How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELL (2024)

An oldie but definitely still a goodie, this traditional SPIN Selling method can help you earn more clients in no time! Read on to find out more about it.

RELATED:Stop Pitching: Start Solving Problems For Your Customers

In this article:

  1. What Is SPIN Selling?
  2. SPIN Selling Background
    1. Situational Question
    2. Problem Question
    3. Implication Question
    4. Need or Payoff Question
  3. SPIN Selling Training Tips
  4. Reasons Why the SPIN Sales Technique Works
  5. Is Asking SPIN Selling Questions Dead?
  6. How to Utilize the SPIN Selling Technique in Today’s Sales Landscape

SPIN Selling | A Good Way to Earn Clients

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What Is SPIN Selling?

There are millions of hacks, tips, theories, and experiments that have been carried out in the sales process. SPIN selling is one of the older selling techniques that are still prevalent in this modern digital era because salespeople still find it very effective.

SPIN selling involves keeping the clients engaged by asking them different types of questions and understanding their needs instead of going on about the thing you are selling. This sales methodology works because you are not selling a product or service — you are selling a solution to their problems.

It works because it taps into the basic nature of human beings — that need to express themselves and their needs before being asked for something. It stands at the core of a consultative selling process.

The SPIN selling model works because many people look for products or services as a solution to a certain problem they have.

By asking the right questions, you’ll be able to offer the best possible solution to your client’s needs. Successful salespeople use the SPIN selling process to gain the trust of their prospects enough to close a deal.

SPIN Selling Background

How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant (1)

Ask the right questions and get into meaningful conversations with prospects.

The author of the book SPIN Selling, Neil Rackham, came up with the method. He wrote about the proven benefits of having meaningful SPIN selling conversations with your customer or buyer to sell them your products or services.

In his SPIN selling book, he divided a conversation into four phases and gave it the name “SPIN.”

SPIN is an acronym derived from the following:

  1. Situational question
  2. Problem question
  3. Implication question
  4. Need or payoff question

Let’s break down each section of this sales strategy and how they can lead to a closed deal with a grateful customer.

1. Situational Question

This is the introductory part of the SPIN methodology. Sales reps will ask generalized questions looking for a cue to jump on to.

Every question that falls under this phase will be related to the salesman’s product but will not reference it directly.

The following are examples of situational questions:

  • How do you automate things in your sales cycle?
  • What is the procedure you follow for prospecting?
  • How do you track your customer’s interest and engagement?

RELATED:Salesperson Skills Of Top Performers

2. Problem Question

The salesperson will ask the prospect about the problem they face due to their current situation. This will lead to the prospect or potential client being more comfortable with the salesperson, resulting in a healthier conversation.

Examples of questions are as follows:

  • Is it expensive for you to use different premium tools for small tasks?
  • Do you feel that a few processes in your company can get faster?
  • What challenges do you face during your current plan for this tool?

When a salesperson asks the right questions, potential clients tend to feel more at ease to share the situation they’re currently facing. If they discuss the challenges they have in achieving success, sales professionals can get a better idea of what solution to offer them to reach their goals.

3. Implication Question

How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant (2)

Think thoroughly about the implication questions to ask prospects.

In the implication stage, the salesperson asks a few hypothetical questions. These questions imply that their prospect’s problems can be solved using their product or service.

However, there is a thin line between asking them an implied question masquerading as a solution and insulting their current methods of getting things done.

Be sensitive to your client’s plight. Don’t just assume that the product or service you’re offering will dramatically increase their productivity right away.

SPIN selling questions can help you understand their situation, but it does not allow you to jump the gun in offering your product or service as a solution.

Examples of questions to ask are as follows:

  • If you fail to put the data into the sheets, what would happen?
  • How much time or money is this going to take from you to fix it if you’re unable to do this?
  • If once you stop manually connecting it, how much will it affect your daily revenue?

4. Need or Payoff Question

The last part of the method is to try to resolve the client’s need and ask them to buy the product. This is the most important part of the SPIN selling methodology as it determines whether the prospect is interested in the idea or not.

If you genuinely listened to your potential client’s situation, you won’t have to extensively explain your product. They’ll be pointing out the benefits they can get if they purchase your product. You’ll be able to close a sale and establish a genuine relationship with your customer.

Example questions can be the following:

  • What if you could cut down on time spent on a process through automation?
  • Would you like to have a look at the possibilities you can achieve if you use the right tool?
  • Why don’t you give it a try?
  • What’s stopping you from having a free trial and testing if we are able to solve all your problems or not?

SPIN Selling Training Tips

If you’re planning to use the SPIN selling technique as your sales methodology, some ground rules to keep in mind include:

  • Use this technique when your clients have yet to fully understand the problem they’re facing. If you can help them realize the pain points and offer them a solution, then you won’t have a problem building a lasting relationship with them.
  • Listen carefully to your client’s answers. This is the only way to present them with a solution that will address their problems effectively.
  • What works for one customer may not effectively solve the problem of another. Though they may have similar general issues, the specifics of each client may differ depending on the situation they’re currently facing.
  • Research is the key! Don’t jump in without knowing anything and instead, make sure you ask questions relevant to your client’s problem.
  • Be aware of time limits. Talking about problems and possible solutions may go on for hours if unchecked but be wary of the time you spend in sales discussions.
  • Prepare for your customers to ask their own questions. Because the Internet is more accessible now, people tend to do their own research ahead of scheduled sales calls.
  • Ask questions to keep the conversation going for you to get more information, and don’t just check off questions like a checklist. Remember, every customer has different needs.
  • SPIN selling is just the first step to fixing your client’s problem areas. If they won’t use your product or service properly, then the solution they want won’t be achieved.
  • SPIN selling is just a methodology, not the sales bible. In some cases, the SPIN selling model may not be the best strategy to use for closing a deal.

Reasons Why the SPIN Sales Technique Works

How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant (3)

Make conversations all about the customer and not what you’re selling.

The SPIN Selling technique works because of many factors. One of these is because it focuses on the customer.

Any successful sales deal starts with a productive conversation between a salesperson and a prospect. With any sales conversation, the prospect must talk more than the salesperson.

This is achieved using the SPIN Selling technique since it revolves around the salesperson asking questions. In this scenario, the prospect is encouraged to speak because he or she has to provide answers.

Another reason why this technique works is its flexibility. While there are general guidelines for what types of questions to ask, there’s still room for the salesperson to adjust depending on how the conversation is going.

Is Asking SPIN Selling Questions Dead?

The impact of SPIN selling on the sales industry may be huge, but some are questioning whether it’s still relevant these days. This is especially true for those who prefer Social Selling over the SPIN Selling technique.

Some sales professionals, including Rackham, don’t think you should discount it just yet. It may have been created in 1988, but they believe all it needs is to be taken into the future and made relevant for the current sales industry.

Despite being the ultimate guide on how to close a sale via telephone, SPIN selling is still relevant in the digital era. The principles of SPIN selling can transfer to email, article, copy, ads and other online resources.

Staying ahead of the crowd in an online world means standing out. Research means you can build a picture about your prospect and the Situation and Problem stages become easy. Standing out with the right question informs your customer that you understand their needs and have paid attention to their problems, which should put you in a great position to build a good relationship.

Rackham tells us that the three ways to describe your offerings are: –

  • Features
  • Advantages
  • Benefits

The FAB structure is a clear rule which focuses on the characteristics of your product in the context of the customer’s needs.

How to Utilize the SPIN Selling Technique in Today’s Sales Landscape

During the 2016 Association of Professional Sales (APS) conference in London, Rackham showed delegates how to update the SPIN technique for the modern sales environment.

Situational Questions

These days, prospects are more hesitant now about answering situational questions. People aren’t really interested in providing answers to questions about them that the rep could’ve researched beforehand.

When it comes to situational questions, the original guidelines of SPIN selling still stand — avoid asking questions from the prospect for the sake of filling out a form or ticking items off a checklist. If you need to ask situational questions, just ask them the essentials, and don’t overload the prospect with questions that are not necessary.

Problem Questions

Originally, these questions helped the rep find an opportunity to position what they’re selling as a solution to the prospect’s problem. These days, it’s all about anticipating what obstacles the prospect could face in the future — something they haven’t even considered yet.

Implication Questions

According to Rackham, this is a question most top-performing reps ask more compared to their peers. By asking implication questions, the rep is forcing the prospect to think about the kinds of situations they’ll face if they don’t solve their problem.

Reps can also combine this with the prospect’s newly-considered potential obstacles that came about when they answered problem questions. This is where the rep can take advantage and try to push the prospect’s decision-making process in their favor.

Payoff Questions

Once the prospect has considered the potential obstacles they’ll face, this is where the rep can highlight the value their offered solution can bring. However, this has been updated since the rep has now introduced unforeseen obstacles.

Rather than cater to their previous needs, the rep must also be able to show the prospect how they can cater to the newly-anticipated needs of the prospect.

The SPIN selling technique can be the most effective way of earning clients if you know and understand the entire process. When it comes to major sales and solution selling, every day can be a new challenge.

Here area few stats that show exactly why SPIN selling is so important:

How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant (4)

Don’t forget to download, save, or share this handy infographic about SPIN selling for reference:

How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant (5)

The best conversations revolve around a client’s needs and the solution to their problems, instead of touting a product’s benefits. Being a consultant and not a salesperson will help you gain a prospect’s trust and turn them into a customer down the line for sales success.

Need more visuals? The video below would also help you understand what SPIN selling is:

Have you tried SPIN selling? Which phase is more challenging for you? Let us know in the comments section below.

Up Next:

  • Sales Best Practices Every Sales Professional Should Know
  • Asking Questions In Sales – What You Need To Know
  • 7 Tips For More Effective Sales Meetings

How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant (6)

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on January 11, 2019, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELLING Technique | Xant|How To Drive A Sales Conversation With SPIN SELL (2024)


What is the spin selling technique? ›

SPIN selling is a sales methodology where reps organize sales calls using questions from four categories: situation, problem, implication, and need-payoff. This approach shifts the focus to buyer challenges and allows reps to develop the consultative customer relationships that complex deals require.

How do you drive a conversation in sales? ›

14 Ways to Improve Your Sales Conversion Rate
  1. Work with the right leads instead of a lot of leads.
  2. Guarantee results.
  3. Use video.
  4. Inform that you are moving on.
  5. Tweak or change your call to action (CTA)
  6. Work on your headlines.
  7. Improve support with live chat.
  8. Set up a follow-up campaign.
Jan 25, 2023

What are the 4 stages of spin selling? ›

The 4 steps to SPIN selling
  • Situation: Establish buyer's current situation.
  • Problem: Identify problems the buyer faces that your product solves.
  • Implication: Explore the causes and effects of those problems.
  • Need-Payoff: Show why your product is worth it.

What is an example of a spin selling question? ›

Examples of SPIN Problem Questions:

Are you satisfied with your current process for manufacturing X? Is any part of the process slower than you'd like? Does this process ever fail? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the way you're doing it now?

What is the most important part of SPIN selling? ›

Questions are the foundation of SPIN Selling. Rackham and his team found top-performing salespeople rarely, if ever, pose random, low-value questions. Not only does every question have a clear purpose, but the order in which they ask their questions is strategic, too.

What is the benefit of SPIN selling? ›

To summarize, the SPIN strategy enhances sales conversations. Through SPIN Selling, reps start having more stimulating conversations with prospects because they're not following a one-size-fits-all script. Instead, they're navigating the conversation using appropriately-timed questions.

What are the 5 steps to a conversation in sales? ›

What are the 5 steps of the sales process?
  • Approach the client. ...
  • Discover client needs. ...
  • Provide a solution. ...
  • Close the sale. ...
  • Complete the sale and follow up.

What is the key to effective sales dialogue? ›

Effective sales dialogues are heavily underpinned by open-ended questions where the sales professional probes deeply to gain an understanding of the buyer's needs, their buying process, and any unknown challenges or opportunities that not have been previously defined during the buyer's internal assessment of their ...

How can I improve my conversation skills in sales? ›

8 Effective Communication Skills for Salespeople
  1. Make sure you're speaking the same “language” ...
  2. Watch your body language. ...
  3. Know when to listen. ...
  4. Be as clear as possible. ...
  5. Do not lie! ...
  6. Research constantly. ...
  7. Give them “space” ...
  8. Know how to greet and how to say goodbye.

What is the most powerful of all spin questions? ›

Implication questions are the most powerful of all SPIN questions top salespeople ask lots of implication questions. These questions are also the hardest to ask.

What are the 7 cycles of selling? ›

Let's break down the seven main stages of the sales cycle: prospecting, making contact, qualifying your lead, nurturing your lead, presenting your offer, overcoming objections, and closing the sale.

What is the 7 step selling process example? ›

There are seven common steps to the selling process: prospecting, preparation, approach, presentation, handling objections, closing and follow-up.

What are the 4 types of spin questions? ›

The acronym SPIN stands for different types of questions:
  • Situation.
  • Problem.
  • Implication.
  • Need-payoff.
Jul 22, 2022

What are some good spin questions? ›

SPIN Selling Questions
  • Tell me about your company.
  • What do you sell?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What is your role there?
  • What does your average day look like?
  • Can you tell me about your current processes?
  • What tools/solutions are you currently using to handle X problem or Y use case?

What are the 4 types of selling questions? ›

Solution- and Feeling-Based Questions. Needs-Based Questions. Feature-Benefit Questions. Objection-Testing Questions.

How do you get commitment in SPIN selling? ›

In the SPIN model there are three steps to obtaining commitment: Check whether you have addressed key concerns. Summarize the benefits you presented. Propose a commitment that will move the sale forward.

What is the conclusion of SPIN selling? ›

In the final stage of SPIN Selling, your objective is to make the prospect realize the value and urgency of solving the identified problem. You need to ensure that the buyers recognize the product's benefits to the problem. You need to be able to ask how they intend to solve the company's problems.

What are the successful outcomes in a large sale SPIN selling? ›

The most successful potential outcome is the customer placing an order – a closed deal. Generally, with B2B sales operations, this happens only after a series of conversations and interactions. But with cheaper products or in certain industries, you might be able to close the deal in one phone call.

Why you should start spinning? ›

Not only does a Spin class benefit your muscles—everything from your legs to your core—but it's also a great low-impact cardiovascular workout, which improves your blood flow, increases your stamina, boosts your mood, and prevents against chronic issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, ...

What are the 4 rules of conversation? ›

There are four of these maxims to follow: Quality, Manner, Relevance, and Quantity. Each of them has their own role to play in guiding our conversations, to make sure we tell the truth, stay relevant, and provide the right kinds and amounts of information.

What are the 6 C's of a sales approach? ›

Remembering the six Cs of the sales approach -- confidence, credibility, contact, communication, customization, and collaboration -- will help you make a good impression when you contact your prospect for the first time.

What are the 3 basic principles of sales communication? ›

Conclusion. If you want to succeed in sales, you need to know and follow the three most important sales principles. These principles are 1) understanding your customer, 2) having strong product knowledge, and 3) building rapport with your prospect.

What are the six critical skills in sales dialogue? ›

The sales skills that empower professionals to win opportunities include; planning and strategizing, understanding needs, driving consensus, positioning value, storytelling, resolving objections, presenting effectively, selling with teams, and negotiating to close.

What is the most effective sales strategy? ›

Generally considered one of the most effective sales strategies, value-based selling focuses on how a product or service will benefit the customer or resolve a problem they're experiencing.

How can I be more articulate in sales? ›

  1. Use An Objection Sheet. ...
  2. Stop Selling Features, Start Solving Problems. ...
  3. Craft Strategic Messages. ...
  4. Cut Out The Jargon. ...
  5. Read It Out Loud. ...
  6. Create Materials For Each Buyer Profile. ...
  7. Don't Make Employees Act Like Actors. ...
  8. Use A Real Example From Your Life.
Feb 21, 2020

How do you dominate sales? ›

These Five Strategies for Dominance are about selecting, training and strategizing with sales partners to produce better results.
  1. Start by Choosing the Right Partners. ...
  2. Re-Think Your Training Program. ...
  3. Clearly Define Your Goals and Objectives. ...
  4. Keep Tabs on Performance. ...
  5. Know When it's Time to Cut Ties.

What are the six active steps in selling? ›

A typical sales process can be broken down into six distinct stages:
  • Prospecting.
  • Qualification.
  • Approach.
  • Presentation.
  • Negotiation.
  • Closure.
Sep 2, 2021

What are 5 examples of direct selling? ›

Some direct marketing examples include emails, flyers, promotional letters, outdoor advertising, ads, phone calls, websites, and others.

What is step 2 in the 7 steps in making a sales call? ›

What are the 7 steps in the sales process?
  1. Step 1: Make contact & build rapport. ...
  2. Step 2: Qualify compatibility. ...
  3. Step 3: Analyze your prospect's needs. ...
  4. Step 4: Pitch your product and handling objections. ...
  5. Step 5: Deliver the proposal. ...
  6. Step 6: Negotiate. ...
  7. Step 7: Close the sale.

What is the most important step in the selling process? ›

The Needs Assessment

This is arguably the most important step of the sales process because it allows you to determine how you can truly be of service. To be a highly effective salesperson, that is to sell to the prospect's needs, you first have to understand what those needs are.

What are implied needs in SPIN selling? ›

Implied Need—a statement of a buyer's problem, dissatisfaction, or difficulty with the current situation. Explicit Need—a clear statement of a buyer's want, desire, or intention ...

What is the first category of questions in the spin approach called? ›

The situation type questions are the first questions you want to ask after you have introduced yourself to the prospect. The theory behind the SPIN system is to talk about your product and your products benefits as late into the sales interaction as possible.

What is the difference between SPIN selling and gap selling? ›

As said above, gap selling focuses on helping prospects get from where they are to where they want to be. Meanwhile, SPIN selling guides sales reps to ask the right questions so that they can identify prospects' challenges and build rapport with them.

What are the 4 C's selling? ›

The 4Cs are customer, cost, convenience and communication. By learning to use the 4Cs model, you'll have the chance to think about your product from a new perspective (the customer's) and that could be very good for business.

What are the 5 W's sales? ›

Open-ended questions for sales often begin with the five Ws: who, what, where, when, why. These five, along with one “H” – how – are basic interrogative or question words used by journalists, law enforcement, researchers, and others to gather information.

What are the cons of SPIN selling? ›

Disadvantages of the SPIN Method
  • It is necessary to invest a lot of time to really understand the needs of each customer.
  • It is focused on selling products or services that already exist and not creating new ones based on the needs or problems presented by the customer.
  • It cannot be automated.
Apr 20, 2022

What is spin vs snap selling? ›

The SNAP Selling framework might be ideal if you're in a competitive space. Prospects are stressed and exhausted, so taking a straightforward approach could work in your favor. SPIN Selling tends to be a better fit for highly-qualified opportunities. These are prospects who have a good chance of becoming a customer.

What is the best sales technique? ›

Effective sales techniques: 7 tips for more consistent sales
  • Be systematic about generating leads. ...
  • Know your sales cycle. ...
  • Know your numbers. ...
  • Actively seek referrals. ...
  • Focus on securing appointments. ...
  • Get ready for objections. ...
  • Follow up and listen.

What are some spin questions? ›

SPIN Selling Questions
  • Tell me about your company.
  • What do you sell?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What is your role there?
  • What does your average day look like?
  • Can you tell me about your current processes?
  • What tools/solutions are you currently using to handle X problem or Y use case?

Why is spin class so expensive? ›

“The price of a fitness class is based on the overall experience. The experience is a combination of very qualified instructors, the highest quality equipment, fresh and modern facilities, easy-to-use software and more. If any of these elements is missing, the entire experience changes.

What is neat selling? ›

Neat selling is a sales technique that involves shifting the focus toward listening to customers and addressing their needs rather than trying to get a customer to buy a particular product or service and following a sales script with a set of questions.

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.