Hextech (Universe) (2024)

For information about the Lore items, see Hextech.

Hextech is a series of alternate future/universe skins in League of Legends. Set in an alternate Piltover and Zaun, each of the champions are either Hextech users or Hextech machinery.


  • 1 Lore
  • 2 History
    • 2.1 Punches and Plants: A Piltover Police Story
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 Media
  • 5 References


▶️"I love the hextech renaissance. So much art, and culture and... hextech."
Hextech (Universe) (1) Pulsefire Ezreal

Hextech (Universe) (2)

Now at the forefront of science and art, Hextech has evolved from its rudimentary beginnings into a modern renaissance of intricate, artificial lifeforms capable of free will. Skilled artificers lead the medium into a bold new future -- but what it will bring, none can say.
Hextech Artificers
  • Hextech (Universe) (3) Hextech Annie
    A scientific prodigy even among the intellectuals of the Hextech renaissance, Annie's beautiful, living warbears are among the most prized innovations of the era. Her most mysterious creation, Tibbers, is always close at hand—her confidant, friend, and monstrous bodyguard.
  • Hextech (Universe) (4) Hextech Janna
    Practitioners of Hextech science have historically benefited from the core crystalline matrix's more esoteric properties. Janna's long exposure to such raw materials famously granted her the power of limited flight, and the ability to control the wind.
  • Hextech (Universe) (5) Hextech Jarvan IV
    The Hextech Renaissance appealed not only to those with backgrounds in science, but also to those looking for an escape from their day-to-day lives. For the young Prince Jarvan, it presented the chance to enhance his martial skill—with technology that would have never been accepted within his father's kingdom.
  • Hextech (Universe) (6) Hextech Kassadin
    Engrossed in his work to the point of near-obsession, Kassadin vanished for some time into the bowels of his labyrinthian workshop, disappearing from public life for years. When he emerged, he revealed a shocking hextech innovation to the world: his own body, fully integrated with the technology he so loved.
  • Hextech (Universe) (7) Hextech Malzahar
    Upon hearing that the origin of hextech lay in his homeland of Shurima, Malzahar ventured out into the wastes alone. There, after suffering a life-changing revelation, he became its greatest messenger, claiming to see prophecies of the coming of a second hextech renaissance.
  • Hextech (Universe) (8) Hextech Poppy
    Artificers of the Hextech renaissance owe much to Poppy, an expert engineer of the delicate craft. Having perfected the infusion of life into the inanimate, she now feverishly researches the ultimate scientific breakthrough—the creation of an artificial soul.
  • Hextech (Universe) (9) Hextech Sejuani
    A merchant tycoon hailing from the top echelons of Piltovan society, Sejuani paved the way for the manufacture of hextech mounts. Often seen atop the back of her trusted stead, Bristech, she surveys the gilded streets of her magnificent city, always on the lookout to recruit young innovators who dare to push the boundaries of science and engineering.
  • Hextech (Universe) (10) Hextech Singed
    Zaun's early forays into Hextech were critical to the movement, but not all were met with success. The scientist known as Singed warped his mind and body as he looped noxious, magically-infused chemical byproducts into his veins, twisting himself into a monster.
  • Hextech (Universe) (11) Hextech Swain
    The hextech artificer known as Jericho Swain is an almost legendary figure among Piltover's growing upper crust. Though he professes not to meddle in city affairs, he has been quietly integrating various hextech components into his own body… and with them, unparalleled access to the eyes and ears of thousands of artificial creatures.
  • Hextech (Universe) (12) Hextech Tristana
    Hex-powered munitions have been around since the early days of hextech innovation, but no one has perfected their use like Tristana. Decorated for her service in protecting the innocent with her Hexcrystal Cannon (Mark III), she stands at the forefront of martial hextechnology as a staunch and noble advocate.
  • Hextech (Universe) (13) Hextech Ziggs
    Famed inventor of Tocker, Ziggs is a savant to some, to others a maniac. All can agree that no matter the consequences, Ziggs seems to enjoy his experiments—especially the subsequent explosions. What is perhaps most miraculous of all is how he and Tocker have survived so many blasts over the years.
Hextech Golems
  • Hextech (Universe) (14) Hextech Alistar
    The fusion of arcane sorcery and Piltovan ingenuity, Alistar is an advanced, living golem built by the finest artificers in Runeterra. Tasked with guarding the secrets of hextech, it crushes all who would abuse the methods behind its creation.
  • Hextech (Universe) (15) Hextech Amumu
    A mechanical boy intended as a playmate for wealthy children, Amumu has been long forgotten in the advent of newer and more advanced Hextech innovations. But a child has feelings, and within his artificial mind something has begun to awaken that will change the history of Hextech forever.
  • Hextech (Universe) (16) Hextech Anivia
    Early hextech lifeforms could barely be considered sentient... until the development of Anivia, an artificial avian capable of limited speech. Her birth was the foundation of the modern Hextech movement, and the multitude of creatures that came after her.
  • Hextech (Universe) (17) Hextech Galio
    Sensing a shift in the marketability of Hextech items, several of Piltover's largest industrial families pooled resources to create Galio, a massive golem donated to the city and her people. While he is ostensibly a walking advertisem*nt, the protective creature is both curious about the world, and proud of his responsibility.
  • Hextech (Universe) (18) Hextech Kog'Maw
    A newer Hextech innovation, Kog'Maw constructs are available as pets for wealthy families, delighting Piltover's upper crust with their friendly demeanor and intricately complex design. Though living things, they are viewed among the well-to-do as little more than status symbols.
  • Hextech (Universe) (19) Hextech Nocturne
    Not every part of the Hextech renaissance led to bright innovations. A clandestine experiment to fuse Hextech with demonic energies wrought a living nightmare, a predator rumored to stalk the streets and back alleyways of the city. Authorities report that any such creation would have been terminated along with any such project, and that any missing persons reports are, of course, completely unrelated.
  • Hextech (Universe) (20) Hextech Rammus
    Even the most renowned Hextech artificer must bow to the creativity and perfection of nature. After crafting each of Rammus's arcs to mimic the golden spiral, the creature proved so efficient at rolling... it escaped the moment its creator put down her wrench.
  • Hextech (Universe) (21) Hextech Renekton
    As is so often the way, artificers of the Hextech Renaissance pushed too far and too fast into their new science, without fully considering the possible consequences. Renekton—a half-mad monster of flesh and metal—is the result of that shortsightedness.
  • Hextech (Universe) (22) Hextech Sion
    Over the years, many have asked—should art be chained by the fleeting concept of morality? Or should science bend a knee to the laws of man? Some believe progress is not made by holding ourselves back, and though we may give birth to monsters… Hextech will always guide our path...


Punches and Plants: A Piltover Police Story[]

A crime wave threatens to drown Piltover and only two cops have what it takes to stem the rising tide of lawlessness. We teamed up with Risu to bring you all the punching and plants you could ever want, as Officers Vi and Zyra try to foil the Mafia's sword-stealing schemes and bring peace to the city![1]

Series 2


  • General

  • Skins

  • This theme shares some similarities with Hextech (Universe) (85)Steel Legion and Hextech (Universe) (86)Silver Age.
  • These skins represent several champions if their original residence or place of creation were in Piltover and Zaun.
    • Hextech (Universe) (87) Hextech Janna's skin was previously canon before the League of Legends lore retcon and update.
  • Hextech skins are mostly for old champions.
    • All champions with hextech skins, so far, released in 2009 and 2010. The only exception is Hextech (Universe) (88) Hextech Renekton, which is released in 2011.
  • The Punches and Plants: A Piltover Police Story comic is made as officially endorsed Riot community project, however characters and events made specifically in it (or taken from outside themes) were introduced with some creative liberty and as such are subject to future changes.
  • Hextech (Universe) (89)Hexplorer skinline look similar to the Hextech skinline, there had been speculating that they could be connected.

Hextech (Universe) (90)

Hextech Alistar

Hextech (Universe) (91)

Hextech Amumu

Hextech (Universe) (92)

Hextech Anivia

Hextech (Universe) (93)

Hextech Annie

Hextech (Universe) (94)

Hextech Galio

Hextech (Universe) (95)

Hextech Janna

Hextech (Universe) (96)

Hextech Jarvan IV

Hextech (Universe) (97)

Hextech Kassadin

Hextech (Universe) (98)

Hextech Kog'Maw

Hextech (Universe) (99)

Hextech Malzahar

Hextech (Universe) (100)

Hextech Nocturne

Hextech (Universe) (101)

Hextech Poppy

Hextech (Universe) (102)

Hextech Rammus

Hextech (Universe) (103)

Hextech Renekton

Hextech (Universe) (104)

Hextech Sejuani

Hextech (Universe) (105)

Hextech Singed

Hextech (Universe) (106)

Hextech Sion

Hextech (Universe) (107)

Hextech Swain

Hextech (Universe) (108)

Hextech Ziggs


Hextech (Universe) (110)

Hextech Alistar Model (by Riot Artists DragonFly Studio)

Hextech (Universe) (111)

Hextech Alistar Splash Concept 1 (by Riot Artist Bo Chen)

Hextech (Universe) (112)

Hextech Alistar Splash Concept 2(by Riot Artist Bo Chen)

Hextech (Universe) (113)

Hextech Amumu Model 1 (by Riot Artist Jordan Ewing)

Hextech (Universe) (114)

Hextech Amumu Model 2 (by Riot Artist Jordan Ewing)

Hextech (Universe) (115)

Hextech Amumu Model 3 (by Riot Artist Jordan Ewing)

Hextech (Universe) (116)

Hextech Amumu Splash Concept 1 (by Riot Contracted Artist David Villegas)

Hextech (Universe) (117)

Hextech Amumu Splash Concept 2 (by Riot Contracted Artist David Villegas)

Hextech (Universe) (118)

Hextech Annie Splash Concept 1 (by Riot Artist Christian Fell)

Hextech (Universe) (119)

Hextech Annie Splash Concept 2 (by Riot Artist Christian Fell)

Hextech (Universe) (120)

Hextech Annie Splash Concept 3 (by Riot Artist Christian Fell)

Hextech (Universe) (121)

Hextech Annie Splash Concept 4 (by Riot Artist Christian Fell)

Hextech (Universe) (122)

Hextech Anivia Concept

Hextech (Universe) (123)

Hextech Galio Update Concept 1 (by Riot Artist David 'Sharpcut93' Ko)

Hextech (Universe) (124)

Hextech Galio Update Concept 2 (by Riot Artist David 'Sharpcut93' Ko)

Hextech (Universe) (125)

Hextech Galio Update Concept 3 (by Riot Artist David 'Sharpcut93' Ko)

Hextech (Universe) (126)

Hextech Galio Update Model (by Riot Artists DragonFly Studio)

Hextech (Universe) (127)

Hextech Galio Update Splash Concept 1 (by Riot Artist Bo Chen)

Hextech (Universe) (128)

Hextech Galio Update Splash Concept 2 (by Riot Artist Bo Chen)

Hextech (Universe) (129)

Hextech Galio Update Splash Concept 3 (by Riot Artist Bo Chen)

Hextech (Universe) (130)

Hextech Galio Update Splash Concept 4 (by Riot Artist Bo Chen)

Hextech (Universe) (131)

Hextech Galio Update Splash Concept 5 (by Riot Artist Bo Chen)

Hextech (Universe) (132)

Hextech Kassadin Concept 1 (by Riot Artist Moxuan Zhang)

Hextech (Universe) (133)

Hextech Kassadin Concept 2 (by Riot Artist Moxuan Zhang)

Hextech (Universe) (134)

Hextech Kassadin Concept 3 (by Riot Artist Moxuan Zhang)

Hextech (Universe) (135)

Hextech Kassadin Concept 4 (by Riot Artist Yanie Yang)

Hextech (Universe) (136)

Hextech Kassadin Model (by Riot Artist Hank Fu)

Hextech (Universe) (137)

Hextech Kog'Maw Splash Concept 1 (by Riot Artist Jennifer Wuestling)

Hextech (Universe) (138)

Hextech Kog'Maw Splash Concept 2 (by Riot Artist Jennifer Wuestling)

Hextech (Universe) (139)

Hextech Kog'Maw Splash Concept 3 (by Riot Artist Jennifer Wuestling)

Hextech (Universe) (141)

Hextech Malzahar Splash Concept 1 (by Riot Artist Xu 'Crow God' Cheng)

Hextech (Universe) (142)

Hextech Malzahar Splash Concept 2 (by Riot Artist Xu 'Crow God' Cheng)

Hextech (Universe) (143)

Hextech Nocturne Concept 1 (by Riot Artist Ricardo 'Azulazuli' Coelho)

Hextech (Universe) (144)

Hextech Nocturne Concept 2 (by Riot Artist Ricardo 'Azulazuli' Coelho)

Hextech (Universe) (145)

Hextech Nocturne Concept 3 (by Riot Artist Ricardo 'Azulazuli' Coelho)

Hextech (Universe) (146)

Hextech Nocturne Concept 4 (by Riot Artist Ricardo 'Azulazuli' Coelho)

Hextech (Universe) (147)

Hextech Nocturne Model

Hextech (Universe) (148)

Hextech Nocturne Splash Concept (by Riot Contracted Artist Francis Tneh)

Hextech (Universe) (149)

Hextech Poppy Concept 1 (by Riot Artists Timur Shevtsov, Zach Sharts, and Eugene Lashchev)

Hextech (Universe) (150)

Hextech Poppy Concept 2 (by Riot Artists Timur Shevtsov, Zach Sharts, and Eugene Lashchev)

Hextech (Universe) (151)

Hextech Poppy Concept 3 (by Riot Artists Timur Shevtsov, Zach Sharts, and Eugene Lashchev)

Hextech (Universe) (152)

Hextech Poppy Splash Concept 1 (by Riot Artist Pan Chengwei)

Hextech (Universe) (153)

Hextech Renekton Model 1 (by Riot Artist Yekaterina Bourykina)

Hextech (Universe) (154)

Hextech Renekton Model 2 (by Riot Artist Yekaterina Bourykina)

Hextech (Universe) (155)

Hextech Sejuani Concept (by Riot Contracted Artist Citemer Liu)

Hextech (Universe) (156)

Hextech Sejuani Model

Hextech (Universe) (157)

Hextech Sejuani Splash Concept (by Riot Contracted Artist Sean 'Raiko' Tay)

Hextech (Universe) (158)

Hextech Swain Concept 1 (by Riot Artist Natalie Pellmann)

Hextech (Universe) (159)

Hextech Swain Concept 2 (by Riot Artist Natalie Pellmann)

Hextech (Universe) (160)

Hextech Swain Concept 3 (by Riot Artist Natalie Pellmann)

Hextech (Universe) (161)

Hextech Swain Concept 4 (by Riot Artist Natalie Pellmann)

Hextech (Universe) (162)

Hextech Swain Concept 5 (by Riot Artist Natalie Pellmann)

Hextech (Universe) (163)

Hextech Swain Concept 6 (by Riot Artist Natalie Pellmann)

Hextech (Universe) (164)

Hextech Swain Model

Hextech (Universe) (165)

Hextech Swain Splash Concept 1 (by Riot Artist Art of Maki)

Hextech (Universe) (166)

Hextech Swain Splash Concept 2 (by Riot Artist Art of Maki)

Hextech (Universe) (167)

Hextech Tristana Concept 1 (by Riot Contracted Artist Citemer Liu)

Hextech (Universe) (168)

Hextech Tristana Concept 2 (by Riot Contracted Artist Citemer Liu)

Hextech (Universe) (169)

Hextech Ziggs Concept 1 (by Riot Artist Julian del Rey Aparicio)

Hextech (Universe) (170)

Hextech Ziggs Concept 2 (by Riot Artist Julian del Rey Aparicio)

Hextech (Universe) (171)

Hextech Ziggs Concept 3 (by Riot Artist Julian del Rey Aparicio)

Hextech (Universe) (172)

Hextech Ziggs Concept 4 (by Riot Artist Julian del Rey Aparicio)

Hextech (Universe) (173)

Hextech Ziggs Concept 5 (by Riot Artist Julian del Rey Aparicio)

Hextech (Universe) (174)

Hextech Ziggs Splash Concept 1 (by Riot Artist Horace 'Hozure' Hsu)

Hextech (Universe) (175)

Hextech Ziggs Splash Concept 2 (by Riot Artist Horace 'Hozure' Hsu)

Main article: Summoner icon

Hextech (Universe) (176)


Hextech (Universe) (177)


Hextech (Universe) (178)

Dragon Strike

Main article: Ward skins

Hextech (Universe) (179)


Hextech (Universe) (180)

2021 Hextech Ward

Main article: Emote (Wild Rift)

Hextech (Universe) (181)


Hextech (Universe) (182)

Tocker (Tier 1)

Hextech (Universe) (183)

Tocker (Tier 2)

Hextech (Universe) (184)

Tocker (Tier 3)

  • Card Backs

  • Guardians

Hextech (Universe) (185)

Hextech Crystal

Hextech (Universe) (186)

Hextech Beast

Hextech (Universe) (187)

Hextech Minion

Hextech (Universe) (188)

Detective Pup

Hextech (Universe) (189)

Hextech Poro

Hextech (Universe) (190)

Hextech Drake

Hextech (Universe) (191)

Hextech Dragonling


Canon Universe

Hextech (Universe) (192)Runeterra Prime· Hextech (Universe) (193)Arcane· Hextech (Universe) (194)Spirit Blossom· Hextech (Universe) (195)The Ruined King Saga

Confirmed Universes

Hextech (Universe) (196)Runeterra Legacy· Hextech (Universe) (197)Event Horizon· Hextech (Universe) (198)High Noon Gothic· Hextech (Universe) (199)Moons of Ionia· Hextech (Universe) (200)Odyssey· Hextech (Universe) (201)PROJECT· Hextech (Universe) (202)Pulsefire· Hextech (Universe) (203)Riot Records· Hextech (Universe) (204)Soul Fighter· Hextech (Universe) (205)Star Guardian

Unconfirmed Universes

Hextech (Universe) (206)Teamfight Tactics Prime· Hextech (Universe) (207)Valorant· Hextech (Universe) (208)ᐸ3· Hextech (Universe) (209)Academy· Hextech (Universe) (210)Ages of Runeterra· Hextech (Universe) (211)AnimaTech· Hextech (Universe) (212)Arcade· Hextech (Universe) (213)Arcana· Hextech (Universe) (214)Arcanists· Hextech (Universe) (215)Arclight· Hextech (Universe) (216)Battle Queens· Hextech (Universe) (217)Battlecast· Hextech (Universe) (218)Be Mine· Hextech (Universe) (219)Bees· Hextech (Universe) (220)Beta· Hextech (Universe) (221)Blackfrost· Hextech (Universe) (222)Bloodstone· Hextech (Universe) (223)Cafe Cuties· Hextech (Universe) (224)Cats Versus Dogs· Hextech (Universe) (225)Chromacrash· Hextech (Universe) (226)Cloudedge· Hextech (Universe) (227)Collector Edition· Hextech (Universe) (228)Concrete Canvas· Hextech (Universe) (229)Corrupted· Hextech (Universe) (230)Cottontail· Hextech (Universe) (231)Crime City Nightmare· Hextech (Universe) (232)Crimson Elite· Hextech (Universe) (233)Crystal Rose· Hextech (Universe) (234)Culinary Masters· Hextech (Universe) (235)Dark Waters· Hextech (Universe) (236)Death Sworn· Hextech (Universe) (237)Definitely Not· Hextech (Universe) (238)Demonic· Hextech (Universe) (239)Dragon World· Hextech (Universe) (240)Dreadknights· Hextech (Universe) (241)Dreamscapes· Hextech (Universe) (242)Eclipse· Hextech (Universe) (243)Elementalist· Hextech (Universe) (244)Esports· Hextech (Universe) (245)Fables· Hextech (Universe) (246)Fallen World· Hextech (Universe) (247)Folded Edges· Hextech (Universe) (248)Food Spirits· Hextech (Universe) (249)Forgotten Depths· Hextech (Universe) (250)Forsaken Hymn· Hextech (Universe) (251)Four Beasts· Hextech (Universe) (252)Fury and Fang· Hextech (Universe) (253)Galactic· Hextech (Universe) (254)Gilded· Hextech (Universe) (255)Glacial· Hextech (Universe) (256)Glorious· Hextech (Universe) (257)God Weapon· Hextech (Universe) (258)Guardian of the Sands· Hextech (Universe) (259)Headhunter· Hextech (Universe) (260)Heavy Metal· Hextech (Universe) (261)Hexplorer· Hextech (Universe) (262)Hextech· Hextech (Universe) (263)Highway Heretics· Hextech (Universe) (264)Honor· Hextech (Universe) (265)Iconic· Hextech (Universe) (266)Immortal Journey· Hextech (Universe) (267)Infernal· Hextech (Universe) (268)Inkshadow Uprising· Hextech (Universe) (269)Institute of War· Hextech (Universe) (270)Iron Firmament· Hextech (Universe) (271)Kinetex Machina· Hextech (Universe) (272)Legacy· Hextech (Universe) (273)Lunar New Year· Hextech (Universe) (274)Magicae Prismatica· Hextech (Universe) (275)Mecha· Hextech (Universe) (276)Mecha Kingdoms· Hextech (Universe) (277)Monster Tamers· Hextech (Universe) (278)Neighborhood Nightmare· Hextech (Universe) (279)Neon Strata· Hextech (Universe) (280)Order of the Lotus· Hextech (Universe) (281)PAX· Hextech (Universe) (282)Piltover Customs· Hextech (Universe) (283)Prehistoric Hunters· Hextech (Universe) (284)PsyOps· Hextech (Universe) (285)Remix Rumble· Hextech (Universe) (286)Riftquest· Hextech (Universe) (287)Shan Hai Scrolls· Hextech (Universe) (288)Silver Age· Hextech (Universe) (289)Snowdown· Hextech (Universe) (290)Soulstealer· Hextech (Universe) (291)Space Groove· Hextech (Universe) (292)Spirit Guard· Hextech (Universe) (293)Stargazer· Hextech (Universe) (294)Star Voyagers· Hextech (Universe) (295)Storybook· Hextech (Universe) (296)Storycraft· Hextech (Universe) (297)Sueño de Vida· Hextech (Universe) (298)Sugar Rush· Hextech (Universe) (299)Sunkissed Summer· Hextech (Universe) (300)Super Galaxy· Hextech (Universe) (301)Superheroes Versus Supervillains· Hextech (Universe) (302)Supreme Cells· Hextech (Universe) (303)Tales from the Rift· Hextech (Universe) (304)Tales of Borealis· Hextech (Universe) (305)The Badge· Hextech (Universe) (306)The Grind· Hextech (Universe) (307)Thunder Lord· Hextech (Universe) (308)Toy Box· Hextech (Universe) (309)Triumphant· Hextech (Universe) (310)Versus· Hextech (Universe) (311)Victorious· Hextech (Universe) (312)War is Heck· Hextech (Universe) (313)Warring Kingdoms· Hextech (Universe) (314)Winged Reign· Hextech (Universe) (315)Winter Sports· Hextech (Universe) (316)Woad Tribe· Hextech (Universe) (317)Wonders of the World· Hextech (Universe) (318)Worldbreaker· Hextech (Universe) (319)Ye Olde· Hextech (Universe) (320)Zombie VS Slayers

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Hextech (Universe) (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.