Music Producer Salary: How Much Do Music Producers Make? (2024)

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Music Producer Salary: How Much Do Music Producers Make? (1)

Author: Caleb J. Murphy

Last updated: Apr 23, 2023

Reads: 5,829

Caleb J. Murphy is a songwriter/producer based in Richmond, VA, whose music has been on ABC, NBC, NPR, and in hundreds of indie film projects. His advice for musicians has been featured by Digital Music News, Bandzoogle, BMI, and ASCAP. He also sends a twice-monthly newsletter called 5 Things To Help You Keep Going that features five resources from the internet that will help indie musicians.

  1. Introduction
  2. Music Producer Salary Income Sources
    1. Upfront fee
    2. Revisions
    3. Streaming royalties
    4. Publishing/Songwriting royalties
    5. Mechanical Royalties
  3. How Much Money Do Music Producers Make?
  4. How To Become a Music Producer
    1. Make your own music
    2. Set up a website
    3. Network
  5. How To Find Clients as a Music Producer
    1. Word of mouth
    2. Social media
    3. SoundBetter
    4. Fiverr
    5. AirGigs
  6. Be Patient, Keep Producing
Music Director
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Music Producer
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  1. Can music producers make good money?
  2. How much money can you make as a music producer?
  3. Is music producing a good career?
  4. Is it hard being a music producer?
  5. What is the top salary for a music producer?

Figuring out a typical music producer salary is not as easy as it sounds.

But in this article, I’ll break down exactly how you can make money as a producer and how much you can expect to charge.

Music Producer Salary Income Sources

A music producer salary consists of a few streams of revenue, so let’s look at all of the possible options.

Upfront fee

This is a music producer’s main source of income and the most reliable one. It’s typically a flat fee, and the client (artist) usually pays half up front and the other half when the project is finished. However, some producers prefer to charge hourly.

If you’re just starting out, you may want to charge $200-400 per song, depending on your skill level and the size and quality of your portfolio work. If you don’t have a portfolio (other than your own songs), you may want to offer one or two clients pro bono work, just to get some experience and portfolio items.

Looking at the music producer profiles on websites like SoundBetter will give a good idea of what an experienced producer earns per song. It ranges anywhere from $400 up to $2,000-3,000 per song.

This price varies from producer to producer and from client to client. Here are some factors to consider when finding the right price to charge…

  • Your experience level
  • The client’s budget
  • How involved the production process will be
  • Whether or not you charge for revisions
  • How many revisions you’ll offer and how much you’ll charge for each additional one
  • The time frame the client is expecting (shorter time frame = higher fee)

Because of all these variables, it’s a good idea to have a set fee as a starting point, then adjust depending on the situation. This is why many producers don’t publicly list their prices but rather say “Contact me for pricing.”

Can music producers make good money?

Caleb J. Murphy (CareersInMusic)

Music producers can make good money. It depends on your skill level, the quality of your work, your client retention rate, and your ability to market yourself to potential new clients. Indie music producers can make a full-time living solely, but for many of them, it needs to be one of several streams of income. As you gain experience and put out high-quality work, you could consider partnering with a record label that sends you music production work.


Some producers offer a certain number of revisions – when the client wants them to change elements of the production – and then charge a fee for each revisions above that limit.

As a Music Producer myself, I do not charge for revisions. My thinking is, I should make sure the artist and I are communicating well from the get-go in order to minimize revisions. Plus, I want to create something the artist and I are both proud of, and I don’t want an unexpected fee to get in the way. Because of this, I have the freedom to charge a bit more upfront if I want.

If you will be charging for revisions, find a set price point per revision based on how much time you think it will take to make production adjustments.

Streaming royalties

Music producers will often ask for a certain percentage of the streaming royalties generated by songs they’ve produced. Beginner producers may not have enough leverage to ask for a percentage, but experienced producers can ask for anywhere between 2% and 50% of the streaming revenue.

However, when you do the math, it isn’t a significant amount unless your song blows up on streaming platforms. Regardless, it’s a smart move to ask for some of the streaming royalties as it’s a form of passive, potentially long-term income.

To set this up, the artist would tell their digital distributor to divert a percentage of the streaming royalties to you automatically.

Publishing/Songwriting royalties

Publishing and songwriting royalties are paid when your song is on TV, when it’s performed live by you or someone else, and when a public establishment plays it over their public speakers.

Depending on your role in the production of a song, you may ask for a portion of the publishing royalties, songwriting royalties, or a bit of both.

To set this up, you will need to be listed as owning a percentage of the publishing rights with the artist’s and your Performance Rights Organizations, like BMI or ASCAP.

Mechanical Royalties

A mechanical royalty is generated any time the recording of a song is streamed or downloaded. The easiest way to collect mechanicals is to register your songs with a publishing admin company. They collect the mechanical royalties, take their cut, and give you the rest.

In this case, to earn mechanical royalties on a song you produced, you will need to be listed as owning a certain percentage of the mechanicals with your publishing admin company.

How Much Money Do Music Producers Make?

As a beginner music producer, your “salary” (your annual income) can vary widely based on the things we’ve already talked about. But make no mistake, you can make a full-time living producing music. And some producers make a comfortable living.

The best way to figure out how much you could make as a producer is to use the figures in the previous section, emphasis on the “Upfront fee” section. The small royalty payouts you may get can definitely be nice, but your most reliable source of revenue will be what the artist pays you upfront.

How much money can you make as a music producer?

Caleb J. Murphy (CareersInMusic)

As a music producer, you can make anywhere between $200 and $3,000 per song, depending on your experience, the client’s budget, and many other factors. So to figure out your expected music producer salary, it’s important to figure out how much time it will take you to produce a high-quality, professional-level song that the client is happy with.

What is the top salary for a music producer?

Caleb J. Murphy (CareersInMusic)

An indie music producer can make a full-time living, so we’re talking $35,000 up to six figures a year. The average hourly rate for music producers is currently sitting at $27.28 per hour. However, when you look at the music producer’s salaries at the top – the ones who produce music for chart-topping pop artists – you’ll see they make six figures or even millions a year.

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How To Become a Music Producer

So how do you get started as a music producer? Here are some practical steps to take based on my own experience getting paid to do this.

Is music producing a good career?

Caleb J. Murphy (CareersInMusic)

Yes, depending on your definition of “good.” You can make a full-time living as a music producer, and if you love what you do, then that’s a win-win. If you can wake up every day and look forward to going to a job that provides for you and your loved ones, that’s definitely a good career.

Make your own music

This is the most important step. You need practice. And you need something to show potential clients. So instead of waiting around for someone to take a chance on you, show them what you can do. Don’t do anything else until you finish 2-3 of your own pro-level songs.

Is it hard being a music producer?

Caleb J. Murphy (CareersInMusic)

Just like any job or career, being a music producer can be hard. No job, no matter how much you love it, will have challenges. But if you really love producing music, it will be a career worth fighting for. You will push through the obstacles because you care about your work. The most common obstacles a music producer faces can include taking feedback from clients, doubting your work, and technical issues you’ll have to troubleshoot.

Set up a website

If you want to be treated like a professional producer, get a website. Not only does this show potential clients you’re serious about this as a career, but it also helps your name show up higher in search results. And a website is a great place to showcase your work and provide an easy way for people to contact you.


Find other music producers online. Go to local open mics and talk to artists who impress you. Meet people. Make friends. Don’t be a jerk. This is one of the main ways producers get regular work and build a sustainable career.

How To Find Clients as a Music Producer

Here are some ways and platforms where you can find production clients.

Word of mouth

This is why it’s so important to give every client an amazing experience. This is one reason I don’t charge for revisions – I want to make the process as smooth as possible. Then, hopefully, that artist will recommend me to other artists. Make great music, be easy to work with, and people will spread the word.

Social media

Find Facebook groups for songwriters and musicians and post about your services. Comment on indie artists’ TikTok videos. Follow and message impressive indie artists on Instagram. Don’t spam them. Be real. Make an actual connection. This can lead to production work.


SoundBetter is built for music people to connect with each other. In addition to music producers, you can find songwriters, singers, mixing engineers, and musicians. This is one place artists go to find a music producer that fits their style.

SoundBetter offers an easy-to-use platform, mediation if needed, and you can list the music-specific services you offer. Plus, they only take 5% from the producer. Currently, this is how I get most of my production work.


Fiverr is not specific to music people, but make no mistake, there are plenty of producers on Fiverr. And it’s a well-known website for hiring creatives, so you can get plenty of work via this platform.

You can offer tiers of your services, which is a nice way to give clients options that fit their needs and budget. Unfortunately, they take 20% from the producers, which is quite steep. I’ve gotten some production work on Fiverr.


AirGigs is specific to music creatives, and it’s another place artists go to find music producers. I find their design a bit clunky, but that may just be preference. They take 15% from the producer, which is pretty high. I’ve gotten some work through this platform.

Be Patient, Keep Producing

Building a career as a music producer can take some time. Just stay consistent with it. If you are having trouble finding clients, keep producing your own songs while you look for people to work with. Always be creating and keep looking for ways to get better.

You can definitely earn a full-time music producer salary, it may just take some time to get there.

Music Producer Salary: How Much Do Music Producers Make? (2024)


How much do music producers get paid? ›

According to, Music Producers average salary is $50,986. Now, it is important to understand this figure is an average. The pay scale they list ranges from the low-end of $29,000 to the high-end of $99,000.

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Music Producer Salary in Los Angeles, CA
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$431,004$207
75th Percentile$431,000$207
25th Percentile$35,000$17

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Becoming a music producer can lead to a terrific career. People who are passionate about music and technology can build and sustain a viable career over time. It's not something that's likely to happen overnight, however.

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“Points” are simply defined as percentage points of the artist's royalty for major label deals. So, if an artist gets 18 (percentage) points for a major record deal and the producer gets 4, those 4 get subtracted from the artist's points. If you divide 4 by 18, the producer is getting about 22% of what the artist gets.

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10 ways to make money as a music producer
  1. Radio Play/Royalties. The original and best, to this day. ...
  2. Merchandise. Selling merch at gigs has long been a solid way for artists to increase revenue. ...
  3. DJing. ...
  4. Ghost-writing/Selling beats. ...
  5. Tutoring. ...
  6. Freelancing websites. ...
  7. Streaming. ...
  8. Synchronization.

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As of May 7, 2024, the average hourly pay for an Entry Level Music Producer in the United States is $81.23 an hour.

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”Selling your beats online is probably the most obvious [way to make money as a music producer] because it's your biggest asset,” says producer Curtiss King. And he's right. Beats, loops, samples, and other music you create are great products to sell online – you create them once, then sell them over and over again.

Is it hard to become a music producer? ›

Navigating your way through the music industry can be tough – it's competitive, awash with egos and progress can feel slow at times. Breaking into the business of being a producer is no different, a discipline which takes patience, dedication and dealing with uncertainty in order to make a name for yourself.

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On average, music producers rate the meaningfulness of their work a 4.3/5. Unlike many careers, music producers have little difficulty finding meaning in their work, and it likely constitutes one of the main reasons people become music producers.

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There's not a fixed standard educational requirement for becoming a music producer, but most employers look for candidates who have a bachelor's degree in music production or a related field, such as music performance, music theory or audio engineering.

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The producer's royalty thus also depends on what was agreed between label and artist. This type of agreement commonly attributes anywhere between 15% to 25% of the artist's royalties to the producer, but again in practice the agreed royalty rate fully depends on what was agreed between all parties.

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Songwriters earn royalties when the underlying composition of a song is utilized, whether it's in a recorded track, sync deal, or even a public performance. Generally, these earnings are split 50/50 between the writer (or co-writers) and the music publishing company.

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For independent artist deals (either self-released or small indie label), a producer might get between 15–25 percent of net royalties — which usually means the royalties left over after recording costs, producer's fees, and other third-party production costs like manufacturing and distribution are paid.

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How much does a Beat Producer make? As of May 7, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Beat Producer in the United States is $59.40 an hour.

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A Music Producer in your area makes on average $78 per hour, or $3.66 (45.027%) less than the national average hourly salary of $81.23.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.