What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (2024)

Telephony and voice calling are great means of covering long distances and keeping in touch with our friends, family, and colleagues worldwide. It is a fast and efficient way to communicate worldwide and record all critical and serious situations. The ease of calling provides flexibility in work locations. Telephone technology has many advantages that have made our lives much more productive.

What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (1)

On the other hand, sometimes the sudden strange call we receive shows no number or any caller information and instead is shown as a "Restricted call" on our mobile phones. You may be curious about what is a restricted call. Here's a comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide for everyone to learn more about restricted calls and how to deal with them. We'll also discover ways to block such calls that make you feel awkward.
  • Part 1: What Is a Restricted Call?
  • Part 2: Should You Answer Restricted Calls?
  • Part 3: How to Block Restricted Calls?
    • 1. Block Restricted Calls On Landline
    • 2. Block Restricted Calls On Android
    • 3. Block Restricted Calls On iPhone
    • 4. Block Restricted Calls By Service Providers
  • Part 4: Other Tips to Deal with a Restricted Call
  • Part 5: Who Are Making These Restricted Calls?
  • Part 6: Why Do People Use Restricted Calls?
  • Bonus: How to Call Back a Restricted Number on Android?
  • Part 8: How to Make Your Phone Number Restricted?
  • Part 9: Hottest Questions Related to a Restricted Call

Part 1: What Is a Restricted Call?

A restricted call is one that a person uses when he wants his phone number to be a secret. He doesn't want people to track or have any access to his number. Even when people want to access that call through caller ID, to their surprise, they find nothing. It is a call where the caller doesn't want his identity to be known or revealed. Almost all of us have come in contact with restricted calls once or more. It is a feature of telecommunication that raises curiosity yet an edgy hunch among people.

Now to answer how it happens, the thing is, the number has been hidden from public view so that no one can access it. These calls appear restricted because the caller blocks their number from the caller IDs of the public to avoid stalking.

Part 2: Should You Answer Restricted Calls?

Again, when a person sees the notification of a so-called incoming call on his mobile phone that later on turns out to be nothing but an odd call, a "Restricted call," it gives a weird feeling. There's a state of confusion in deciding whether to answer this unfamiliar call. The general public looks at restricted calls with the eyes of suspicion, and hence they aren't sure to receive such a call.

What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (2)

So, to solve this confusion and choose to stay on the safe side, the best solution is to avoid answering these restricted phone calls. Although they can be from companies and agencies and telemarketing agents, too, to prevent the possibility of falling prey to scammers, ignoring restricted calls is the better choice. Listening to gut feelings is always great, they say.

If a restricted call is that important and from a genuine source, the caller mostly leaves a voicemail. So check your voicemail after declining the restricted call. If a voicemail is there, you will know it. And if not, you would be safe from scam calls.

Part 3: How to Block Restricted Calls?

Repetitive restricted calls can be pretty annoying and infuriating to anyone out there. But the good news is, you can block these calls. If you feel harassed by such calls, block them, and you won't have to interact with them in the future. There are 4 ways to block unwanted restricted calls on landlines and mobile phones. Blocking the unwanted restricted call saves us from such incomings in the future.

1Block Restricted Calls On Landline

Considering the anonymous calls, you are tired of, luckily, you can block them. Landline scam calls can be especially problematic for us. Blocking these restricted calls give users a sigh of relief. Enlisted below are the steps that you should follow if you want to block a restricted landline call:

  1. Reach the landline dial code.
  2. What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (3)

  3. Enter *60 from your landline. First, dial the "star/asterisk" from the dial pad, and then press "6," and lastly, press "0". This code will make you in contact with the automated call blocker system.
  4. Wait for the computerized blocker system to respond. The system greets you and, step-by-step, gives you options that you can easily understand and choose from.
  5. Follow the guidelines of the blocker system to block your desired number to avoid future inconvenience.
  6. Now, wait for the confirmation that the number has been blocked.
  7. Finally, you can hang up the call.

2Block Restricted Calls On Android

With an Android device, it's easier. To avoid restricted calls on your android phone, block them. Here is the steps guide to block restricted calls from Android:

  1. Take hold of your android phone. Open the phone app. You will find the call logs icon on the home window.
  2. Now, find the restricted call and tap on it.
  3. Find the "i" sign with the restricted call and tap on it. Some phones have the "three dots" thing on the right side of the restricted call. Then press on the three dots.
  4. What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (4)

  5. You will see the option of blocking the number. Choose the Block option and click on it.
  6. What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (5)

  7. The restricted contact is now permanently blocked from calling you again.

Bonus Feature:

The additional bonus is that most latest and updated versions of android phones provide the "Do not Disturb" mode option for their users. When you activate this mode, you can select not to be notified of any incoming restricted and unwanted numbers. Only the calls you allow are rung on your mobile phone, while all other spam calls appear in the call log without directly disturbing you as incoming calls.

3Block Restricted Calls On iPhone

Apple, as we all know, has another flex. The iOS of Apple and the iPhones offer a tighter and relatively more secure environment. IOS devices provide many features for their users' privacy protection. Despite all these, the possibility of restricted calls remains a nuisance for the users. However, blocking these restricted calls is a seamless method on iPhones. The method is described below in the following steps:

  1. First, open the phone app from your iPhone to access call logs.
  2. Look for the restricted or unwanted call you want to block and tap on the "(i)" mark right next to the call.
  3. What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (6)

  4. Now look for the Block this Caller option and select it to block the caller for future interactions. And it's done! The call gets blocked instantly in this simple way.
  5. What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (7)

The "Do not Disturb" is available for iPhone users, too, to avoid the alertness and notifications of unwanted calls. With this feature, we can block all unwanted calls by selecting to allow calls from our selected contacts only.

4Block Restricted Calls By Service Providers

In addition to all the things discussed, there is another significant piece of information for users who often face the issue of restricted calls. Mobile sim companies and other telecommunication service providers also offer assistance in getting restricted calls blocked by them.

Some telecommunication companies provide subscription packages for blocking numbers. You can also contact their help center for such complaints of restricted calls, and they will solve your problem.

Part 4: Other Tips to Deal with a Restricted Call

If you are a person to get a restricted call, you need to be extremely careful before thinking about answering it. As discussed before, the better way is to ignore these calls. Other than blocking the restricted calls, there can be other ways to deal with a restricted call too. You can report that call, or you can also use an efficient app to block these calls.

1Reporting the Call

While dealing with a restricted call, there is an option of getting that call reported too.

  1. Step 1. Select the call you want to report.
  2. Step 2. Tap on the "three dots" on the right side of the call and see the options.
  3. Step 3. Then select the option of "report."

In this way, the call will be reported as spam to the service providers. They will block the suspected number.

The relevant authorities also help to deal with such restricted calls. If you are suspicious about private or repetitive spam calls, you can file a complaint online or by calling their help center.

2Using an App Blocker

Knowing the importance of the safety of users using telecom devices, blocking fraud calls and restricted calls is a must. For this purpose, the AirDroid App Blocker, available on the app stores as AirDroid Parental Control, is the best way to keep track of fraud users and restricted calls.

What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (8)

AirDroid Parental Control is remarkably trustworthy and reliable, and it ensures the safety of children. With its user-friendly operations, it allows one to block undesirable users as well as any harmful apps. Especially for parents, who want to keep an eye on the mobile phone activities of their children, worry not; this app has got you all covered. It allows you to check calls, messages, and even online activities to reduce the risk of cyberbullying to a minimum. All you have to do is to follow these easy steps to get started:

Step 1. Download the AirDroid Parental Control app.

Step 2. Open it, and sign up by creating an account. Then log in to the app.

Step 3. Download the AirDroid Kids app on another mobile phone you want to keep under surveillance. Bind it with the pairing number, and after configuring some requisite settings. You can disable all apps and block these restricted calls.

Part 5: Who Are Making These Restricted Calls?

Now to clarify concepts a little more, let's know who makes these restricted calls. The answer to it has both positive and negative sides. On the good side, restricted calls are either made by some apps, online businesses, or by telemarketers and different insurance or other collection organizations.

But to see the other side of the coin, many times, these restricted calls are nothing more than spam users. As they say, with technological advancement and its benefits, some devious users are there too, causing nothing but trouble for people for their nasty fun. So yes, sometimes restricted calls are just unwanted calls made by malicious contacts. Such spam calls can be a matter of concern, but not really if we avoid them.

Part 6: Why Do People Use Restricted Calls?

A wide variety of reasons exist for why people make restricted calls. An incoming restricted call can give us a nervous feeling, but after reading about the purposes behind the restricted calls, your contradictory feelings about such calls might be relieved to a certain extent. There are several reasons why restricted calls can be used, including those listed below:

1. Restricted for Security

Sometimes, for security grounds, the option of restricted calls is availed. Some companies use restricted calls to avoid serious complications for their sensitive and essentially confidential projects. Also, the work of some agencies and some governmental deals need to be done privately to prevent tension in the political and social environment. Hence such situations often demand the usage of restricted calls.

2. Restricted for Privacy

Another purpose of using restricted calls is privacy concerns. Yes, you heard right. A restricted call is a beneficial way of protecting ourselves from the usual phone-calls harassment. For example, if you have to call someone unknown for some work only once, then for such one-time calls, the restricted call is an excellent option to avoid the risk of disturbance of getting contacted back, again and again.

Bonus: How to Call Back a Restricted Number on Android?

While restricted calls can make you feel uncomfortable, sometimes such calls also provoke curiosity. You should check who called you using an unknown number. You might feel regret for having an important message missed. To tackle all these situations, there is a way to call back the restricted number. It is the*69method.

  1. It would help if you dialed "*69" on your landline phone, and it will call back the latest restricted number.
  2. You use"#69"for mobile phones, which will serve the same purpose.

Part 8: How to Make Your Phone Number Restricted?

Now, it is surprisingly interesting to know the answer to this question. If you are wondering how to make your phone number restricted, it's easy. You can dial *67 before calling a number; boom, your phone number gets restricted. By dialing this prefix of *67, your phone number is blocked from the caller id of the receiver. This way, the receiver will see your call as a "Restricted Call." The process is explained in the following steps to make it easier to understand:

Step 1: Open your call log. Dial *67.

Step 2: Now, enter the number you want to call.

Step 3: Then make the call, and your call will appear as restricted.

Final Verdict

Restricted calls are made by collecting organizations, telemarketers, and sometimes by agencies for security and privacy concerns. But unfortunately, sometimes scammers also take advantage of restricted calling to make fake and prank calls. In this way, restricted calls can lead to cyber-harassment. Hence there is a need to block restricted calls.

You can block restricted calls and, if required, can be traced too. Also, if we block some of our friends because of their restricted calls or some acquaintances because of their restricted calls, you can unblock them. You need to be careful while operating a mobile phone to avoid inconvenience.

AirDroid Parental Control is an efficient way of doing so. It systematically manages these concerns by allowing the parents to keep a check and balance on restricted calls that can harm their children in terms of fraud or cyber threats. This app helps in blocking any hostile users.

Part 9: Hottest Questions Related to a Restricted Call

1. How to Find out the Number of a Restricted Call?

What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (9)


Unfortunately, you cannot find the number of restricted calls, as they have blocked their caller Ids from your number. But for any harassment or a bothersome doubtful call, you can ask phone companies to trace that number for you. Dial "*57" after getting a restricted call, and the procedure of tracing the number of the restricted call will begin.

2. Does Calling Restrictions Mean Blocked?

What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (10)


The answer is yes, because calling restrictions allow users to block their numbers from being called back.

3. Do Police Call from Restricted Numbers?

What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (11)


Yes! Sometimes police use restricted calls to make their numbers invisible so that there is an increased probability that suspects and criminals accept their calls. The police can call using restricted numbers, too, when they have any security concerns.

4. How to Block Restricted Calls on Samsung?

What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (12)


To block restricted calls on Samsung or any other android phones.

Step 1: Open the call log on your Samsung phone.

Step 2: Tap on the">"or"?"sign on the right side of the restricted call.

Step 3: Select the option of "block," and you will block the restricted call on your Samsung phone.

5. How to Block Restricted Calls Verizon?

What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (13)


The Verizon family app allows you to block restricted calls. All you have to do is:

Step 1: Open the app and open the family member's dashboard.

Step 2: Now Select contacts > blocked contacts.

Step 3: Tap on "block a number" and follow the instructions.

Step 4: Finally, enable its blocking operations by selecting "block private and restricted texts and calls."

In this way, you will be able to block restricted calls using Verizon.

6. How to Unblock Calling Restrictions?

What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (14)


You can unblock the calling restrictions by simply unblocking the numbers you once blocked.

Step 1: Tap on the call menu and select blocked numbers from its settings.

Step 2: The list of blocked numbers appears. Here, you can select to unblock the numbers of your choice.

Also, if your mobile phone allows the call-barring option, you can just turn it on or off from there.

7. What kind of Calls Are Restricted?

What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (15)


All calls that are meant to be confidential, for any security or privacy reasons, are restricted to avoid any kind of grave consequences.

What Is a Restricted Call, and How to Block It? – AirDroid (2024)


How can I block a restricted call? ›

Here's how to block restricted numbers with this feature on Android: Open call history. Tap i icon to see the detailed information about the call. Click on the three dots in the bottom right corner and choose Block contact in the popup menu.

Does calling restrictions mean blocked? ›

Call barring allows you to block specified incoming calls (provided you have subscribed to caller ID). Call restriction prevents certain numbers being dialled for outgoing calls, for example you can restrict all 0845 numbers being dialled.

How do I get rid of restricted calls? ›

How to remove call barring on Android phone
  1. Open the phone app on your Android phone.
  2. Look for the three-dot menu or settings gear icon within the Phone app.
  3. Navigate to settings or call settings.
  4. Find the option for call barring or a similar term in the settings.
Jan 4, 2024

What does it mean when a restricted number calls you? ›

A restricted call is when someone wishes their number to be blocked from being revealed through caller ID, and so they restrict it from caller ID identification. Incoming restricted number calls do not reveal the phone number.

What does *57 do? ›

Solution. Call trace allows you to dial the code *57 to trace the phone number of a call that was received. This service is used to trace harassing calls which warrant law enforcement or legal action. If you do not intend to take legal action, then an alternative is to use Call Return with *69.

What is the code for restricted call? ›

Enter *67. Enter the number you wish to call (including area code). Tap Call. The words "Private," "Anonymous," or some other indicator will appear on the recipient's phone instead of your mobile number.

What happens if you answer a restricted call? ›

If you answer a call from a restricted number, a few things can happen: You might become the target of phone scams and phishing attacks. Scammers often use phone calls to scam people into providing personal information — like banking details or Social Security numbers (SSNs).

What does a restricted call mean on Android? ›

A restricted call is when someone who doesn't want to be traced calls another person. These type of calls will often appear on a cell phone as “Restricted” when the call is incoming. It's typically difficult to find out the actual number of the restricted call, but likely, you'll just want to block the number.

How to see restricted numbers on Android? ›

Find Blocked Numbers in the Phone App
  1. Open the Phone app.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu at the top right, and select Settings from the drop-down menu. On some devices, you can choose Blocked directly from this menu.
  3. Select Blocked numbers (Pixel phones), or Block numbers (Galaxy phones).
Sep 1, 2023

What does *77 do on your phone? ›

Anonymous Call Rejection (*77) stops calls from people that use a blocking feature to keep their name or number from being displayed. When Anonymous Call Rejection is turned on, callers will hear a message telling them to hang up, turn off the blocking feature, and call again.

Can you text from a restricted number? ›

No, if your phone number is blocked or restricted for use only with another carrier's service plan, you will not be able to send texts using that number. Your phone number is tied to your carrier's network and if it is blocked or restricted, you will not be able to use it to send texts.

Can someone call you if you restricted them? ›

If you restrict someone: You won't get notifications when they message you, and your phone won't ring when they call you.

Can I block calls from a certain area? ›

You can add up to 5 neighborhood filters if subscribed to Call Filter Free, or up to 10 with Call Filter Plus. Call Filter Plus subscribers can additionally add an area code filter to block all calls from a specific area code (Android only).

Does * 67 show up restricted? ›

This works even if the other person already has your number in their phone. Instead of displaying your number, the recipient sees a message like "Restricted," "Blocked" or "Private number." *67 does not work when you call toll-free numbers or emergency numbers.

Can I block restricted calls on Verizon? ›

You can block restricted numbers through our Verizon Family Base and Usage Controls | Verizon Wireless application.

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.