School Safety Training/ALICE Decision Model (2024)

School Safety Training/ALICE Decision Model

School Safety Training/ALICE Decision Model (1)

School Safety Training/ALICE Decision Model
Atchison Public Schools will be training staff on ALICE, which is an options-based decision model, where teachers, staff, and students respond to specific crisis situations.All staff will be trained in this model. The purpose of ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate) Training is to prepare individuals to handle the threat of an active shooter.According to the ALICE Manual:

ALICE teaches individuals to participate in their own survival while leading others to safety.While no one can guarantee success in this type of situation, this new set of skills will greatly increase the odds of survival should anyone face this form of disaster.In a stressful situation, to make it easy to remember,ALICE is broken up into five strategies: Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate.The ALICE acronym is not meant to be a linear strategy and does not have to be applied in the order of the acronym.

  • The purpose ofALERTis your first notification of danger.The purpose ofLOCKDOWNis to secure in place and prepare toEVACUATEorCOUNTER,if needed.
  • The purpose ofINFORMis communicating the violent intruder’s location and direction in real time.
  • The purpose ofCOUNTERis to create Noise, Movement, DIstance and Distraction with the intent of reducing the shooter’s ability to shoot accurately.COUNTERis not fighting.
  • The purpose ofEVACUATEis to remove yourself from the danger zone when it is safe.

ALICE replaces the current model which is,Run, Hide, Fight.The ALICE module is a robust model and meets our current needs.

Required New School Drills Required by the Fire Marshal.
The Fire Marshal's office is requiring schools to conduct nine crisis drills during the 2018-19 school year.Drills will involve all students and staff, and we will use the terminology as used in the ALICE model. Information about the drills will be communicated to parents and guardians monthly.This is a new requirement, so an understanding of these drills is important.Fire and tornado drills will also be conducted in addition to the nine crisis drills.Please contact your building principals if you have any questions.

School Safety Training/ALICE Decision Model (2024)


What two categories makes up the Alice program? ›

A.L.I.C.E. is an acronym that stands for: ALERT: Get the word out that a threat exists. LOCKDOWN: Secure a place to stay as much as possible as a starting point to buy time. INFORM: Give constant, real-time information throughout the building using all available technology.

What is the Alice model? ›

ALICE is a federally endorsed safety protocol. The letters ALICE stand for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate: Alert – inform people of the threat, giving as much information as possible.

What is the acronym for Alice? ›


These lockdown procedures are evaluated for improvements after each drill. To ensure schools are prepared to proactively handle the threat of an intruder or active shooter, all principals and teachers have been trained in ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate).

Which strategy is not part of Alice? ›

Counter is NOT fighting. ALICE Training does not believe that actively confronting a violent intruder is the best method for ensuring the safety of those involved. Counter is a strategy of last resort.

Are all Alice strategies applicable to all students? ›

ALICE provides parents and teachers age- appropriate material that enhances ALICE concepts and makes them applicable to children of all ages in a non-fearful way.

Is Alice training effective? ›

Misconception 3: There is no evidence that ALICE Training makes schools safer. In the past, ALICE Training has been used successfully over a dozen times to confront violence in and outside of schools. With ALICE strategies at work, the outcomes have proven to be very beneficial in schools across the nation.

What can I expect from Alice training? ›

ALICE Training teaches the skills need to “Counter” an attacker's ability to shoot accurately. We teach the use of noise, movement, distance, and distractions to make shooting accurately very difficult, and if appropriate, teach a swarm technique to take back control as a last resort.

What are the two strategies Alice training is broken into? ›

Alert​– inform people of the threat, giving as much information as possible. Lockdown​– Students and staff can choose to lockdown and barricade the room that they are in if they determine that it is not safe to evacuate.

What is the counter strategy in Alice training? ›

Counter: When in close proximity to the violent intruder, create noise and movement, using distraction to reduce the shooter's ability to shoot accurately. Counter is not fighting. Counter focuses on distraction and control techniques that leverage strength in numbers and the element of surprise.

Why is the Alice training program controversial? ›

Yet critics argue the institute's training doesn't just traumatize children, but could put them at greater risk of getting killed.

When did Alice training start? ›

Begun in 2000, ALICE Training® is a widely adopted, effective method of active shooter response training. ALICE Training® is now a part of Navigate360's suite of safety programs for schools, workplaces and other communities.

What is situational awareness in Alice training? ›

Situational awareness is a key component of the ALICE program and refers to being aware of one's surroundings, recognizing threats, and knowing what response options are available.

What are the elements of an Alice? ›

ALICE is an acronym for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate.

Are students scared or prepared after Alice training? ›

Consistent throughout the study, students reporting they were fearful of other crisis/emergency preparedness practices experienced more negative and less positive psychological outcomes after learning about ALICE.

What are the most important traits of Alice? ›

many readers still look up to Alice as a mythic embodiment of control, perseverance, bravery, and mature good sense." The degree to which the character of Alice can be identified as Alice Liddell is controversial. Some critics identify the character as Liddell, or write that she inspired the character.

What strategies help students learn the best? ›

  • Spaced Practice. Space out your studying over time. ...
  • Retrieval Practice. Practice bringing information to mind without the help of materials. ...
  • Elaboration. Explain and describe ideas with many details. ...
  • Interleaving. Switch between ideas while you study. ...
  • Concrete Examples. ...
  • Dual Coding.
11 Dec 2016

What specific learning strategies are most effective? ›

Top 10 Most Effective Learning Strategies
  1. Practice testing. The most effective strategy according to Dunlosky's research is practice testing.
  2. Distributed practice. ...
  3. Interleaved practice. ...
  4. Elaborative interrogation. ...
  5. Self-explanation. ...
  6. Rereading. ...
  7. Highlighting. ...
  8. Summarisation. ...
8 Oct 2018

Which strategy is best for students? ›

Strategies for Successful Students
  • Attending class regularly is essential! ...
  • Always be prepared for class. ...
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions! ...
  • Practice time management! ...
  • Always save your draft in multiple places. ...
  • Understand the importance of the syllabus, and refer back to it throughout the semester.

What is Alice certification? ›

This two-day Instructor Certification course is designed to teach proactive option-based strategies to increase survivability in a violent critical incident. The ALICE strategies empower individuals to participate in their own survival in the gap between when a violent situation begins and when law enforcement arrives.

Is run Hide fight taught in schools? ›

Although the vast majority of colleges and businesses teach the run, hide, fight methodology, the training throughout K-12 school districts varies.

What important relevant aspect do the run Hide fight and Alice protocols share? ›

The Run-Hide-Fight and ALICE training programs have saved lives, but INTEGRITY believes more lives can be saved if organizations and their employees are trained to Acknowledge – Communicate – Take Action and by doing so reduce the possibility of violence in the workplace.

How long does Alice certification last? ›

Then these strategies are reinforced and supported through hands-on training provided by you, an ACI. ALICE Instructor Certification lasts for 3 years, aligns with the education year and is renewed online by successfully completing an eLearning course and post eLearning assessment.

What is one reason why organizations need to be trained in an options based program Alice? ›

People need options to respond based on their circ*mstances. Proactive options-based strategies help them feel empowered to make the best decision rather than hopelessly endure a difficult situation.

Does Alice teach 4th graders to counter? ›

COUNTER techniques will not be actively taught to students in this age group. 4th -5th grade students are NOT taught distraction or swarm techniques. Discuss with 6th - 8th grade students what is expected of them during an evacuation.

What does counter stand for in Alice? ›

Countering is Defensive.

From a legal perspective, the ALICE Training Counter tactics are Defensive and designed to increase survival when a dangerous individual is directing violence at you.

What are the elements of an Alice enhanced lockdown quizlet? ›

ALICE training is based on five key elements: Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate.

What enhancements did navigate 360 add to the Alice program? ›

With enhancements that include added breadth and depth to courses and a trauma-informed approach to active shooter response training, ALICE Training® leverages industry experts, as well as consistent and scalable delivery, to expand into additional safety offerings.

What are the three components of survival mindset? ›

Survival mindset is a protective shield comprised of three components: Awareness: Be aware of your environment and any possible dangers. Preparation: Look at your environment through the lens of survival. effective response strategies.

When did lockdown drills start? ›

The case for lockdown drills. More schools began practicing lockdown drills after the 1999 high school massacre in Columbine, Colorado, but the number ticked up quickly following the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in 2012.

Who started the Alice program? ›

Alice uses a drag and drop environment to create computer animations using 3D models. The software was developed first at University of Virginia in 1994, then Carnegie Mellon (from 1997), by a research group led by Randy Pausch.

Who created Alice drills? ›

In 1999, more than six months after the shooting at Columbine, ALICE founder Greg Crane was working as a police officer in North Richland Hills, Texas.

What are Alice enhanced lockdown strategies? ›

Teachers will lock the door and escort any students they see in the hallway into their class. They will shut and lock the door, and move students out of sight to remain silent. The Police will stop the active shooter / intruder. The locks on the door will be sufficient.

What are the 5 elements of situational awareness? ›

There are five elements at the crux of proactive SA/COP:
  • Define your information requirements.
  • Determine how to gather information.
  • Decide who will analyze that information.
  • Determine how that information will be shared.
  • Choose the technology that will help communicate and manage the information.
4 May 2015

What are the three 3 segments of situational awareness? ›

The formal definition of SA is broken down into three segments: perception of the elements in the environment, comprehension of the situation, and projection of future status.

Which is the best example of situational awareness? ›

Situational awareness is a skill—and as with any skill, it improves with practice. Guide workers in examining their work environment so they become familiar with taking in their surroundings. Fire drills are one of the most familiar examples of practicing awareness and emergency response plans.

What is the purpose of a function in Alice? ›

Functions can generally be described as methods that that ask a question or compute a value. The Functions tab will display the functions available for the object selected in the Object Menu found at the top of the methods panel. The Objects Menu displays the objects that have been added to the scene.

What are control structures in Alice? ›

A control structure is a programming element that controls which statements in a program are executed and in what order. Types of control structures in Alice are: Sequential: Do in Order. Concurrent: Do Together and Each In_Together.

What is a statement in Alice? ›

In Alice, if/else statement is used to control whether a block of instructions is executed or a method is called. An if statement contains a 'Boolean Condition' used to determine whether the part of code will execute.

Do students learn better when they feel safe? ›

Studies routinely show that students learn better when they feel safe, for example. Yet interventions that focus on visible signs of safety—metal detectors , wand searches, and so on—have not been found to deter crime and actually can make students feel less safe at school.

Why is it called an Alice drill? ›

ALICE is a federally endorsed safety protocol. The letters ALICE stand for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate: Alert – inform people of the threat, giving as much information as possible.

How can an instructor help a learner cope with fear and anxiety? ›

Here are seven helpful tips:
  1. Prioritize classroom preparation efforts. ...
  2. Ask students where their fear is coming from. ...
  3. Keep things in perspective. ...
  4. Empower students with simple strategies to reduce anxiety. ...
  5. Teach effective test-taking strategies. ...
  6. Help students create a study schedule. ...
  7. Focus on the positives.
21 Jan 2022

What can we learn from Alice? ›

Five life lessons from Alice in Wonderland
  • Lewis Carroll's Alice has been enchanting audiences across the world for over 150 years. ...
  • Discover who you are. ...
  • Accept the differences of others. ...
  • Don't get stuck in the past.
15 Aug 2018

Do you think Alice made a good decision to drink the bottle Why or why not? ›

Alternatively, Alice most definitely should not drink the contents of the bottle, because the mischievous door could be playing tricks on her or luring her into a trap. It is very unusual for a door to talk, this could be a sign that it is a bad idea.

What challenges does Alice face and how does she overcome them? ›

Alice faces a lot of challenges, one of them being that of her size changing. It is compared to adolescence as she changes in size multiple times and thinks she might never get back to her own size. She learns to make choices, speak up when necessary to rude people, and be polite to others.

What does Alice stand for in social work? ›


ALICE, a United Way acronym which stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, represents the increasing number of individuals and families who work, but are unable to meet their basic needs, including food, child care, housing, health care and transportation.

What is the advantage of incremental development in Alice? ›

What is the advantage of using incremental development when creating an interactive program? Incremental development makes it easier to debug the programs and fix a problem before it causes a problem later on.

What is the goal of Alice training? ›

ALICE Training is a list of options that can be used to stay safe in the event of a violent intruder. Some may choose to Evacuate and some may choose to Lockdown and barricade. Others may choose to Counter if an armed intruder is able to enter the space they are in. ALICE Training® is about options.

What does Alice training teach? ›

ALICE Training is a safety measure that provides training and strategies for effective response to active shooter situations and other acts of violence.

What are the three 3 benefits of incremental development? ›

Advantages of Incremental Model

Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle. More flexible – less costly to change scope and requirements. Easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration. Easier to manage risk because risky pieces are identified and handled during its iteration.

Why incremental model is most effective approach? ›

It is good to use when Funding Schedule, Risk, Program Complexity, or need for early realization of benefits. It generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle. It is more flexible and less costly to change scope and requirements. It is easy to manage each iteration.

What is the most important use of the incremental model? ›

The main importance of the Incremental model is that it divides the software development into submodules and each submodule is developed by following the software development life cycle process SDLC like Analysis, Design, Code, and Test.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.