What Would Cause Holes in Clothes in a Front Load Washing Machine? (2024)

By Emily Beach Updated December 15, 2018

If you're frustrated by holes and tears developing in your clothes, it may be time to take a closer look at your washing machine. Front-loading washers can contribute to holes in clothes in a surprising number of ways, including some that are common to all washing machine designs and others unique to front-loading washers.


While top-loading washers feature a latch that's usually high above the level of clothing, the latch on a front-loading washer can easily ensnare clothes. Left in this condition, clothes can easily develop holes or other signs of damage as they agitate throughout the wash cycle, or simply due to contact with the latch mechanism.

Damaged Seals

Front-loading washers feature a large rubber gasket, or boot, designed to prevent clothes from getting caught between the door seal and the edge of the drum. If this seal is worn or damaged, clothes can snag between the drum and door seal, leading to holes. If you suspect this problem with your washer, replace the seal to help prevent holes and other damage to clothes.

Drum Damage

Sharp objects can damage the drum of your front-loading washer, creating sharp or rough edges that can snag or tear clothing. To avoid these issues, check your pockets for keys, coins and other sharp objects as you load the washer. Check for holes and sharp edges in the drum by wrapping a pair of nylon stockings around your hand and carefully running it around the inside of the drum. If it snags, you may have a hole or rough spot that needs repair.


Overloading the washer not only keeps clothes from getting clean, but also can create friction that may lead to holes in clothing. Avoid overloading by following the loading instructions for your machine, and use the proper level of water based on the size of your load so clothes can circulate freely.


Too much chlorine bleach can damage fabric, leading to holes in clothing. You can sometimes spot bleach damage by examining the holes, which may have a yellow discoloration and weak edges, according to GE Appliances. Avoid bleach-related holes by following all manufacturer's instructions when using bleach, and measure carefully rather than eyeballing your liquid or powder bleach.


Contact with other clothing can cause some holes in clothing. Avoid snags and holes by checking to make sure all fasteners on your clothes are fastened as you load the washer. Zip zippers, button all buttons, buckle belts, fasten hooks and eyes and remove pins or other ornaments before placing clothes in the washer.

What Would Cause Holes in Clothes in a Front Load Washing Machine? (2024)
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