The Secret That Cuts Your Job Search in Half (2024)

The Secret That Cuts Your Job Search in Half (1)

Job searching is exhausting.

And for today’s professionals who may be looking to advance their career every few years, it can be never ending.

It goes something like this:

You’re browsing for new jobs online. You check frequently because you don’t want the ideal job to slip by, just because you weren’t paying attention. When you find an online job posting that seems like a good fit, you apply, sending your resume into a black hole.

You may or may not hear back, but from experience, you know that the latter is more likely. In the end, someone else gets the job. You start the process over. Rinse and repeat.

You might have gotten the jobonly to realize after awhile that this isn’t the right job (or career) for you.Start from the top.

It’s overwhelming, exhausting and worst of all: discouraging.

Unfortunately, you’re playing a guessing game.

The Secret That Cuts Your Job Search in Half (2)

You’re guessing that the job is right for you, that you’re qualified, and that the organization is a good fit. You have a ton of questions and a little confidenceconfidence that gets chipped away with each and every time you don’t hear back.

How are others are getting jobs they love? Chances are it’s through conversations, not applications.

Having conversations with the right people within your network can help you answer those questions. They can help you understand if a job or company is the right fit for you. If the job seems to be a good fit, they can coach you on how to make your application stand out. They can put your resume directly into the right hands. And they can tell you about jobs you don’t know exist (because they aren’t posted online).

You can land the perfect job in a fraction of the time with a strong referral from networking.

You’re 10x more likely to get a job through a referral

Referrals are powerful. If you applied for a job online, your odds of getting the job are 1 in 152.

With a referral, your chances increase tenfold. Referred job candidates have a 1 in 16 success rate in landing the job.

Let’s break this down for a minute:

Why would referred candidates have such a drastically better chance at getting the job over other types of applicants?

Employees know the company culture and what it takes to succeed in their organization. They’re more likely to recommend people who they see would be a good fit. Plus, employees aren’t likely to recommend someone who might tarnish their reputation.

In other words, referrals are the preferred source for all new hires in today’s job market. Hiring managers rely on the judgement of employees that they know and trust.

Without networking, you’re missing out on 85% of jobs

Getting a referral will not only increase your chances of landing a job, but also will help you find out about jobs you don’t know exist. That’s because over 85% of jobs are not posted online.

If you’re relying solely on job postings to find your dream job, you’re only reaching 20% of possible jobs that you could have. What’s more is that you’ll be competing for that tiny fraction of online jobs with hundreds of online applicants.

By now, you’ve figured out the best way to move your career ahead quickly isn’t by sitting behind your laptop. Referrals and job opportunities are found through conversations with people in your network.

In other words: connecting with the right people in your network can help you land your dream job.

But don’t worrymodern networking isn’t like old-fashioned networking. It’s making human connections, and it actually works.

Here’s how connecting with people in your network can change your job search.

Networking authentically: the better way to search for jobs

So who are the “right” people to talk to when it comes to authentic, modern networking? Your best contacts for a referral may surprise you. The best people to connect with don’t have intimidating titles. They aren’t executives, directors, or even hiring managers.

They’re the people who are just a few steps ahead of you, on the same career path.

Generally, that’s someone with less than 5 years of career experiencesomeone you likely know, but have overlooked.

These contacts have been in your shoes and know exactly what it takes to cross the threshold into their field or job. From of their recent experience, they can offer practical advice, details about the hiring process, and the skills you need to succeed. Plus, when you connect with people closer to your experience level, the two of you relate well to one another.

Oftentimes, connections from your network often make the strongest referrals for positions they’ve once held themselves.

Modern networking case study: Michelle

Connecting is the modern, natural style of networking. Our research on the new rules of networking proves this is what is effective today. See how connecting worked for Michelle.

The Secret That Cuts Your Job Search in Half (3)

Michelle wanted to change jobs.

She had been applying to jobs online for months without success. Michelle was pretty discouraged when a friend suggested she talk to Trevor, a former classmate. Trevor worked for a company that she was interested in.

Figuring it was worth a try, Michelle sent Trevor an email to request a conversation. The next week, they met at Starbucks for a chat.

Michelle will tell you she was nervous going in, but quickly relaxed. Trevor had only worked at the company for a couple of years, and he remembered exactly what Michelle was going through.

He explained what skills she should highlight to position herself for different job openings. For example, Michelle found out that her experience with a certain software was highly valued for certain positions. Trevor also walked her through the details of the hiring process so she knew exactly what to expect.

At the end of their conversation, Trevor volunteered to be a referral for Michelle’s application. Michelle felt like she hit the jackpot. None of her online job searching and research had given her what that one conversation did.

Trevor said he felt comfortable referring Michelle once they’d talked one-on-one. She seemed like a good fit for his company, one that he knew was always looking for great talent.

His referral was a win-win for both of them.

Did Michelle and Trevor’s relationship develop out of luck or random chance? Noit happened because Michelle took the leap and reached out, tapping into Trevor’s relevant expertise. That made Trevor feel invested in her success.

Authentic networking works for more than just job seeking

The modern way of networking isn’t like traditional networking. It’ll work for you regardless of your career path or step. Compared to applying online and waiting to get rejected, connecting:

  • Shortens your job search time
  • Provides access to better and unposted jobs
  • Feels collaborative an human rather than competitive
  • Increases your chances of landing a job
  • Leads to better job and career fit

It’s the best and quickest way to advance your career in a direction you’ll love.

The Secret That Cuts Your Job Search in Half (4)

Tips for getting referrals through modern networking

In the new world of work, those who connect get the jobs. Those who don’t connect, don’t. Here’s four tips to help you start connectingthe new way to network:

1. Leverage LinkedIn to find the right people

You have access to thousands of people in your LinkedIn network who could offer you career advice right now. They may be 1st- or 2nd-degree connections, found through the alumni finder, or various professional groups.

Look for those who are two steps ahead of you working in your same field.If you have broader industry questions, seek someone out with 5 to 10 years of experience instead (learn all about Connection Types to figure out who to network with).Then reach out.

2. Have a face-to-face conversation

Referrals happen naturally when you take an interest in other people and invite their help. Referrals happen through one-on-one conversations, not over email or online.

Reach out and ask for a 30-minute conversation, either in person or on video chat. That’s usually all it takes to get acquainted and gain valuable insider advice for your job search.

3. Match your questions to their expertise

Focusing on your contact’s recent expertise gives you practical information and helps them learn about you.

Be prepared to tap your contact’s specific expertise with questions tailored to them. Focus on their recent experiences, the details of their job, and what the hiring process is.Steer clear of big picture, high-level questions that may fall outside of their expertise.

4. Ask for the referral

Yes, that’s right. Once you’ve had a great conversation, you can let your contact know about your interest in a job.

Ask them about strategies for making your application stand out. Given the conversation, you couldask them specifically if they would be willing to be a referral for your application, or if they would be willing to forward your resume to a contact in HR. Oftentimes, they’ll offer for you if they’re in the right position.

Cut your job search in half with MANGO

MANGO is the free tool that will help youcut your job search in halfthrough networking. It’s no wonder more and morecareer coaches are using MANGO to help their clients get face-to-face with their network.

Start networking the modern way by sending a conversation request email to a contact two steps ahead of you(one that’s in a position you’re interested in). Rather than risk they’d recognize a generic email template, write your own outreach email with step-by-step coaching fromMANGO’s FREE Email Builder.

Besides step-by-step coaching on writing networking emails, MANGO helps you prepare for informational interviews, followup professionally, and manage all the steps in genuine one-on-one networking.

Stop sending your resume into the online abyss. Reach out and start connecting with people who can make a difference in your career.

You’ll be glad you did.

The Secret That Cuts Your Job Search in Half (2024)


What are the 3 R's of job search? ›

How can you assure you do that? This is where the 3 R's of job hunting come in - Research, Relevance and Resilience.

How do I keep my job search secret? ›

5 Ways to Keep Your Job Search a Secret From Your Boss
  1. Trust No One.
  2. Schedule Interviews Outside of Work Hours Whenever Possible.
  3. Don't Make Any Radical Changes at Work.
  4. Don't Update Your Social Media Profile.
  5. Don't Change Your Dress Code.

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Making excuses, limiting yourself, erecting roadblocks to progress, complaining and generally procrastinating. Not reflecting enough. Not thinking about what is wanted, ideal, or possible. Jumping to the search and jumping too often to the wrong job, simply because it appeared first.

What is a reverse job search? ›

On a reverse recruiting platform, companies looking for specific skills can reach out to you directly with job offers. This passive job search approach means that you are visible to potential employers who know you are open to opportunities — even if you are currently employed — and they initiate contact with you.

What are the 3 steps for a successful job search? ›

  • Three Steps. to an Effective. Job Search.
  • STEP ONE: Target Your Search.
  • STEP TWO: Research Your Targets.
  • STEP THREE: Contact Employers.
  • Of the three methods of contacting employers listed below, face-to-face contact is usually the most effective. Face-to-Face.

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Reduce, reuse and recycle: The “three Rs” to help the planet

Reducing, reusing and recycling plastic is key in countering the devastation wreaked by climate change. Plastics are a major source of pollution on Earth. Unbridled manufacturing and low recycling rates of plastic products threaten our planet.

How do you beat the job search algorithm? ›

Influence HR
  1. Use relevant keywords: The first step to beating the algorithms is to use relevant keywords in your résumé. ...
  2. Customize your résumé: Avoid using a generic résumé for every job application. ...
  3. Keep it simple: Avoid using fancy fonts and colors in your résumé.
Feb 19, 2024

Can background check find jobs you didn't list? ›

Employers can, and usually will, verify that you've worked at the jobs you list on your resume. However, they won't typically find past jobs that you haven't listed on your resume unless you added them to your credit report or posted about them on social media.

How do I stand out in a job search? ›

  1. Make Your Application Memorable. If you want to stand out, take a different approach. ...
  2. Share Your Expertise On Social Media. To be noticeable during a job hunt is to be visible. ...
  3. Celebrate And Support Others. ...
  4. Leverage AI-Powered Platforms. ...
  5. Amplify Your Personal Brand. ...
  6. Ask For Help (Then Pay It Forward)
Jan 5, 2024

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Mistake #1: You don't know what you want

What about your ideal work environment? How about work schedule? These are all important aspects to consider before applying.

How to start job hunting? ›

How to start a job search
  1. Review your career goals. ...
  2. Update your resume. ...
  3. Revise your online profiles. ...
  4. Search for companies that are hiring. ...
  5. Use job boards. ...
  6. Sign up for job alerts. ...
  7. Search for networking opportunities.
Jun 30, 2023

What is the biggest mistake you can make in a job interview? ›

The biggest mistake all our experts mentioned is going into an interview unprepared. This might mean failing to research the company, not taking the time to understand the role, or not knowing who you're meeting. But it could also mean not planning out what you're going to talk about.

What is a passive job search? ›

Passive job seekers are individuals who are currently employed and not actively looking for a new job, but who may be open to a good career opportunity if one came along.

Do jobs check your search history? ›

Potential employers cannot see your search history, but that doesn't mean no one can. If you use a public WiFi network, the administrator is able to see your browsing information. Also, your internet provider can at least in theory access data such as your location, the pages you visit, and the content you download.

Can I pay someone to get me a job? ›

Yes, you can technically hire someone to find you a job. These individuals often call themselves reverse recruiters and market their companies as reverse recruiting firms. Compared to a traditional recruiter, who is paid by the employer, a reverse recruiter asks you, the employee, to pay them.

What are the three Rs in employment? ›

By focusing on respect, recognition, and reward, businesses can cultivate a nurturing environment where employees feel valued and motivated. For businesses seeking employee retention ideas, it's essential to remember that every organization is unique.

What do the 3 R's represent? ›

The 3R Initiative aims to promote the "3Rs" (reduce, reuse and recycle) globally so as to build a sound-material-cycle society through the effective use of resources and materials.

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But again, don't talk too much - just enough to let the employer know you are a new and potentially very productive person. Once you get to the interview, the interviewer may ask about your conviction. This is the time to follow “The 3 R's”: Responsibility, Regret and Redemption.

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Definitions of the 3Rs
ReplacementAvoiding or replacing the use of animals in areas where they otherwise would have been used.
ReductionMinimising the number of animals used consistent with scientific aims.
RefinementMinimising the pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm that research animals might experience.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.