What Is Your Greatest Strength - Perfect Answers for 2024 (2024)

What is your greatest strength?

That sounds like an easy question, right?

You answer “It’s time-management!” and wait for the interviewer to move on to the next question.

Except, they don’t. They just keep sitting there, as if expecting more from your answer.

You freeze.

“What did I do wrong? I answered the question, didn’t I?”

Yes, you did, but not in the right way. There’s a lot more to this “simple” interview question than it seems.

Want to learn what’s the secret behind the answer for “what’s your greatest strength?”

Read on to find out!

In this guide, we’re going to cover:
  • How to answer “what is your greatest strength?”
  • 30+ Greatest strengths examples you can use (for different jobs)
  • 4 “What is your greatest strength” interview question answer samples

How to Answer “What Is Your Greatest Strength”

Your strengths say a lot about you as a candidate.

By asking you about your strengths, here’s what the interviewer is looking for:

  • They want to know if you know your own strengths
  • They want to know if you’re realistic
  • They want to know if your strengths are relevant for the job

While answering, the HR manager is going to expect examples from you.

So, to answer correctly, you need to convey the above 3 points in your answer and provide a real-life, relevant example of the strength in action.

You can claim you’re the most hard-working person in the world and amazing at time-management, but without providing an example, you might as well be making the whole thing up.

So, when considering which strength to mention, think about when was the last time you used it.

What happened? How did you react to the situation? How did your strength help solve the problem?

Basically, the formulaic approach to answering the question is the following:

  • State your strength
  • Provide an example of when you used this strength and how
  • (Optional) Describe what kind of impact you made

Here’s what a real-life example of what that might look like:

Sample answer:

“My biggest strength is that I can think on my feet and can work under a lot of pressure. As an event manager at Company X, we were organizing an IT conference that needed a number of last-minute changes - due to a speaker canceling because of an emergency and 2 of our volunteers not being able to show up.

So, we allocated more time to each speaker and added a QA section at the end of each speech. We also encouraged the present speakers to talk about their business and personal experience more in-depth after they were done with their speech.

As for being understaffed, one day before the conference, I reached out to my network and found 2 students who were willing to help out. I personally met them 2 hours before the conference and got them up to speed with everything we were doing for the day, and gave them their tasks.

In the end, everything went well without any other problems popping up.

What Is Your Greatest Strength - Perfect Answers for 2024 (1)

The more specific your example is - the better.

Make sure you also give some background and context if necessary and explain how and why you made the decisions.

You want to make sure your example paints you in a positive light (obviously), but also so that you’re not showing off.

Speaking of, make sure to be humble when talking about your strengths.

You want to flatter yourself, but not to the point where you’re bragging about it.

Talk about your experience matter-of-factly instead of singing praise for yourself.

Pro Tip

It’s a good idea to think about your strengths and examples before you go to the interview.

So, sit down, list out what you think your top 3 strengths are, and come up with relevant examples.

If you’re applying for different types of positions, make sure that the strengths you’re going to mention are relevant.

Applying for a role as a waiter? The restaurant manager won’t care about your strength in creative ad design

30+ Greatest Strength Examples

What Is Your Greatest Strength - Perfect Answers for 2024 (2)

Not sure what your top strengths are?

Here’s a list of some of the greatest strengths you can use during an interview based on your position and industry.

Analytical Jobs Strengths

Applying for a position as an analyst, software developer, database analyst, or anything in-between?

Consider using the following strengths (as long as you can back them up with examples, of course):

  • Critical thinking
  • Analytical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Detail-oriented
  • Logical

Creative Jobs Strengths

Working in the creative industry?

You can say that your greatest strength is:

  • Creativity
  • Originality
  • Open-mindedness
  • Detail-oriented
  • Curiosity
  • Flexibility
  • Versatility

Management Jobs Strengths

Born-leader, working as a manager? Use some of these strengths to show off your managerial skills:

  • Leadership
  • Organization
  • Communication skills
  • Persuasion
  • Teamwork
  • Detail-oriented
  • Diplomatic
  • Responsible

Hands-On Jobs Strengths

Working in retail? Service industry?

You can say that you are:

  • Hard-working
  • Detail-oriented
  • Motivated
  • Good at multitasking
  • Problem-solving
  • Punctual

Communication Jobs Strengths

Finally, if your job involves sales, customer support, or something along those lines, you can mention that your greatest strength is any of the following:

  • Charisma
  • Communication skills
  • Energetic
  • Persuasion
  • Witty
  • Social

To recap, here are the list of strengths based on the type of job you’re applying for:

What Is Your Greatest Strength - Perfect Answers for 2024 (3)

4 “What Is Your Greatest Strength” Answer Samples

Looking for more inspiration on how to answer “what is your greatest strength?”

Here are 4 more sample answers for:

  • Experienced professionals
  • Recent graduates
  • Service industry workers
  • Prospective students

Greatest Strength Answer Sample for Experienced Professional

I’m a very good writer.

My last 2 jobs were 99% copywriting. So far, I’ve done pretty much everything writing related: email marketing, website copy, blog posts, I’ve even ghost-written an e-book for a client.

I’ve also guest-posted on several popular blogs, such as Blog X and Blog Y.

Greatest Strength Answer Sample for Student or Recent Graduate

I work pretty well under pressure. When I was studying at University X, I’ve had several situations where I had to come up with a solution to some problem or another with a very limited time frame.

During a class on Databases, we had to come up with a relational database for a fake business. Our team lead turned out to be extremely unorganized - he organized a single meeting, gave us some vague tasks, and we never heard from him again.

I already had some experience working with databases, so I did my part in advance and started waiting for the rest of the team. I was in charge of doing the design, and the team was supposed to translate the schema into an actual database.

Around a week before the deadline, I saw that no one was doing anything, so I organized a sync meeting.

Turns out the rest of the team didn’t do anything, and the team lead was out of town. So, I had to take charge of the team and make sure we had the project ready by the deadline. I personally helped each of my teammates' help do their part, and also organized 2 more sync meetings to make sure we did everything right.

Eventually, we ended up submitting the project on time AND getting an A.

Greatest Strength Answer Sample for Service Industry

I’m very communicative and really get along with people.

After 3 years of experience in the service industry, I have no problem with building instant rapport and actively engaging with customers.

I’m also pretty good at performing under pressure. At Restaurant X, there was constant chaos, especially during peak season.

The place was completely packed at all times, and the whole thing felt like a race against time. I actually enjoyed the experience, though. Ended up going back 3 summers in a row.

Greatest Strength Answer Sample for University Admissions

I would say that it’s my time-management skill by far.

During my senior year, I managed to maintain a 3.7 GPA, while at the same time doing a ton of different extracurricular activities. Specifically, I’ve volunteered, was part of the student council, and part of the managing team of the business club.

I’m a huge fan of scheduling pretty much everything I do. I need to know what I’m doing, when, and how long it’s going to take me. This way, I’ve never missed a deadline, assignment, or any other responsibility.

On the other hand, you could also say that that’s my weakness, haha. If the organization or team is unorganized, I’m not going to be too happy working with them.

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap!

Before we say “bye,” let’s quickly go through everything we’ve learned in this article…

  • For each position you’re applying for, think of your top 2-3 strengths that are going to help you excel. We’d recommend doing the thinking before you even go to the interview.
  • When answering, mention what your top strengths are, provide examples on how you’ve used them in the past, and finally, describe the results you’ve gotten.
  • Be super specific with your answers. Don’t just say “I’m good at X” - really dive deep and give the interviewer a comprehensive answer.

Need help with your job search? Maybe your resume needs work, or you want to learn how to write a compelling cover letter?

Whichever the case is, be sure to check out our career blog. We cover industry-leading advice on how to excel in your career!

Read about more common interview questions + answers:

  • 21+ Behavioral Interview Questions
  • 19+ STAR Interview Questions - Complete List
  • What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?
  • What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?
  • Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?
  • What Are Your Career Goals?
  • Tell Me About Yourself
  • Why Do You Want to Work Here?
  • Why Should We Hire You?

Find more tips to ace your next interview:

  • How to Ace Interviews with the STAR Method [9+ Examples]
  • Video Interview - Tips on How to Ace It
  • Thank You Email After Interview
  • 26+ Biggest Interview Mistakes
What Is Your Greatest Strength - Perfect Answers for 2024 (2024)


What Is Your Greatest Strength - Perfect Answers for 2024? ›

When answering, mention what your top strengths are, provide examples on how you've used them in the past, and finally, describe the results you've gotten. Be super specific with your answers. Don't just say “I'm good at X” - really dive deep and give the interviewer a comprehensive answer.

What is your greatest strength's best answer? ›

Sample Answer

“My greatest strength is my ability to excel in highly pressurized situations. I have found creative ways to keep calm when working under pressure, for example, organizing my work more efficiently and getting the MOST important work done during the times I am MOST productive.

How do you answer what is your greatest strength indeed? ›

Here's a list of steps you can follow to answer this question during an interview:
  1. Consider the role you're pursuing. ...
  2. Identify more than one relevant strength or skill. ...
  3. Review your skill-based strengths. ...
  4. Outline your character-based strengths.
Sep 7, 2023

What are your top 3 strengths and weaknesses? ›

Why employers ask "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"
Attentive and detail-orientedCompetitive
CollaborativeLimited experience in a nonessential task
CreativeNot skilled at delegating tasks
5 more rows
Apr 9, 2024

What are 5 strengths and 5 weaknesses? ›

List of common strengths and weaknesses
Creative Versatile Disciplined Proactive Honest Dedicated Fast Learner Self-awareSelf-critical Insecure Extremely Introverted Extremely Extroverted Too detail-oriented Too sensitive Impatience Difficulty delegating tasks
Nov 24, 2022

What is your greatest strength resume? ›

Here are some important strengths for resume:
  1. Self-motivated. Demonstrating self-motivation indicates to prospective employers that you believe in continuous learning and are dedicated to achieving your goals. ...
  2. Leadership. ...
  3. Active listener. ...
  4. Honesty. ...
  5. Strong work ethics. ...
  6. Creativity. ...
  7. Customer service. ...
  8. Patience.

Why should I hire you? ›

A: When answering, focus on your relevant skills, experience, and achievements that make you the best fit for the role.You should hire me because I am a hard worker who wants to help your company succeed. I have the skills and experience needed for the job, and I am eager to learn and grow with your team .

What is an example of a strength-based interview answer? ›

Example answer: "The jobs that I have excelled in most were those that gave me a sense of meaning and purpose. Knowing that my work makes a difference gives me the drive to improve my work every day. I also do well in situations that require organizational skills and allow me to work with others.

What is your greatest strength answer samples for hr position? ›

Sample answers to strengths question in an HR interview

Through my previous job experiences, I've found that clear communication is critical to working well with others and I take pride in being able to articulate complex ideas in a way that's easy for others to understand.

What is my greatest strength as an employee? ›

Here are some examples of employee strengths that can be major assets to your organization.
  • Dependability. ...
  • Goal-Oriented. ...
  • Team-Oriented. ...
  • Flexibility. ...
  • Optimism. ...
  • Emotional Awareness. ...
  • Trustworthiness. ...
  • Leadership.

What are the three strengths that best describe you? ›

Some examples of strengths to showcase include:
  • teamwork.
  • communication.
  • creativity.
  • adaptability.
  • discipline.
  • patience.
  • integrity.

What is my strength's best answer? ›

Sample responses to “What are your strengths?”
  • Collaborative. I am very collaborative. ...
  • Technical know-how. I love staying up-to-date with trends in the tech industry. ...
  • Detail-oriented. ...
  • Positive attitude. ...
  • Solving problems. ...
  • Self-criticism. ...
  • Fear of public speaking. ...
  • Procrastination.
May 22, 2024

What are three examples of weaknesses? ›

9 Good Example Weaknesses to Use in an Interview
  • Perfectionism. Perfectionism, while often seen as a positive trait, can be a double-edged sword. ...
  • Disorganization. ...
  • Difficulty Delegating. ...
  • Getting Impatient. ...
  • Lack of Confidence. ...
  • Overthinking Decisions. ...
  • Trouble Managing Work-Life Balance. ...
  • Too Talkative.
Dec 7, 2023

What are weak points for an employee? ›

Common weaknesses include procrastination, impatience, impulsiveness, and forgetfulness.

What is your strength's best answer brainly? ›

Answer: My strengths are I'm self-motivated, Hard-working, a quick learner and I am a good team player. My weakness is I'm an overthinker and kind-hearted person. Strength - my strengths are I am a hardworking and motivated person towards my goal, and a disciplined and quick learner.

What is a good answer for what is your weakness? ›

Examples of weaknesses you might want to cite during your interview include: Getting caught up in details. Unable to let go of projects. Trouble saying “no” to others.

How do I find my greatest strengths? ›

5 ways to find out what your strengths are
  1. Ask around. A great way to find out more about yourself is to ask people you like, trust and respect what they think you're best at. ...
  2. Discover your personality. ...
  3. Write down what you do. ...
  4. Look for patterns. ...
  5. Keep an open mind.

What is your greatest strength administrative assistant answer? ›

Example Answer:

I pride myself on being very resourceful and adaptable. I'm always looking for new ways to streamline processes and increase efficiency. I'm also excellent at problem-solving and have a knack for quickly understanding complex systems.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.