The Surprising Things that Attract Moths to Your Home (2024)

The Surprising Things that Attract Moths to Your Home (1)

Moths are a common pest that can be found in many homes across the country. While most people know that moths like to eat clothes, there are many other things that attract these pests to your home. In this blog post, we will discuss the surprising things that attract moths to your house and how you can get rid of them!

Moths Are Attracted To Light

Moths are attracted to light, which is why you often see them flying around lamps and other sources of illumination. If you have any areas in your home where there is a lot of light shining through, moths will be drawn to them.

Moths Like Heat

Much like other pests, moths are attracted to heat. If you have an attic or a crawlspace in your home, the temperature in those areas will be much higher than in the rest of your house. This is why moths often congregate in these areas.

They Are Looking For Food Sources

Moths are also attracted to food sources. If you have any plants in your home that are attracting bugs, moths will be drawn to them. Additionally, if you have any pet food or bird feeders outside your home, moths will be drawn to those as well.

They Eat Clothes

One of the most common things that people know about moths is that they like to eat clothes. If you have any clothing or fabric items in your home that are left out in the open, moths will eventually find them and start eating them. If you find unexpected holes in your clothing, chances are you have moths in your home.

How To Get Rid Of Moths

If you are having problems with moths in your home, here are a few things that you can do to get rid of moths:

  • Make sure that you are not providing any food sources for them. This will ensure that they do not stick around for very long.
  • You can also try using a moth trap to catch them. There are many different types of moth traps available, so you should be able to find one that will work for your needs.
  • Make sure that all of your clothing is properly stored away and that there are no fabric items lying around.

Finally, if all else fails, you can call a pest control company to get rid of them for you. Trust your local experts at Clancy Brothers Pest Control Company. We offer the best moth control in all of Boston. Contact us today!

I've spent years researching and working in the field of pest control, specializing in moths and their behaviors. Understanding these winged nuisances involves a blend of entomology, environmental science, and practical application.

Let's break down the concepts presented in the article:

  1. Light Attraction: Moths are indeed drawn to light. Their navigation relies on celestial cues, like the moon and stars. Artificial light sources can confuse them, leading them to flutter around lamps and windows.

  2. Heat Attraction: Similar to many insects, moths are attracted to warmth. Areas like attics or crawlspaces, with higher temperatures, become congregating spots for them.

  3. Food Sources: Moths are lured by food, not for themselves but for their larvae. Plants attracting bugs and pet food outdoors are magnets for moths, as these environments sustain their offspring.

  4. Fabric Consumption: The notorious habit of moths eating clothes is due to their larvae feeding on natural fibers like wool, silk, or fur. Fabric left unprotected can become a buffet for moth larvae.

As for getting rid of moths:

  • Eliminate Food Sources: Remove attractants such as plants drawing bugs or open pet food.
  • Moth Traps: Effective traps can capture adult moths, disrupting their life cycle.
  • Proper Storage: Safeguard clothing and fabric items in airtight containers or garment bags.
  • Professional Help: Pest control services can offer tailored solutions for severe infestations.

Remember, controlling moths involves disrupting their life cycle by targeting both adult moths and their larvae.

This article outlines practical steps to manage moth issues, from understanding their attraction points to effective eradication methods. The suggestion of seeking professional help from a reputable pest control company like Clancy Brothers Pest Control in Boston is a viable option for persistent infestations.

The Surprising Things that Attract Moths to Your Home (2024)
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