What is the word for multiple countries? (2024)

What do you call multiple countries?

A multinational state or a multinational union is a sovereign entity that comprises two or more nations or states.

(Video) Country In One Word From Different Countries
(Genuine Data)
What is a fancy word for everywhere?

far and wide, here and there, omnipresent, ubiquitous, all around, all over, high and low, near and far, overall, throughout, ubiquitously, universally, wherever.

(Video) Using only 1 WORD to describe every country on earth
(Drew Durnil)
What is another word for cross country?

What is another word for cross-country?

(Video) Badminton - Here's every word in different countries
What are grouping countries?

Groups of countries or regions are often referred to by a single term (word, phrase, or abbreviation). The origins of such terms include political alliances, intergovernmental organizations, business market areas, and mere colloquialism.

(Video) Word I LOVE YOU From Different Countries
(jo4quin Data)
What is an example of a multi state nation?

Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, China-Taiwan, USSR, Basques in Spain, French in Canada, etc.

(Video) Ifluent - Different Countries Saying The word "Computer" In Their Languages
(TikTok Ice)
Whats a word for a mixed cultures?

Amalgamation refers to a blending of cultures, rather than one group eliminating another (acculturation) or one group mixing itself into another (assimilation).

(Video) Every Country described In One Word From Different Countries | Data Comparison
What is the word for multiple cultures?

See definition of multiculturalism on Dictionary.com. noundoctrine acknowledging contributions and interests of many cultures.

(Video) How do people from different countries say the word "SCHEDULE"?
(My Guide)
What do you call countries that work together?

alliance Add to list Share. Countries that have an alliance, or agreement, help each other out when in need. That means during times of war, for example, if two countries have an alliance, one will help the other by providing weapons and supplies.

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(My Guide)
How would you describe cross-country?

Cross country running is a sport in which teams and individuals run races on outdoor courses over natural terrain. Races shall be run over courses confined, to the extent possible, to open country, fields, parks, golf courses, and grasslands.

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(My Guide)
What do you call a journey to a distance place or country?

expedition. noun. a long journey organized for a particular purpose, especially to a dangerous or distant place.

(Video) Every Country Described in One Word From Different Countries
(Center Data)

What is the definition of cross-country?

-ˌkən- : extending or moving across a country. a cross-country concert tour. : proceeding over countryside (as across fields and through woods) and not by roads.

(Video) Country In One Word From Different Countries
(Data word List)
What is a another word for ubiquitous?

pervasive. universal. all over. ubiquitary. wall-to-wall.

What is the word for multiple countries? (2024)
What is a synonym for Omnifarious?

Words related to omnifarious

disparate, divergent, diverse, varied, assorted, different, discrete, distinct, diversified, individual, numerous, separate, sundry, anthologized, asymmetrical, collected, dissonant, divers, diversiform, heterogeneous.

What word means widespread common existing almost everywhere?

ubiquitous. adjective. ubiq·​ui·​tous yu̇-ˈbik-wət-əs. : existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : widespread.

How do we Categorise countries?

Based on GNI, countries are classified into three main groups. These are high-income (developed) countries, newly emerging economies (emerging) and low-income countries (developing). For 2022, low-income economies are defined by the World Bank as those with a GNI per capita of $1,045 or less in 2020.

What is cluster country?

Country Cluster means the geographic or market territory specified on the Partner Portal.

How do we categorize countries?

Accordingly, countries have been grouped as high-income, upper middle income, lower middle income and low-income (table E). To maintain compatibility with similar classifications used else- where, the threshold levels of GNI per capita are those established by the World Bank.

What is it called when you live in two countries?

Dual citizenship — or dual nationality — means being a citizen of two countries simultaneously and sharing the rights and responsibilities of the citizens in each country. Not every country allows dual citizenship, and the rules vary among those that do.

What is it called when two countries work together?

alliance Add to list Share. Countries that have an alliance, or agreement, help each other out when in need. That means during times of war, for example, if two countries have an alliance, one will help the other by providing weapons and supplies.

What do you call someone who has lived in different countries?

An expatriate (often shortened to expat) is a person who resides outside their native country.

Can you be a resident of multiple countries?

The question here is can I have permanent residency in more than one country? Yes. You can.

Can you be in multiple countries at once?

The general answer to your question is yes, you can almost certainly be considered "resident" in two or more places at once. Whether this will be beneficial or not, to you, would depend on which countries and your own personal circ*mstances. for example USA and Canada.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

Last Updated: 16/04/2024

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.