Tis the Season: Treating Buck Moth Caterpillar Stings | UMC (2024)

New Orleans, LA – Spring brings an abundance of welcome traditions … festivals, crawfish boils, end-of-school-year field trips, and more. Something spring also brings, but not quite so welcome, pesky buck moth caterpillars. Buck moths can be found anywhere outdoors, but they hang out mostly on the beloved oak trees that line city streets and area parks.

This caterpillar not only eats leaves on trees and shrubs, but it is a member of a small group of caterpillars whose skin is covered with stinging spines attached to venom glands, which if they touch your skin can cause a nasty rash and deliver a terrible sting inducing immediate pain, severe itching, swelling, and redness.

Tis the Season: Treating Buck Moth Caterpillar Stings | UMC (1)

What is the best plan for treatment should you either step on or brush against one or a cluster, or have one of them fall from a tree landing on you?

Dr. Denise Goodfellow Kerut, M.D., FAAP, a pediatrician with Children’s Pediatrics River Ridge clinic offers advice for treatment for children and adults alike. “If one gets onto you or your child, gently and quickly remove it by flicking it off with a stick, pen, or credit card, not your bare hand,” says Dr. Kerut. “The hairs or spines are what stick into your skin and contain a toxin/ venom that causes the sting, burn, irritation, pain, swelling, and possible allergic reaction.”

According to Dr. Kendria Holt-Rogers, a Primary Care physician at University Medical Center New Orleans (University Medical Center) visible caterpillar spines should be removed in an effort to decrease the duration of symptoms. This can be accomplished either with forceps or stripping with tape. If the spines are not visible, they will usually free themselves after several days, she adds.

Both physicians advise that a person stung should apply an ice pack, then a paste of baking soda and water, followed by hydrocortisone cream.

“I also recommend an oral antihistamine, such as Benadryl if the sting is severe, and Ibuprofen can be given orally if it is needed for pain,” says Dr. Kerut. “And, always seek care from your pediatrician if you are concerned or the sting appears to be getting infected. If your child shows any signs of an allergic reaction seek immediate medical attention.”

“Avoidance is the best form of treatment,” says Dr. Holt-Rogers. “If you must go under oak trees this spring, think about wearing a wide-brimmed hat and clothing to cover and protect your skin from them falling onto you from the trees, and wear shoes outside to protect your feet from stepping onto them.”

And be careful if you are picnicking or relaxing under the oaks. The caterpillars can adhere to towels and linens unbeknownst to those enjoying the lovely spring temperatures, and strike hours later. On the market, as well, are booties especially designed for the canine set to protect their paws while they frolic in the grass.

Tis the Season: Treating Buck Moth Caterpillar Stings | UMC (2024)


Tis the Season: Treating Buck Moth Caterpillar Stings | UMC? ›

Both physicians advise that a person stung should apply an ice pack, then a paste of baking soda and water, followed by hydrocortisone cream. “I also recommend an oral antihistamine, such as Benadryl if the sting is severe, and Ibuprofen can be given orally if it is needed for pain,” says Dr.

How bad is a buck moth caterpillar sting? ›

Bacillus thuringiensis (on young caterpillars), Sevin, or some other properly labeled insecticide should give more than adequate control. Buck moth caterpillar stings cause immediate pain that then spreads to nearby lymph nodes. Swelling and redness can last over a week.

What to spray for buck moth caterpillars? ›

Buck Moth Caterpillar Control & Management:

There are several control options, including such biorationals as Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) and horticultural oil.

What happens if you get stung by a stinging caterpillar? ›

When a puss moth caterpillar rubs or is pressed against a person's skin, its venomous hairs are embedded, usually causing severe burning and a rash. Pain usually subsides in about an hour. Occasionally, the reaction is more severe, causing swelling, nausea, and difficulty breathing.

How long do caterpillar stings last? ›

Most of the time, symptoms resolve themselves within 24 hours of a sting (when a caterpillar hair penetrates the person's skin). However, Lonomia caterpillar species contain a more powerful venom, which can cause internal bleeding. Symptoms can last for 6 months after contact with this caterpillar.

How to treat caterpillar rash? ›

Create a paste using baking soda and water and slather it on the affected skin to reduce itching. A hydrocortisone cream also may be used. Take an oral antihistamine (such as Benadryl®) if the reaction to the sting worsens.

What happens if you get stung by a moth? ›

To defend against predators, some species of moth have spiny hairs that can easily become lodged in your skin. This is usually quite harmless, but it can provoke a reaction of red patches of bumps that looks similar to hives. These bumps may burn and sting for several minutes.

What is the best medicine for caterpillar stings? ›

Ice packs, analgesics, creams, antihistamines and lotions with steroids may assist in relieving the symptoms of both types of reactions.

How do you stop a caterpillar sting? ›

Both physicians advise that a person stung should apply an ice pack, then a paste of baking soda and water, followed by hydrocortisone cream. “I also recommend an oral antihistamine, such as Benadryl if the sting is severe, and Ibuprofen can be given orally if it is needed for pain,” says Dr. Kerut.

Can you use hydrocortisone cream for caterpillar sting? ›

Dr. Elder advises applying a cool ice pack to the sting area ASAP. After icing, apply a paste of baking soda and water (just mix a little of both together in a bowl), followed by hydrocortisone cream. “I also recommend an oral antihistamine, such as Benadryl, if this sting is severe.

What is the most painful caterpillar? ›

PUSS (1 inch long, pear shaped, gray to brown): The stinging spines are located underneath the top layer of hairs. The sting from this caterpillar is usually the most painful.

What are the symptoms of caterpillar venom? ›

[2] Associated systemic symptoms may also include nausea, vomiting, fever, headache, restlessness, tachycardia, hypotension, urticaria, seizures, lymphadenitis, and local adenopathy. On the other hand, exposure to itchy caterpillars with non-venomous urticating hairs can lead to pruritic reactions.

Do caterpillars carry diseases to humans? ›

Caterpillar venoms are produced by glandular cells in the epithelium and are stored in and injected by urticating hairs and spines (setae). Some species produce toxic hemolymph, which can cause human disease.

Can you hold a buck moth caterpillar? ›

However, this moth is a serious problem around people since coming into contact with the caterpillar's spines causes pain, itching, swelling and redness. Therefore, avoid handling or otherwise coming into contact with not only buck moths, but any caterpillar that appears to have spines.

Are moth caterpillars harmful to humans? ›

Some individuals may develop allergic reactions to particular species of caterpillars and moths. In very rare cases, spurs on the legs of large moths can penetrate human skin and cause stings, dermatitis, or urticaria.

Are moth caterpillars safe to touch? ›

While most caterpillars are harmless, there are several types of venomous caterpillars in the United States that can cause misery to humans who touch them. Among them are the saddleback, io moth, puss, gypsy moth, flannel moth, slug, spiny oak slug, and buck moth caterpillars.

Can fuzzy caterpillars hurt you? ›

But is there any reason to worry when you do encounter them? It turns out that despite how instinctually you might be repelled by these furry-looking insects, they can't really harm you. “Many people see the hairs on this caterpillar and automatically think, 'Don't touch that — I'm going to be stung.

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