Wesker (2024)

Dr. Albert Wesker reached a biological state that could be considered the next stage in human evolution as a result of his infection with a unique variant strain of the t-Virus. This analysis covers the unnamed prototype virus Albert was infected with, here called "t-Wesker", in additionto Albert himself.

The Wesker Children

Wesker (1)

Oswell E. Spencer, the most powerful man in the Umbrella Corporation, secretly planned to create a new world utopia. He would do so using the potential of the Progenitor Virus to remake lifeforms, the discovery of which being what turned his personal fantasy into a real possibility. His plan was twofold: wipe out the majority of the human race, and replace them with genetically modified superhumans (a "neogenetic human race"). The first part of his plan was to be accomplished withthe t-Virus Project's bioweapons program, which involved the creation of a Progenitor strain able to infect and kill any person on the planet. The second part of his plan was to be accomplished via "Project Wesker": a eugenics project starting in the late 1960s, named after the researcher in charge of the project at the time of its inception. Accomplishing these two goals was the true purpose of the Umbrella Corporation.

The Wesker Project first involved Umbrella gathering several hundred very-young children born to "gifted" parents, with Spencer believing them to be more likely to carry advanced genes. The children were all given the surname "Wesker", and were collectively called the "Wesker Children". All of the children were to be indoctrinated to share in Spencer's ideologies and to be totally ambitious, so that they would be the ideal citizens to build Spencer's utopia in the ashes of the old world. All of the children were also mentally "programmed": they would not be able to harm Spencer, and carried an obsession with seeking him out later in life. This programming worked so long as they remained unaware of it. They were also subjected to genetic experiments of some kind. They were secretlymonitored by Umbrella as they grew up, and placed in environments where they would gain the best possible education.

The Wesker Children were eventually narrowed down to only 13 individuals, who were then sought out by Umbrella with offers of employment. Subject number 13, Albert Wesker, became an Umbrella executive, was a co-creator in the development of the mainline t-Virus, and went from head researcher at the Arklay Mansion to secret agent in the Intelligence Division. Subject number 12, Alex Wesker, was the only subject who became aware early on of Project Wesker, and Spencer was pleased enough with her to make her its new head researcher.

Wesker (2)

The next stage of the project required a strain of the Progenitor Virus that could put humans into an "evolved" state, both to make the Wesker Children become the envisioned utopians to replace humanity, and to weed out the children who were genetically unworthy. Spencer also needed a virus that he himself could adapt to, so that he could gain immortality and survive long enough to see his plan come to fruition. For this reason Spencer approved the G-Virus Project proposed by William Birkin despite the costs, much to the confusion of Albert.

Eventually, a "prototype virus" (t-Wesker) was discovered that could successfully screen the Wesker Children. Some were injected under various pretenses such as medical treatment or by the recommendation of close friends, while others were forcibly infected.Eleven could not survive infection, with Albert and Alex being the only survivors.

​Albert injected himself with t-Wesker after receiving it from Birkin during the final dayof the Mansion Incident in 1998 (an outbreak in Umbrella's primary t-Virus development facility). He then allowed the T-002 Tyrant to kill him. Minutes later, he came back to life as a superhuman. He did this as a part of his plan to fake his death and defect from Umbrella to pursue his own ambitions.

After Albert betrayed Spencer and left Umbrella with stolen research, Alex did the same in 2006. Spencer, alone and dying from age, arranged for his secretive location to be communicated to Albert, so that Spencer could gift his unfinished plans to Albert to inherit. Albert, as per his programming, sought Spencer out and invaded his estate. Spencer told Albert of his plans and of Albert's true nature, and with this the programming was broken. Albert killed Spencer and sought to usurp his ambition using the Uroboros Project. Uroboros was stopped in 2009 by Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar, and Albert himself was killed.

Alex died several years later, marking the end of the Wesker Children. However, Alex managed to transplant a copy of her consciousness into the mind of Natalia Korda, allowing a successor of herself to live on in the girl.


t-Wesker is a tentative name for the prototype t-Virus which was injected into Albert and Alex. This name is unofficial, albeitappropriate due to it being a t-Virus used to screen and enhance the Wesker Children.

Wesker (3)

Screenshot taken from this video

​There are two potential origins of t-Wesker. One is stated by Birkin himself, while another is implied later on, with the first explanation possibly being a lie:

  1. During the Mansion Incident, the Ɛ strain of the t-Virus mutated and a strain that created Crimson Head creatures appeared. William Birkin recovered this strain and used it to develop his own finished version of the t-Virus, "t-Birkin". During the development of t-Birkin, William discovered another mutant strain by accident: one of the "variant strains"(t-Wesker). Thisprototype virus was administered to animals in experiments, and it was discovered to be capable of fully reviving dead tissue and restoring organisms to their living state (without them becoming Zombies or monsters). ​Birkin could not devote more time to this virus due to his ongoing research with the t-Virus and G-Virus, but he gave a sample to his long-time colleague and rival Albert Wesker.What Birkin didn't know was that t-Wesker was highly lethal in humans. Luckily, Wesker was born with excellent genes compatible with Progenitor-based Viruses, allowing him to circumvent this problem by chance.When Spencer learned of this, he acquired the prototype virus and had the twelve other Wesker Children injected with it, to see who was as worthy as Albert and who was not.
  2. While Birkin claimed that he had discovered t-Wesker, it may have been that he was under orders from Spencer to give Albert the virus under a pretense. The fact that some of the other Children were given the virus "from the recommendation of close friends" could be implying this. In that case, t-Wesker may have been developed by Alex Wesker, who was performing superhuman research at the time on Spencer's behalf. If this was the case, Birkin may have been extorted by Spencer to betray Albert, either by threatening his family or the G-Virus project.

t-Wesker infection seemed to have two stages - initial infection, and V-ACT. In the initial stage, hosts would experience intense pain as the virus rewrote every cell in their bodies. This pain was enough to kill most people alone. Albert was only able to survive this stage not only due to his unique biology, but also due to his iron will. The virus took at least five minutes to fully permeate the body in this stage. Despite this genetic remodeling, the host would not change in appearance or gain any noticeable powers.Only those with genes compatible with the virus survived into and through the second stage.

​In the V-ACT stage, triggered once a host sustained life-threatening injuries, the host wo

See Also
Jake Muller

uld be placed in a state of suspended animation(the same state humans on the verge of becoming Zombies go into) for a short period of time while the virus swiftlyrepaired the body. The host would then reawaken with superhuman abilities. "Virus Activation" is a natural (albeit buried) trait of Progenitor-family viruses: it involves the virus "reactivating" in response to the host undergoing intense trauma. As a result of this activation, the virus acts to the fullest extent of its abilities, leading to more dramatic mutations. With V-ACT, the virus is more likely to create immortal creatures that inherit the best qualities of the virus.

Wesker (4)

Crimson Head post the V-ACT stage

Due to the timeframe in which t-Wesker was discovered and the fact Albert's death seemed to trigger the virus, it was likely an offshoot of the Crimson Head strain of the virus. The Crimson Head strain heavily utilized V-ACT. It is also possible that V-ACT was actually unrelated to the superhuman state in t-Wesker hosts, and that Albert sustaining heavy injuries had nothing to do with his gaining powers. However, according to Birkin, the "virus acts on things by overcoming the cause of death". t-Phobos also seemed to operate by the same V-ACT rule in adapters, which would support it also being the case in t-Wesker.

A t-Wesker adapter was very similarto adapters to Uroboros, t-Phobos, and other strains. This is because all of these viruses draw this symptom from the Progenitor Virus, which allowed ancient humans to achieve the same state. ​As t-Wesker was a t-Virus, adapters to it could be considered t-Humans. While these superhumans would have abilities far surpassing humankind, they would also be generally unstable. This is because t-Wesker was a mutantoffshoot of the imperfected t-Virus, and lacked the refinementof some later strains. Aside from these defects, the effects of t-Wesker could be said to be otherwise the same in adapters as those of Progenitor itself. The perfected t-Virus developed in the 2000s was also capable of creating superhumans from rare individuals.

Wesker (5)

Ancient Human worshipping the Sonnentreppe flower at the Stairway of the Sun

It is unknown if those who failed to survive infection with t-Wesker became Zombies or other mutants. It may be that, like Progenitor, the damage it caused in failed adapters was too severe to allow the host to survive even in a Zombified state. Animal test subjects were much more tolerable of t-Wesker, much like how non-mammalian animals infected with the t-Virus experienced less necrosis and brain damage than mammals did. 70% of the animals infected with the virus by Birkin and then killed would revive with an enhanced muscular and cardiovascular system. 20% of the animals would revive with no further improvements, and 10% would not revive at all. It is possible though that Birkin lied to Wesker about these tests and percentages, if he was truly acting on behalf of Spencer.

Alex Wesker

Wesker (6)

Alex had greater genes than most people, but not great enough to fully adapt like Albert. She survived infection, but failed to gain powers, like the 20% of animals Birkin supposedly tested the virus on. She also developed a sickness that slowly destroyed her body over the course of the next decade. The virus was essentially killing her slowly, instead of instantly. It's also possible her sickness existed before her infection with t-Wesker, and she actually failed to adapt due to it weakening her immune system.​ The full nature of her illness was unknown, other than the fact it was fatal and involved coughing fits.

Despite this, Alex may have been strengthened in other ways, like how Zombies are simultaneously weakened and strengthened by the virus. When t-Phobos was triggered inside her body before shooting herself in the brain, it's possible her previous infection with t-Wesker not only allowed her to survive t-Phobos (which is fatal in women), but both viruses together allowed her to survive shooting herself and transformed her into a monster.

Albert Wesker

​He has been known as a capable, calm and composed individual since his time as S.T.A.R.S. Captain and makes cool-headed judgments, but he now possesses superhuman strength and speed in addition to being more ruthless than before. There is no way of knowing by what means he was able to survive when he says he is "A ghost resurrected from Hell." But behind his sunglasses shine gold eyes and thin pupils reminiscent of reptiles, clearly showing that he has already abandoned being a genuine human and has begun walking as a truly alien life unworthy of the natural world.

Wesker (7)

Albert Wesker was born with an extremelyrare genetic makeup. He possessed genes that allowed him to produce antibodies that were effective at resisting various strong viruses. These antibodies were especially effective againstProgenitor-family viruses. Albert's biological son, Jake Muller, inheritedthese genes. Some viruses were eliminated outright by the antibodies, while others were only weakened by them. These antibodies could also be used to strengthenviruses by forcing them to evolve in response to being attacked.

Because of his antibodies and the nature of t-Wesker, Albert was able to avoid most of the negative symptoms associated with the virus such as dramatic mutation, brain cell rejection, and necrosis. The virus remained in his body however, in a weakened and regulated state, allowing him to obtain all of the advantages of the t-Virus (unlike most B.O.W.s, which normally only inherit some of these qualities while lacking others). This included strengthenedbody tissues, enhanced senses and reflexes, and a boosted healing factor.

Wesker (8)

​The only change to Albert's appearance came in him developing orange/golden reptilian eyes, a symptom inherited from the Progenitor Virus. His vertically-slit pupils may have given him improved low-light vision, something underutilized due to his wearing sunglasses at all times. His eyes glowed red (another common virus symptom) whenever Albert experienced intense emotion. The phenomenon of living things producing light is called "bioluminescence", and is triggered by a special chemical response.​

Albert's physical strength was greatly enhanced to an inhuman degree. He could rip through bones, bend steel, stop a rocket mid-flight, and throw large aircraft missiles like javelins. He could also compete in battle with two Tyrants at once. Despite his physical capabilities, Wesker's muscles did not visibly increase in size or definition. This suggests that his normal muscle tissue was improved so dramatically that it far exceeded that of any natural animal. This is comparable to insects and spiders enlarged by the t-Virus being able to sustain their bodies with improved muscles without changing their natural shape. Despite this strengthAlbert still carried firearms, as he considered most of his human victims unworthy of him expending physical effort. His ability to use weapons, along with his military training, also gave him an advantage against other super-organisms like B.O.W.s.

Thanks to his improved musculature, Albert's movement speed increased to a point that exceeded that of both natural animals and B.O.W.s. Albert could break into a maximum speed in a fraction of a second, and in short bursts could move faster than the processing speed of the human eye, creating the illusion to observers that he was teleporting (which could suggest his own vision was improved). This was sometimes called a "Shadow Dash". Albert's augmented agility allowed him to contort and flip his body to avoid bullets, and he could jump distances many times his own height with minimal effort. Albert could pursue a target up a long ladder with a single leap, or transverse a vertical shaft by jumping from wall-to-wall. His cardiorespiratorysystem was also strengthened, allowinghim to perform many superhuman feats without tiring himself.

Wesker (2024)


How to beat Wesker 5 3? ›

Draw Wesker into these corridors and try to flank him, shooting him when he's not looking. As long as he doesn't see you, he won't dodge the attacks. Otherwise, he will always dodge the attacks.

How to beat Wesker 6 3? ›

To defeat Wesker, shoot one of his weak spots, located on his chest and back, and avoid the instant kill hurricane assault which occurs after downing him. The trick to avoiding this is to distance yourself with Wesker, however running away is dangerous. Instead, bring along a handgun and shoot Wesker in the head.

How to beat Wesker on Veteran? ›

Keep your eyes on Wesker and casually walk backwards as he will try to kick you in the face and also dodge his Samurai Edge's sidearm. Just make sure you don't get too close or he'll whoop your butt. So yeah just casually walk backwards if he did a kick move.

How to beat Wesker with no ammo? ›

Stay about (Dangerously) close to medium range from him and pump some rounds into him, when he kneels down, press X to grab him. Sheva should run up and start pounding on his weak spot with her knife until he can't take it anymore. Then the weak spot will change and it'll be your turn.

What is the easiest way to beat Wesker in Resident Evil 5? ›

First, shoot the emblem on his back (like you did when you faced him solo), then run to the edge and turn to face Wesker. He will perform his tentacle whirlwind attack, and then the weak spot on his chest will become exposed. Shoot it until it recedes! Repeat the process over and over again while dodging his attacks.

How many times do I have to shoot Wesker? ›

Use a machine gun or pistol to hit the red sphere on his back. The damage it does doesn't matter - any hit will do to make the sphere on his chest open up. Then, use the Magnum (damage fully upgraded if you can) to shoot his chest and tear him apart. It literally took me like 4 or 5 shots to bring him down.

How to hit Wesker with RPG? ›

Then it's the same story as the Wesker and Jill fight, first grab the rpg up top, turn off all the lights, hide until he loses sight of you, then pop out fire the rpg at him, he will catch the rpg SO YOU HAVE TO SHOOT IT WHILE HE'S HOLDING IT and then run up to him and hold him down, your partner will try to inject him ...

How to beat Wesker in the first phase? ›

Here's what u do: 1st, you have to turn on all lights. 2nd you get the LOADED RPG and shoot him until he's down next you have to hold him down and make sure Sheva is close and that should do it.

Can you beat Wesker with a knife? ›

Yes you can definitely knife him. I don't think it'll be easy to knife him during the Jill/Wesker fight though, but you can definitely knife him to death inside the volcano. I had to knife Uroboros Wesker because I ran out of ammo, although I knew I should have simply requested some (and the guns) from my AI.

Does Ada work for Wesker? ›

While often working in the employ of villains, notably Albert Wesker, Ada holds no allegiance to her employers and often betrays them for her own agenda.

Why does Wesker say 7 minutes? ›

Serious Answer: His virus powers would soon run out and would need a top up, so he only had like seven minutes of juice left. Joking answer: He needs to work on his lasting power and can only go seven minutes at a time. Reasons why 7 minutes is all Wesker can spare to play with us.

How to stab Wesker? ›

The ending area any gun but dont spray, aim for his weak spot which randomly reveals either in front or on the back. As soon as he is stunned, Chris moves to restrain him from the back while Sheva stabs both of them from front. Just take your time to aim, most of his attacks here are easy to dodge.

Why is Wesker so strong? ›

During the finale of Resident Evil 5, Wesker sheds his human appearance when he infects himself with the Uroboros virus, a volatile and mutagenic viral agent. The Uroboros virus grants him more strength while also transforming his arms into tentacles that allow him to absorb and wield metallic objects as weapons.

How to beat Wesker in the first encounter? ›

As Wesker rounds the corner, shoot him before he turns and sees you. I generally make it easy on myself and put a mag round in him for an instant stun. He'll take a step back and you run up and enter a QTE in which you punch him 4 times for heavy damage. Generally the combo is X, X, B, XA.

How do you beat the final boss in re3 nightmare? ›

The strategy that I've used to survive the Nightmare mode was:
  1. Equipping the M39 modified pistol. A Magnum also will do, but you need to have sufficient ammo (at least 18-20 or so).
  2. Carrying a lot of standard ammo in the inventory.
  3. Carrying as much First Aid sprays as possible.
  4. Avoid bringing with you anything else.
Apr 8, 2020

How to beat Wesker lost in Nightmares? ›

  1. Shoot at him untill he charges at you(usually 3 shots)
  2. Do the quick time event.
  3. Dodging will leave you a small time frame to do a melee move which will hurt him.
  4. Rinse and repeat.
Feb 25, 2010

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