Matt Addison (2024)

Anderson universe
(Covers information from Anderson's universe)

Matthew "Matt" Addison was the brother of Lisa Addison, posing as a Raccoon City Police officer in an attempt to infiltrate the Looking Glass House and enter The Hive. He accompanies Alice, Spence, and the Sanitation team into the Hive in order to ascertain what went wrong with the Red Queen. It wasn't until later that he revealed he and his sister were environmental activists trying to expose Umbrella's illegal experimentation to the world.[1] Though Matt managed to escape the Hive outbreak with Alice, he was scratched by an Advanced Licker and, under experimentation from Umbrella, became the Nemesis, a powerful bio-weapon prototype. As Nemesis, Matt was deployed into Raccoon City during the outbreakto kill any survivors. After fighting Alice and then regaining his consciousness, Matt waskilled defending Alice from helicopter debris.[2]


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 The Hive
    • 1.2 Mutation into the Nemesis
    • 1.3 Raccoon City Incident
    • 1.4 Death
  • 2 Gallery
  • 3 Further notes
  • 4 Sources


Professionally, Matt had a long history in government agencies, and was known to have graduated from the FBI's academy in Quantico, serving in their ViCAP unit. Alongside this was some level of presence in the NSA. In his private life Matt was also an anti-Umbrella activist, believing that the large corporation's above-the-law attitude made it a threat to the United States. In 2002 he participated in a plot to obtain proof of Umbrella's criminal acts by planting his own sister within the corporation as a mole. She would soon befriend Alice, the head of security at the Hive.

The Hive[]

Matt Addison (1)

In September of that year, Matt arrived at a mansion in the Arklay Mountains to obtain the evidence, carrying the forged ID of a local police officer should any questions be asked. Soon after his arrival, Umbrella's Sanitation commandos broke in to secure the area after an apparent accident in the Hive involving the Red Queen security system going rampant. Matt himself was handcuffed; while accepting his claim to be a police officer his unexplained presence in the mansion was a security concern. With the unit small in number, he was brought down into the Hive along with Alice, who had been rendered amnesiac by the security system.

Matt Addison (2)

Matt is watched over by Rain and J.D., while the other team members continue into the Red Queen's chamber. After successfully deactivating the Red Queen, all the doors in the facility open, releasing a horde of the Undead. After the discovery of a survivor Rain stumbles upon, Matt states that the blood from the woman is coagulated, and that this process does not occur until after death. The team is then slowly surrounded by legions of the Undead Umbrella employees. Rain, J.D., and Chad Kaplan proceed to dispose of them. Several bullets hit one of the surrounding tanks, which causes an explosion.

Matt Addison (3)

Matt spots the keys and uncuffs himself to escape and continue his search for his missing sister, Lisa. After escaping an Undead attack, Matt sneaks into his sister's office to find her or her evidence against Umbrella, but is attacked by an Undead Lisa. Before Lisa can bite or kill Matt, Alice kills Lisa with her own glass paperweight. After the Undead Lisa's death, Matt explains to Alice the truth about his and his sister's actions, telling Alice about Lisa's unnamed inside source and how he suspects the source betrayed Lisa in order to sell the T-virus on the black market. Unknown to Matt, his words trigger Alice's memory of being Lisa's source for a price she can't remember.

The two then retreat to the control room where the rest of the survivors are. With no other choice, the group reactivates the Red Queen in order to find a way out. The Red Queen directs the group into some underground maintenance tunnels where they come under attack by a horde of Undead, losing Kaplan in the process. Returning to the surface, Alice remembers the anti-virus and leads the group into the lab where both were created, revealing to Matt that she is his sister's source but can't remember if she betrayed Lisa. As they find the T-virus and anti-virus samples gone, Spence remembers that he is the one who released the T-virus and turns on the group, escaping and trapping them in the lab. However, he is killed by a Licker which evolves into an Advanced Licker. The Red Queen offers to free the group if they kill an infected Rain Ocampo, but Alice refuses and the Red Queen is fried by Kaplan, setting them free.

Matt Addison (4)

The group returns to the train where Alice kills the reanimated Spence and retrieves the T-virus and anti-virus. As they make their way back to the mansion, Matt treats Kaplan with the anti-virus as Alice does the same with Rain. However, the Advanced Licker attacks the train, scratching Matt's shoulder and killing Kaplan. During the fight with the Advanced Licker, Matt faces off with and kills an Undead Rain, causing her to fall on the button that opens a door in the train floor, dropping the Advanced Licker to the tracks and setting it on fire through friction, killing it.

Matt Addison (5)

As Alice and Matt return to the mansion, the Hive is sealed off. Matt assures Alice that with the T-virus samples, they can bring Umbrella down, but begins to mutate from the Advanced Licker scratches. Before Alice can administer the anti-virus to Matt, Umbrella forces arrive and kidnap the two. An unnamed doctor notes Matt's mutation and orders him placed into the Nemesis Program.

Mutation into the Nemesis[]

Matt Addison (6)

Matt undergoes massive mutation from the Advanced Licker scratches in the Umbrella facility in Raccoon City with Umbrella scientists led by J. Isaacs using Matt's mutation to transform him into the Nemesis. As Nemesis, Matt's entire body became extremely disfigured and unrecognizable. His frame was covered with a protective coat resembling leather and most likely containing Kevlar to protect its body from high caliber weapons, explosions and extreme amounts of heat. He also had the right side of his face stapled shut with only his left eye visible. During the mutation process, Matt either lost the skin on the right side of his face or it was removed by Umbrella as witnessed by Alice as she was similarly experimented upon.

Raccoon City Incident[]

During the Raccoon City Incident, Major Cain decides to activate both Alice, injected with massive amounts of the T-virus but having adapted it and Nemesis to test the programs success against the Undead hordes. To aid Nemesis, Umbrella deploys a M314 mini-gun and a rocket launcher for him to use as weapons. Making his way through Raccoon City, Nemesis is largelyignored by the Undead hordes, allowing him to dispatch them with easeand soonencounters surviving S.T.A.R.S forces and is directed to kill them. Despite S.T.A.R.S best efforts, Nemesis easily wipes them out, but leaves LJ alone when he disarms, seeing LJ as a non-combatant.

Moving onthrough the city, Nemesis savagely slaughtersthousandsof the Undead with no resistance as he passes by them. He eventuallyspots two more S.T.A.R.S members, Jill Valentine and Peyton Wells. Following his programming, Nemesis, who is detected by Alice, opens fire, killing Peyton. After Nemesis detects Alice, he is ordered to engage her instead. Nemesis battles Alice who proves unable to harm him, ultimately ending in a draw when Alice escapes down a garbage chute too small for Nemesis to follow through and he is ordered to disengage. He is then withdrawn by Umbrella back towards the evacuation point.


Matt Addison (7)

With the situation out of their control, Umbrella decides to destroy Raccoon City with a nuclear strike and send a helicopter to evacuate Nemesis. Having been told of the helicopter by Doctor Charles Ashford, Alice's group makes their way there only to be ambushed by Cain and Umbrella. Cain commands Nemesis to disarm and Alice to fight him to the death to determine which of the two is the better. After Cain kills Ashford, Alice reluctantly engages Nemesis in unarmed combat. Despite Nemesis' superior size and strength, Alice is able to hold her own and finally impales him on a broken piece of metal. As Alice assaults the impaled Nemesis, she recalls the events after she and Matt escaped the Hive, including witnessing him starting to mutate and the command to place Matt in the Nemesis Program. Alice realizes that Matt is Nemesis and breaks off her attack despite Cain's orders for her to kill him.

Matt Addison (8)

Nemesis listens to Cain's explanation to Alice, including Cain calling Nemesis an evolutionary dead-end. Freeing himself from the piece of metal, Nemesis retrieves his mini-gun and is ordered to kill Alice. Apparently remembering Alice or at least recognizing her as an ally rather than his enemy, Nemesis kills the two Umbrella troopers guarding Alice, giving Alice's group the chance to fight back. In the firefight that follows, Nemesis takes several hits without falling and uses his mini-gun to mow down Umbrella troops alongside Alice and her friends. Running out of ammunition, Nemesis instead resorts to physical force against Umbrella. Finally, as Alice is cornered by two Umbrella attack helicopters, Nemesis steps in before she can be killed. Nemesis is able to use his rocket launcher to destroy the helicopters and save Alice, but is crushed under the wreckage of one of the helicopters, apparently killing Nemesis and thus Matt as well. Alice sadly observes Nemesis' unmoving hand trapped under the wreckage moments later. If Nemesis wasn't killed by the falling helicopter, he was killed a short time later when Umbrella's nuclear missile destroyed Raccoon City.


  • Resident Evil

  • Apocalypse

Matt Addison (9)

Matt Addison (10)

Matt and Alice, exiting The Hive.

Matt Addison (11)

Matt, about to exit the train.

Matt Addison (12)

Matt, Rain and Alice.

Matt Addison (13)

Matt Addison (15)

Alice, Matt and Rain stares at the door.

Matt Addison (16)

Matt is under attack by an Undead.

Matt Addison (17)

Matt Addison (18)

Matt Addison (19)

Matt Addison (20)

Matt Addison (21)

Matt grabs Alice.

Matt Addison (22)

Alice and Matt.

Matt Addison (23)

Matt Addison (24)

Matt Addison (25)

"I just transferred; they probably don't even have me on file yet!"

Matt Addison (26)

Matt and Alice on the train.

Matt Addison (27)

Matt staring at the air vents.

Matt Addison (28)

Matt Addison (29)

Matt and J.D. with Alice in the background.

Matt Addison (30)

Matt recognizing his sister.

Matt Addison (31)

Matt, talking to Alice.

Matt Addison (32)

Matt Addison (33)

Matt Addison (34)

Matt Addison (35)

Matt Addison (36)

Matt Addison (37)

Matt Addison (38)

Matt Addison (39)

Matt Addison (40)

Matt Addison (41)

Matt Addison (42)

Matt Addison (43)

Matt Addison (44)

Matt Addison (45)

Matt Addison (46)

Matt Addison (47)

Alice and Matt in the Flashback.

Matt Addison (48)

Matt Addison (49)

Matt Addison (50)

Matt Addison (51)

Matt Addison (52)

Matt Addison (53)

Matt Addison (54)

Concept art by Rob McCallum

Matt Addison (55)

Further notes[]

  • The role originally went to David Boreanaz, but he dropped out due to scheduling conflicts with Season 2 of Angel, which was to end in April 2001, with Eric Mabius hired to replace him.[3]
  • Aside from archival footage from the first film featuring shots of Eric Mabius, Milla Jovovich is the only person to reprise a role in Apocalypse.
  • In earlier scripts for the film, Twelve finds out his real identity while still in the mansion. Along with his professional work, he is also found to be an eco-terrorist known for sabotaging oil facilities. His real name is also revealed to be Matthew Frost, with aliases "Matthew Pryce"; "Matthew Wayne", and "Matt Zabrowaki".
  • Matt's only kill in the film series while still human is the Undead Rain Ocampo.
  • Matt is the only known character to be infected by the T-virus through a scratch. While the Red Queen tells the survivors in the first movie that the T-virus is spread through bites and scratches, only Matt is ever seen to be infected this way.
  • In the filmApocalypse, one can spotthe Nemesis has a version model number of "NEMESIS 1.0.0" during the fewscenes in the film that are placed within its cybernetic point of view at the bottom left corner. The reason for this version number is never touched upon, but it is possible that there wereplansfor improvement on the Nemesis Program, had it been deemed a success.
  • In the novelization of Apocalypse, Matt is shown to exist as a separate consciousness from Nemesis within his own body. In the novelization, during the final battle, Matt is able to use his memories of Umbrella to weaken Nemesis and regain control after fighting Alice. Thus, in the novelization, it is Matt and not Nemesis who aids Alice's group.
  • In the opening monologue for Apocalypse, Matt is referred to as an environmentalist by Alice.
  • Matt tells Alice in Resident Evil that if the Sanitation team had seen through his fake ID, it would've set off red flags with multiple law enforcement agencies. This and his inability to infiltrate the Hive himself suggests that Matt may have been wanted by or well known to multiple law enforcement agencies.


  1. Resident Evil (2002).
  2. Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004).
  3. INTERVIEW: Katherine Heigl/David Boreanaz - stars of Valentine. Archived from the original on 2001-04-13. Retrieved on 2022-07-24.


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Matt Addison (2024)


Did Nemesis remember Alice? ›

Apparently remembering Alice or at least recognizing her as an ally rather than his enemy, Nemesis kills the two Umbrella troopers guarding Alice, giving Alice's group the chance to fight back.

Who was turned into Nemesis? ›

Formerly Matt Addison (portrayed by Eric Mabius), a survivor of the events of the first film, he was infected with the T-virus after being scratched by a Licker and later captured and experimented upon by the Umbrella Corporation.

How did Matt turn into Nemesis? ›

Nemesis was originally a human named Matt Addison. He was infected by a Licker during the events of the first Resident Evil film. In Resident Evil: Apocalypse the virus has fully transformed him into the Nemesis.

Why is Alice immune to the T-virus? ›

Enhanced by a T-virus infection; cured and re-infected, Alice became the test subject of an Umbrella research project designated "Project Alice"; granted with superhuman abilities, she was able to survive the viral outbreak in Raccoon City and several years of the T-virus' spread across the Earth.

What killed Nemesis? ›

In the novelization of the film, he is only incapacitated under the weight of the helicopter. He doesn't actually die until the nuclear strike occurs. The novel also suggests that the Nemesis functioned like another form of consciousness in Matt's body, one that had more control over himself than he did.

Is Nemesis a bad guy? ›

Plot synopsis. The supervillain Nemesis destroys a building in Tokyo, killing a SWAT team and a police inspector. In Washington, D.C., the FBI informs metro police Chief Inspector Blake Morrow that Nemesis is targeting him next.

Is Alice the woman Alicia could never become? ›

The Red Queen then tells Alice about the memories Alicia uploaded to her before her death and shows Alice Alicia's childhood memories, giving Alice the chance to become the woman that Alicia was never able to become due to her deadly disease.

Is Alice just a clone in Resident Evil? ›

The original Alice is in fact a clone herself, making these Alice clones, clones of a clone. A serum derived from the blood of the clones in Extinction that were used as test subjects resulted in the creation of the Super Undead.

Is Nemesis the strongest tyrant? ›

The Nemesis T-Type is considered to be the strongest of all Tyrants. In order to test their new weapon, Umbrella decided to send Nemesis after surviving members of S.T.A.R.S. in Raccoon City as an act of revenge for the Arklay Mountain incident.

Why did Wesker betray Alice? ›

Due to Alice delaying the plan's ending (due to her constantly helping save people), Wesker decided to enact a new plan.

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