How to choose a children’s book (2024)

Since children’s books are your child’s first introduction to literature, it is important that they make the right impression. Blessed with marvelous books at an early age, your child will be more likely to curl up with a good book in later years.

There are a number of ways to choose books wisely. First, consult your local children’s librarian, a wonderful resource brimming with sound, up-to-date information about books, magazines, CDs and a variety of other materials. Next, do some research on your own. Consult a few of the published guides to children’s literature available in your library’s reference section, and talk to your child’s teacher.

Criteria to consider

Use these five questions as a guide when choosing children’s books:

  1. Is it right for my child? You are the best judge of what will especially appeal to your child. You shouldn’t choose a book just because it is an award-winner. Keep your child’s unique personality in mind.
  2. Are the illustrations well done? Vivid, clear imagery is a must for children ages 4–8, and the images are most effective when they correspond to the storyline. Wordless books are also a wonderful source of language development, requiring your child to interpret the illustrations as the story progresses.
  3. Is the story well written? Age-appropriate language is the minimum requirement. The language should be also imaginative, rich and challenging.New and difficult vocabulary words are wonderful when meanings can be inferred from the context of the story.
  4. Is the text informative and lively? Don’t judge a book by its cover, or its author. While an author might be knowledgeable about a subject, he or she might not be able to communicate in a clear and engaging way that appeals to children.
  5. Is the theme of the book timeless and enduring? Children and adults alike enjoy themes they can identify with.
How to choose a children’s book (2024)


What are three recommendations for selecting a children's book? ›

How to choose a book for ages 3–7
  • Let your child follow their interests. Some children will love scary stories, others prefer funny stories, and many love to follow a series or favourite author. ...
  • Make sure they are age-appropriate. ...
  • Make sure they suit your child's ability. ...
  • Look at the book! ...
  • Seek out recommendations.
Nov 14, 2023

How to pick a good children's book? ›

Choosing a book that's right for your child
  1. Is the topic interesting? Some kids have favorite genres — they love mysteries or detective stories or books about sports or ancient Egypt, for example. ...
  2. Will it be an easy book to read? Do I know most of the words? ...
  3. Will this book be too hard?

How to pick a just right book for kids? ›

Will it be an easy, fun book to read?
  1. Do I understand what I am reading?
  2. Do I know almost every word?
  3. When I read it aloud, can I read it smoothly?
  4. Do I think the topic will interest me?

What are the criteria for choosing children's books? ›

Look for books that have simple drawings of familiar things, actions, and events. Language. Children begin to key into content and can relate pictures to their world. While they still enjoy picture books, try some books with simple stories that have one line of text per page.

What is considered a successful children's book? ›

Simple yet meaningful stories

Children's picture books should have simple, easy-to-understand stories that resonate with young readers. Your storytelling should be age appropriate and cater to the developmental stage of your target audience. The plot should be straightforward, with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

What is the most read children's book? ›

The Little Prince

What's the most important part of a children's book? ›

1. Unique and Memorable Characters. If you have kids of your own, or if you think back to your own childhood favorite stories, you'll definitely agree that characters are the most important part of a children's book. When a child loves a character, they can enjoy any story featuring that character, no matter what.

What type of children's books are in demand? ›

Graphic novels are maintaining their momentum, especially in middle grade, spanning genres from fantasy to historical, with realistic fiction gaining ground.

What is the 5 finger rule for choosing books? ›

Here's how it works: Your child opens a book to the first page. They read the page and hold up one finger for every word they don't know or can't pronounce. The number of fingers they're holding up by the end of the page tells them if the book is the right level: 0-1 fingers: It's too easy.

What is the five finger rule when choosing a book? ›

The five finger rule is a quick and easy way for you to check if a book is suitable to read on your own. Before you start reading, turn to a random page in the book and read it. For every word that you don't know, you should hold up a finger. to learn new words.

What is the Goldilocks rule for choosing books? ›

Use the Goldilocks rule. Read the first two pages. Every time you come to a work that you can't define, put one finger up. If you get to five fingers before the end of the first page, STOP!

What are the four types of children's books? ›

There are many ways to categorize young children's literature. One helpful way is with these four primary genres: Concept, Predictable, Narrative and Informational.

How do I choose a book by age? ›

As a general rule, the younger your child is, the more stories need to speak to his life experiences. As he gets older, fantasy becomes more important. Let his interests guide you, and be creative in your selections.

What should a book recommendation include? ›

In general, you should include:
  • The name of the author and the book title and the main theme.
  • Relevant details about who the author is and where they stand in the genre or field of inquiry. ...
  • The context of the book and/or your review. ...
  • The thesis of the book. ...
  • Your thesis about the book.

What are recommendations in books? ›

And Book recommendations are lists of books in specific genres or types. Book reviews help you decide whether or not you want to read the book, and book recommendations help you find similar types of books you want to read.

What factors should teachers consider when they are selecting books for their students? ›

The factors to consider when selecting books and reading materials include pedagogic purpose, universal criteria, content specific criteria, and authenticity. The factors to consider when selecting books and reading materials are the number of function and lexical words in the texts.

What is the best way to choose a book? ›

How to choose a good book when there are so many options
  1. Take a cue from famous book clubs and podcasts. ...
  2. See if your favorite authors have written anything new. ...
  3. Diversify within genres you know you like. ...
  4. Deep dive into reviews and recommendations. ...
  5. Read the blurbs. ...
  6. Utilize Facebook genre groups.
Sep 20, 2021

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.