Introduction to Due Diligence of Companies and Funds- Magistral (2024)

What is Due Diligence?

Due Diligence Definition: It is an exercise done to check the quality of an investment before committing funds to it. There are lots of claims that are made by an asset manager, a company founder, a real estate developer, or anyone else who is interested in selling the asset or a stake of it thereof. These claims need to be satisfactorily validated before the funds are committed to buying the asset or a part of it.

Due Diligence in Finance

Due diligence is a general term of analyzing the investment before committing the funds. Financial due diligence concerns with the assets that generate returns and are financial in nature like private or public companies, start-ups, hedge funds, real estate, and real estate funds.

What does due diligence consist of?

Due diligence for financial aspects validates the claims of the seller through a detailed study of the documentation supporting the sellers’ claims. The Due Diligence period depends on the size and the nature of the asset on which it is being performed. The speed at which the data is made available also impacts the Due Diligence period. A start-up which is a small set-up could be checked in say a few weeks’ time, whereas bigger corporates may take months before the exercise for the whole company is performed.

Due Diligence Process

The process sometimes may take long periods and may require expertise. An external consultant can be hired for a Due diligence fee to make the process more objective

Here are the steps that are required for a detailed Due Diligence exercise:

Establishing the purpose of the investment

The investor needs to identify the purpose of the investment to do due diligence on the relevant aspects of the financial assets. For example, an investor wants to invest in a start-up with an aim of explosive growth in the next few years, so that he could exit the investment with massive gains. Or another investor wants to invest in a Real Estate fund specializing in infrastructure to generate a regular flow of income. Establishing the purpose clarifies the areas where the due diligence should be focused on. This leads to the development of the Due Diligence framework

Identifying the focus areas for Due Diligence

Once the purpose is established, investors should identify their focus areas for due diligence accordingly. In the above example say for the start-up the future growth is very important. What are the factors on which the future growth would depend? These are the market in which the start-up operates, its competition, its product, the capability of the team, etc. Similarly, for the Real Estate investment, the quality of underlying assets is important so that the investor could be assured of regular returns. This leads to doing due diligence on the type and quality of investments done by the RE fund, contracts signed, leases, rent rolls, tenants, users, market conditions, and everything else that may have an impact on the RE yield, where the fund operates

Preparing Due Diligence Questionnaires

A questionnaire needs to be prepared for each focus area. The way it works is that one starts with a broad question and set of other supporting questions. The questionnaire is followed by the collection of all the relevant data and documents. The seller provides the due diligence documents through data rooms, that could be physical or virtual. Investors or their representatives go through the details of all the data and documents and ask for clarifications if that is so required. A Due diligence checklist is also prepared to find out all the relevant supporting documents. A Due Diligence Analyst keeps track of the documents in the data room and the actions completed.

Preparing Due Diligence Report

Once the study of all the data and documents is complete, the service provider prepares a due diligence report for the investors. It carries all the details about the investments, outcomes that could reasonably be expected from the investments, and red flags that the investor should be concerned about. Some reports clearly suggest if the investor should go ahead with the investment at all

Magistral Consulting has experience in conducting due diligence for start-ups, private companies, public companies, and funds. It covers all aspects of due diligence done by Private Equity, Venture Capital, Investment Banks, Family Offices, and Fund of Funds. Here are the broad types of Due Diligence

Introduction to Due Diligence of Companies and Funds- Magistral (1)

Various types of Due Diligence performed by Investment Banks, Private Equity, Venture Capital and Family Office firms

Due Diligence of a Company

Due diligence for companies is typically done before investing in or Mergers and Acquisitions of companies. This is also done before buying a business. The areas covered in the process largely depend on the size of the company and the purpose of the investment. While doing due diligence for companies, the following are the areas that should be looked into

Financial Performance-Past and Forecast

This is very critical for bigger companies. As usually the investments are done for returns from stocks, which is directly related to the expected financial performance of the company. It also impacts company valuation and stock price. Past financial performance is pulled out and compared with regulatory filings. Also studied are the market, trends, cyclicity, inventory, and other financial aspects. P&L and balance sheets are dived into to find any outliers. This is compared with peers in the same industry to look for anything that may raise suspicion. Forecast assumptions are checked for validity. Departmental budgets are scrutinized for authenticity and to find improvement potential. Previous audit reports are seen for regularly repeated observations. Usually, for start-ups, this is not a critical factor, as they are still in process of streamlining the revenue sources. Still, for start-ups that are looking to raise funds beyond seed or Series A, it’s imperative to get into the details of financials.


Another aspect of companies that need closer careful evaluation is their strategy. The growth rates of the markets, and product categories, it plans to expand into is closely studied. It is checked if the current portfolio of its products and services is the most favorable from cost and growth perspectives. Risks are also evaluated along with the competition of the company. In the case of Start-ups and smaller companies, growth rates, competition and trends are looked into closely to verify the assumptions made while valuing the company


various other functions of the company are also studied under this like Manufacturing, Procurement, Human Resources, Technology, etc. It is evaluated with a lens of efficiency and cost. This is to evaluate the scope of operational efficiency in case the ownership of the company changes hands. Again this is not so important for smaller or start-up companies.


Due diligence on the team is very important for start-up companies. Their experience, skills, qualifications, and past achievements are looked into to have a comprehensive view of their capabilities and future potential. This factor is not that important in the case of large companies where this exercise is being done for M&A


This is very important for SaaS-based tech start-ups. The product needs to be checked as to where is it in the development stage. If it is fully developed, whether its UI, features, etc. are working properly. If not how much time and effort will go into developing the product. Is there even a chance of whether the team will ever be able to develop the product? For bigger companies, the entire portfolio of the product is studied to find out winners


In the case of B2B health of the biggest clients is checked out to suggest the sustainability of the market for the company. In the case of the B2C demographic profile and its future changes are analyzed to understand any revenue impact in the future. For SaaS-based tech companies, the nature of customers is understood whether they are free, freemium, or paid and the average ticket price to understand the sustainability of the business in the long run

Due Diligence of Funds

Due diligence of funds is usually done by Fund of Funds, Family Offices, and other investors who are interested in investing in the fund. The process, in this case, is different from the process followed in case of companies

Introduction to Due Diligence of Companies and Funds- Magistral (2)

Major differences between due diligence of companies and funds

Here are the items that are looked at while performing due diligence for the funds

Fund Performance

This is true for both Real Estate and Hedge Funds. All the technical parameters related to the fund performance are looked at while making a decision. This evaluates not only the returns that the fund has generated in the past but also the volatility and the risk taken to produce those returns. Funds’ performance is benchmarked with the indices that carry no investment risks


Here the profile of Fund Managers is looked into. Their experience qualification and past performance are looked into while evaluating the team. This is again true for both Hedge Funds and Real Estate funds

Investment Focus

The investment focus of the fund is analyzed to see if it is in line with the expectations of the investor. If it is a hedge fund that its markets, stocks, and geography are considered whereas if it is a Real Estate fund then the Real Estate Class and geography are considered for the exercise.

Underlying Portfolio

This is slightly more important in the case of Due Diligence of Real Estate funds as compared to Hedge funds as the Hedge Fund portfolio churns more often, whereas the Real Estate portfolio is more or less permanent. The quality of the underlying portfolio is looked at for the potential of generating regular returns. If there are any red flags in any of the properties, the same is highlighted. Real Estate properties and assets are analyzed for price trends, forecasts, rent, value increase, neighborhoods, and future potential of the asset.


This is more relevant for niche Real Estate funds that are dealing in specialist RE categories like handicap hostels or Self-storage. The potential in the underlying theme is objectively evaluated to find out the potential of returns that could be generated in the future

Magistral has experience and capabilities in providing Due Diligence Services to global clients in the space of Private Equity, Venture Capital, Investment Banking, and Family Offices

About Magistral

Magistral Consulting has helped multiple funds and companies in outsourcing operations activities. It has service offerings for Private Equity, Venture Capital, Family Offices,Investment Banks,Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Financial Consultants,Real Estate, REITs, RE funds,Corporates and Portfolio companies. Its functional expertise is aroundDeal origination,Deal Execution, Due Diligence,Financial Modeling,Portfolio ManagementandEquity Research

For setting up an appointment with a Magistral representative

About the Author

The Author, Prabhash Choudhary is the CEO of Magistral Consulting and can be reached atPrabhash.choudhary@magistralconsutling.comfor any queries or business inquiries.

Introduction to Due Diligence of Companies and Funds- Magistral (2024)


What is the introduction of financial due diligence? ›

Financial due diligence audits a company's financial statements and books to make sure that there are no irregularities and that the company is on solid financial footing. Tax due diligence looks at the company's tax exposure, whether it may owe any back taxes, and where it can reduce its tax burden going forward.

What is the due diligence process for funding? ›

The process involves asking and answering a series of questions to evaluate the business and legal aspects of the opportunity. Once the process is complete, the investor will use the outcomes of the process to finalize the internal approval process and complete the investment.

What is the due diligence of a company? ›

What is due diligence in business? Due diligence is the systematic examination of a business ahead of an event such as a merger or acquisition, capital raise, IPO, or audit. It is the investigation carried out prior to a financial transaction to assess commercial and legal risks, as well as opportunities.

What are the three principles of due diligence? ›

Below, we take a closer look at the three elements that comprise human rights due diligence – identify and assess, prevent and mitigate and account –, quoting from the Guiding Principles.

How to prepare for a financial due diligence interview? ›

Answer: Be prepared to discuss your current role and responsibilities. Financial due diligence is a client-based job, so be sure to include details about your experience working with clients and management teams. Explain how you can work independently (i.e., without a lot of oversight) in your current role.

What is the purpose of a financial due diligence? ›

Financial due diligence is an investigative analysis of the financial performance of a company. Similar to an audit, financial due diligence is conducted by outsiders looking to gain a better understanding of the financial situation that the company finds itself in, and its prospects for the future.

Who pays for due diligence? ›

Due diligence money is a fee that buyers proffer at the time they make an offer on a home. In essence, it is the buyer's good faith payment to the seller. During the due diligence period, the seller pulls the home off the market while the buyer completes inspections.

What is an example of a due diligence process? ›

The due diligence in business circ*mstances refers to organizations practicing prudence by carefully assessing associated costs and risks prior to completing transactions. Examples include purchasing new property or equipment, implementing new business information systems, or integrating with another firm.

How to prepare for due diligence? ›

Here are four steps to prepare you for the due diligence process:
  1. 1 Be honest. Get used to having honest conversations. ...
  2. 2 Record & store information from the start. ...
  3. 3 Ask questions. ...
  4. 4 Consider it as an opportunity to find the best match.

What are the 4 P's of due diligence? ›

Intangible Factors. In addition to the four key principles of people, performance, philosophy, and process, four intangible factors can also play a role in manager selection: passion, perspective, purpose, and progress.

What is due diligence in simple terms? ›

Due diligence is the steps an organization takes to thoroughly investigate and verify an entity before initiating a business arrangement, whether that's with a vendor, a third party or a client. In the general business sense, due diligence means vetting issues that affect the business thoughtfully and carefully.

What is a financial due diligence checklist? ›

Below is a basic outline of the financial due diligence checklist: Income statements (past five years) showing income and expenditure, profit and loss. Balance sheets (past five years) showing company assets and liabilities. Cash flow statements (past five years) showing all cash inflows and cash outflows.

What are the principles of due diligence? ›

Due diligence involves ongoing communication

An enterprise should account for how it identifies and addresses actual or potential adverse impacts and should communicate accordingly. Information should be accessible to its intended audiences (e.g. stakeholders, investors, consumers, etc.)

What are the key roles in due diligence? ›

The Role of Due Diligence

The process validates the accuracy of the information presented, ensures that the transaction complies with the criteria laid out in the purchase agreement, verifies that the parties consider all benefits and risks, and allows the buyer to know what they are buying.

What are the two main types of due diligence? ›

We uncover 11 key types of due diligence in M&A and look at examples of how they are used, and provide practical due diligence checklists.
  • Financial due diligence.
  • Legal due diligence.
  • Tax due diligence.
  • Operational due diligence.
  • IP due diligence.
  • Commercial due diligence.
  • IT due diligence.
  • HR due diligence.

When was due diligence introduced? ›

The UN formalized guidelines for Human Rights Due Diligence on June 16, 2011, with the endorsem*nt of Ruggie's Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights.

What is the financial due diligence standard? ›

Financial due diligence

It's aim is to establish future forecasts with any and all potential risks taken into account. An example of financial due diligence is reviewing financial statements, assets, debts, cashflow and projections to determine whether they are true and accurate.

What is a due diligence summary? ›

A due diligence report is a summary of the due diligence process. In it, risk and compliance teams will detail the research they completed, the information they uncovered and recommendations for how to proceed with the business relationship.

What is the first stage of the due diligence process? ›

The due diligence process begins from the moment a buyer senses a possible acquisition opportunity. The buyer then starts to examine the information that is readily available at this early time about the company.

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