Invest Rs 20000 per month in SIP Mutual Fund (2023) - Stable Investor (2024)

Invest Rs 20000 per month in SIP Mutual Fund (2023) - Stable Investor (1)

Are you planning to invest Rs 20000 per month? Or for that matter, you have already decided to invest 20000 per month in mutual fund SIP?

If yes, then please read on.

Investing Rs 20000 every month means different things to different people. For those with a salary of Rs 50,000, it means a lot (40% of salary). But for someone with Rs 3 lac monthly income, it’s next to nothing (~7% of income)!

In any case, investing in mutual fund SIP is a good decision and you will create a lot of wealth.

Why do I say so?

Because it’s well proven; I have benefited from it greatly myself and also because there are several real life proofs for this (like this one where one person used SIP to create a portfolio of multiple crores). You may accept or not, but the fact is that for many small investors, there are some obvious benefits of SIP investing.

SIP or Systematic Investment Plan is simple – Invest a fixed sum in mutual funds at a regular frequency (mostly monthly). Since most people are incapable of making big lump sum investments, SIP makes it easy for these people to make small and regular investments every month using their monthly salaries.

Now once you have decided to go ahead with your investment plan, my guess is that your main concern would be to know how much you will have if you invest Rs 20000 every month for several years?


So let’s do some basic calculations:

Value of Rs 20000 per month Mutual Fund SIP

If you check the historical SIP returns of good mutual funds, you will find that returns have been in the range of 12 to 18%. But let’s be conservative and assume that the average SIP returns in 10, 15 or 20 years will be about 12% per annum.

So here is what a Rs 20000 monthly Systematic Investment Plan can do over the years:

  • 5 year SIP of Rs 20000 monthly = Rs 17 lakh
  • 10 year SIP of Rs 20000 monthly = Rs 47 lakh
  • 15 year SIP of Rs 20000 monthly = Rs 1 crore
  • 20 year SIP of Rs 20000 monthly = Rs 1.9 crore
  • 25 year SIP of Rs 20000 monthly = Rs 3.5 crore
  • 30 year SIP of Rs 20000 monthly = Rs 6.4 crore


Those are some big numbers…at least towards the end.

And the picture becomes clearer when you compare these numbers with the actual investments made:

  • 5 year = Rs 20,000 x 12 x 5 = Rs 12 lakh
  • 10 year = Rs 20,000 x 12 x 10 = Rs 24 lakh
  • 15 year = Rs 20,000 x 12 x 15 = Rs 36 lakh
  • 20 year = Rs 20,000 x 12 x 20 = Rs 48 lakh
  • 25 year = Rs 20,000 x 12 x 25 = Rs 60 lakh
  • 30 year = Rs 20,000 x 12 x 30 = Rs 72 lakh

Stunning! Isn’t it?

The route of SIP investing can create a lot of wealth for you.

And just notice that if you invest Rs. 20,000 per month via SIP for 10 years, you are actually investing about Rs 24 lakh. But in return, you are getting around Rs 47-48 lakh. It is double of what you originally invested over the 10-year period.

So just imagine the kind of wealth you can create if you start investing early on in your career (let’s say at age 25-30) and continue till 60. Your monthly investments of Rs 20,000 in equity funds can grow into Rs 6.4 crore in 30 years! This is the magic of compounding at play.

Compared with other options like fixed deposits, PF, etc. (where you won’t get more than 7-8% returns), equity funds are great for real inflation-beating wealth creation.

And at the cost of sounding repetitive, I would say that starting early is unimaginably important. Here is a detailed post that I did to highlight the huge cost of delay in investing. It’s about two friends who start investing at different ages of 25 and 35. You will be shocked to see the difference in the final corpus they create. Do read it!

Real Example – SIP of Rs 20000 in Good Mutual Funds

The calculations above were done using simple SIP calculator (assuming 12% average returns). But in reality, neither stock markets nor mutual fund NAVs move in straight lines. The returns fluctuate and don’t follow straight lines.

So here are some real life SIP examples to show how much you would have if you had started investing Rs 20,000 a month via SIP in good funds years back:

Note – The choice of fund(s) or fund house is just for sharing the concept. It should not be construed as an investment recommendation.

Starting from January 2000, if you had invested Rs 20,000 per month in HDFC Top 200, HDFC Equity and HDFC Prudence, your actual total investment in each would have been about Rs 42.2 lac (up to July 2017).

And the value of your investments would be…

….hold your breath….

  • Rs 3.48 crore in HDFC Top 200 Fund
  • Rs 3.72 crore in HDFC Equity Fund
  • Rs 3.26 crore in HDFC Prudence Fund

Read those figures again. 🙂

These have been achieved in little over 17 years!

We often think it’s difficult to get rich. But the above examples prove otherwise.

Investing in mutual fund SIPs can make you a SIP crorepati even with a normal income. How to get Rs 1 crore in 15 years? The answer is to invest Rs 20000 every month. Can’t invest that much? No worries. If you invest Rs 10000 every month, you can still get to Rs 1 crore in 20 years. So if you were looking for an answer to how to become crorepati by SIP, I assume you have your answers now. 🙂


Don’t you feel something is odd in this discussion till now?

There is. And let me highlight it for you –

There is absolutely no need to keep investing just the originally decided amount of Rs 20000 per month for 20-30 years. Your income would increase every year. So your investments should increase too. Isn’t it? Now a Rs 20000 per month investment for 17 years resulted in Rs 3.2-3.8 crore. Just imagine what would have happened if you had decided to go for a Step Up SIP? An SIP that increases every year in line with your income. So for example, it can be Rs 20000 in the first year, followed by SIP of 25,000 per month in next year, SIP of 30,000 per month in 3rd year and so on…. (i.e., increasing SIP by Rs 5000 every year).

I hope you get the picture. 🙂

If you are planning to start a SIP, just remember that you can create ‘more’ wealth if you are able to increase the SIP amount every year.

Now ofcourse I have chosen funds that help me prove my point. And there would be several other bad funds too where a systematic investment strategy would have resulted in much lower SIP returns.

But I am trying to highlight the potential of serious wealth creation here. And if you believe in the power of equity, then for most common people, the best way to invest regularly in equity is to do via mutual fund SIPs.

Model SIP Mutual Fund Portfolio

If you wish to create a portfolio of mutual funds by doing a SIP of 20000 per month, it’s suggested not to have too many funds. Going for just 2-4 funds is more than enough.

Depending on one’s risk profile, some possible combinations are:

  • Rs 10000 each in two Large Cap funds
  • Rs 10000 Large Cap fund + Rs 10000 Balanced fund
  • Rs 7500 each in two Large Cap funds + Rs 5000 Mid&Small Cap fund
  • Rs 10000 in Large Cap Fund + Rs 10000 in Flexi/Multi Cap Fund
  • Rs 10000 Large Cap fund + Rs 5000 Balanced fund + Rs 5000 Mid&Small Cap fund
  • Rs 10000 Balanced fund + Rs 6000 Mid&Small Cap fund + Rs 4000 Large cap fund
  • Rs 10000 Index Fund + Rs 10000 Balanced fund

There can be an infinite number of combinations. Suitability of SIP portfolio will differ from one investor to other.

If you are not sure about where to invest or looking for the best SIP for Rs 20000 per month, it’s better to take help of an investment advisor.

Note – It’s assumed that if investing Rs 20000 in equity funds, you have already taken care of debt investments (via PF, PPF, debt funds, etc.) in accordance with your asset allocation based investment plan. It is also assumed that you wish to invest for at least 5 years. Anything lower (like 2-3 years) and you should go for debt options or have a very small percentage in equities.

SIPs are really helpful when it comes to investing in equity without much effort or stress. But SIPs can be helpful when it comes to goal based investing too.

I have already written at length as to how setting goals can help better manage investments.

In fact, it’s the basis of how the remarkably powerful and useful goal based financial planning works.

You can easily use SIPs to plan for all your goals (download free financial goal worksheet here) and then invest regularly to achieve them. Goals like saving for children’s education, children’s marriage, saving for your house purchase, foreign trips, etc. can be done easily and efficiently through systematic investment plans of mutual funds.

And why leave the biggest goal of them all?

You can even do your retirement planning or early retirement planning using mutual funds. In addition to the mandatory savings you do for your retirement (via EPF or PPF), you can use SIPs to create a good retirement mutual fund portfolio too. Investing in mutual funds for retirement is a no-brainer if you don’t want to run out of money before you die.

Need Help?

As a professional investment advisor, I do help investors create goal-based financial plans to achieve their real financial goals. If you wish to get yourself a solid financial plan that tells you how much to invest, where to invest and for how long to invest for your financial goals, you can contact me for professional advice.

Here is how to contact me:

  • Go through the Services Page to see how I create your financial plan and use the form (at the end of the page) to contact me
  • Contact Me Directly using this form

As you must have realized by now, just knowing where to invest Rs 20000 every month is not enough. You need to invest according to your financial goals to actually live a financially fulfilling life.

I will end this post now.

But before I do, let me tell you something important – SIP is no magic that will solve all your financial worries. Also, it does not guarantee high positive returns. But in order to earn high returns offered by equity and that too on a limited monthly income that most people have, taking the SIP route is the best bet.

And please, don’t be under the impression that SIP is only for small investors. You can invest much more than just doing a SIP of 20000 per month.🙂 You can go for (click links below for details):

  • SIP of Rs 25000 per month in mutual funds, or
  • SIP of Rs 50000 per month in mutual funds, or
  • SIP of Rs 1 lac per month in mutual funds

Or if you want to know how much wealth you can create by investing lesser amounts, then use below links:

  • SIP of Rs 5000 per month in mutual funds, or
  • SIP of Rs 10000 per month in mutual funds, or
  • SIP of Rs 15000 per month in mutual funds

By investing regularly via SIP in the best mutual funds for long term SIP investment, you can create a solid portfolio that earns inflation-beating returns without any hassles.


Are you still thinking whether or not to start a SIP in equity mutual funds?

I would suggest you stop thinking and start acting now.

You have all the answers now and don’t need to wonder what would happen if I invest 20000 a month in mutual funds. You know exactly how much wealth your small regular systematic investments can create. So start investing if you still haven’t, or increase your SIP investments if you are already investing 20000 monthly in mutual fund SIP in 2023. Over long term, you will do incredibly well.


Invest Rs 20000 per month in SIP Mutual Fund (2023) - Stable Investor (2024)


Which SIP is best for $20,000 per month? ›

A monthly SIP of Rs 20,000 in Quant Small Cap Fund would have grown to Rs 1.04 crore in the last 10 years. The scheme gave an XIRR of 27.73% in the same period. Quant ELSS Tax Saver Fund would have turned a monthly SIP of Rs 20,000 into Rs 95.38 lakh with an XIRR of 26.04% in the last 10 years.

What happens if I invest $20,000 a month in SIP for 10 years? ›

Nippon India Small Cap Fund

If someone would have started investing Rs 20,000 monthly 10 years ago in this scheme, the value of their corpus would have been Rs 93.81 lakh in present times. The total investment during the entire period would have been Rs 24 lakh, while the wealth gain would have been Rs 69.81 lakh.

How much will I get if I invest $5000 per month in SIP? ›

If you invest Rs. 5,000 per month through SIP for 5 years, assuming 12% return. The estimate total returns will be Rs. 1,12,432 and the estimate future value of your investment will be Rs. 4,12,431.

Which mutual fund is best to invest in 2023? ›

These include JM Value Fund, Nippon India Value Fund and Aditya Birla Sun Life Pure Value Fund and Axis Value Fund. Some multi cap mutual funds gave returns as high as 38-40 percent which include HDFC Multi Cap Fund, Kotak Multicap Fund, ITI Multi Cap Fund and Nippon India Multi Cap Fund.

What if I SIP $30,000 per month for 5 years? ›

If you invest ₹30,000 per month in a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) for a period of 5 years, assuming an average annual return of 12% on your SIP investment, using the SIP calculator, your returns will be: Your invested amount will be: ₹18,00,000. Estimated Returns will be will be: ₹6,74,591.

How to invest $20,000 per month in a mutual fund? ›

Two SIPs should be allocated to selected large-cap funds, the 3rd SIP to a mid-cap fund, the 4th SIP to a multi-cap fund, and the last SIP of Rs 4,000 can be invested in a fund of your choice, such as a small-cap fund, an Index fund, or a value fund.

Which SIP has the highest return? ›

Equity Hybrid Debt Solution Oriented Others Filter
Scheme NamePlan1Y
ICICI Prudential Bluechip Fund - Direct Plan - GrowthDirect Plan17.97%
Tata Large Cap Fund - Direct Plan - GrowthDirect Plan17.83%
Bandhan Large Cap Fund - Direct Plan - GrowthDirect Plan16.58%
DSP Top 100 Equity Fund - Direct Plan - GrowthDirect Plan16.28%
29 more rows

How much SIP for 1 crore? ›

With a SIP amount of Rs 50,000 with 0% annual increase, the investor will be able to reach Rs 1 crore in 9 years and 2 months. With a SIP amount of Rs 75,000 with 0% annual increase the investor will be able to reach Rs 1 crore in 7 years and 1 month.

Which bank SIP is best? ›

Best SIP Plans in India in 2024
Fund Name3 Years5 Years
Multi Cap Growth Fund ICICI Prudential17.36%13.61%
Equity Fund SBI16.9%14.63%
Equity II Fund Canara HSBC Oriental Bank15.99%12.31%
7 more rows

What happens if I invest 15 000 a month in SIP for 15 years? ›

Consider investing Rs 15,000 per month for 15 years and earning 15% returns. After 15 years, the total wealth will be Rs 1,00,27,601 (Rs. 1 crore). According to the compounding principle, if we implement these very same returns and contributions for another 15 years, the amount we accumulate grows enormously.

Is SIP tax free? ›

Is SIP tax-free? SIPs themselves are not tax-free, but they can be a powerful tax-saving tool. Here is why: SIPs are a way to invest in certain mutual funds, like Equity Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS).

What is a good monthly SIP? ›

₹18,000-19,000 per month for 12 years for child's education (at 60:40 equity:debt). ₹56,000-57,000 per month for 20 years for retirement (at 60:40 equity:debt). So, in total for all the three goals, you need to invest a little over ₹1 lakh per month.

Which SIP gives 40% return in India? ›

There are eight large cap mutual funds which have delivered over 40 percent return in the past one year. These include Quant Large Cap Fund, Bank of India Bluechip Fund, JM Large Cap Fund and Nippon India Large Cap Fund, among others.

What is the top SIP return in 2023? ›

That didn't stop us from looking at the SIP returns of equity mutual funds in 2023. We were in for a pleasant surprise: SIPs in top 10 schemes offered over 58% in 2023. Bandhan Small Cap Fund, the topper in the list, offered more than 70.06% in 2023. Mahindra Manulife Small Cap Fund gave around 69.78%.

Which is the rank 1 mutual fund in India? ›

Top Mutual Fund Houses in India
S.No.Mutual Fund House
1.SBI Mutual Fund
2.ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund
3.HDFC Mutual Fund
4.Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund
6 more rows
Apr 23, 2024

Which type of SIP gives highest return? ›

Latest Best Performing SIP Mutual Funds in 2024
Fund NameFund Size (Crores)5-year Return
Quant Focused FundRs.65629.73%
Quant Active FundRs.8,14334.73%
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap FundRs.55,03427.02%
Edelweiss Large & Mid Cap FundRs.2,73425.00%
6 more rows

What happens if I invest $1,000 in SIP for 30 years? ›

If you were to invest Rs 1,000 per month into an equity SIP over a span of 30 years at 12 per cent per annum, you would have invested only Rs 3.6 lakhs. However, your portfolio's value would have grown to an impressive Rs 34.9 lakhs.

Which investment gives highest return monthly? ›

Performance of Top 10 Investment Plans for Monthly Income
Investment PlanExpected Annual ReturnsRisk Level
Equity Mutual Funds with Dividend Options10-12%High
Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS)7.6% (current rate)Low
Corporate Fixed Deposits7-9%Moderate
Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS)8% (current rate)Low
6 more rows
May 16, 2024

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.