Is homework an uncountable noun? (2024)

Why is homework uncountable?

"Homework" is uncountable since it is treated as a general meaning not a particular item, like "work", "money" etc.

(Video) Lesson 5. Homework. Countable and uncountable nouns
(English courses for IQHSB students)
What type of noun is homework?

1 Answer. Homework is an uncountable noun, therefore it should be modified by much or a lot of, not many. Because it is an uncountable noun and is not used in the plural as it is always singular. I don't have much homework today The teacher gave us a lot of homework.

(Video) Is "homework" countable? (3 Solutions!!)
(Roel Van de Paar)
Is schoolwork an uncountable noun?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishRelated topics: Schoolschool‧work /ˈskuːlwɜːk $ -wɜːrk/ noun [uncountable] work done for or during school classes → homeworkExamples from the Corpusschoolwork• They were designed for business and schoolwork.

(Video) Countable and Uncountable Nouns Homework Output
(silkway english)
Is homework a collective noun?

Collective nouns refer to groups of people or things that can be viewed as one entity. The word ''homework'' often refers to the amassed work that a student must complete outside of school. This can be work from different classes.

(Happy English Michael DiGiacomo)
Is homework a countable word?

Because homework is an uncountable noun, it should be modified by much or a lot of, not many. Students don't seem to have much homework these days.

(Video) Elementary - Counting uncountable nouns
(Teacher Ivan)
Is home a countable or uncountable noun?

Home can be used as a countable noun to refer to the place where people or animals live and are cared for by people who are not their relatives or owners: There's a home for the elderly at the end of our street.

(Video) Can I count it?: countable vs uncountable nouns
(English Class)
Can we use homework in plural?

Homework is an uncountable noun and is not used in the plural. You say: The teacher gave us a lot of homework. ✗Don't say: The teacher gave us a lot of homeworks. Homework is always followed by a singular verb.

(Video) How to Count UNCOUNTABLE nouns: A PIECE OF ADVICE
Is time an uncountable noun?

Time: seconds, minutes, hours, years

We use time to refer to what is measured in seconds, minutes, hours and years as a whole. In this sense it is uncountable: How much time do we have for this project?

(Video) 10 UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS you might be using INCORRECTLY | English on the Mark #4
(Marek Pena - English on the Mark)
Is it correct to say homeworks?

Homework is an uncountable noun and is not used in the plural. You say: The teacher gave us a lot of homework. ✗Don't say: The teacher gave us a lot of homeworks.

(Video) Countable vs. Uncountable FOOD in English | Food and Drinks Vocabulary
(7ESL Learning English)
Are students uncountable?

Countable nouns are the words for things that we can count. Countable nouns have singular and plural forms. Examples are: boy, boys, girl, girls, flower, flowers, book, books, chair, chairs, student, students etc.

(Video) What are uncountable nouns?
(Learn English with Cambridge)

Is homework right or wrong?

Homework can provide an increased understanding of concepts taught at school. Giving students extra practice, allows those concepts to be committed to each student's long term memory. Good homework reinforces what is taught at school.

(Video) WATCH OUT for THESE WORDS! - Uncountable Nouns
(Yesim B)
Is school countable or uncountable?

the school [singular] all the children or students and the teachers in a school I had to stand up in front of the whole school. [countable] a large number of fish or other sea animals, swimming together a school of dolphins compare shoal There are many compounds ending in school.

Is homework an uncountable noun? (2024)
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