The NFL's Secret Muscle Foods (2024)

Despite what you may have heard, NFL players don't gnaw on raw meat at training camp. And bulking up for the season doesn't involve bingeing on Big Macs. In fact, if the New York Giant's team nutritionist caught Tiki Barber carrying in fast food bags for lunch, he'd be in big trouble.

While NFL players consume between 5,000-10,000 calories each day during training camp, they're also burning 2,000-3,000 calories on the field in double-session practices. The calories they eat come in the form ofhealthy foodswith high-carbohydrate and protein content, as well as from drinks like milk, smoothies, and sports drinks.

Each food eaten has a purpose, whether it's for hydrating, muscle repair, preventing muscle cramping, or to replace nutrients lost through sweat. At camp, empty calories are banned.

Training Camp Chow

Training camp isn't the time to pack on weight or lean out. That's done in the off-season when team nutritionists like the Giants' Heidi Skolnik, M.S., C.D.N, Cincinnati Bengals' sports dietitian Michele Macedonio, R.D., and Pittsburgh Steelers' team nutrition consultant Leslie Bonci, R.D., work one-on-one with players by evaluating how many calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat grams, and vitamins each player needs every day. They teach athletes how to shop in a grocery store, provide easy meal plans and recipes, and help each player to get their weight up or down, as needed. (See Bonci'sweight gainandweight loss plans for the Steelers).

Since most of the nutritionist's work has already been done, these next few weeks are about conditioning. The players are out in the heat, working out four hours a day, so their bodies require foods that provide quick energy, keep them hydrated, and retain muscle mass. "It's hot, and the players' appetites are not that great, so we have to be really selective to make sure they're getting the most out of what they're eating," says Bonci, who's planned the Steelers' meals for 14 years.

Last Friday, like many national football teams do, the Giants team took over a dining hall at the University of Albany. But no mystery-meat or chicken nuggets were in sight. Fiberglass trays and plastic plates remained packed away for the college kids' arrival. The hall transformed into a makeshift restaurant, with table-clothed tables, extra-large ceramic plates and 16-20-ounce cups. Food stations surrounded the area.

Many NFL teams, like the Giants, the Bengals, and Steelers, opt for buffet-style meals served in cafeteria settings. In the morning, players choose from omelet, waffle, and cereal bars, and at night, salad bars, pasta stations, and the grill for dinner. There arelots ofhealthy foodto choose from at every meal to keep muscles stocked with carbs, and to give athletes the fuel they need to stay hydrated and prevent mass from depleting, Skolnik says.

While you probably shouldn't eat the amounts or calories these players do, you can take a cue from their diets to gain energy, prevent cramping, and add to your muscle mass. There are good takeaways from this for everyday men who aren't NFL players or all-star athletes, says Bonci. "Men should learn to treat their bodies like a business, like the NFL players do," she says. That means being proactive about getting enough fluids, using a sports drink instead of water to provide fuel during a workout, and eating foods that will aid in muscle growth and cramping.

Here are 11healthy foodsand beverages the NFL uses to maximize performance, along with easy preparation techniques, and quick recipes and you can cook up at home. If these athletes have time to cook up these simple meals, you can do it, too.

Eggs - Muscle-Building, Immunity, Vision

One egg provides more than 6 grams of protein and 78 calories. They contain A and B vitamins to enhance immunity, nerve response, and vision. Macedonia recommends eating whole eggs only three times a week, because of high cholesterol content.

Crack it open: Make a minute omelet. Coat a microwavable plate with non-stick spray. Mix up a tablespoon of milk with 2-3 eggs, add a few shakes of garlic powder and basil, then spread on the plate. Nuke for 1-minute. When it's still hot, add a slice of cheese and as many cooked vegetables as you wish. Serve with two slices of whole-wheat toast.

Waffles - Cardio Fuel

Waffles are great breakfast choice if players are going to be running in the morning, since eggs could turn stomachs. They provide carbs for quick energy, and make a nice "plate" for fruit. Skolnik recommends players top waffles with fruit and nuts, to sneak in important vitamins and more protein. The waffles should be cooked with enriched wheat flour, and go easy on the butter.

Iron it out: Try thisrecipefor buttermilk waffles. Use a waffle iron. Top with blueberries, strawberries, bananas, and nuts instead of syrup loaded with high-fructose corn syrup.

Go on to the next page to find out more healthy foodseaten bythe NFL...

Fruit – Hydration

Fruit is one of the most important components of the players' diets because it helps them stay hydrated in the heat, while providing a great source of carbohydrates, potassium, fiber, and no fat.

Smooth transition: Smoothies are the best way for you to get in a lot of nutrient-dense calories in liquid form. Especially since heat suppresses appetite and you may not want to eat a big, hot meal. Pick up a large bag of frozen fruit, instead of letting it ferment in the fridge, and it'll always be on hand. Here's one of the Bengal's favoritesmoothie recipes.

Milk – Strong Bones, Muscle Contraction

Good for the obvious reason of building strong bones through calcium, milk also assists the players in muscle contraction through high magnesium and potassium content, which can control nerve function and prevent muscle cramping. That means less twitching at night when they're trying to fall asleep after a hard day of training.

Instant Breakfast: If you're going to work out, add a packet of chocolate or strawberry Carnation Instant Breakfast to a glass of skim or 1 percent milk, or a smoothie, for flavor and more nutrients, Macedonio says. Active people should do this because it provides extra energy, carbs and sodium, which you'll need during a tough workout.

Chicken Breast – Lean Muscle, Energy, Memory

If you want to gain lean muscle mass, eat lean muscle mass. Grilled boneless, skinless chicken breast, is one of the easiest elements of any meal. One serving (about 3 oz.) is only 142 calories, yet it provides close to 27 g of protein, and only 3 grams of fat. It helps athletes retain muscle mass and is a good source of B vitamins, which provide energy and aid in memory, so players can memorize the playbook.

Easy does it: Smother chicken in spicy peanut sauce, barbecue sauce, or hot sauce, then cook on the grill. Skolnik and Bonci recommend topping chicken withpesto. Buy the pre-made version from Contadina. Keep it fresh by spooning two-tablespoon amounts into ice cube trays and freeze. Pop one out if you're cooking a portion for one.

Fish - Anti-inflammation, Muscle Repair, Immune Function

Swordfish, tuna, salmon, and halibut are all big sellers with NFL players. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish will help their bodies recover faster from the wear and tear of strenuous exercise. "We encourage foods that arehigh in omega-3 fatty acids, becausethey help muscles repair faster, and improve immune function," Macedonio says.

Protein power: Fish is an excellent source of protein and players usually eat big portions of 8-16 ounces, Bonci says. The cooking method is very important, as frying it can counteract the positive effects on the body. Always broil, bake, or grill. Here's a recipe forpan-seared and baked halibutwith sauteed vegetables, from the Bengals' kicker, Shayne Graham, who, Macedonio says, is an excellent cook.

Vegetables – Hydration, Muscle Repair

Like fruit, vegetables are a staple food group for replacing water lost through sweat. Plant sterols also aid in muscle repair. Macedonio gets players to eat them by flavoring them using low-fat marinades like balsamic vinaigrette, or olive oil with garlic and onion. Broiling, roasting, or grilling are the easiest ways to cook vegetables to retain the flavor.

Skewer thing: Cut up big chunks of zucchini, summer squash, pepper, and/or onion. Marinate in balsamic vinaigrette for 20-30 minutes, then skewer on wooden or iron sticks. Preheat grill, then place skewers on grill for 15 minutes until vegetables are soft. You can add cut-up, marinated chicken and shrimp to the skewers for dinner on a stick.

Pasta and Rice – Energy, Speed Recovery

Whole-grain pasta and rice play a huge part in team diets because they're easy to prepare for large groups and they provide excellent sources of carbohydrates to give energy for exercise and speed recovery afterward.

Stir it up: NFL nutritionists love stir-frys because they're an easy, tasty way to sneak whole-grain products, numerous vegetables, and protein sources into one dish. To make simple stir-fry at home, Bonci recommends thiseasy recipe, a Steelers' team favorite, over whole-grain brown rice.

Go on to the next page to find out how a sports drink can help you, and why you can indulge in ice cream...

Sports Drinks – Hydration, Prevent Muscle Cramping

Players are constantly drinking Gatorade on the field.Staying hydratedis a key issue for all teams, especially since the heat index is set to soar this week. Athletes lose pounds of body weight through sweat, and sports drinks replace lost sodium and electrolytes, which are crucial to avoid muscle cramping.

Drink it up: Everyone should know his sweat rate. Before exercise, weigh yourself. Afterward, get back on the scale, and determine how much water was lost by the difference between your before and after weights. In one hour, an athlete can lose up to two liters of sweat, Skolnik says. Hydrate by drinking 1-to-1.5 times the weight lost in fluid ounces.

Sodium-Rich Foods – Retain Water, Prevent Muscle Cramping

If you're working out and losing a lot of fluids, it's a good idea to include more sodium-rich foods to help you retain water and avoid muscle cramping. Skolnik recommends pickles, salted nuts, and pretzels. Macedonio suggests soup. "We serve soup at lunch and dinner, because the right amount of sodium prevents muscle cramping," Macedonio says.

Salt mine: Broth-based soups hydrate you through the liquid base and added vegetables. Because it is very hot outside, Macedonio recommends Gazpacho, a cold soup made with tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and onion. Here's a delicious,easy recipeto get you started.

Ice Cream – Cool Down Treat

Because no diet plan would survive without something sweet, NFL players eat ice cream after dinner. It provides calcium, cools them off, and gets more fluid into their bodies. But there's a limit. The Steelers grab ice cream to-go after dinner, Bonci says, that way they can't pile it on or go back for seconds.

The scoop: Always choose frozen yogurt or low-fat ice cream. Ice cream is better than other treats, because it's not as heavy, calorically, as cookies or cake, Bonci says. "Plus it takes longer to eat, so you enjoy it more," she adds. Eat it on a cone, that way you can only take a small amount to avoid it from melting all over you.

The NFL's Secret Muscle Foods (2024)


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Choosing a variety of whole grain breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, fruits and vegetables ensures players are getting not only the carbs necessary to perform but also essential vitamins, minerals and fiber, which have a slew of important functions. In particular, these help to decrease inflammation and support recovery.

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'Gaining plates' maximize calories

"Gaining plates" are usually 60-75% protein and carbs, for example pasta, rice, or potatoes, and a smaller amount of vegetables. "It's not that I don't want them eating vegetables, but we've got to maximize the calories on the plate," Bonci said.

Why do NFL players get water squirted for them? ›

NFL sidelines are huge and chaotic versus other sports. By the time a player gets a 20 second water break, he might be 75 yards from his water. This is why teams have the trainers running the water around to the athletes subbing out. It's more efficient.

How do NFL players get so buff? ›

A football player's upper body has to be strong and muscular to deal with the hits these guys take on a daily basis in training and on game day. This means they put hours and hours in each week in the weight room to put on lean muscle mass. This really is the go-to move to get a big chest.

What diet does Tom Brady eat? ›

The Tom Brady diet is a primarily plant-based diet that eliminates trans fats, added sugars, and refined carbohydrates while also encouraging the intake of heart-healthy, unsaturated fats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes.

How much protein do NFL players eat a day? ›

Football players need 0.6 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day (1.4–1.7 g/kg/day). Good sources of protein are fish, chicken, turkey, beef, low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, nuts, and soy. Football players need at least 0.45 grams of fat per pound of body weight per day (1 g/kg/day).

How do NFL players put on so much muscle? ›

NFL players become big and muscular through a combination of factors, including genetics, dedicated training, proper nutrition, and recovery. Here's a closer look at these factors: Genetics: Some players have a genetic predisposition to build muscle and maintain a larger frame.

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Nutrition for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss
  • Poultry (chicken breast, chicken thighs, ground chicken, turkey, ground turkey)
  • Lean meats (sirloin, filet, shoulder, top round, 90% lean ground beef)
  • Fish and shellfish (salmon, tuna, mackerel)
  • Eggs and egg whites.
  • Nuts and seeds (walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds)
Mar 4, 2024

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"When you're talking about lean muscle mass, you've got to have a clean diet ... a balanced diet of protein and carbohydrates [with a] low level of fat, and lots of fruits and vegetables," Livingstone says.

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The DII players ingested fluids at a rate of 1200 mL/h during the morning practice and 1140 mL/h during the afternoon practice; the NFL players drank at nearly identical rates of 1200 mL/h and 1320 mL/h during their morning and afternoon practices, respectively.

Why do NFL players drink Pedialyte? ›

Professional sports teams have used Pedialyte for decades, and now you can hydrate and feel better fast after your exercise routine, just like them. Losing as little as 2% of your body fluids can make exercise tougher. Pedialyte has at least 2x the electrolytes and one-half the sugar of the leading sports drink.

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Larry Allen, often hailed as the strongest player in NFL history, entered the league with an already awe-inspiring display of superhuman strength. Reports circulated that he was benching over 500 pounds while still at Sonoma State University in 1994.

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Train Like an Athlete: Your Football Workout Plan
  1. Bench Press(4 sets of 10, last set to failure)
  2. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (3 sets of 8)
  3. Military Press (3 sets of 8-10)
  4. Shrugs(3 sets of 20)
  5. Cable Crossover (3 sets of 6-8)
  6. Dumbbell Fly (3 sets of 8)
  7. Alternating Dumbell Curls (3 sets of 8-10)
  8. Tricep Dip (3 sets of 10)

Why do NFL players look so big? ›

Different positions - different requirements. In the sport of football, some player positions demand disproportionate amounts of weight to excel. For example, offensive linemen need to be too big to push and to be effective. Also, defensive linemen need to be too big to be stopped.

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NFL players typically eat snacks on the sideline during a game, such as fruit, energy bars, and sports drinks. Some teams also provide sandwiches and other larger meals for their players to eat during halftime.

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Football players often follow strict eating plans to keep their weight up. Here are 4 who have opened up about how the disordered eating has impacted their lives. A former football tight end told Insider the sport evaluates players' ability based on their weight, which can lead to disordered eating.

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Train Like an Athlete: Your Football Workout Plan
  1. Bench Press(4 sets of 10, last set to failure)
  2. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (3 sets of 8)
  3. Military Press (3 sets of 8-10)
  4. Shrugs(3 sets of 20)
  5. Cable Crossover (3 sets of 6-8)
  6. Dumbbell Fly (3 sets of 8)
  7. Alternating Dumbell Curls (3 sets of 8-10)
  8. Tricep Dip (3 sets of 10)

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