How to get a moth out of your room (2024)

If you see moths in your room you need to find out what the moth larvae are feeding on and how to get rid of them.

Getting rid of moths in a room is not as simple as chasing and crushing them. The moths you actually see flying around are the final stage of their life cycle. They are looking for something suitable on which to lay more eggs.

Usually, people introduce clothes moths by bringing in contaminated items. Otherwise, it is also possible that the clothes moths simply fly in from the surrounding area.

When clothes moth activity goes unnoticed for a long time, the clothes moth infestation can spread to other items or rooms, and the damage caused by the clothes moth larvae becomes both more extensive and more obvious.

How to get a moth out of your room (1)

Getting clothes moths in a wardrobe can be devastating. Incidentally, the clothes moths only damage significantly garments that are not used and washed frequently. Fabrics made out of animal fibers such as wool and silk are particularly susceptible. And garments worn previously and stored without washing are extremely attractive to clothes moth larvae because of the residual sweat they contain.

Consequently, if clothes moths keep on appearing in your house, you must take action.

Looking for a moth in a room

The common clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella) in general is quite elusive, and they do not even need to take flight in order to reproduce. So what you see is the tip of the iceberg.

To find a moth in a room, look carefully at the upper part of the wall and scan your entire room. The adult moths are often very pale in colour and hard to spot.Also search for signs underneath low-rise furniture, in darker areas, and where the carpet is undisturbed and most fluffy.

If you find no signs of insect silks or thinning carpet then you must begin looking at your stuff and clothes.

How to get a moth out of your room (2)

How to get rid of moths

In order to get rid of moths, you need to kill the adult moths and larvae and break the life cycle of the insect by depleting the stock of eggs.

You can use vacuum cleaning, chemical treatment, and temperature against moths. These methods work best when combined together. You can kill moths with extreme cold or with heat using space heaters or a powerful steamer. At inoculand we use both 18KW space heaters and the professional pest control cimex eradicator steamer seen below.

How to get a moth out of your room (3)How to get a moth out of your room (4)

As a professionalmoth pest control company, we normally spray residual insecticides on the floors, walls, and surfaces followed by a round of ULV fumigation. We carry out 2 visits at two weeks intervals, so the pesticidal effect covers in excess of the life cycle.

How to get rid of moths using commercial products

Alternatively, a DIY approach would have to rely on commercial products that are much weaker and not so long-lasting. In other words, the DIY person would have to do weekly visits in excess of 4-5 weeks, and without the proper tools and protective gear, the task would be quite tremendous.

Moths are quite weak insects, so there is no need for potent chemicals as such. The key is in being thorough and ensuring there are no safe areas for them to survive over a period of 4-5 weeks. We need to treat them throughout and thoroughly using simultaneously surface and space treatments.

You can useant killer (water-based) to spray the surfaces andfly-killer to knock down the adult moths that are already there to stop them from laying need eggs.

You need to prepare your home for fumigation:

  • A thorough round of hoovering will crush some of the moth larvae and dislodge a few eggs.
  • Inspect all the drawers, wardrobes, and shelves for signs of moths.
  • Any garment showing signs of moths should be either deep-frozen at –18°C, heat-treated in a heat pod, hot washed to 60°C, dry cleaned, or disposed of.

After applying a residual crawling insect killer onto all the surfaces and carpet, let it dry before you put all your stuff back where it belongs. It may sound counterintuitive to use a crawling insect killer to kill a flying insect, but the main targets are the larvae. Furthermore, the adult moth will also rest on the surfaces and will therefore come in contact with the chemicals.

Getting rid of moths using moth bombs only

Moths bombs are very powerful but only work while they last and leave no residual effect afterward. They have a similar effect that of ULV fumigations, or the use of fly killer. They basically knock down whatever they get in contact with such as adult moths or moths larvae.

However, the shell of their eggs and pupae is impervious to liquid and gaseous pesticides. So moth bombs alone are not appropriate to get rid of all stages of moths in the house.

How to get a moth out of your room (5)

How to get rid of moths in house

Before setting on doing anything, you need to focus on two factors. On one hand, you have your home as a whole—the flooring, its fixtures, its furniture. And then you have your belongings, composed mainly of hardware, and soft fabrics of synthetic or natural origin. You cannot hope to eradicate a moth infestation without dealing with both ends of the moth problem simultaneously and in a consistent orderly fashion.

How to get rid of carpet moths

The best way to get rid of moths in the carpet without chemicalsis to physically destroy them.

Step 1: The simplest way is friction will crush the larvae and dislodge the eggs.

Step 2: Steaming without the long extension. The temperature of the steam being 180°C will denature the protein structure of all stages of moths. Apply the steam only enough to penetrate deeply into and below the carpet.

Step 3: Using diatomaceous earth (D.E.) would act as a scouring pad and erode the insect cuticle causing dehydration.

How to get rid of clothes moths

The common clothes moths (Tineola bisselliella) can attack the clothes kept on shelves, and in wardrobes and drawers.

On clothes, you cannot use D.E. dust as it would mess your clothes, and you cannot spray your clothes directly either.

How to get a moth out of your room (6)

So then what is the best way to get rid of moths in clothes?

Normally, the garments prone to clothes moth activity cannot be hot washed at 60°C without shrinking. So, that leaves dry cleaning, steaming, deep freezing, or placing the delicate garments inside a dry heat pod.

Dry cleaning would be expensive if you have a lot of items. Deep freezing at –18°C for two days is only convenient for few small items. Steaming would need to be applied to one garment at a time. And the most convenient way is using a heat pod able to accommodate 5o-100 garments on hangers per cycle from the comfort of your home.

How to get a moth out of your room (7)

How long do moth live

The full life cycle of the common clothes moths can take up to four to six months in the wild. But in our homes, conditions and temperatures are very favourable. So, clothes moths may live one month, eggs may take less than ten days to hatch, larvae will reach maturity in about a month and the pupate stage will last about two to three weeks.

So to get rid of a moth infestation, you would need to hammer all stages for at least four to five weeks to break the life cycle.

If an infestation is already well established, you may need more visits or consider a full moth heat treatment that is more powerful.

How to get a moth out of your room (8)

What do clothes moths look like

Tineola bisselliella is the cause of most clothes moth infestations. Their colour is of a rather light yellow-brown. However, there are other types of moths that can affect clothes and carpets. The case-bearing moth is rather brown-grey and has a silk case attached to its abdomen.

Carpet or clothes damage can also be caused by variegated carpet beetles. So, if you see the damage but no flying moths, you may have to look deeper and try to spot the larvae. Clothes moths larvae are mostly white. Whereas the carpet beetle larvae are quite a dark brown with hairs (Woolly Bear).

How do I get rid of moths without losing track?

Getting rid of moths in your home will take a systematic approach over a period of four to six weeks. Plan ahead and schedule it into your calendar accordingly. In principle, I would rather do too much than not enough.

After the initial eradication phase, you can also introduce a prophylactic routine to prevent a resurgence of the clothes moth infestation.

What do moths eat?

Moth larvae feed principally on animal fibers such as wool, cashmere, fur, and silks. Moth eggs need to be on fabrics that are edible to them. So that once the eggs hatch out, the moth larvae can feed on the stuff until it reaches maturity. Then the moth larvae will make a cocoon and undergo metamorphosis to become adult clothes moths.

But the common clothes moth can also actually feed on all kinds of foodstuff such as flour and seeds. As you battle the clothes moths, you should not dismiss the kitchen and the dry food cupboard. The Indian Meal moths or the brown moths are no threat to your clothes and carpet.

Do moths eat clothes?

The moth larvae do not drink so they must get their moisture from what they eat. Hence, clothes containing sweat are more likely to be affected. You can narrow it down further by looking at stuff that you wear and do not wash systematically and put back in your wardrobe for many weeks or months. Typically, this would include suits you do not wear regularly but still keep in your wardrobe, a felt hat, a scarf, and some jumpers or cardigans.

And remember that there is not really any need to waste time on the clothes you wear and wash regularly, as the continuous washing cycles would prevent anything from catching on. But if you own a lot of jeans, cotton sweatshirts, and polyester clothing, concentrate on accessories, and winter gloves, hats, and scarves.

Keep getting moths in my room?

If you still keep getting moths in your room, this is for one of two reasons:

  • you may have overlooked something inside your room
  • you get reinfested from the surrounding area. This could be a tree that is opposite your window, ceiling spotlights, or through the floorboards.

We often do treatments in flats that contain no carpet at all. And sometimes, we see the infestation originates from the neighbour and the moths are travelling in through the ceiling lights (see below picture). Also, in a few instances, we can find organic insulation wool under the floorboard that is infested.

How to get a moth out of your room (9)

Are moths harmful?

The main impact of moths is economic; it is down to dealing with the consequences of the damage caused by clothes moth larvae. Otherwise, they normally are not a concern for your health unless you suffer from a particular allergy.

Do moths bite?

Moths do not bite. What you think may be the result of a bite is but an allergic reaction. The wings of clothes moths contain protein-based allergens. Like any allergies, it is but a matter of probability that you may be sensitive. In general, clothes moths and their larvae do not possess urticant hairs. But other species can shed such irritant hairs in your environment and bedsheets and you could get sting marks as a result.

I hope this article has been helpful and that you’ve learned a bit more about clothes moth infestations and what to do about them. If you have any questions, professionals have a duty of care. This means that whether you live in London, UK or any other part of the world, the advice would be the same. Do contact us at Inoculand, and we’ll help you out.

How to get a moth out of your room (2024)


How to get a moth out of your room? ›

You can use ant killer (water-based) to spray the surfaces and fly-killer to knock down the adult moths that are already there to stop them from laying need eggs. You need to prepare your home for fumigation

Fumigation is a method of pest control or the removal of harmful microorganisms by completely filling an area with gaseous pesticides, or fumigants, to suffocate or poison the pests within. › wiki › Fumigation
: A thorough round of hoovering will crush some of the moth larvae and dislodge a few eggs.

How do you get a moth out of your bedroom? ›

Getting rid of moths for good requires a two-pronged approach: first treat the immediate moth issue using moth traps, vinegar solutions, and thorough cleaning, then use preventative measures like mothballs and proper storage techniques to make sure the moths don't come back.

How do I scare moths out of my room? ›

Moths and other insects are repelled by the pheromones in cedar. Combine dried, crushed, and powdered herbs. Combine the following in a bag that you can hang anywhere you keep clothes or food: lavender, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary, and thyme. Moths also hate the odors of these herbs.

Is it OK to sleep in a room with a moth? ›

Rest assured, the kinds of moths that flutter around your room at night won't sting, bite, or otherwise hurt you. Still, you should probably try to catch and remove moths in your bedroom. After all, who wants to wake up to that throughout the night? No thanks!

How long will a moth survive in my room? ›

Moths and butterflies are rather short-lived in the adult stage. They live only 2–3 weeks on average. In a house where they cannot find a nectar source they would not last more than a few days.

How do you get a moth out of your room without touching it? ›

If a moth gets into your house, turn off all the lights and light a single candle. The moth will be attracted to it and kill itself. Archived post.

What smell do moths hate? ›

Moths, like many insects, simply can't stand the smell of some of the most aromatic herbs, like mint, lavender, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary, and thyme. Use this to your advantage to create natural moth repellents in your home.

Where do moths hide in bedroom? ›

A few common bedroom locations where moths are likely to hide include master closets, bins stored under the bed, clothing chests, or other dark, undisturbed places where natural fabrics are stored.

Where do moths lay eggs in bedroom? ›

Many moths are attracted to clothing and fabrics that are composed of materials that are derived from animals. Areas where moths may gather to lay eggs include near plumbing fixtures, under appliances, cracks, and other areas that are dark and isolated.

Can a moth bite you? ›

No, adult moths do not bite. Moths are mostly harmless, fluttering insects. Because a moth's mouth parts are so small, it is not physically possible for it to bite a human, with few exceptions, including the “vampire moth." The most that will happen is the moth will leave behind a little dust as it flies away.

What does it mean if a moth is in your room? ›

A moth in your home can symbolize light and warmth.

If you see a moth inside your house, it could mean that your home is full of positivity and comfort. Moths are drawn to light, so your home is likely bright in a literal sense, but it can also be symbolically bright.

Will a moth lay eggs in my room? ›

In these peaceful nooks and crannies, they will lay eggs. These eggs can then hatch into larvae that eat dry goods or natural materials and fabrics. The most high-risk areas in homes are attics, pantries, closets, and garages. However, dark areas in basem*nts or an unused room may also attract moths.

What kills moths fast? ›

Air, heat, or freeze items you don't dry-clean or wash. A combination of sunlight and vigorously brushing the infested items can kill moth eggs and larvae.

Do moths ever go away on their own? ›

Once you've identified you have a moth issue, it's time to take action. It's hard to pinpoint how these things get indoors in the first place, but they do not go away on their own, says Suiter.

How do I make a moth trap? ›

How to make your sugary moth trap:
  1. Mix the wine and sugar together and gently heat until all the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Once cool – soak the cloths in the sugary liquid.
  3. Hang the cloths over some tree branches.
  4. Wait for a few hours after dark.
  5. Check your trap!

Why is there a moth in my bedroom? ›

The insects may slip in easily through the door, or an open window. In some instances, moths get in the house because they are simply attracted to light. Moths may also be attracted to food or clothing within the home. Here, you'll learn about the most common moths as well as some strategies on how to control them.

How did a moth get in my bedroom? ›

Moths often gather around outdoor lighting or windows at nighttime, where they may move inside through small cracks or when doors and windows are opened. However, light does not account for all moth infestations. Once moths get inside, generally lit areas appeal to pantry moths, but clothes moths shy away from light.

Why is my bedroom infested with moths? ›

Most moth infestations come from the pantry moth or clothes moths. The most common way to contract a moth infestation is by carrying infected items into the home. Food and clothing items that have larvae or eggs hiding within them can introduce a moth problem when you least expect it.

What does a moth in my room mean? ›

Things You Should Know

Moths can represent change, transformation, and growth. Many cultures see moths as symbols of death and believe they bring messages from the afterlife. Others believe that moths symbolize your intuition and encourage you to trust your inner wisdom.

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