What is related diversification quizlet? (2024)

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What is related diversification?

Related diversification occurs when a firm moves into a new industry that has important similarities with the firm's existing industry or industries (Figure 8.1). Because films and television are both aspects of entertainment, Disney's purchase of ABC is an example of related diversification.

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What is a related linked diversification strategy quizlet?

Related linked diversification strategy. Is where the firm with a portfolio of businesses have only a few links between them. Share fewer resources and core competencies between them then related constrained firms.

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What does unrelated diversification provide quizlet?

Unrelated Diversification. Involves diversifying into businesses with no competitively valuable value chain match-ups or strategic fits with firm's present business(es) Unrelated Diversification involves. No strategic fit. No meaningful value chain relationships.

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What is an advantage of unrelated diversification quizlet?

An advantage of unrelated diversification is that competencies can be shared and leveraged throughout the value chain activities.

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(Savanna Institute)
Which of the following is the best example of related diversification quizlet?

Which of the following is the best example of related diversification? stem from cost-saving strategic fits along the value chains of related businesses.

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(Tickeron, Inc.)
Why is related diversification better?

Related diversification helps companies move into a market that closely connects to their existing operations. Through this strategy, companies can increase the potential to increase their benefits. If companies operate independently, they may not achieve the same results.

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(Course Hero)
What is related diversification and unrelated diversification?

Generally, related diversification (entering a new industry that has important similarities with a firm's existing industries) is wiser than unrelated diversification (entering a new industry that lacks such similarities).

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(Teacher Georgia)
Which of the following are the types of general diversification strategies?

There are three types of diversification techniques:
  • Concentric diversification. Concentric diversification involves adding similar products or services to the existing business. ...
  • Horizontal diversification. ...
  • Conglomerate diversification.
1 Feb 2022

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What are the two ways an unrelated diversification strategy can create value through financial economies?

Unrelated diversification can create value through two types of financial economies: efficient internal capital market allocation and restricting a firm's assets.

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(Chris R.)
What makes related diversification an attractive strategy quizlet?

What makes related diversification an attractive strategy? the opportunity to convert cross-business strategic fits into a competitive advantage over business rivals whose operations do not offer comparable strategic fit benefits. Economies of scope.

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What does unrelated diversification provide?

The benefits of unrelated diversification are rooted in two conditions: (1) increased efficiency in cash management and in allocation of investment capital and (2) the capability to call on profitable, low-growth businesses to provide the cash flow for high-growth businesses that require significant infusions of cash.

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Which of the following is the best example of unrelated diversification?

Which of the following is the best example of unrelated diversification? A producer of mens apparel acquiring a maker of golf equipment.

What is related diversification quizlet? (2024)
How do firms create value when using a related diversification?

The firms can create value by using related diversification strategy through operational relatedness and corporate relatedness. Under operational relatedness the firm share its activities; whereas, under corporate relatedness the firm relocate its core competencies.

Which of the following is a way that companies can create value through related diversification?

A way in which a firm uses related diversification to create value for its customers by extending resources and capabilities across its businesses is called: economies of scope.

Which of the following may be true for a company pursuing a strategy of unrelated diversification?

Which of the following may be true for a company pursuing a strategy of unrelated diversification rather than a strategy of related diversification? The company has superior strategic management and organizational design.

Which of the following is a best example of related diversification?

Related diversification occurs when a firm moves into a new industry that has important similarities with the firm's existing industry or industries. Because films and television are both aspects of entertainment, Disney's purchase of ABC is an example of related diversification.

Which of the following is an example of diversification?

Answer and Explanation: 1) Which of the following is an example of diversification : The correct answer is e) Market expansion.

Which of the following is an important appeal of a related diversification strategy quizlet?

Which of the following is an important appeal of a related diversification strategy? Offers opportunities to transfer skills, expertise, technical know-how, or other capabilities from one business to another.

What are the pros and cons of related diversification?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Portfolio Diversification
1. Risk management2. Align with your goals3. Growth opportunity1. Increases chances of mistakes2. Rules differ for each asset3. Tax implications & cost of investment4. Caps growth
13 Dec 2021

When should a company choose related diversification?

A company is likely to choose related diversification when it wants to benefit from transferring competences, leveraging competences, sharing resources and/or bundling resources.

What major disadvantage can a firm encounter with related diversification?

Disadvantages Of Diversification
  • Entities entirely involved in profit-making segments will enjoy profit maximization. ...
  • Diversifying into a new market segment will demand new skill sets. ...
  • A mismanaged diversification or excessive ambition can lead to a company over expanding into too many new directions simultaneously.
27 Jun 2022

What are the three types of diversification?

There are three types of diversification: concentric, horizontal, and conglomerate.
  • Concentric diversification.
  • Horizontal diversification.
  • Conglomerate diversification (or lateral diversification)

Is Disney related or unrelated diversification?

The Walt Disney Company (Disney) utilizes a related diversification strategy. Related diversification “involves diversifying into businesses whose value chains possess competitively valuable 'strategic fits' with value chain(s) of [a] firm's present business(es)” (Geiger, 2004).

Is related diversification or unrelated diversification more likely to create value and how is it more likely to do so?

Regarding the type of diversification, our main results show that related diversification is more value-creating than non-related diversifica- tion is, and that non-related diversification is more likely to turn into a value-destroying strategy at lower levels than related diversification.

What is the difference between vertical integration and related diversification?

While vertical integration involves a firm moving into a new part of a value chain that it is already within, diversification requires moving into an entirely new value chain. Many firms accomplish this through a merger or an acquisition, while others expand into new industries without the involvement of another firm.

What are the 4 types of corporate diversification?

  • Horizontal Diversification. ...
  • Vertical Diversification. ...
  • Concentric Diversification. ...
  • Conglomerate Diversification. ...
  • Defensive Diversification. ...
  • Offensive Diversification.

What are the three 3 reasons firms choose to diversify their operations?

There are four most often cited reasons for diversification: the internal capital market, agency problems, increased interest tax shield and growth opportunities.

Which of the following is most likely to be an important advantage of unrelated diversification?

An advantage of unrelated diversification is that competencies can be shared and leveraged throughout the value chain activities. 15. An appropriate reason to diversify is to pool the risk from several business ventures in order to create a more stable income stream.

What are the two important pitfalls of an unrelated diversification strategy?

The two biggest drawbacks or disadvantages of unrelated diversification are: A. the difficulties of passing the cost-of-entry test and the ease with which top managers can make the mistake of diversifying into businesses where competition is too intense.

When should firms pursue unrelated diversification?

A company is diversified when it is in two or more lines of business. Companies pursue unrelated diversification strategy when they enter into a new activity that has no obvious similarities with any of the company's existing activities.

Which of the following most accurately defines related businesses?

Which of the following most accurately defines related businesses? The businesses use an overlapping marketing strategy targeting essentially the same customer groups. The businesses depend on the same set of suppliers for key materials and inputs.

Which of the following makes acquisition an attractive approach to diversifying into another industry quizlet?

Which of the following makes acquisition an attractive approach to diversifying into another industry? the presence of cross-business value chain relationships and strategic fits.

How would you explain the difference between a one business company and a diversified company quizlet?

In terms of strategy making, what is the difference between a one-business company and a diversified company? A. The first uses a business-level strategy, while the second uses a set of business strategies and a corporate strategy.

How would you differentiate related diversification strategy for unrelated diversification strategy?

Understanding related diversification

While unrelated diversification involves going into markets that are not connected to the firm's prior activities, related diversification specifically tries to move to areas that the firm already has some strengths.

Why is an unrelated diversification strategy generally not a good idea?

Many companies avoid unrelated diversification as a general business rule because of the lack of synergy that exists. When you have related diversity, you can more easily integrate your company brand, philosophies, resources and partnerships to take full advantage.

Why is conglomerate or unrelated diversification strategy adopted?

The rationale behind most conglomerate diversifications is that expanding into unrelated areas has great potential. Typically, corporate strategists look for organizations that meet certain characteristics, such as: Whether or not the organization will be able to reach its profit and return on investment targets.

What is related diversification?

Related diversification occurs when a firm moves into a new industry that has important similarities with the firm's existing industry or industries (Figure 8.1). Because films and television are both aspects of entertainment, Disney's purchase of ABC is an example of related diversification.

Why is related diversification important?

One of the key advantages of related diversification is the ability to share key resources across different areas. Key resources and capabilities of the firm can be utilized in a new area – potentially giving the firm a competitive advantage relative to other firms that may not pose comparable resources.

Which of the following is an example of related diversification quizlet?

Which of the following is the best example of related diversification? A producer of snow skis and ski boots acquiring a maker of ski apparel and accessories (outerwear, goggles, gloves and mittens, helmets and toboggans). stem from cost-saving strategic fits along the value chains of related businesses.

What is related diversification and unrelated diversification?

Generally, related diversification (entering a new industry that has important similarities with a firm's existing industries) is wiser than unrelated diversification (entering a new industry that lacks such similarities).

What key factors need to be considered when a firm is considering diversification?

There are certain factors that you must look into before proceeding with the diversification strategy;
  • Financial sense. Many people believe in taking more significant risks to achieve higher returns and hence step into diversification. ...
  • Core competencies of the firm. ...
  • Evaluating the assets. ...
  • The right expertise and resources.

How does diversification help a business?

Diversification is a risk-reduction strategy used by businesses to help expand into new markets and industries and achieve greater profitability. This can be attained by diversifying new products and services in new markets, targeting new customers and increasing profitability.

Is diversification a good strategy?

It aims to minimize losses by investing in different areas that would each react differently to the same event. Most investment professionals agree that, although it does not guarantee against loss, diversification is the most important component of reaching long-range financial goals while minimizing risk.

Why would an organization seeking to expand through diversification succeed more often by entering similar businesses?

Why would an organization seeking to expand through diversification succeed more often by entering similar businesses? It is seen as posing fewer risks, because it involves comparatively similar businesses of which the leaders would have relevant knowledge.

Which form of growth of the business is diversification?

Diversification is a growth strategy that involves entering into a new market or industry - one that your business doesn't currently operate in - while also creating a new product for that new market.

How do firms create value when using a related diversification strategy?

The firms can create value by using related diversification strategy through operational relatedness and corporate relatedness. Under operational relatedness the firm share its activities; whereas, under corporate relatedness the firm relocate its core competencies.

When a firm has diversified in unrelated products it is called?

3. Conglomerate diversification. Conglomerate diversification involves adding new products or services that are significantly unrelated and with no technological or commercial similarities. For example, if a computer company decides to produce notebooks, the company is pursuing a conglomerate diversification strategy.

What is related and unrelated diversification?

Generally, related diversification (entering a new industry that has important similarities with a firm's existing industries) is wiser than unrelated diversification (entering a new industry that lacks such similarities).

What are the three types of diversification?

There are three types of diversification: concentric, horizontal, and conglomerate.
  • Concentric diversification.
  • Horizontal diversification.
  • Conglomerate diversification (or lateral diversification)

What is an example of diversification?

Concentric diversification refers to the development of new products and services that are similar to the ones you already sell. For example, an orange juice brand releases a new “smooth” orange juice drink alongside it's hero product, the orange juice “with bits”.

What are the different types of diversification?

There are three types of diversification techniques:
  • Concentric diversification. Concentric diversification involves adding similar products or services to the existing business. ...
  • Horizontal diversification. ...
  • Conglomerate diversification.
1 Feb 2022

When should a company choose related diversification?

A company is likely to choose related diversification when it wants to benefit from transferring competences, leveraging competences, sharing resources and/or bundling resources.

What are the risks of related diversification?

Diversification is risky. It entails decision risk (choice and means of diversification may be wrong), implementation risk (structure, processes, systems, leadership, talent may be inadequate) and financial risk (the return to stockholders may be considerably reduced.)

Which of the following is best example of unrelated diversification?

Which of the following is the best example of unrelated diversification? A producer of mens apparel acquiring a maker of golf equipment.

What is an example of unrelated diversification?

Most unrelated diversification efforts, however, do not have happy endings. Harley-Davidson, for example, once tried to sell Harley-branded bottled water. Starbucks tried to diversify into offering Starbucks-branded furniture. Both efforts were disasters.

How do firms create value when using a related diversification strategy?

The firms can create value by using related diversification strategy through operational relatedness and corporate relatedness. Under operational relatedness the firm share its activities; whereas, under corporate relatedness the firm relocate its core competencies.

What are the 4 types of corporate diversification?

  • Horizontal Diversification. ...
  • Vertical Diversification. ...
  • Concentric Diversification. ...
  • Conglomerate Diversification. ...
  • Defensive Diversification. ...
  • Offensive Diversification.

Which of these is a good example of diversification?

Answer and Explanation: 1) Which of the following is an example of diversification : The correct answer is e) Market expansion.

Why is diversification important in business?

Diversification is a risk-reduction strategy used by businesses to help expand into new markets and industries and achieve greater profitability. This can be attained by diversifying new products and services in new markets, targeting new customers and increasing profitability.

Is Disney related or unrelated diversification?

The Walt Disney Company (Disney) utilizes a related diversification strategy. Related diversification “involves diversifying into businesses whose value chains possess competitively valuable 'strategic fits' with value chain(s) of [a] firm's present business(es)” (Geiger, 2004).

Which type of strategy is diversification strategy?

A diversification strategy is a method of expansion or growth followed by businesses. It involves launching a new product or product line, usually in a new market. It helps businesses to identify new opportunities, boost profits, increase sales revenue and expand market share.

What is the meaning of diversification strategy?

Diversification is a strategy used to expand market share or enter new markets by launching or acquiring new products (perhaps through licensing, merger, or acquisition). It allows a company to grow by expanding market share in an existing market or by developing a market presence.

What are the objectives of diversification?

Diversification aims to maximize returns by investing in different areas that would each react differently to the same event.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Last Updated: 18/07/2024

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.