Population Definition - Discover The Biological Definition Of The Term Population (2024)

Population, in biology, is defined as all the organisms of the same group or species that live in a specific area and are capable of breeding among themselves

The term “population” encompasses a group of organisms of a single species that can interbreed and live in the same time in the same environment. For example, a “population” of deer includes all individuals in a particular forest.

There are other important terms in the study of population, such as:

  • Population Ecology – Population ecology explains how species populations interact with their environment.
  • Population Size – Population size refers to the number of individuals in a population.
  • Population Bottleneck – Population bottleneck occurs when there is a reduction in the size of a population
  • Overpopulation – When an increase in the population of any species exceeds the ecology’s carrying capacity, the phenomenon is called overpopulation.

Main Article: Population And Its Types

Frequently Asked Questions on Population Definition


Define Population

Population is defined as all the organisms of the same group or species that live in a specific area and are capable of breeding among themselves

See Also

Further Reading:

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Population Definition - Discover The Biological Definition Of The Term Population (2024)
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