What is a Cloud-First Strategy: How to Adopt a Cloud-First Approach (2024)

It’s 2022, and “Moving to the Cloud” is far from a new concept. Businesses across industries have been rapidly adopting cloud-based solutions for a decade, and demand is rising. Today, organizations are increasingly embracing a cloud-first business strategy to help achieve their goals. According to a recent IDG survey:

  • 92% of respondents said their IT environment (data analytics, applications, infrastructure, etc.) relies on the cloud
  • IDG predicts that this trend will grow to 95% in the next 12 months
  • Enterprises’ average cloud spending is up 59% from 2018 to $73.8M in 2020

But to see optimal results that go the distance, you need to build your cloud strategy around the right focus. To accomplish this, many companies adopt a cloud-first mindset to drive their cloud projects.

What is a Cloud-First Strategy?

Cloud Strategy Definition

A business guided by a cloud-first approach should always consider cloud computing solutions before anything else when addressing existing or new processes. This approach can help organizations get the most out of their investment by encouraging them to explore the possibilities of what the cloud can do for them.

How Does a Cloud-First Strategy Differ from Other Approaches to Cloud: “Cloud-First VS. Cloud Only”

However, the cloud-first mindset is not an end all be all. A common misconception about “cloud-first” is that the cloud is the strict answer to everything, all the time. This mentality, known as “cloud-only,” can often be counter-productive. The reality is that some applications and processes are better suited for the cloud than others, so prioritization is essential. With a cloud-first mindset, the cloud should be the first option you consider, but it doesn’t have to be your only option.

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Why Have a Cloud First Strategy

Benefits of a Cloud-First Strategy

When you commit to a cloud-first mindset and develop your strategy accordingly, you can unlock many benefits, including data security, disaster recovery, cost savings, and more. Embracing the cloud became vital for many organizations when the COVID-19 pandemic created urgency around remote workforce enablement, and IT cost optimization. These benefits and many others have helped organizations build resiliency amid the pandemic and will continue serving them in the future.

Disaster Recovery and Security

According to a Deloitte survey of more than 500 IT executives and leaders, security and data protection are the top drivers for cloud migration, with 58% of respondents ranking it #1 or #2 priority.

Cloud significantly decreases the risk of theft or damage so you gain peace of mind. If disaster strikes, with your data safely stored in the cloud, you can quickly and easily recover all of it. This way, you can get back to business as usual with ease. You can also access data stored in the cloud 24/7/365 from anywhere, which is highly beneficial for enabling remote workforces.

In addition to disaster relief, adopting a cloud-first strategy can do wonders for your organization’s security. Cloud solutions feature outstanding security standards protecting your information. Private, managed clouds like the feature individual encryption to protect your data while in use, in transit, and while it’s untouched. As a private, managed cloud solution, the Hyland Cloud also offers a fully dedicated team to manage your cloud. It also features seven layers of security protection for your data.

Another IDG study reports that Financial Services, Government/Non-Profit, and Manufacturing enterprises have the highest likelihood of using a single public cloud platform because of security and privacy concerns.

Save Money

One of the key selling points of a cloud-first strategy is the financial savings it produces. Above all, building, managing, and scaling legacy hardware and software and hosting and managing applications and servers internally can be very costly. Not only are these practices a financial strain, but they require significant time, planning, and other resources. The costs can also be challenging to predict, too, since new areas needing improvements and updates frequently arise.

As a result, organizations that adopt a cloud-first strategy generally see a reduction in hosting costs, equipment, licensing, and labor costs. Some savings can surface early on as you eliminate and downsize resources, and others will come long-term. As a general rule, cloud has a much lower cost of entry than on-premise solutions. Hardware in the cloud is also typically cheaper year over year than managing it yourself. Applications in the cloud often become more expensive than putting them on-premise, however companies tend to break even at the 3-4 year mark. All in all, the hosted management component makes the biggest difference.

Better Collaboration and Productivity

Cloud-first businesses enhance productivity in a variety of ways. For one, cloud-first infrastructure can accelerate data analysis. It can also streamline business management systems across departments. But cloud-first businesses also enable a remote workforce. Whether your team members are in the same room or thousands of miles apart, the cloud connects them with tools that promote seamless collaboration and communication for more productivity. Such tools can include anything from email and calendar cloud applications to internal communication tools like Microsoft Teams.

Scalability and Flexibility

Since change is inevitable, your organization needs a solution that can evolve with you. But when you manage your applications and data internally, scaling can be difficult to execute. It can be costly, too, requiring companies to invest in new equipment and revisit infrastructure design. And these add-ons increase IT staff workload. The cloud, however, can support the data storage needs of businesses big and small as they change. This way, your organization can easily scale, and you can pocket the money and time saved in the process.

What is a Cloud-First Strategy: How to Adopt a Cloud-First Approach (1)

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How to Adopt a Cloud-First Strategy Approach

Learn from Your Peers

A useful step in building a cloud-first strategy is learning from the experiences of others. Identify other organizations which have successfully navigated the cloud migration journey. Don’t hesitate to do your research. Consider asking questions about how they reached their accomplishments and what their long-term vision is for their solution.

Cloud-First Strategy - Our Story & The Results of Switching to the Cloud

Build a Cloud-First Culture

Your cloud-first transformation’s success is dependent on buy-in from the top down in your organization. To make this happen, you’ll need to make a culture shift to the cloud-first approach. Prioritize transparency. Let your employees know what you’re planning to do and why. This can go a long way in helping them understand the value of this change. Don’t be afraid to address employees’ feelings of doubt head-on from the start. Be available to answer their questions before, after, and during implementation. Additionally, help everyone in your organization understand how cloud migration will directly make their jobs easier and more enjoyable.

Many organizations tackle a cloud-first culture shift through employee engagement and education initiatives. For example, an organization might develop a cloud training program for employees in both technical and non-technical positions. A program like this could help employees see the technology’s impact for themselves and better understand how it works.

Additionally, organizations should continue to prioritize clear, two-way communication during and after implementation. Getting employee input can help ensure that your solution is working at its best. Focusing the attention on the people at the center of the processes not only helps to lower resistance, but it emphasizes a cloud-first mindset.

The Guide to Building a Business Case for the Cloud

Use this guide to building a business case to help your C-suite understand the value and urgency of the Cloud

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Cloud-First Design: Create a Cloud-First Migration Roadmap

When it comes to cloud migration or any other major project, having a plan is key. Design a roadmap unique to your organization that includes all your solutions. Define each step in your cloud migration process. Set a clear migration path for every application you have, from your newest most recently updated applications to your oldest legacy application. Determine whether you’ll choose public, private, or a hybrid cloud deployment.

How Does a Cloud-First Strategy Help Clients?

The bottom line: A cloud-first strategy enables clients to take an active approach to cloud migration, rather than simply “making the shift” to get it over with for survival’s sake. The goal of the cloud-first strategy is to remove the restraints of costly, inefficient legacy infrastructure and outdated applications so your organization can innovate and scale long-term.

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Become a Cloud-First Organization Now

Don’t just submit to the change, embrace it. Cloud can no longer be considered an aspirational innovation. It’s an imperative investment to remain competitive. But it’s not just a matter of catching up to stay relevant. Organizations must view cloud as an opportunity to thrive and ultimately strive for a cloud-first digital transformation.

Wherever you are in your cloud migration journey, we’re here to help you get the optimal value out of your solution.

What is a Cloud-First Strategy: How to Adopt a Cloud-First Approach (2024)


What is a cloud first strategy Accenture? ›

Cloud First offers a full spectrum of cloud services to help you realize the value from your investment. We know cloud is more than just technology, so our solutions encompass the workforce and culture change needed for lasting success.

How does a cloud first strategy approach a cloud migration to the cloud? ›

by bringing multiple services together to serve the client's business needs. Explanation: A cloud-first strategy allows businesses to save money on software, platforms, and infrastructure. Instead of building their own tech stack, they subscribe to a service provider who can provide premium services at a cheaper cost.

What is cloud adoption approach? ›

Cloud Adoption is a strategic move by organisations of reducing cost, mitigating risk and achieving scalability of data base capabilities. Cloud adoption may be up to various degrees in an organisation, depending on the depth of adoption.

How do you approach a cloud strategy? ›

Developing A Cloud Strategy For Traditional/On-Premise Business
  1. Step 1: Lift and shift/rehost. ...
  2. Step 2: Iterate rapidly. ...
  3. Step 3: Adopt a philosophy of elasticity and flexibility. ...
  4. Identify your goals for moving to the cloud. ...
  5. Keep cost in mind.

What is the first step of cloud adoption? ›

The first step is to understand which on-premises applications are the best candidates for migration to, or development in, the cloud. This decision should be based on usage trends and business impact.

How does cloud 1st strategy help clients? ›

How Does a Cloud-First Strategy Help Clients? The bottom line: A cloud-first strategy enables clients to take an active approach to cloud migration, rather than simply “making the shift” to get it over with for survival's sake.

What are the 5 cloud migration strategies? ›

Cloud Migration Strategies
  • Rehost. Rehosting, or 'lift and shift,' involves using infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). ...
  • Refactor. Refactoring, or 'lift, tinker, and shift,' is when you tweak and optimize your applications for the cloud. ...
  • Revise. ...
  • Rebuild. ...
  • Replace.

What is the first step in a cloud migration project? ›

  1. Step 1: Establish the migration-architect role. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose your level of cloud integration. ...
  3. Step 3: Choose a single cloud or go multi-cloud. ...
  4. Step 4: Establish cloud KPIs. ...
  5. Step 5: Establish performance baselines. ...
  6. Step 6: Prioritize migration components. ...
  7. Step 7: Perform any necessary refactoring.
23 Feb 2021

What are the four stages of cloud adoption? ›

The four stages are project, foundation, migration, and reinvention. Project – The organization evaluates the AWS Cloud as a viable option and determines whether it addresses their specific needs. AWS skills aren't required at this stage.

What is strategy to adopt? ›

Throughout the results, we use the term strategy adoption to refer to all attempts to use the target strategy, including both incomplete or incorrect attempts to use the strategy and successful use of the strategy.

What are the three approaches to cloud computing? ›

Well, there are 3 types of cloud computing: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Why do we need cloud adoption? ›

By enabling enterprises to better manage their infrastructures, companies can not only save on costs but also shorten times to market and improve service levels. Adopting cloud is a massive enabler of the necessary standardization and automation. With cloud, companies can: Reduce IT overhead costs by 30 to 40 percent.

Why a cloud strategy is important? ›

The main reasons why cloud computing is important for business is that it allows organizations to scale, maintain flexibility, and focus their efforts on business operations – not managing complex IT infrastructure. One of the best ways to optimize cloud computing for your business is by working with a cloud partner.

What are key success factors for a cloud first strategy? ›

Seven critical success factors for a safe and compliant “Cloud First” strategy
  • 1) Responsibility. ...
  • 2) Divide and conquer. ...
  • 3) Compliance. ...
  • 4) Automation. ...
  • 5) Security Guidelines. ...
  • 6) Training. ...
  • 7) Security Awareness. ...
  • As safe as the strictest client.
17 Nov 2021

What makes a good cloud strategy? ›

Set business objectives

The most effective cloud business objectives meet the SMART criteria: they are specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic, and time-specific. Align with a larger strategic initiative.

What is cloud-first application? ›

In its simplest form, a cloud-first strategy means opting for cloud-based solutions before considering on-premises. You can subscribe to a service provider who provides cloud-based software or platforms, rather than building your own tech-stack.

What is cloud-first development? ›

The Cloud-First development process is a continuous process of utilizing cloud infrastructure services and monitoring them. In case a key performance or cost indicator for a managed cloud service is triggered, a porting plan to a dedicated infrastructure deployment is executed.

How does a cloud-first strategy help clients Accenture TQ? ›

-by altering all aspects of a business's technology, talent, and ecosystem partnerships. -by putting a client's Cloud operations entirely under the control of an external team. -by moving applications, infrastructure, and data to the Cloud with speed and predictability.

How does cloud-first strategy differ from other approaches? ›

How does a cloud-first strategy differ from other approaches to cloud? it enables an organization to completely move to the cloud without infrastructure or support requiremenThis. it keeps all the services performed by legacy systems while moving to the cloud in a staggered approach.

What are the four main advantages of adopting cloud? ›

Benefits of cloud computing
  • the cost of system upgrades, new hardware and software may be included in your contract.
  • you no longer need to pay wages for expert staff.
  • your energy consumption costs may be reduced.
  • there are fewer time delays.
11 May 2022

What are the 3 main phases to a cloud migration? ›

Once the decision has been made that cloud is the best option to solve the business challenges you face (and it may not be), there are three phases of moving to the cloud: planning, mid-shift, and go-live.

What are the 4 types of migration? ›

internal migration: moving within a state, country, or continent. external migration: moving to a different state, country, or continent. emigration: leaving one country to move to another. immigration: moving into a new country.

What are the 6 R's of cloud migration? ›

Amazon Web Services (AWS) adopted this model and extended it to the 6 R's: Re-host, Re-platform, Re-factor/Re-architect, Re-purchase, Retire and Retain. This post covers the basics for each of these and explains how to decide which AWS migration strategy to choose for your applications.

Which are the first two steps to perform in a cloud deployment? ›

Four simple steps to cloud adoption
  1. Step one: Assess. Assess the cloud deployment challenges, opportunities and success rates in the market. ...
  2. Step two: Plan. It is important for organizations to develop a customized cloud strategy. ...
  3. Step three: Adopt. ...
  4. Step four: Optimize.
26 Nov 2013

What are the 5 stages of migration? ›

There are five common migration approaches: Retire, Replace, Rehost, Rearchitect, and Retain.

How do I select my first cloud project? ›

How to pick a project for your first public cloud migration
  1. Pick a system and/or collection of data that has very low visibility in the enterprise. ...
  2. Pick a system and/or collection of data that has very low security requirements. ...
  3. Pick a system and/or collection of data that is less complex and small.
22 Feb 2013

What are the 5 stages involved in innovation adoption process? ›

The five stages are:
  • Knowledge.
  • Persuasion.
  • Decision.
  • Implementation.
  • Confirmation.
31 May 2019

What is the 4 types of clouds in cloud computing? ›

There are four main types of cloud computing: private clouds, public clouds, hybrid clouds, and multiclouds. There are also three main types of cloud computing services: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

What are key drivers to adoption of cloud? ›

Increasing business agility – Business agility is undoubtedly the main benefit and key driver behind Cloud adoption among enterprises. It has been found that enterprises who have adopted Cloud have gained competitive advantage by reducing complexity and increasing business agility.

What are the 3 strategic approaches? ›

Within the domain of well-defined strategy, there are uniquely different strategy types, here are three: Business strategy. Operational strategy. Transformational strategy.

What are the 4 strategic approaches? ›

The four approaches to strategic management are Classical, Evolutionary, Systemic and Processual, each of which is described in detail below.

What are the three 3 major advantages of cloud computing? ›

Benefits of Cloud Computing
  • Faster time to market. You can spin up new instances or retire them in seconds, allowing developers to accelerate development with quick deployments. ...
  • Scalability and flexibility. ...
  • Cost savings. ...
  • Better collaboration. ...
  • Advanced security. ...
  • Data loss prevention.

What are the 4 essential characteristics of cloud computing? ›

This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics:
  • On-demand self-service.
  • Broad network access.
  • Resource pooling.
  • Rapid elasticity.
  • Measured Service.

What are barriers to adopting cloud? ›

The 8 Biggest Barriers to Cloud Adoption (with Recommendations to Overcome Them)
  • Insufficient Training. ...
  • Complexity Due to Multiple Locations and Divisions. ...
  • No Strategy, So No Action. ...
  • Worries About Data Governance. ...
  • Worries About Data Sovereignty. ...
  • Challenges with Cost Governance. ...
  • Analysis Paralysis.
15 Jul 2021

What is the cloud adoption lifecycle? ›

The cloud adoption lifecycle is a concept that describes the phases organizations go through as they migrate to most types of cloud-based technologies. Those phases include: Evaluation of cloud services. Implementation of a small-scale proof-of-concept.

What is cloud management strategy? ›

Cloud management comprises the methods and processes by which administrators and/or managers control and streamline all their services, functions, and products that are cloud-based. This can include who has access to what and how they access it, as well as overall control of all data, applications, and services.

What is a cloud first strategy Mcq? ›

Answer: " a hybrid Cloud service that allows multiple customers to share control of applications "

What is cloud transformation strategy? ›

What is a cloud transformation strategy? A cloud transformation strategy is a framework that encompasses a complete cycle of digital innovation. It should prioritize migration, data and analytics, management and optimization, and cloud security to gain a flexible, competitive edge.

What is a cloud first strategy hybrid? ›

Cloud-first strategies are operations strategies where teams move all or most of their infrastructure to cloud-computing platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. Instead of using physical resources like server clusters, they house resources—even mission-critical and secure resources—in the cloud.

How does a cloud first strategy help blind? ›

Cloud-first strategy help clients by moving application, infrastructure, and data to the cloud with speed and predictability (option c). Teams who use cloud-first techniques migrate all or most of their infrastructure to cloud computing platforms.

Which activity should Accenture execute first to provide the client with an optimal cloud solution? ›

Which activity should Accenture execute first to provide the client with an optimal Cloud solution/landscape? 1-prototype new products and services.

What is cloud first strategy differ from other approaches to cloud? ›

How does a cloud-first strategy differ from other approaches to cloud? it enables an organization to completely move to the cloud without infrastructure or support requiremenThis. it keeps all the services performed by legacy systems while moving to the cloud in a staggered approach.

What is a cloud first strategy a multi service? ›

Organizations adopt cloud-first strategies when they decide to first consider cloud-based solutions when developing, modifying, or creating practices and processes. Only when cloud-based solutions have been exhausted do the organizations then look at non-cloud-based solutions.

What are the 3 main cloud delivery models? ›

There are three major cloud service models: software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS).

How does a cloud first strategy help clients Accenture TQ? ›

-by altering all aspects of a business's technology, talent, and ecosystem partnerships. -by putting a client's Cloud operations entirely under the control of an external team. -by moving applications, infrastructure, and data to the Cloud with speed and predictability.

What is cloud first strategy Accenture Brainly? ›

Answer: " a hybrid Cloud service that allows multiple customers to share control of applications "

What are cloud first applications? ›

In its simplest form, a cloud-first strategy means opting for cloud-based solutions before considering on-premises. You can subscribe to a service provider who provides cloud-based software or platforms, rather than building your own tech-stack.

What should a cloud strategy include? ›

6 Steps for Planning a Cloud Strategy
  • Overview.
  • Applications.
  • Chief Information Officers.
  • Data & Analytics.
  • Enterprise Architects.
  • Infrastructure & Operations.
  • Program & Portfolio Management.
  • Chief Information Security Officer.
21 Mar 2022

How does a cloud first strategy approach a client's migration to the cloud Accenture? ›

The correct answer is b) by bringing multiple services together to serve the client's business needs.

What are the 5 core values at Accenture? ›

Our 6 enduring core values—Client Value Creation, One Global Network, Respect for the Individual, Best People, Integrity and Stewardship—shape the culture and define the character of Accenture.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.