Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA – Differences in Rules & Limits (2024)

The bad news: Most Americans don’t exactly excel at saving for retirement.

A 2019 study by Transamericafound Americans have a median retirement savings of only around $50,000. That may not even cover one year’s expenses in retirement, let alone 30 years or more.

The good news is that Americans have more options than ever before to save for retirement in tax-sheltered accounts. These options start, first and foremost, with individual retirement accounts (IRAs).

There are two types of IRAs: traditional IRAsand Roth IRAs. Fortunately, you don’t have to choose one or the other; you can open and maintain both.

As you decide how much you want to contribute to which type of IRA, keep the following similarities and differences in mind. And if you don’t know how to proceed, get help from a professional financial planner. If you need help finding someone in your area, you can use a tool from SmartAsset. They’ll ask you a few questions, and then provide you with a vetted advisor in your area.

What Both IRA Types Share in Common

Traditional and Roth IRAs are two sides of the same coin, with far more in common than not.

Before focusing on their differences, you need to understand how they work.

A Brokerage Account With Special Tax Benefits

Ultimately, IRAs are brokerage accounts that happen to offer better tax perks. You open them with a broker like JP Morgan Self-Directed Investing or M1 Finance, just like a regular taxable brokerage account. You then get to buy, hold, and sell securities, like any other brokerage account.

The specific tax benefits vary depending on whether you open a traditional or Roth IRA, but the process of opening an IRA and trading securities looks nearly identical to a regular brokerage account.

You Own the Account

Unlike employer-sponsored retirement plans like 401(k)sor 403(b)s, you completely own and control an IRA.

That means you don’t have to move the money when you change jobs — the account sits with your brokerage, available for you to log in and manage at any time. You can also pick and choose any investments you like, with no limitations based on what your employer plan offers.


When you do change jobs, it usually makes sense to close your employer-sponsored retirement plan and transfer the money to your IRA. You don’t have to, but you risk forgetting about the money if you leave it in the hands of your ex-employer.

This transfer from an employer-sponsored account to your own IRA is called a rollover. Both types of IRAs can be used to roll over funds from an employer-sponsored retirement plan.

Because most employee retirement accounts are funded with pretax contributions, many outgoing employees choose to rollover funds into their traditional IRA to avoid paying tax on the entire amount. Rollovers to your traditional IRA are not taxed, and they don’t count toward your annual contribution limit.

Alternatively, you can roll most pretax retirement accounts, including 401(k)s, into a Roth IRA. This is known as a conversion. However, you then need to include money you converted from a traditional retirement account to your Roth IRA as part of your income on your taxes that year (more on Roth conversions shortly).

Annual Contribution Limits

In 2021, taxpayers under age 50 can contribute up to $6,000 to their IRA (unchanged from 2020). Those 50 and over can contribute $7,000, with the extra $1,000 serving as a “catch-up contribution” limit.

That goes for both traditional and Roth IRAs, and you can split that contribution between the two account types if you prefer. For example, a 35-year-old can contribute $2,000 to their traditional IRA and $4,000 to their Roth IRA if they like. You can split your contributions in any proportions you choose, as long as the sum doesn’t exceed the limit.

Differences Between Traditional & Roth IRAs

IRAs work like brokerage accounts with special benefits. But what are those tax benefits, how do they differ between traditional and Roth IRAs, and what other rules apply differently to each type of IRA?

Taxes: Save Now or Save Later

Since it’sa pretax account, you don’t have to pay taxes on the money you contribute to a traditional IRA. You can deduct these contributions from your taxable income, lowering your income tax liability for the year.

That gives you a tax break this year, but when you retire, you have to pay regular income taxes on withdrawals from your traditional IRA.

Conversely, you still pay taxes this year on money you contribute to Roth IRAs, but you don’t have to pay any income taxes on withdrawals once you retire. Roth IRA contributions are made with after-tax funds — but they grow tax-free and you pay no income tax on your eventual withdrawals in retirement.

Some people prefer the certainty of paying today’s tax rates instead of waiting to see what the future may bring. After all, your taxes could be far higher once you retire.

Required Minimum Distributions

Since 2020, you must start taking withdrawals from your traditional IRA by April 1 of the year after you turn 72 (previously the required age was 70 1/2).

Referred to as required minimum distributions, or RMDs, the amounts of these required withdrawals are calculated annually based on your age and account balance. The IRS requires RMDs as a way to prevent you from permanently shielding your traditional IRA funds from taxes.

They base these distribution calculations on actuarial tables, aiming to force you to empty your IRA around the time you’re statistically likely to kick the bucket. See the IRS worksheets to calculate RMDsto run actual numbers for your IRA.

The IRS does not require RMDs for Roth IRAs, however. You already paid taxes on the contributions, so they have nothing left to collect from you when you take withdrawals. So they don’t care when or if you withdraw funds.

Note that the SECURE Act changed some rules for inherited IRAs, which can affect your estate planning. Talk to a financial advisorbefore finalizing your estate planning.

Early Withdrawals

If you pull money out of your IRA before reaching age 59 1/2, the IRS generally classifies it as an early withdrawal. That means they hit you with a 10% early withdrawal penalty, plus regular income taxes.

But because you’ve already paid income taxes on your Roth IRA contributions, the rules aren’t quite as restrictive. You can withdraw contributions at any time without additional taxes or the 10% penalty, with some exceptions. You can’t withdraw earnings on those contributions, however. If you contributed $6,000 that has since grown into $6,500, you can withdraw the $6,000 you put in without penalty before you turn 59 1/2, but not the $500 in earnings.

The IRS does provide some exceptions that allow you to withdraw from either IRA early without hitting you with the 10% penalty. Both Roth and traditional IRAs waive the 10% penalty for the following withdrawals:

  • To pay for medical insurance premiums after losing your job
  • If medical expensesexceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income
  • If you become totally and permanently disabled
  • If withdrawn by your beneficiary in the case of your death
  • If you incur qualified higher education expenses
  • If you use withdrawals to build, buy, or remodel your first home,up to $10,000
  • If you’re a qualified reservist
  • As part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments, or SEPP plan

In addition, if a Roth account is open and funded for at least five years, and the withdrawal is due to disability, death, or for a down payment on a home purchase, taxes are also waived on the funds withdrawn.

If you worry you may need to withdraw funds from a retirement account before you turn 59 1/2, consider a Roth account because you can withdraw contributions tax-free and penalty-free.

Age Limit on Contributing

You can contribute to a Roth IRA at any age since you pay income taxes on contributions.

But the IRS takes a dimmer view of tax-free contributions to your traditional IRA once you reach 72 and have to start taking RMDs. Unless you’re still working and earning income, you can no longer contribute to your traditional IRA once you turn 72.

Income Limits

High-income earners lose the ability to contribute to an IRA, which phases out at certain income levels. But the income limits differ between traditional and Roth IRAs.

First, note that the income limits for traditional IRA contributions only apply to people with access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan. If you don’t have an employer plan you can contribute to a traditional IRA and deduct that contribution, regardless of your income.

For traditional IRAs, single taxpayers with an employer plan start losing the ability to deduct IRA contributions at a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) of $66,000 in 2021 ($65,000 for tax year 2020). At an income of $76,000 ($75,000 for tax year 2020), traditional IRA contributions aren’t deductible. Married taxpayers filing jointly start losing the ability to deduct contributions at a combined MAGI of $105,000, and they lose it entirely if they earn over $125,000 ($104,000 and $124,000, respectively, for tax year 2020).

You can still contribute to your traditional IRA, however — the contribution just isn’t deductible. (More on why you might want to do that shortly. )

Different rules apply to Roth IRAs. All taxpayers, including those without an employer retirement plan, lose the ability to contribute to Roth IRAs once they exceed the income limits.

In 2021, those limits start at $125,000 for single taxpayers and phase out until $140,000, above which you can’t contribute to a Roth IRA ($124,000 and $139,000 for tax year 2020). Married couples filing jointly start losing the ability to contribute above a MAGI of $198,000, and they lose it entirely at $208,000 ($196,000 and $206,000 for tax year 2020).

Roth Conversions

You can move and convert funds from your traditional IRA to your Roth IRA if you’d rather pay income taxes now and avoid them later. You can even convert funds when you roll over money from a traditional employer retirement plan such as a 401(k) or SIMPLE IRAto your Roth IRA.

The IRS doesn’t impose an income limit on Roth conversions. High earners can use that fact as a loophole to make “backdoor Roth contributions” by first contributing to a traditional IRA (without taking the deduction), then converting the funds to a Roth IRA.

In other words, even if you earn too much to contribute to a Roth IRA, you can use this loophole to contribute indirectly. But keep in mind that any contributions that you did deduct — and any earnings on them — must be reported as ordinary income during the tax year when you convert them to a Roth IRA.

Should I Contribute to a Roth or Traditional IRA?

First, check your income levels. You may earn too much to contribute to a traditional IRA, but not too much to contribute to your Roth IRA. That makes the decision simple.

If you earn too much to contribute even to a Roth, you can still do a backdoor Roth contribution by contributing to a new traditional IRA, not deducting it, then later converting it to your Roth.

But if you can contribute to either a traditional or Roth IRA, how do you decide which to fund?

Begin by asking yourself if you might need to access the money early, before age 59 1/2. If so, opt for a Roth IRA.

Otherwise, the decision comes down to whether you believe your tax rate will be higher in the future than it is today. Bear in mind that you can split your contributions, putting some money into your traditional IRA and some into your Roth IRA.

Younger workers earning relatively modest income should usually contribute to a Roth IRA. If you’re young and in a lower tax bracket, you don’t pay much in income taxes today, and your Roth IRA has decades to compound tax-free.

As you start earning more, however, the immediate tax deduction you receive for contributing to a traditional IRA starts looking more attractive. If you find yourself slipping over the line into a higher income tax bracket, you could contribute enough to your traditional IRA to avoid paying the higher income tax rate on the overage, while funneling the rest into your Roth IRA.

For example, say you’re married and your combined taxable income is $82,000. Above $80,250, you pay Uncle Sam nearly double the tax rate — 22% rather than 12%. So you could contribute $1,750 to your traditional IRA to avoid paying the higher 22% tax rate on it, while putting the rest of your contributions into your Roth IRA.

In general, if you think you’ll earn more money in retirement than you do today, contribute to your Roth IRA. That applies to most younger workers and some older workers doing laid-back semi-retirement workbefore they start taking withdrawals.

But during your peak earning years, you could earn more than you will in retirement, and it may make more sense to take the deduction now.

Final Word

When in doubt, contribute to a Roth IRA if you qualify based on your income. You don’t have to worry about future tax rates — which may be higher than today’s rate — and you’ll know exactly what you have to work with when you retire.

Think of it as yet another investment in the future: You swallow the bitter pill of taxes today so you can collect income tax-free tomorrow.

Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA – Differences in Rules & Limits (2024)


Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA – Differences in Rules & Limits? ›

With a Roth IRA, you contribute after-tax dollars, your money grows tax-free, and you can generally make tax- and penalty-free withdrawals after age 59½. With a Traditional IRA, you contribute pre- or after-tax dollars, your money grows tax-deferred, and withdrawals are taxed as current income after age 59½.

Are there limits on Roth IRA vs traditional IRA? ›

The maximum contribution limit for Roth and traditional IRAs for 2024 is: $7,000 if you're younger than age 50. $8,000 if you're age 50 or older.

Does traditional IRA have income limits? ›

There are no income limitations to contribute to a non-deductible Traditional IRA, and the maximum contribution per year is $6,500 for tax year 2023 and $7,000 for tax year 2024 ($7,500 for tax year 2023 and $8,000 for tax year 2024 if you're age 50 or over).

Can you contribute $6,000 to both Roth and traditional IRA? ›

For 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019, the total contributions you make each year to all of your traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs can't be more than: $6,000 ($7,000 if you're age 50 or older), or. If less, your taxable compensation for the year.

What are the rules for IRA contributions? ›

How much can I contribute to an IRA? The annual contribution limit for 2023 is $6,500, or $7,500 if you're age 50 or older (2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 is $6,000, or $7,000 if you're age 50 or older). The annual contribution limit for 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 is $5,500, or $6,500 if you're age 50 or older.

What are the withdrawal rules for a traditional IRA? ›

You can take distributions from your IRA (including your SEP-IRA or SIMPLE-IRA) at any time. There is no need to show a hardship to take a distribution. However, your distribution will be includible in your taxable income and it may be subject to a 10% additional tax if you're under age 59 1/2.

Can I max out a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA in the same year? ›

If you have a traditional IRA, a Roth IRA―or both―the maximum combined amount you may contribute annually across all your IRAs is the same. In 2024, the contribution limit is: $7,000 (under age 50) $8,000 (age 50 or older)

What are the income limits for Roth IRAs? ›

In 2024, the Roth IRA contribution limit is $7,000, or $8,000 if you're 50-plus. The Roth IRA income limits are $161,000 for single tax filers and $240,000 for those married filing jointly. Arielle O'Shea leads the investing and taxes team at NerdWallet.

What are the disadvantages of a traditional IRA? ›

  • You'll pay taxes down the road: You may have enjoyed the tax benefits at a younger age, but that perk doesn't last forever. ...
  • You're required to withdraw the money: You might not be sure of what you'll be doing at age 73, but one thing is for certain with a traditional IRA: You'll have to start taking some money out.
Apr 16, 2024

Can I do a Roth IRA if I make over 200k? ›

More specifically, you cannot contribute to a Roth IRA if your income exceeds $161,000 for single filers or $240,000 for joint filers. The IRS also steadily reduces your Roth IRA contribution limits at incomes between $146,000 and $161,000 for single taxpayers and $230,000 and $240,000 for joint filers.

Who cannot contribute to a Roth IRA? ›

If you file taxes as a single person, your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) must be under $153,000 for tax year 2023 and $161,000 for tax year 2024 to contribute to a Roth IRA, and if you're married and filing jointly, your MAGI must be under $228,000 for tax year 2023 and $240,000 for tax year 2024.

What is a backdoor Roth IRA? ›

What is a backdoor Roth IRA? A backdoor Roth IRA is a conversion that allows high earners to open a Roth IRA despite IRS-imposed income limits. Basically, you put money you've already paid taxes on in a traditional IRA, then convert your contributed money into a Roth IRA, and you're done.

What happens if you put more than $6000 in a Roth IRA? ›

You can withdraw the money, recharacterize the excess contribution into a traditional IRA, or apply your excess contribution to next year's Roth. You'll face a 6% tax penalty every year until you remedy the situation.

What happens if you exceed the Roth IRA income limit? ›

The IRS puts annual income limits on a Roth IRA. When you exceed that limit, the IRS generally charges a 6% tax penalty for each year the excess contributions remain in your account. This is triggered at the time you file each year's taxes, giving you until that deadline to remove or recharacterize the misplaced funds.

Why are IRA limits so low? ›

Both traditional and Roth contributions are capped so that higher-paid workers who can afford to defer large amounts of their compensation can't take undue advantage of these tax benefits—at the expense of the U.S. Treasury.

Can I contribute to a Roth IRA if my income is too high? ›

High earners who exceed annual income limits set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can't make direct contributions to a Roth individual retirement account (Roth IRA).

Can I contribute Max to both Roth and traditional IRA? ›

You can contribute to both types as long as your total contribution doesn't exceed the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) annual limit.

Does a Roth IRA have a limit? ›

Key takeaways

The Roth IRA contribution limit for 2023 is $6,500 for those under 50, and $7,500 for those 50 and older. And for 2024, the Roth IRA contribution limit is $7,000 for those under 50, and $8,000 for those 50 and older.

How much can I roll over to a Roth IRA from a traditional IRA? ›

Roth IRA Contribution Limits and Rollovers

There is no limit on rollover amounts whether to a Roth IRA or Traditional IRA assuming they are to like accounts (Roth 401(k) to Roth IRA or Traditional 401(k) to Traditional IRA).

Are Roth and traditional 401k limits the same? ›

The Roth 401(k) contribution limits are the same as traditional 401(k) contribution limits. You can contribute $23,000 in 2024 ($30,500 for those age 50 or older).

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