Mercury Is in Retrograde. Don’t Be Alarmed. (Published 2019) (2024)


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Mercury Is in Retrograde. Don’t Be Alarmed. (Published 2019) (1)

By Karen Zraick

Do not sign contracts. Do not buy electronics, or anything with moving parts or gears. Do not be surprised if the mail is screwed up, or something goes awry when you’re in transit. And be mindful: You’re liable to forget something, like your glasses or phone.

That’s the advice from astrologers while the planet Mercury is in retrograde, which lasts until March 28 this time around. The phrase has become a go-to explanation — or scapegoat — for when things go a little haywire.

Of course, actual scientists point out that any “retrograde” motion by Mercury is an optical illusion. And they vigorously dispute the core belief of astrology, that the motion of the planets can influence events here on Earth. In fact, studies have shown no correlation between the behavior of planets and of people.

Astrologers and their many loyal followers are not persuaded about that.

But two prominent astrologers we spoke to said there was some exaggeration in the popular mind about the chaos caused by Mercury’s motion.

Susan Miller, the force behind the popular site Astrology Zone, finds the alarmist headlines about “surviving” retrogade to be a bit much.

“It’s not tragic,” she said. “It’s annoying.”

Chani Nicholas, whose writing is infused with political and social commentary, agreed. “It’s given way too much emphasis generally,” she said.

They preach caution, not panic. For example, you might have to purchase a gadget during Mercury retrograde. That’s fine.









Astrology Is Fake but It’s Probably Fine

From astrology memes to Instagram crystals, mysticism is taking over the internet. Is it all irrational nonsense — or is it a necessary corrective to the data-driven, hyper-logical, crypto-libertarian values that rule the internet?

Thanks to the internet, everything seems knowable. All of those little mysteries that used to fuel conversation — Who was that guy in that movie? How big is the Pacific Ocean? Do you think that TV dog is dead now? — are so easily solvable. Now everyone can just check their phone. But there is one part of the internet that is drawn to things that cannot be Googled. The mystical internet has arrived. New apps like Costar Astrology and the Daily Hunch are part of a suite of internet products rebranding the zodiac for the digital set. Astrological sign memes dominate Twitter. The Hoodwitch, an online retailer who sells everyday magic for the modern mystic, has amassed over 260,000 Instagram followers for her hashtag #witchtips and beautifully staged tarot readings. Even Spencer Pratt, the arch villain of “The Hills,” has reinvented himself as a crystal outfitter. “The tiger’s eye, I wear for protection, and it worked, because I wore this in the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ all-star house, and I was super-protected.” But a lot of the appeal of this stuff isn’t really based in any strong held belief in the occult. You don’t have to actually believe in astrology to be into it. Putting aside whether planetary alignments actually influence the personal lives of human beings, astrology and other nonscientific practices are sometimes less about predicting the future than they are about helping to understand ourselves. Posting a hermit tarot card to Instagram is a way of signaling introversion. A piece of rose quartz stone is an expression of unconditional love. “Love is who I am.” And astrology, it’s basically the cosmic Buzzfeed quiz. In other words, this is a content business as much as it is a spiritual practice. There are for sure enterprising capitalists who are eager to profit off of all of this. [singing] “These eggs are on fire.” Goop has built a whole online retail empire serving what it calls, “the divine feminine.” “The egg is in, I think.” But online mysticism is also filling a legitimate need. This is a turn to emotion in the face of all of the data that dominates the internet. It’s a rejection of all the algorithmic, data-driven, hyper-logical, crypto-libertarian values that run so much of what we do online. In their place it carves out room for intuition and empathy. And yeah, it all feels pretty girly, but men have their online mysticism, too. It just looks a little more like this. “And this is some satanist imagery here that goes over the connections of this symbolism.” And if masculine mysticism is obsessed with conspiracies, drawing connections between historical events and random images, feminine mysticism, on the internet at least, seeks to draw spiritual connections between human beings. “I’m a Gemini, so there’s two sides of me.” I’m a Gemini, too, so I’m of two minds about this whole trend. My curmudgeonly twin points out that this is all a ploy to get women to spend more money on useless stuff, but my more compassionate twin appreciates a corner of the internet that values justice and empathy. “The horoscopes are meant to be healing.” After all, the woo-woo crazy of a vagin* jade egg pales in comparison to this. “We believe the Earth was a flattish disk surrounded by a solid dome barrier called the firmament.” In this context, retreating into the mystical internet actually feels like a quite rational move. Hey, I’m Amanda. I’m Shane. She writes the videos. He edits the videos. And if you like the videos, just keep watching and another episode will play. [singing] “Internetting with Amanda Hess.”

Mercury Is in Retrograde. Don’t Be Alarmed. (Published 2019) (2)

“Just keep your receipts,” Ms. Nicholas said.

Here’s what’s really happening in space

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, and it revolves around the sun in just 88 days. That’s much faster than Earth, which takes 365 days to make the trip.

Rick Fienberg, a spokesman for the American Astronomical Society in Washington, suggests picturing Mercury as a racecar in an inner lane and Earth in an outer lane, as they both make their way around a circular track. Mercury is going much faster and has a shorter distance to travel.

Now, on to the issue of direction: If you watch the planets from the Northern Hemisphere, most of the time they appear to be going right to left, over a period of several weeks, as seen against the starry background. (Mercury is also hard for us to see — it’s visible only close to sunrise and sunset.)

But three or four times a year, an optical illusion occurs: It looks as if Mercury is going backward. It happens when Mercury is passing between Earth and the sun, leaving Earth in its dust. That’s Mercury retrograde, and it lasts for about three weeks each time. The next one starts July 7.

“It’s lapping us, basically,” Dr. Fienberg said. “It’s coming around and it’s going to pass us.”

[Never miss a rocket launch, eclipse or major astronomical event again.]

The visual effect is similar to when you speed up to pass another car, and it looks for a moment as if the other car is slowing down — but it’s really just maintaining its speed.

Why do people care so much about this?

Astrology has soared in popularity in recent years, particularly among young, female and queer online communities. Ms. Miller said that her site received 300 million page views in the last year alone. And this year, she said, there has been an uptick in concern about Mercury retrograde. (Online searches for the term have risen dramatically over the last five years, according to Google data.)

Call it a sign of the times.

“The meteoric rise of New Age practices may be trendy, but it’s one way millennials are acknowledging that the current system isn’t working,” Krista Burton wrote in a Times Op-Ed last year.

Sync your calendar with the solar systemNever miss an eclipse, a meteor shower, a rocket launch or any other astronomical and space event that's out of this world.

“We’re trying out new things that are actually old things; we’re seeing what else could make life a little more meaningful, a little more bearable.”

But astrology is sometimes met with ridicule or derision by scientists and non-believers. Ms. Nicholas said she was emphatically pro-science, and “baffled” about the negative reaction that some people have to astrology.

“It’s a waste of your energy to be hating on astrology, because we really aren’t out here trying to harm people,” she said.

The National Science Board, which submits biennial reports to Congress on the state of science and engineering in the United States, including attitudes toward “pseudoscience,” has also found that younger Americans are less likely to reject astrology. Its 2018 report found that 54 percent of those 18 to 25, and 53 percent of those 25 to 34, said astrology was “not at all scientific.” Among all respondents, that number was 60 percent.

And a Pew Research Center survey of American adults released last year found that 37 percent of women and 20 percent of men said they believed in astrology. The numbers were highest among people ages 30 to 49, followed by those who were 18 to 29.

Many people, of course, may peruse their horoscope without embracing all of the teachings of astrology. And having “Mercury retrograde” as a go-to phrase to describe things going wrong can be pretty useful.

Both Ms. Miller and Ms. Nicholas said that there were positive aspects to Mercury being in retrograde, and that it was a good opportunity to look back, reflect and regroup. Ms. Nicholas is using the time to complete revisions on her upcoming book about astrology and radical self-acceptance, due out in December.

“My main concern is that everyone has access to the therapies and practices that are healing to them,” Ms. Nicholas said.

“And if astrology is not that for you, then great, move on.”


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Mercury Is in Retrograde. Don’t Be Alarmed. (Published 2019) (2024)


Is Mercury in retrograde debunked? ›

Of course, actual scientists point out that any “retrograde” motion by Mercury is an optical illusion. And they vigorously dispute the core belief of astrology, that the motion of the planets can influence events here on Earth. In fact, studies have shown no correlation between the behavior of planets and of people.

Why not make decisions when Mercury is in retrograde? ›

During a retrograde period, it is hard to get decisions from others. Even if a decision is made, it will be subject to change, either just after Mercury turns to direct motion or much later.

Does Mercury in retrograde really affect people? ›

According to Dan Falk, a science journalist and author of The Science of Shakespeare​, the idea that Mercury retrograde can affect people's lives is nonsense.

What signs will be affected by Mercury retrograde 2023? ›

Mercury signs Virgo and Gemini will always be impacted, however. And this particular Mercury retrograde running from April 21 until May 14, Taurus will be particularly affected as will the other fixed signs: Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius.

Is Mercury retrograde fact or fiction? ›

It is not REAL in that the planet does not physically start moving backwards in its orbit. It just appears to do so because of the relative positions of the planet and Earth and how they are moving around the Sun. Normally, the planets move west-to-east through the stars at night.

What is the truth about Mercury retrograde? ›

Mercury retrograde is an optical illusion which means it looks as if the planet is moving backwards from our view here on earth. Astrologers believe that during this perceived backwards motion, technology and communication could get disrupted, putting a damper on anyone's summer mood.

Who is most affected by the Mercury retrograde? ›

Mercury Retrograde Effects by Zodiac Sign. When Mercury enters retrograde motion within the range of dates for a given astrological sign, be wary of the listed effects. Note that the planet Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo, so these two signs are most heavily affected.

What should we be careful of during Mercury retrograde? ›

Avoid situations primed for misunderstandings

Expect a lot of, "that's not what I meant..." type of conversations throughout any Mercury retrograde period, because the time is notorious for confusion, heightened emotions, and misunderstandings.

How do you fight the effects of the Mercury retrograde? ›

Mercury governs technology, and travel communication – controlling both how we transmit and receive messages from others. To resist this retrograde's scrambling chaos effect, stay present in your interactions, think before you speak, and definitely re-read your texts and emails before sending.

What does retrograde do to humans? ›

It creates a grace impact in the way we communicate or even listen and perceive what others are trying to say and vice-versa. During this period, people get sensitive and touchy. Misunderstands and miscommunication can be blown out of proportion.

Is retrograde an illusion? ›

Retrograde motion is an optical illusion caused by differences in the planets' orbital speed. Let's take Mars as an example. This superior planet moves slower in its orbit than the Earth. When we pass Mars, it seems to be moving “backward” because we're moving faster than it is.

What does Mercury retrograde do to us? ›

Mercury Retrograde impacts all forms of communication and the way we think about things. During these periods, we often experience delays, mix-ups, and accidents when it comes to communication, transportation, and technology. Connections of all kinds don't seem to follow the rules we've become accustomed to.

What 3 zodiac signs are affected by Mercury retrograde? ›

  • Taurus. Get ready, Taurus, because this Mercury retrograde has your name on it (literally). ...
  • Leo. It's time to set aside your competitive personality for just a little while, because Mercury is retrograding through your 10th house of career as of April 21. ...
  • Scorpio.
1 day ago

How long does Mercury retrograde affect you? ›

Because Mercury completes its orbit around the Sun in only 88 days, the Swift Planet becomes retrograde three or four times in a calendar year, for about three weeks at a time. Outer planets have less frequent, but longer-lasting, periods of retrograde motion.

What happens when Mercury is in retrograde 2023? ›

On April 21, Mercury will go retrograde in the sign of Taurus. During this stretch, which ends on May 14, you may hear all sorts of things being blamed on the planet of communication's retrograde period, from technology mishaps to misunderstandings with friends and loved ones.

Is Mercury retrograde a chaos? ›

“Retrograde is sort of like … a general chaos and losing control, but a lot of the time that seems to skew in a bad way,” she said.

Why do people believe in Mercury retrograde? ›

The astrological belief that Mercury retrograde leads to confusion and breakdown is inherited from the time before we understood that Earth is not the center of the cosmos. From our perspective, Mercury appears to move quickly and erratically, so the ancients called it a messenger and a trickster.

Are Mercury retrograde breakups permanent? ›

According to the professionals, no. Lisa Stardust, an astrologer who's been practicing for more than a decade, tells the Cut that if you went through a breakup during the retrograde, you won't automatically get back together, and your bad emails won't magically un-send.

What is the spiritual meaning of Mercury? ›

Mercury is also known as Budh (Buddhi), or your wisdom. If Moon is your mind and emotions, Mercury makes you use it. Mercury rules over a person's intelligence, mentality, analytical skills, reaction, learning, grasping power, central nervous system, body language, impression, etc.

What to avoid during Mercury retrograde 2023? ›

It also rules travel, automobiles, shipping, and mail. So, when Mercury is retrograde, try to remain flexible, patient, and understanding, allow extra time for travel, and avoid signing onto any new contracts that you're unsure of.

Is Mercury retrograde causing anxiety? ›

Mercury retrogrades can make you feel stressed and fuzzy. It is a period when people may feel out of balance mentally and physically. About a week before the Mercury retrograde, highly sensitive people will start to feel the energy turbulence as the planet is in the process of reversing its course.

What is Mercury retrograde for dummies? ›

Mercury normally moves faster than Earth around the sun. But when Mercury is retrograde, it is moving slower than Earth around the sun. (Mercury usually moves 88 days around the sun versus the 365 days that Earth does.) This creates an optical illusion in which we think that Mercury is moving backward.

What happens when Mercury retrograde is over? ›

Think of it like the epilogue of your Mercury retrograde experience; it's when you can look back on these conflicts and dilemmas with a clearer perspective. Now, you have the opportunity to make changes that matter. Therefore, it's very common for people to break-up, move on and start embarking down a new path.

What does retrograde mean spiritually? ›

Mercury rules the part of us which absorbs information in an instant and transmits that information to others. When he retrogrades, the normal flow of energy is reversed. Ideas and thoughts seem to get stuck within our mind, instead of easily pouring out to others.

What never goes into retrograde? ›

Answer and Explanation: (4) the Sun never goes in retrograde motion because it is stationary in this frame of reference to begin with.

What the heck is retrograde? ›

Retrograde motion is when a planet appears, when observed from Earth, to reverse direction. This happens due to an optical illusion caused by differences in orbit. In the realm of astrology, retrograde motion has negative connotations.

What zodiac does Mercury rule over? ›

Mercury is the ruling planet of two zodiac signs: Gemini and Virgo.

What zodiac signs are related to Mercury? ›

Since Mercury never appears more than one sign from the sun in either direction, it was deemed to rule the two signs on either side of Leo and Cancer (Virgo and Gemini), and since Venus can never be found more than two signs from the Sun, it obtained the rulership of Libra and Taurus.

What does Mercury do in zodiac? ›

Planet Mercury is a messenger of God, and it governs the Gemini and Virgo zodiac signs. Mercury helps the natives to improve their speech or communication skills. Also, natives may sharpen their self-image with the help of Mercury. In astrology, it represents the air element.

Does your ex come back in Mercury retrograde? ›

If an ex returns during a Mercury Retrograde, it's usually because we haven't learned the lesson of that relationship,” Terrones explains. “It's not an invitation to get back together, but to come to a resolution between the two of you about the definition of your relationship.”

Is Mercury in retrograde considered astrology? ›

Simply put, Mercury retrograde is an astrological phenomenon that occurs when the fast-moving planet Mercury—which takes 88 days to orbit the Sun, as opposed to Earth's 365—seems to slow down. Planets move from East to West around the Sun.

How often is Mercury actually in retrograde? ›

Because Mercury completes its orbit around the Sun in only 88 days, the Swift Planet becomes retrograde three or four times in a calendar year, for about three weeks at a time. Outer planets have less frequent, but longer-lasting, periods of retrograde motion.

Why does it seem like Mercury is always in retrograde? ›

All of the planets in the solar system orbit the sun at different speeds. From Earth's perspective, it can sometimes appear that a planet suddenly changes directions and moves in reverse. Since a planet always travels in a singular direction, it can't abruptly change its course of motion.

What are the positive effects of Mercury retrograde? ›

According to astrologer Vaness Henry, Mercury Retrograde doesn't cause us to make more mistakes, it helps us find the mistakes we've already made.

What should we avoid during Mercury retrograde? ›

An exhaustive list of what not to do during Mercury retrograde
  • Hold off on signing any contracts. Making a big purchase? ...
  • Be prepared for traffic and other travel mishaps. ...
  • Avoid situations primed for misunderstandings. ...
  • Don't rely on technology. ...
  • Delete that "U Up?" text from a toxic ex. ...
  • Refrain from starting anything new.
Sep 2, 2022

What does Mercury do to the human body? ›

The inhalation of mercury vapour can produce harmful effects on the nervous, digestive and immune systems, lungs and kidneys, and may be fatal. The inorganic salts of mercury are corrosive to the skin, eyes and gastrointestinal tract, and may induce kidney toxicity if ingested.

Who does Mercury retrograde affect more? ›

When Mercury enters retrograde motion within the range of dates for a given astrological sign, be wary of the listed effects. Note that the planet Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo, so these two signs are most heavily affected.

Are some people more sensitive to Mercury retrograde? ›

Mercury retrogrades can make you feel stressed and fuzzy. It is a period when people may feel out of balance mentally and physically. About a week before the Mercury retrograde, highly sensitive people will start to feel the energy turbulence as the planet is in the process of reversing its course.

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.