What makes a good Team Around the Family meeting? - Devon Children and Families Partnership (2024)

The group of professionals from the relevant agencies and services who are working with the family to provide help and support for their specific needs are known collectively as the ‘Team Around the Family’ or TAF for short.

TAF meetings are when the family meets with the different key professionals involved in supporting them to produce a plan to help them achieve their goals.

This plan is then reviewed on a regular basis to make sure it is working or if anything needs to change.

  • The family should attend the meeting.
  • Children, young people, parents and carers should all be supported to fully engage.
  • The family’s voice should be at the centre of discussions and decisions.
  • Remember that honesty and openness results in realistic discussions around strengths and needs within the family.
  • Everyone should focus on the family’s strengths, and encourage them to resolve their own needs within their own wider network.
  • Ensure the right professionals attend the meeting and contribute to the assessment, plan and reviews and are realistic about what support they can offer.
  • If you feel an agency or service is missing, agree who will make contact.
  • If progress is delayed or an agency needs challenging, agree who will escalate and follow up and include appropriate timescales.
  • This link takes you to an Easy Read Team Around the Family template

Key things to remember:

• Hold the meeting in a timely manner.
• Make sure the family have consented to information being shared.
• Record discussions and actions on the Right for Children system.
• Arrange, agree and record the next review date before the end of the meeting.

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What makes a good Team Around the Family meeting? - Devon Children and Families Partnership (2024)


What makes a good Team Around the Family meeting? - Devon Children and Families Partnership? ›

The family should attend the meeting. Children, young people, parents and carers should all be supported to fully engage. The family's voice should be at the centre of discussions and decisions. Remember that honesty and openness results in realistic discussions around strengths and needs within the family.

What is the team around the child and team around the family? ›

Definition of a Team Around the Child/Family

A Team Around the Child/Family is a network of practitioners who work together to agree a plan and delivery of support to meet a child or young person's assessed needs, and to some extent, needs of the family where these impact on the child or young person.

What is a team around the family meeting? ›

A TAF meeting is an opportunity for families to be heard and listened to non-judgementally, their strengths acknowledged, and their needs or concerns discussed with a view to providing help and support. It is important to keep the voice of the child and family at the centre. Who attends a TAF?

How do you have an effective family meeting? ›

Tips for Successful Family Meetings
  1. Meet at a regularly scheduled time. ...
  2. Rotate meeting responsibilities (e.g., leader, secretary and timekeeper). ...
  3. Encourage all family members to participate. ...
  4. Discuss one topic and solve one problem at a time. ...
  5. Use I-messages. ...
  6. Use problem-solving steps. ...
  7. Make decisions by consensus.

How do you organize a team around a child meeting? ›

Seat people around a table where possible ➢ Have the chairs arranged before the meeting, have extras available in case they are needed ➢ Use the best, most comfortable chairs available ➢ Where necessary have a seating plan and use place cards if it helps ➢ Make sure you have a clear line of sight to everyone else in ...

What is the role of team around the family? ›

What is a Team Around the Family (TAF)? A Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting should take place when a concern identifies the need for a multi-agency response. It provides the opportunity to discuss how additional needs can be met.

What is the purpose of a team around the child meeting? ›

A Team Around the Child (TAC) meeting is an opportunity for parents, carers, children and practitioners to meet up, share information and to decide and plan for the best way forward in the next few months. TAC meetings are generally for children with special educational needs and disabilities aged 0 – 8 years.

What are the benefits of team around the family? ›

The purpose of the Team Around the Family meeting (TAF) is to share information and to create a solution focussed plan that will support the needs of the child and their family.

How do you chair a team around a family meeting? ›

  1. Initial Team around the Family (TAF) The meeting should be solution-focused. Professionals should work together to help the family move forward and feel positive about the future. ...
  2. Review meeting. The meeting should be solution-focused. Work together to help the family move forward and feel positive about the future.

What is an example of teamwork in family? ›

In a family, this can take many forms. Perhaps you are all working together on a project around the house or you work together to make dinner. A great way to work together as a family is through household chores. Even very young children can help set the table, fold laundry, and clean up the toys in the house.

What qualities make an effective family staff conference? ›

Carefully gather information about the family's strengths, concerns, priorities, and resources. Be mindful, and use your active-listening skills. Thoroughly address each question the family has. Develop goals and an action plan together.

What are three tips for effective meetings? ›

Successful Meeting Tips
  1. Think through the problem you're trying to solve.
  2. Choose the list of attendees.
  3. Set an agenda and share it before the meeting.
  4. Provide a video meeting link and record the meeting.
  5. Designate a note-taker and a meeting facilitator.
  6. Share the conversation with those attending.

What are the benefits of a team working around the child? ›

These functions are to: Act as a single point of contact for the child, young person or family, who they can trust and who can engage them in making choices, navigating their way through services and effecting change.

How do you lead a TAF meeting? ›

At the meeting
  1. Do not have a pre-meet with other professionals, particularly when the family are waiting.
  2. Welcome, introductions and apologies. ...
  3. Discuss confidentiality - if a child or young person is present, explain in a way that they will understand. ...
  4. Ask each member of the family present for an update.

How important is teamwork in family gathering? ›

For example, when parents see themselves as a team and work together, children feel safe and good about themselves. They learn about respectful communication and how to build healthy relationships. This is important for their emotional development.

How do you make a team feel like a family? ›

How to create a family feel in your workplace
  1. Encourage expression. Families – at the least the kind a company would want to emulate! ...
  2. Foster an attitude of gratitude. ...
  3. Be social. ...
  4. Be genuinely interested in employees. ...
  5. Focus on team building. ...
  6. Make work comfortable. ...
  7. Create specific office traditions.

What are the 5 roles within a group or team? ›

Honey's Five Team Roles
  • LEADER: makes sure team has clear objectives and members are engaged. ...
  • CHALLENGER: questions effectiveness and drives for results. ...
  • DOER: encourages progress and takes on practical jobs. ...
  • THINKER: produces ideas and thinks through those proposed by others. ...
  • SUPPORTER: eases tension and promotes harmony.

What is the purpose of effective team meetings? ›

What is the purpose of a team meeting? At its core, the purpose of a team meeting is to share information efficiently and to provide scope for discussion around what is being shared. A good team meeting helps teams align on the topics of discussion, air any concerns or obstacles, and have clarity on future actions.

Why effective team meetings are important? ›

Effective team meetings allow teams to discuss complex issues and talk through ideas and solutions. When discussing a project matters with a lot of variables involved, it's easier and faster to do so in a meeting. Effective team meetings enable teams to get on the same page quickly than emails will ever do.

What are the benefits of team meet? ›

Key benefits of team meetings
  • Getting everyone on the same page. Regular team meetings are a great way to develop team alignment. ...
  • Building trust and rapport. High-performing teams are happy and comfortable teams that know, trust, and understand each other. ...
  • Improving communication. ...
  • Creating space for feedback.
Jan 12, 2023

What are three benefits of good family relationship between family members? ›

Positive family relationships help families resolve conflict, work as a team and enjoy each other's company. Positive family relationships are built on quality time, communication, teamwork and appreciation of each other.

What are the ten benefits of effective family meetings? ›

Meetings provide a regular opportunity to:
  • Learn about each other and the world. (Curiosity)
  • Practice communication skills. (Sociability)
  • Overcome challenges together. ...
  • Reflect on feelings. ...
  • Live your family values. ...
  • Set and achieve shared goals. ...
  • Have fun and inspire one another. ...
  • Appreciate and understand your loved ones.
Feb 14, 2019

What are three key benefits of working in a group or team? ›

What are the benefits of group work?
  • Break complex tasks into parts and steps.
  • Plan and manage time.
  • Refine understanding through discussion and explanation.
  • Give and receive feedback on performance.
  • Challenge assumptions.
  • Develop stronger communication skills.

What is a TAF team? ›

TAF stands for Team Around the Family. A TAF is a way of working out what extra support you and your family may need. It is used to get everyone working together to identify the needs and strengths of your family. This will look at what extra support you may need and who is best to help you.

What is the role of the chair in leading an effective meeting? ›

The Chairperson is responsible for making sure that each meeting is planned effectively, conducted according to the constitution and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner. The Chairperson must make the most of all his/her committee members, building and leading the team.

What are the meeting chair responsibilities? ›

The role of a chairperson is to help meetings run smoothly and efficiently, while ensuring the agenda is followed. It is their responsibility to lead the meeting, maintain order and ensure everyone gets to have their say.

What is good teamwork examples? ›

Teamwork Examples
  • Delegation. ...
  • Regular communication. ...
  • Providing encouragement to one another. ...
  • Providing assistance and support to one another. ...
  • Sharing knowledge and expertise. ...
  • Seeking out and incorporating feedback from one another. ...
  • Managing conflicts professionally. ...
  • Motivating team members.
Dec 25, 2022

What is an example of teamwork as a strength? ›

Examples of Teamwork Skills

Working as part of a team to achieve company goals. Working well and developing effective relationships with diverse personalities. Developing and maintaining good relationships with co-workers and managers. Maintaining open lines of communication with others.

What is an example of effective collaborative work and teamwork? ›

A few examples include being able to articulate your thoughts and feelings clearly, listening attentively, owning up to your errors, and appreciating the unique perspectives of your coworkers. True teamwork involves combining the efforts of each team member to reach a shared objective.

What is characteristic of effective family involvement? ›

Recognition, respect, and support for families' needs, as well as differences. Strength-based partnership where decisions and responsibility are shared. Activities, interactions, and support increase family involvement in their child's development.

What are the four qualities of a good family? ›

Some include: support; love and caring for other family members; providing security and a sense of belonging; open communication; making each person within the family feel important, valued, respected and esteemed. Here are some other qualities to consider when evaluating how well your own family is functioning.

What are the key features of the Family Group Conference? ›

The Family Group Conference should be family led and include 'private time' for the family to make a plan in response to concerns. Private time for the family is an essential part of the Family Group Conference process. The central focus should be on the child or adult who is the subject of the Family Group Conference.

What are the 5 P's of meetings? ›

The Five P's of Productive Meetings.
  • Purpose. Every productive meeting must have a clear purpose. ...
  • Preparation. Preparation is key to productive meetings. ...
  • Process. Productive meetings have a clear process, which is defined by an agenda. ...
  • Participation. ...
  • Progress.
Jul 19, 2014

What are the five golden rules of a successful meeting? ›

  • Define the objectives. There is no point in meeting if no objectives have been set. ...
  • Plan the date of the meeting. Don't leave it to chance to get the right people for your meeting. ...
  • Define the agenda. ...
  • Stick to the schedule. ...
  • Take minutes.
Oct 5, 2021

What are the 7 ground rules for effective meetings? ›

Seven Rules for More Effective Meetings
  • Establish hard edges. Good meetings start and end on time. ...
  • Create an agenda. I don't think any meeting should proceed without an agenda. ...
  • State the desired outcome. ...
  • Review the minutes and action items. ...
  • Take written minutes. ...
  • Clarify action items. ...
  • Determine the next meeting date.

What is the key to a good meeting? ›

The best meetings are highly organized ahead of time. Define a clear objective, create an agenda, and send both out with your calendar invites. Be sure only to invite relevant team members and keep the meeting time as brief as possible to retain engagement.

What are three benefits of working with children and families? ›

Benefits of Working with Children
  • Working with kids keeps you young. ...
  • Your career is constantly meaningful and rewarding. ...
  • There is constant demand in careers related to children. ...
  • A career path of working with children offers exciting growth potential. ...
  • Your job experience will improve your parenting ability.

What is most important when working with children? ›

Excellent communication skills - the ability to earn a child's trust and respect is vital to any job with children. Communication skills are essential when trying to achieve this. You need to be a confident and authoritative communicator with the ability to talk to children on their level.

What is the most important thing when working with children? ›

Patience. Patience is crucial when working with children because they have unique ways of processing information that differ from adults. It can be challenging to bridge the gap between your knowledge and their understanding, leading to potential frustration.

How do you run a successful team? ›

To build a strong team, consider these eight steps:
  1. Set SMART goals. ...
  2. Perform well-defined roles. ...
  3. Experiment regularly. ...
  4. Embrace diversity. ...
  5. Share a common culture. ...
  6. Be accountable to the team. ...
  7. Communicate effectively. ...
  8. Welcome strong leadership.
Feb 28, 2023

What happens at a team around the family meeting? ›

A TAF meeting is an opportunity for families to be heard and listened to non-judgementally, their strengths acknowledged, and their needs or concerns discussed with a view to providing help and support. It is important to keep the voice of the child and family at the centre. Who attends a TAF?

What is the team around the child approach? ›

A Team Around the Child/Family is a network of practitioners who work together to agree a plan and delivery of support to meet a child or young person's assessed needs, and to some extent, needs of the family where these impact on the child or young person. They work directly with the family or young person.

Is team around the family voluntary? ›

Team Around the Family is voluntary and requires your consent to arrange. How does it work? We bring together all professionals and agencies that are currently working with you, or that may be able to help you and your family to get the right help and support at the right time.

What does team stand for in parenting? ›

I call it TEAM parenting, for its four main elements: togetherness, encouragement, autonomy and minimal interference. In combination, these elements minimize conflict and foster cooperation—two things I sorely needed to do with my hot-tempered, fire-in-belly 2-year-old, named Rosy, who was waiting for me back home.

What is the definition of teamwork in a family? ›

Parenting teamwork involves problem-solving, managing conflict, talking, listening, backing each other up and accepting each other. Raising children as a team is important, whether you're parenting as a couple or after a separation.

What is a family team? ›

Family Team Meetings bring together a family and interested people, like friends, neighbors and community members, with resources from child welfare, mental health, schools, and other helping agencies.

What is an example of teamwork in a family? ›

In a family, this can take many forms. Perhaps you are all working together on a project around the house or you work together to make dinner. A great way to work together as a family is through household chores. Even very young children can help set the table, fold laundry, and clean up the toys in the house.

How can I be a good team parent? ›

9 ways to be a great team mom
  1. Be organized. There are so many online tools to help with this; from rosters to tracking payments to posting game schedules. ...
  2. Communicate. ...
  3. Be present. ...
  4. Be prepared. ...
  5. Delegate responsibilities. ...
  6. Plan ahead. ...
  7. Go the extra mile-. ...
  8. Stay out of the drama.
Aug 2, 2018

What does team stand for together? ›

TEAM is an acronym for Together Everyone Achieves. Better.

What are 4 examples of teamwork? ›

Teamwork Examples
  • Delegation. ...
  • Regular communication. ...
  • Providing encouragement to one another. ...
  • Providing assistance and support to one another. ...
  • Sharing knowledge and expertise. ...
  • Seeking out and incorporating feedback from one another. ...
  • Managing conflicts professionally. ...
  • Motivating team members.
Dec 25, 2022

What makes a good team in a relationship? ›

In a good relationship, two people work hard to know each other and last through the tough times together. They know each other and can anticipate what the other person needs. They know when that person needs to be comforted and when they need to be left alone. And, they can trust each other to do their part.

Who holds a TAF meeting? ›

A person who the family trusts can discuss with the family the benefits of having a TAF). You can find handouts and resources on the Early help resources page. Liaising with the family, discuss who should attend, and agree a suitable date, time and venue with them.

How do you create a family team? ›

Building a family team spirit
  1. Goals, priorities and expectations which are clearly communicated.
  2. Roles and responsibilities for every team member.
  3. Processes and procedures for making decisions and getting the work done.
  4. Interpersonal relationships which are high quality, trusting and flexible.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.