questions about pregnancy, plans for family, children, and child care are illegal job interview questions.

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(Southern California Homes & Lifestyle)
Which of the following is the most effective way to handle an illegal or inappropriate question during an interview?

What is the most effective way to handle an illegal or inappropriate question during an interview? Refuse to answer the question because it is your legal right to do so. If you find the question harmless and if you want the job, go ahead and answer it.

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(Nursing Exam)
How do you answer an illegal question in an interview?

Use a neutral and professional tone. By pointing it out, you are putting the employer on alert that you're aware the question is off-limits. If they continue to ask the illegal question, you do have the right not to answer the question.

(Video) DAY 7A VIDEO 1 of 2 Chapter 2
How should you best respond to interview questions quizlet?

How should you best respond to interview questions? a. Be enthusiastic, honest, sincere, and state your accomplishments in a specific and positive manner.

(Video) Scenario Questions You Could Be Asked During Your Interview| School Counselor Edition
(The Inspiring School Counselor)
What are some legal and illegal interview questions?

Interview Questions Legal or Illegal
  • How many children do you have? This question is inappropriate for two reasons. ...
  • What country are your parents from? ...
  • What is your native language? ...
  • What is your height? ...
  • Have you ever been arrested? ...
  • Do you own your own home? ...
  • Did you serve in the military? ...
  • How old are you?
Apr 1, 2000

(Video) Top 5 Questions to Ask in an Interview
What is illegal to ask in an interview quizlet?

Questions that pertain to age, race, sex, marital status, and religious preference are all illegal questions to ask in an interview.

(Video) PA School Interview Tips [Common Questions, How to Prepare, What to Wear]
(Dani the PA)
What should a person do if asked an illegal question in an interview quizlet?

If asked an illegal or inappropriate question, you are usually wise to show anger or irritation so the interviewer will know the question was offensive.

(Video) HOW To HACK and find ANSWERS to Questions in ONLINE EXAMS TESTS in any Website TRICK - PART 1 !
(Sohamn Pramanik)
What questions are inappropriate for an interviewer to ask in an interview?

These include questions about:
  • your age (although if you're under 21, an employer may pay you according to your age)
  • your sexual preference.
  • your gender identity.
  • your disability status.
  • your ethnicity, race, colour, nationality or cultural background.
Dec 21, 2018

(Video) Customs Officer Exam Prep (40 Questions with Fully Explained Answers)
(Exam Questions)
What is an illegal question?

An illegal question is one where the applicant is being asked to share information that has no bearing on the position they have applied for. As a student and job seeker, it is easy to forget you have options…. BUT YOU DO!

(Video) #1 Thing Recruiters HATE Seeing In Video Interviews
(Work It Daily)

Why are some questions illegal in an interview?

Questions you should avoid asking in an interview. Illegal job interview questions solicit information from job candidates that could be used to discriminate against them. Asking questions about a candidate's age, race, religion, or gender could open a company up to a discrimination lawsuit.

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(Literacy Pittsburgh English Class)
Which of the following questions is illegal to ask in a job interview in the United States?

Questions such as, “Do you have children?” or “Do you plan to work after having children?” are not legal to ask. Naturally, future employers want to know how long you plan to be with them if you are hired. Hiring people takes time and, as they say, time is money.

Which of the following is an example of an illegal interview question quizlet? (2024)
When asked in an interview how you deal with stress you should answer quizlet?

When being asked this question, it's a good idea to give examples of how you've handled stress. That way, the interviewer may get a clear picture of how well you can work in stressful situations.

What advice should you follow when answering situational questions quizlet?

You should never refuse to answer a question; instead, try to deflect the question tactfully or try to determine the reason behind it. When responding to behavioral interview questions, you should briefly explain the situation and describe the problem or task, your action, and its results.

How should you act during an interview quizlet?

During the interview how should you act? Good posture, not fidgeting or looking nervous, don't interview, and keep positive to all kinds of information said.

What is an illegal interview question quizlet?

Interviewers cannot ask. Race, Color, Religion, Sexual Orientation,Birthplace,National Origin, Age, Disability, Family Status.

What is illegal to ask in an interview quizlet?

Questions that pertain to age, race, sex, marital status, and religious preference are all illegal questions to ask in an interview.

Which of the following questions are legal in an interview?

These may include the following questions:
  • What is your age or date of birth?
  • What is your sexual orientation?
  • What church do you attend?
  • What is your national origin?
  • What is your maiden name?
  • What is your marital status?
  • Are you widowed, divorced, or separated?
  • What is or was your spouse's name and/or job?

What questions are illegal in an EEOC interview?

Before a job offer has been made, you can't ask questions about an applicant's disability or questions that are likely to reveal whether an applicant has a disability.
4. What can't I ask when hiring?
  • Do you have a disability?
  • What medications are you currently taking?
  • Have you filed any workers' compensation claims?

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Author: Terrell Hackett

Last Updated: 12/05/2024

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.