The Complete Guide On How To Grow Lettuce At Home (2024)

July 23, 2021

The Complete Guide On How To Grow Lettuce At Home (1)

Lettuce is one of the most versatile and popular vegetables in the world. It can be incorporated into countless recipes or enjoyed by itself. And, one of the greatest things about lettuce is that you can grow it at home! The idea of growing your own food might sound daunting, but by following our simple guidelines, you can learn how to grow lettuce for your entire family to enjoy.

When To Plant Lettuce

The first thing you need to know about how to grow lettuce is when it should be planted.

Lettuce grows best between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Known predominantly as a spring and fall crop, you can begin growing most varieties in the early spring and early fall. Begin growing your spring lettuce after the last frost has melted and your soil has thawed.

Succession Planting

If you are interested in how to harvest lettuce so it keeps growing continuously, you should consider succession planting. Rather than planting your lettuce all at one time, begin planting in April and plant new seeds or starter plants every 10 to 14 days to extend your harvest. Just be sure to stop planting at least one month before hot temperatures in the summer begin, to prevent bolting.

You can follow this same process in the late summer/early fall to have a continuous harvest until the cool fall temperatures hit.

How Long Does it Take Lettuce to Grow?

There are all different types of lettuce, and the length of time they take to grow depends on the types you choose. The most popular varieties of lettuce people choose to grow are:

  • Crisphead/Iceberg – Matures in 70-80 days
  • Butterhead – Matures in 55-75 days
  • Romaine – Matures in 70 days
  • Looseleaf – Matures in 40-45 days

The Complete Guide On How To Grow Lettuce At Home (2)

Where to Plant Lettuce

The next most important thing to know about growing lettuce is where to plant it. Lettuce grows best in loose, cool soil with good drainage, but there are also a few other elements to keep in mind when choosing where to plant your lettuce. Check out these frequently asked questions about planting lettuce in your backyard.

How much sun does lettuce need to grow?

Most lettuce varieties enjoy full sunlight. For the best turnout, make sure you plant your lettuce in an area that receives approximately 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. Some varieties can also be grown in partial shade, receiving 4 to 6 hours a day.

If you are planting your lettuce when the temperatures are getting hotter, make sure you provide some shade to prevent the plants from becoming overheated.

How much space does lettuce need to grow?

If you are planting your lettuce in a garden, make sure you space the plants correctly. Larger heads of lettuce should be planted about 10 to 12 inches apart. Baby lettuce can be planted 6 to 8 inches apart.

Lettuce can also be grown in any container that is at least 4 to 6 inches deep and has drainage holes. Some of these include:

  • Window boxes
  • Pots
  • Fabric planters
  • Baskets

How to Plant Lettuce

If you want to learn how to grow lettuce, you’ll need to understand the two ways to get started: from seed or from a starter plant. There is no right or wrong way to plant lettuce, but growing from seed will require more time and effort.

How to Grow Lettuce From Seed

Sow your lettuce seeds in rows, keeping in mind the type of lettuce you are growing and the amount of space it needs. If you are growing several varieties of lettuce, you may want to place markers in the soil so you know exactly where each type has been planted.

Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil, making sure you do not sow them too deeply (so that sunlight can reach them for germination). You may also want to consider sowing your seeds in small pots or even egg cartons indoors to prevent them from drowning in rainwater while they germinate.

How to Grow Lettuce From a Starter Plant

Lettuce starter plants are widely available at most greenhouses and nurseries in the spring and fall. Whether you’re planting lettuce from a store bought starter plant or transplanting your seedlings from indoors, the same rules apply. Keep in mind the distance between each plant as well as the sun exposure depending on which variety you are planting.

The Complete Guide On How To Grow Lettuce At Home (3)

Care and Maintenance for Lettuce Plants

Once you know how to grow lettuce, it is important to know how to care for it. In order to keep your lettuce healthy and thriving, there are a few guidelines you should follow. These tips will ensure your lettuce grows well and leaves you with a healthy harvest to enjoy.


When watering your lettuce, keep it light and consistent. For the first two weeks after planting your lettuce, you should water it lightly daily. After the first two weeks, you can start watering your lettuce less – twice a week or every four to five days depending on the temperature and shade level.

Try to water your lettuce in the early mornings or late afternoons, so that the mid-day sun doesn’t evaporate the water before it has the chance to soak into the soil.


Lettuce does well in nutrient-rich soil. Once the lettuce seedlings emerge, fertilizer can be added to maximize lettuce leaf production. Since the majority of lettuce plants mature quickly, only one dose of fertilizer is usually needed.

When choosing your fertilizer, make sure it is well balanced. This means equal parts of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphate. If you opt for a granular fertilizer, look for 10-10-10 or 5-5-5 mixtures. These numbers represent the amount of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphate in the fertilizer.

Disease and Pest Prevention

Aphids are one of the most common pests for lettuce plants. They are tiny white pests that hide on the undersides of lettuce leaves. Aphids can cause molding and disease by sucking the water and nutrients from your lettuce plant.

There isn’t a systemic insecticide that prevents aphids, which means the best way to repel them is by using natural predators, such as lady beetles, or applying a horticulture soap or neem oil.

When it comes to diseases, the most prevalent is tipburn. If your lettuce begins to curl and turn brown, it could be suffering from this disease, due to inconsistent moisture. Trim the brown pieces and begin a consistent watering schedule to prevent tipburn from spreading.

The Complete Guide On How To Grow Lettuce At Home (4)

Harvesting Lettuce

Now that you’ve learned how to grow lettuce and how to care for it, you are ready to finally reap the rewards of your hard work and harvest your lettuce. After harvest, it will be time to wash and enjoy your lettuce in countless recipes.

When to Harvest Lettuce

Choosing when to harvest your lettuce is partially up to you. Each lettuce variety has a different growing season length, but most are mature within 30 to 70 days. If you’re feeling impatient or craving some leafy greens, you can harvest single leaves whenever you like.

How to Harvest Lettuce

There are three ways you can harvest lettuce:

  • Harvest as a baby green by picking or cutting leaves off the plant or harvest the entire immature plant.
  • Harvest selectively by taking outer leaves from looseleaf or heading varieties as the lettuce grows.
  • Harvest the entire head by slicing it off approximately an inch above the soil.

Once you’ve harvested your lettuce, store and clean your lettuce properly to ensure it stays fresh and healthy for as long as possible.

Get your own locally grown lettuce and other fresh produce today by visiting Stauffers of Kissel Hill!

The Complete Guide On How To Grow Lettuce At Home (2024)


The Complete Guide On How To Grow Lettuce At Home? ›

Simply moisten the soil, sprinkle lettuce seeds where desired, cover with a very light layer of soil, and gently tamp it down. Lettuce seed germinates in 7 to 14 days. Snip lettuce seedlings to thin them to the spacing suggested on the seed packet - anywhere from 6 to 12 inches, depending on type.

How to grow lettuce step by step? ›

Simply moisten the soil, sprinkle lettuce seeds where desired, cover with a very light layer of soil, and gently tamp it down. Lettuce seed germinates in 7 to 14 days. Snip lettuce seedlings to thin them to the spacing suggested on the seed packet - anywhere from 6 to 12 inches, depending on type.

What is the secret to growing lettuce? ›

Moist, but not wet, soil with good drainage is key. When your lettuce is thirsty it will wilt in the sun. Give its roots a drink right away along with a splash of cool water on the leaves to keep them happy on hot days. Use row covers to shade the leaves, and mulch to keep roots cool as the season progresses.

What is the easiest lettuce to grow? ›

For the beginner gardener, loose-leaf, baby-leaf, and mini-head lettuces, as they're most often labeled in seed catalogs, are the easiest varieties to start with — they're simpler, faster to grow, and milder than full-size head lettuce.

What month to plant lettuce? ›

Planting lettuce in a home garden

Planting: Sow leaf or butterhead types as soon as soil can be worked in the spring, or in late summer. Crisphead and cos (Romain) types may be transplanted in early spring and fall. Tolerates partial shade (4-6 hours of direct light/day) but grows well with full sun in spring and fall.

How often should I water lettuce? ›

You should aim to keep the ground around your lettuce moist up to a depth of about two inches. This means watering every day and, in especially hot climates, it can mean watering more than once a day.

Does Epsom salt help lettuce grow? ›

Unlike a lot commercial fertilizers which build up and mold, epsom salts dissolve and can't be overused. They are also an organic way of feeding your plants! Yum! Another great thing about Epsom salts is that they encourage leaf growth for fruit, and vegetables. Tomatoes, lettuce and even flowers love it.

Why is lettuce hard to grow? ›

Light & Temperature. While it is possible to grow romaine lettuce indoors, it requires a certain amount of light and temperature to thrive. Romaine lettuce is a cool weather crop that thrives in temperatures between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Mitigate erosion with our straw-net blankets.

What is the best container for lettuce? ›

Your container needs to be at least 6 inches deep, but I recommend going for one that's a foot deep and at least a foot wide so that you can grow several different types of lettuce in one container. When selecting your container, choose natural materials. My favorites are cedar, steel, and terra cotta clay.

Is it worth growing lettuce indoors? ›

Having the ability to make a delicious salad every day of the year without having to visit the grocery store to buy lettuce is just one of the benefits of growing lettuce indoors. You also get to keep gardening even in the cold months.

How long does it take to grow lettuce at home? ›

Leaf lettuce generally matures fast, which makes it ideal for home garden production. Most leaf-type lettuce varieties will mature in seven to eight weeks, but can really be harvested anytime you see leaves big enough to eat. Just take off the outer leaves and let the inner leaves stay to get bigger.

What is the healthiest lettuce to grow? ›

While all lettuce is going to provide you with healthy vitamins and minerals, romaine lettuce is the most nutrient-dense, says registered dietitian Danielle Crumble Smith. “It's going to have the highest amount of vitamin A, K, C,” she says.

What's the best tasting lettuce? ›

Romaine (Cos) Lettuce has tall heads of green leaves with crisp ribs down the leaf centers. Romaine is considered by some to be the best flavored of the lettuces. It's also fairly heat tolerant and one of the most nutritious.

Which lettuce is cut and come again? ›

Top Cut-and-Come-Again Lettuce Varieties
  • 'Black-seeded Simpson' is a hugely popular variety for good reason. ...
  • 'New Red Fire,' as the name suggests, is a red-leafed variety with superb tolerance to bolting. ...
  • 'Amish deer tongue' is much tastier than it sounds!
Apr 1, 2024

Do lettuce need full sun? ›

Most lettuce varieties enjoy full sunlight. For the best turnout, make sure you plant your lettuce in an area that receives approximately 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. Some varieties can also be grown in partial shade, receiving 4 to 6 hours a day.

What are the stages of lettuce growing? ›

Lettuce passes through six distinct development stages: seed, cotyledon, seedling, rosette, cupping and heading periods. The seed stage occurs from pre-planting to emergence.

How do you cut lettuce and keep it growing? ›

Cut off the leaves about an inch and a half above the base. The basal point, where the leaves form, will remain intact below the cut, so new growth will emerge. When cutting the plant at the base, leave about an inch and a half behind to preserve the basal point, which new leaves will grow from.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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