Who should be involved in the Strategy Creation Process? - 2112 Business Strategy and Planning Consultants (2024)

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  4. Who should be involved in the Strategy Creation Process?

Involving the correct people at the correct time is critical to the successful creation and implementation of a strategic plan. In general, it is important to involve a diverse range of people in the strategy creation process. This is because different people will bring different perspectives and ideas to the table. In addition, giving people a voice in the process means that the business is better equipped to achieve its goals.

The strategy creation process will normally involve key people in the organisation. These will be people who have an interest in or input to its future direction and may include:

  • The Owner, CEO or MD: The person who is in charge of the business must be involved in the business strategy creation process. This is because that are ultimately responsible for the success of the business.
  • Senior management: The leadership team should be involved because they have a deep understanding of the business’s potential, its challenges and resources. This means that their input can be valuable in shaping the direction of the business plan. They are also responsible for ensuring that all necessary functions are in place to support its success.
  • Key people: These are the people who are responsible for key functions within the business. They may also be people who have knowledge that is important to the strategy creation process.

When to involve people

It is important to note that not everyone needs to be involved at every stage of the process. Some people may, for example, only be involved in a specific part of the process. They should be involved when the business requires their knowledge, experience and opinion.

Others will, on the other hand, be involved throughout the strategy creation process. These will tend to be the senior people who need to have an overview of the whole business and its strategic direction. They will also be the people who envision the future of the business. This means creating the vision and setting strategic goals.

Involving external people

It can be very beneficial to have an external strategy consultant help facilitate the strategy creation process. Strategy and business planning is, by its nature, a complex process. Having someone to help navigate that complexity can be very useful.

It may also be helpful to involve external advisors, such as industry experts, in the strategy creation process. These individuals can provide valuable insights and perspective on the business and the market. In addition, they can provide expertise on industry trends, market conditions, and other factors that may impact the business.

Finally in some situations it is appropriate to involve external stakeholders in the strategy creation process. These stakeholders may, for example, include customers, suppliers, investors, or other parties who have an interest in the company’s success. For further information read our article about involving stakeholders in strategy creation.


In summary, involving people from different areas of the organisation can be a very powerful way to build commitment to the attainment of the strategic goals. In addition, it also creates a sense of accountability that can improve motivation and productivity which will help the strategy to succeed. It is, however, important to involve them at the correct phase of the strategy creation process to ensure that they are able contribute in the most effective way.


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Who should be involved in the Strategy Creation Process? - 2112 Business Strategy and Planning Consultants (2024)


Who should be involved in the Strategy Creation Process? - 2112 Business Strategy and Planning Consultants? ›

The strategy creation process will normally involve key people in the organisation. These will be people who have an interest in or input to its future direction and may include: The Owner, CEO or MD: The person who is in charge of the business must be involved in the business strategy creation process.

Who should be involved in the strategic planning process? ›

Who Should Be Involved in Strategic Planning? Leaders and board members execute strategic planning by tying it to their organization's vision. Managers, individual contributors, and stakeholders also play pivotal roles in decision-making as businesses strive to increase employee engagement.

Who are the people involved in strategic planning? ›

Key stakeholders to be involved in strategic planning are those having a vested interest in the success of the organization. They include employees, unions, customers, vendors, shareholders, regulatory agencies, owners, supply chain partners, community members, and others who depend on and/or serve the organization.

Who should participate in the business planning process? ›

Employees are an important part of the planning process, especially those who will be responsible for carrying out the tactics. It is helpful to bring them into the discussion as they have valuable knowledge you can use to improve the plan. Your advisory team can also contribute to the business planning process.

Who is responsible for strategic management process? ›

While an organization's upper management is ultimately responsible for its strategy, the strategies are often sparked by actions and ideas from lower-level managers and employees.

Who should be on a strategic planning committee? ›

Therefore, on the Strategic Planning Committee, there should be a cross-section of individuals from both staff and Board, as well as from various functional areas. While board members will lend their perspectives as financial and legal stewards for the organization, they also may be removed from day-to-day operations.

Who is primarily responsible for strategic planning in a firm? ›

Senior management and key executives are responsible for leading the strategic planning process; ensuring that the strategies adopted are aligned with the organization's long-term vision and the conditions of the external environment. Also read: How to create a strategic plan with the Balanced Scorecard (BSC)?

What is strategy and who is involved? ›

Strategy generally involves setting goals and priorities, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources).

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.