This Is the Ideal Age to Move Out on Your Own (2024)

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You take your time when planning a trip or buying a new sofa, so why should moving out on your own be any different? When it comes to living independently, younger generations are practicing patience, according to a new report from Zillow. The study revealed that, as of 2017, the average age that people start living alone is 26. (For comparison, it was 23 in 1980). The thing holding adults back for longer periods isn’t fear of having to catch a mouse or kill a spider solo (although those are both justifiable reasons)—leaving the nest is just expensive, Zillow points out.

While more than half of adults living outside metropolitan areas have their own place by age 25, their city-dwelling counterparts tend to put the whole thing off an extra two years. The only exceptions are those in coastal outposts like Los Angeles and Miami, where that number rises even higher, to 29. In these competitive real-estate markets, saving enough cash for a down payment on a house or carrying the weight of the monthly rent can be close to impossible. The simplest workaround? Band together! Roommates can reportedly save you more than $1,000 a month, meaning you can meet your financial goals faster. Plus, a little company never hurt anyone.

If you are going to continue down the path of cohabitation, increase your chances of finding a decent roomie by, first and foremost, being respectful (99 percent of people in one survey say this is the most important quality) and purchasing a few pieces of good furniture. A welcoming (and tidy) living room setup can go a long way toward cutting down your wait time.

See more stories like this:99% of People Say This Is the First Thing They Look for in a RoommateWhy More Adults Are Choosing to Live With RoommatesWhy I Moved in With Roommates at Age 37

This Is the Ideal Age to Move Out on Your Own (2024)


What's the ideal age to move out? ›

What is the Best Age to Move Out? Is 18 a good age to move out? Many people say the best age to move out is 25 or 26 since you have stable employment and are ready for the responsible, but don't let those numbers throw you.

What age should you move on your own? ›

While there are a lot of factors involved, the average age when people move out of their parent's home is somewhere between 24 and 27.

Is 16 old enough to move out? ›

It depends on where you live. In many areas, the age of majority is 16, which means you can move out on your own at that point. However, if the age of majority is over 16 where you live, you will likely need to be legally emancipated or get your parents' permission before you move out.

At what age should you be on your own? ›

While child experts typically agree that 11 or 12 years old is an appropriate age to stay home alone for a few hours, there are a number of factors to consider. It is important to recognize that the right time will vary by family, so trust your instincts.

Is it normal to live with your parents at 23? ›

If you feel ashamed about moving in with your parents, know that it's a common living arrangement for many young people across the United States. According to 2021 data from the U.S. Census Bureau, one in three American adults ages 18 to 34 live at home.

Is 17 too early to move out? ›

Ages children can move out

Parents are responsible for keeping their children safe until they reach 18 – and this includes making sure they have somewhere to live.

Am I ready to move out? ›

Before you choose to move out, you might spend some time introspecting. Are you financially stable and emotionally mature? Do you have general life skills and a desire for independence? Have you put plans into place regarding housing and any necessary transportation?

Can I live without my parents at 16? ›

No. Even if you're a parent, if you are under 18 your parents still have the right to custody of you and the responsibility to support you, until you turn 18 or become legally emancipated.

Can I stop living with my parents at 16? ›

A: In California, the law generally requires you to be 18 years old to move out without parental consent.

Can I leave my parents' house at 18? ›

When a teen reaches the age of majority, they have the legal right to leave home. Except in the following states, the age of majority in most states is 18 years old: The majority age in Alabama and Nebraska is 19.

Can a 9 year old have a phone? ›

Many experts suggest waiting to give your kids a smart phone until they are at least 13 years old or in 8th grade. "Try not to give into the peer pressure when your child says everyone else has a phone, so I need one too," she said. Dr.

Can a 12 year old babysit? ›

Many experts believe the minimum age for babysitting should be at least 12 or 13. When evaluating whether your child is ready for their first job as a babysitter, consider factors such as maturity level and experience, as you might when hiring a caretaker for your child.

Can you live alone at 12? ›

In California there is no legal minimum age a child can be left alone, according to the San Bernardino County District Attorney's office.

Is 22 too early to move out? ›

Is being 22 years old too young to leave your parent's home and go live alone on your own? No, providing you have the financial means to support yourself, whether that be the cost of renting or having the deposit for a house/apartment. Also a lot of savings and a good, reliable income.

Is it easy to move out at 18? ›

It's a harsh reality, but you will need to make some compromises if you want to move out when you're 18 and have enough money to live adequately. You might have to give up some of the luxuries you enjoyed while being at home with family, as your disposable income is likely to be low – especially if you're saving.

Is moving out at 20 a good idea? ›

All things considered, it's better not to jump the gun – even if you have already come of age, graduated from university, or found a good job, it may be the wiser choice to stay at home for a while – until you become financially and emotionally stable and feel ready to move out of your parents' house.

Is moving out good for mental health? ›

Conversely, a healthy mind and emotional stability grant you better relationships, a career you love, and a positive outlook on life. There are many ways to improve your mental health, but moving to a new location is at the top of the list.

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