Personal Effectiveness: Sundar Pichai as An Effective Global Leader (2024)

“Personal effectiveness” stands to remark individuals’ personal utilization of all skills, talent, and energy to set or achieve goals toward the future with success. ‘Positive thinking ‘and ‘Positive psychology’ help to develop ‘Personal effectiveness’. For different groups of people, personal effects may be different. Personal effective people make better use of their skills. ‘Personal effectiveness’ holds confident characters and with a winning attitude-allowing the overall strength the confidence grows.

In order to use all the skills, properly using time and resources ‘Personal effectiveness’ is the way of the individual. For any global leader, personal development and personal effectiveness are the most essential aspects.

‘Personal effectiveness’ integrates the following goals:

Provide high-quality work

Make people happy

Create and keep successful relationships

Positively influence people

Advances in career

Earn a lot of money

Earn respect from colleagues

Become an expert in a specific dimension

Personally effective people do not waste skills and strategies of their own, but instead, they make good use. As per the opinion of Sharma and Writer (2015), global leader has the capability to be determined by the help of “individuals’ effectiveness” in several attitudes like communication, decision-making, behaviour, and many more. This report is underlined a “case study of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)” of ‘Google’, Mr. Sundar Pichai’s effective leadership techniques. Besides, the important aspects of Mr. Sundar Pichai are going to be discussed in this section, in an appropriate manner. Moreover, , the critical analysis of his characteristics are going to be provided and this is based on this analysis of “Kolb’s reflective model”. Therefore, “personal effectiveness” of an individual is really exceptional for managing self growth and personality.

2.1 “Skills and behaviour of Sundar Pichai as an effective global leader”

As an effective “global leader”, Sundar Pichai is known as all-over the world. Currently, he is the CEO of Google and its mother company Alphabet, leading the company and has a user base of more than 2 billion. But he was not always an extraordinary leader as he is now. In his childhood, he was a very shy person (Business Insider, 2020). But the boy from Madras has overcome his shyness and grown up to be the man of inspiration. As the CEO of Google he has faced a lot of tough questions in his career, but every time Pichai has handled them very swiftly and answered the questions beyond expectation.

Personal Effectiveness: Sundar Pichai as An Effective Global Leader (1)

Figure 1: Skills of Pichai

(Source: Influenced by Panwar and Gorsy, 2015)

But rather than these, some good qualities make him so different from any other CEO; it’s not his knowledge in product & technology, but his skill to work with the people. He has taught the entire world the difference between leader and boss (Panwar and Gorsy, 2015). And leading the people to the greater heights of their skills is one of the most effective skills presented in Sundar Pichai. He is an inclusive leader or rather a team player that believes in empowering people. His resilience towards any difficulty makes him a true leader. Launching “Google Chrome” and making it a big success is proof of his resilience.

Another most important skill in Pichai is cooperation & collaboration. He has always believed that “People Come First” and for this reason, he has always taken care of his teammates’ thoughts. As depicted by Ilinet al. (2018), informal attire in offices and meetings was also introduced in Google at an early stage. In his leadership, the true potential of an individual comes out and in this regard, Google is one of the topmost market leaders in this present scenario. He has been in the position of CEO for 6 years and counting (Businessinsider, 2020).

In Pichai’s opinion sometimes we have to make hard decisions in a critical situation. Moreover, if you are confident enough and have total trust in your people then take the big step (Bos et al. 2015). Once you get the success you will get the confidence in an individual team that can’t be achieved by reading any motivational book. Many entrepreneurs have abruptly used these strategies and techniques in their business model and gained huge success in their respective fields. And everyone with the same motivation and philosophy can become an entrepreneur.

2.2 Positive elements of Sundar Pichai

Not only a successful leader he is also an “innovative and critical thinker”. As technology is progressing rapidly the demand for innovative ideas is skyrocketing. He also respects innovative ideas and respects each of the ideas that can create a huge impact in the near future. Innovation is the mother of invention and Sundar Pichai totally respects that (Verikas et al. 2016). He already knows how innovative ideas can help create the future structure, and for this reason, an innovative and critical thinker is more useful than any regular thinker with higher marks. He suggests that every young entrepreneur should focus on innovative thinking and it should have to be their natural way of thinking, and should always plan ahead about their course of action.

Another positive element about Sundar Pichai is the “Decision Making Ability“. Taking the correct and exact decision for the growth of the business is not a matter of joke and in this regard, his decision-making ability comes from. According to Rana et al. (2016), has stuck to a particular decision for days, and not finding any solution will impact the internal structure in a lot of ways as well as the business profitability. Another reason Pichai is known for is his humbleness and politeness. He will attend a normal person with that kind humbleness as he will attend any big company CEO or any big celebrity. He is also a person with a big golden heart. In this pandemic, while India is in the crisis of Covid Vaccine, Sundar Pichai has donated 10.8 Million USD for buying the vaccines and getting the infrastructure ready for the medical sector (Businessinsider, 2020).

There are many key factors about Sudar Pichai that tell us how to become a successful entrepreneur, and the qualities we should have in us to become as successful as he is. For young entrepreneurs who are struggling in this market of high competition, they should follow in his footsteps not imitate him. As of Glazunova et al. (2021), try to take good things from him and implement them in his life. An entrepreneur can become successful in a time he becomes a true leader. Feeling pride in your short success over 2-3 years and not caring for people of your surroundings is not a good sign to become a true leader and surely it will be the reason for your downfall.

2.3 “Negative elements of Sundar Pichai”

Other than numerous “positive” abilities and special characteristics of the Googles’ CEO, a few “negative” credits make a doubtful contention. Sundar Pichai, the “CEO of Google Inc.” has a few negative components that ought to be checked as well as quenched for improving his administration capabilities more within the worldwide trade period. Concurring to the ‘Global CEO RepTrak’ Google Inc. isn’t in beneath 10.

Need of making support with the criticizers of Google

Sundar Pichai stimulates the “nature of diversification” and insertion of several criterias in the work field for admiring and respecting the importance as well as values of others to make them competent in appearing particular aptitudes and capacities (García-Martín and García-Sánchez, 2020). That can moreover make them able to be effective specialists.

In expansion on this regard, making showdown to the process of sexual badgering too includes the components within the “negative” segment, as well as the way he managed the matter of sexual harassment, was so damaged, that makes one of his negative components here (Sunaga et al. 2016). Included to this, now and then the “non-payment” of charges and alongside the “breach of contracts” and “infringement of law” is additionally included in the authority aptitudes that make him not able of being a successful pioneer within the worldwide section in some cases. [Refer to appendix 1]

“Need of giving authorization to the alienators of Google”

Alongside that, the “co-workers of Sundar Pichai” too now and then ended up not prepared for fulfilling the law of contracts related to their aptitudes on the basis of performance-oriented over the worldwide. Besides, this too leads them that is not to be associated with “Google”. After that, as they are beneath the administration “criteria of Sundar Pichai”, subsequently the reflection of their practices as well as aptitudes centre in the wastefulness of the administration aptitudes of Sundar Pichai (Businessinsider, 2020). According to this consideration, it is found that not each issue is being settled in a legitimate way. “In a few articles”, it is found that a few of the workers are not able to fulfill with the terms and conditions of the “Google” Company.

“No eagerness to empower the breach of information and non-payment of charges”

Apart from that, in some cases, representatives are pressured to contribute in workforce without any extra payment. Besides, each pioneer could be a “combination” of great as well as “negative” characteristics. From numerous discoveries, it has been examined that Mr. Pichai made a few off-base choices that make the company confront outside issues.

In showing disdain toward having a few great characteristics, there are a couple of inadequacies of Google administration. From the analysis, it has been found that “representative fulfilment has been declining from 64% to 54% in 2018” (Businessinsider, 2020). This appears to be the crevice within the authority of Mr. Pichai so that the “employees’ fulfilment” has been dropped.

Other than the tall qualities in authority, a few issues that happened in individuals’ administration output in the representative sinking. For this regard, it can be expressed that there are a few traits of “Mr. Pichai” that are required to be corrected as the worldwide pioneer. As per the inquiry about Kjærgaard et al. (2015), examining abilities is required to be a viable pioneer. As per the analysis of nitty-gritty think about, it has been observed that Mr. Pichai has endless information of passionate insights such as self-awareness, sympathy, social abilities, and numerous more.

3.1 “Self assessed development needs”

From the “case study” analysis of Google CEO, Mr. Sundar Pichai, I have noticed my personal growth and its effective development in an adequate manner. It helps to identify my strong zone and weak points in regard to personality. Talent and innovation can meet the success of everything in life and besides an appropriate personal as well as professional development can ensure potential success in the future. According to my knowledge and ideas, I found that there is a gap in starting and ending points of an effective project (Lohuis et al. 2016). Many issues and challenges regarding self-development and its proper actualization can be evaluated by practicing extraordinary personal effectiveness as well as professional development (Almutairi, 2016). As per my point of view, leadership quality ensures employee contribution, proper workforce, and good management in product development.

Different programs and training seasons regarding personal development manage exceptional activities and self attitude along with personality, communication skills, and proper professional growth. As a result, industrial experience is also required to meet these objectives and this is really crucial for achieving organizational culture implementation and their requirements (Agbemava et al. 2016). As per my view, I can manage myself as a good leader that protects the organization and work culture in an effective way. Therefore, I can evaluate suitable plans for personal growth and professional development in regard to organizational management.

3.2 “Strategies for the improvement of personal skills and behaviour”

“Skills and behaviours that need to be improved”“Strategies”“Ways to fulfil the strategies”“Time-taken”
Always be “positive” and maintain self-confidenceAs an “active leader”, a positive personality and self-confidence are really essential to meet objectives and goals for personal development (Gochhayat et al. 2017). An active leader can manage all kinds of threats and issues from the organization and manage proper work structure according to the abilitiesPracticing good personal as well as professional development strategies to achieve all goals and targets according to my perspectives. This will serve my value and importance to other people (Iancu et al. 2018)Approximately 1 month
Ability to take a decision in a critical situationI must focus on joining attractive groups that are involved with strong challenges and face different difficulties. As a result, I have the opportunity to protect all kinds of activities with my proper decision-making abilities (Gonzaga et al. 2016)Participating in different self-development programs and training, I can improve myself in the best way and manage personal effectiveness to any individual person in front of me2-3 months
Communication skillsGroup discussion and brainstorming are effective for developing proper communication skills. I need to join a group that is studying personal growth and communication skills development activities. That ensures organizational growth and business market on the international stage in an appropriate mannerConversation with team members and seniors that are very good communication skills can improve self conceptualization skills and their effectiveness in communication (Vertopoulos and Turner, 2017). Communication skills can be developed by practicing group discussion and different activities of brainstorming. A good listener is also a good communicator3-4 weeks
Taking of responsibilities as well as different activities (Behaviour)A good leader has many responsibilities to manage organizational activities and employee retention issues. Apart from that internal as well as external growth of an organization are also dependent on a productive leader that serves many solutions in a quick manner (Crane et al. 2020). Thus, responsibilities and taking proper decisions are appropriate in organizational growth and manage self-development activitiesAs a team member, I must ensure my responsibilities and decision-making abilities (Kazi et al. 2017). As a result, an organization can easily meet goals and objectives by using the proper behavioural activities of individualsApproximately 3-4 months

Table 1: Strategies to enhance personal skills and self-development

(Source: Influenced by D’Silva et al. 2016)

As per my personal experience, decision-making ability, communication skills, personal effectiveness, leadership qualities, and innovative thoughts can develop an individual person that is helpful to mitigate issues and challenges from an organization. A productive leader can motivate employees and workers always and this helps to influence them to manage their contribution to the work field (D’Silva et al. 2016). In addition, a positive mentality and personal creativity always maintain the growth and satisfaction of an individual that is portrayed as a critical self-development activity in improving organizational goals and targets (Hofacker et al. 2016). All those strategies and management of self-developing processes are discussed in the above table and that is beneficial to identify the exact process of self-actualization and professional improvement.

Different applications of the personal effectiveness concepts

In order to identify and understand the concepts about personal effectiveness, different ways can be adopted to manage it. Strengths and weaknesses both are crucial, one helps to maintain our growth, and the other damages our motivation and breaks the effective mentality (Kim et al. 2019). As a result, it can be impacted in both personal as well as professional skills, and besides, it is mandatory to focus on particular targets and goals for managing all kinds of activities related to professional development and its application in organizational success. As opined by Domat et al. (2017), a productive leader and their appropriate actions can bring new strategies of business management and skills development. This ensures organizational culture development and professional improvement in workers and employees. [Refer to appendix 2]

3.3 Impacts of personal development gaps

In order to identify personal development gaps, Kolb’s reflective model can be used for implementing and a brief discussion in this regard. Four factors of Kolb’s reflective model such as “concrete experience”, “reflective observation”, “abstract conceptualization”, and “active experimentation” are helpful to analyse it properly (Kolb and Kolb, 2017). These are going to be discussed below with several activities related to personal development and its impacts as a gap.

Personal Effectiveness: Sundar Pichai as An Effective Global Leader (2)

Figure 2: Kolb’s reflective model

(Source: Influenced by Ignacio Jr and Reyes, 2017)

Concrete experience

For achieving effective skills development as well as personality development, I need to focus on several activities that are present to me like attitude, behaviour, self-growth, communication skills, and many more. This must be recovered by practicing personality development in an adequate manner (Ignacio Jr and Reyes, 2017). I have gained different ideas and knowledge during my professional workplace activities representation. From my point of view, these several cases in my professional career help me to manage the positive effect of work field performances.

Reflective observation

According to my personal reflective observation, I noticed that I have to develop my communication skills and leadership qualities to influence employees for better work culture activities. As a result, different challenges and issues can be removed from an organization as well as from my professional career. As influenced by Schenck and Cruickshank (2015), communication is an essential factor that manages organizational business growth and builds a strong friendship with the customers that are involved with the organization.

Abstract conceptualisation

Abstract conceptualization is referred to as the third stage of Kolb’s reflective model that indicates self-actualization and its analysis (Baker and Robinson, 2016). In addition, I have learned to deal with different critical situations through my decision-making ability and proper use of strategic actions to the allocated task. During this period, I have observed that my communication problems always indicate my faults and issues in my personal as well as professional development. Personal development practices are necessary to maintain all issues and turn them into a positive vibe of a natural personality with good and attractive qualities.

Active experimentation

I always try to use my innovative ideas and thoughts that give me motivation and clear analysis power at every stage in my life. During training and programs of personal development, I always protect myself to mitigate my weakness and serve my strong sides of personality in the classes. As a result, a good positive vibe is observed in my nature and professional balance is measured according to my performance (p*rntaweekul et al. 2016). Apart from this, from my experienced team members and respected seniors, I have collected such particular development strategies within myself. I have realized faults and issues and besides, try to overcome this by practicing personal effectiveness of development strategies.

As per the discussion of above topic, it can be said that individual adequacy is fundamental for an individual and proficient life. Besides, self-development aptitudes are another angle of building a “dynamic career” without confronting any issues or challenging up-and-coming issues. Hence, this report is successfully vital “for gathering the concept” of the significance of individual adequacy.

It can moreover be expressed that, individual viability of “Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google”, has made able to make endorsem*nt within the worldwide society as a viable pioneer. The aptitudes and capacities that “Sundar Pichai” has as of now obtained have ended up able to demonstrate his generally effortless, positive demeanour to work beside in general “commitment towards” the specific work that has made him a worldwide pioneer. In addition to this, Mr. Pichai is additionally an “open-minded” individual that offers his possessive individual sees with his “co-workers” to fill their minds with parts of inventive and inventive thoughts to dispatch the modern application and items with a few distinctive highlights. In addition, Sundar Pichai, himself is a compelling business person that always considers the development methodology of commerce and discovers the most excellent activity to improve his disadvantages for the general improvement within the competitive showcase.

As per my conclusion, as a trying pioneer, individual viability ought to be focussed on the administration criteria for the advancement of my possess abilities and capacities. Furthermore, I think I ought to use an appropriate set of time that I can give the coaching to my group of individuals with respect to the enthusiastic insights for expanding the capacities of understanding the individuals. Moreover, according to my accomplished involvement, I think I ought to offer assistance to the other “leaders with making appropriate association” in conjunction with being myself able to tune in the issues of individuals are moving forward the complete “administration qualities”. In conjunction with that, as a yearning pioneer, I have the obligation to create and move forward my skills to perform superior. Moreover, as per my point of view, my “communication aptitudes” got to make strides for personal as well as professional development. Other than that, it is additionally required for me to remain positive and sure in basic circ*mstances for taking care of the challenges in a compelling way.

Personal effectiveness

Personal Effectiveness: Sundar Pichai as An Effective Global Leader (3)

Personal Effectiveness: Sundar Pichai as An Effective Global Leader (2024)


What are the personal effectiveness skills of Sundar Pichai? ›

It also notes that while Pichai is an effective leader, all individuals have room for improvement. The student then examines frameworks Pichai uses to be a successful global leader, including communication, inclusive leadership, teamwork, simplicity, resilience, and collaboration.

Why Sundar Pichai is an effective leader? ›

A relentless focus on innovation and experimentation is central to Sundar Pichai's leadership philosophy. Like a gardener tending to a garden, he nurtures a culture of creativity and curiosity within Google, empowering employees to pursue bold ideas and take calculated risks.

What are some of the qualities of Sundar Pichai that made him successful? ›

One of the most important factors in Sundar Pichai's success is his exceptional leadership skills. He has a unique ability to inspire and motivate his teams, and has a keen sense of how to get the best out of everyone he works with. This has been instrumental in Google's success under his leadership.

How has Sundar Pichai impacted the world? ›

Sundar Pichai led the creation of Google Chrome and has overseen Android's growth, Google's cloud expansion, and AI advancements.

What do you mean by personal effectiveness? ›

Personal effectiveness is the ability to achieve your goals and objectives in a way that maximizes your potential. It involves setting clear priorities, managing your time effectively, and taking action to achieve your goals.

What skills do you need to be an effective CEO? ›

A CEO must be able to recruit, develop, and retain top talent and create a collaborative and supportive work environment. This requires the ability to inspire and motivate employees, foster trust and respect, and create a culture of accountability and ownership.

What are the lessons learned from Sundar Pichai? ›

No matter what our background is, we can impact our lives through hard work and assurance. Pichai's positive attitude toward failure reminds us that failures are an inevitable part of the path to success. We should not be ashamed of our failures; rather, we must wear them as a badge of honour and learn from them.

What makes a CEO an effective leader? ›

The qualities of a successful CEO include foresight for future planning, adaptability to changing circ*mstances, reliability to maintain trust, teamwork for effective decision-making, and decency to build strong relationships.

What is the remarkable achievement of Sundar Pichai? ›

Leadership and achievements

His leadership extended to the Android division, where he oversaw the development of Chrome OS, the operating system for Chromebooks. Pichai's strategic vision and leadership qualities led to his appointment as Google's CEO in 2015.

How is Sundar Pichai a transformational leader? ›

Sundar Pichai's leadership style is rooted in a vision that revolves around making technology more accessible, helpful, and beneficial to people worldwide. Embracing the power of collaboration and teamwork, Pichai understands that the best ideas come from collective efforts.

What is Sundar Pichai's personality type? ›

As an INTJ, Sundar tends to be confident, analytical, and ambitious. Sundar is likely an independent thinker focused on solving the world's problems.

Is Sundar Pichai a global leader? ›

Pichai's ability to see beyond the immediate concerns and focus on the broader vision has enabled Google to navigate complex challenges and maintain its position as a global leader in the tech industry.

How does Sundar Pichai inspire us? ›

Beginning as a middle-class student in India, he grew and became one of Google Chrome's core product developers. Sundar Pichai's strong credentials and work experience led him to join Google as a product manager. He led innovation initiatives on software products such as Google Chrome, Chrome OS, and Google Drive.

What is so great about Sundar Pichai? ›

Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai is one of the world's highest-paid execs, earning $226 million in 2022. Pichai has been at Google since 2004, becoming its CEO in 2015 and Alphabet's CEO in 2019. In the role, Pichai has reorganized Google's workforce, issued mass layoffs, and emphasized AI.

What interpersonal skill is CEO? ›

Your manner of speaking, visual appearance, interaction with employees, and methods for responsibility and accountability all influence your company's culture in their own ways.By developing interpersonal skills, you will become a CEO that is not just a boss, but a real person. Authenticity is paramount.

What ability should a successful CEO have? ›

As a CEO, you need to have the ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems quickly and effectively. They must be able to make tough decisions and take calculated risks, balancing the potential rewards and risks of each decision.

What is the work ethic of Sundar Pichai? ›

Sundar Pichai's work ethic and attitude toward accomplishment have been legendary, from his modest, middle-class origins in Chennai to his disruptive work at Google. As a leader who "knows the way, goes the way, and demonstrates the way," Pichai is a model of excellence.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.