Had Already or Have Already: Which is Correct? (2024)

English tenses can become fairly complicated once you get past the basics of the language. For example, to understand whether to use “has already” or “had already,” it’s essential to grasp the nuances of meaning each term implies and the type of past tense you’re trying to convey.

Both “had already” and “have already” are correct in the proper context, as both refer to actions performed in the past but they imply different timing. The expression “have already” is present perfect tense and means that something that started in the past is still continuing. The term “had already” is past perfect tense and means that some action had been completed at a specific point in the past.

This article will explore the use of the perfect tenses and how they vary from simple tenses. We’ll also consider the role of the verb “to have” in constructing perfect tenses. Finally, we’ll examine the word “already” and how it adds another layer of meaning to sentences.

Tense Basics

English has three basic tenses: present, past, and future. We can express each of these in either simple, perfect, continuous (or progressive), or perfect continuous aspects. We will use the verb “to have” as a helping or auxiliary verb when creating perfect tenses and the verb “to be” when creating continuous tenses.

Let’s consider the verb “to work” and see how we can use it in each of these tenses.

Present SimpleI work.
Present PerfectI have worked all my life.
Present ContinuousI am working.
Present Perfect ContinuousI have been working since I was 18.
Past SimpleI worked.
Past PerfectI had worked for 50 years before I retired.
Past ContinuousI was working when the disaster occurred.
Past Perfect ContinuousI had been working for 10 years before Anne joined.
Future SimpleI will work.
Future PerfectI will have worked longer than anyone else by next year.
Future ContinuousI will be working next Saturday.
Past Perfect ContinuousI will have been working for a decade by then.

You will notice from the examples that we need to use other words to provide the context so that we know what time period we’re talking about. If, for example, we just said, “I have worked,” it doesn’t give enough information. We need to say, “I have worked all my life,” to provide the context that helps the sentence make sense.

Which One Is Correct: ”I Have Already” or ”I Had Already” ?

As we mentioned, we use the verb “to have” for the perfect tenses. On its own, “to have” is an irregular verb. This means it doesn’t follow the usual rules that govern verbs. Instead, we conjugate it as follows:

I have
You/we/they have
He/she/it has
I will have
You/we/they will have
He/she/it will have
I had
You/we/they had
He/she/it had

If you’re wondering what is the difference between “had” and “have,” then this should clarify — “have” is the present tense, and “had” is the past tense.

That should also help answer the question of when should I use “have” or “had” — if you are speaking in any of the present tenses, then you will use “have,” and if you are speaking in any of the past tenses, then you will use “had.”

The verb has many uses. Here is a summary of some of the many ways we use “have” (source).

To show possessionI have three pairs of black shoes.She has a new car.
To introduce events or experiencesI’m going to have a bath.Did you have a good time at the mall?
To indicate consuming somethingThey had a special meal on her birthday.How many bananas did you have?
To indicate routinesI had a bath before climbing into bed. I love having massages!
To introduce conversationsDid you have a chat with Jack?They had an argument about the vacation.

“Have” as an Auxiliary Verb

When we see “have” in the perfect tenses, then it is an auxiliary or helping verb. These are words such as “have,” “be,” or ”do” that combine with the main verb to indicate changes in subject or time (source).

Had Already or Have Already: Which is Correct? (1)

Together with the main verb, “have” creates the perfect tenses that indicate when something has happened. For example, consider the sentences below in each of the perfect tenses.

  • I have been to Europe nine times.
  • I had been to Europe nine times before the borders closed.
  • I will have been to Europe 9 times before I turn 60.

The first sentence is in the present perfect tense, which indicates that something has happened and may continue to happen into the future. The second sentence is past perfect, which indicates that something happened before something else happened. In this sentence, the “something else” is that the borders are closed.

The final sentence is future perfect, indicating something that will be completed before some other point in the future. In this case, the “other point” is when I turn 60.

What Is the Meaning of “Have Had?”

Sometimes in the perfect tenses, we use “have” as a helping verb together with “have” as the main verb. In this case, we end up with “have had” or “had had.” Consider the examples below to understand how to use “have had” in a sentence.

  • I have had chickenpox, so I’m not worried about catching it again.
  • They have had a difficult time since the fire destroyed their house.
  • We have had many happy holidays in that town.

Now, let’s consider using “had had” in the past perfect tense. You will see from the examples that it doesn’t sound as awkward as you may imagine.

  • By the time he arrived, she had had enough of waiting.
  • They had had too many bad meals to consider revisiting that restaurant.
  • Jane had had an argument with him before he stormed out.

What About “Already”?

In examining our title phrase, we must be clear about the meaning of “already” because it can also alter the essence when we use it in a sentence.

“Already” is an adverb that we use to show that something has happened before the moment we are speaking about. We usually use “already” to emphasize that something has happened “before now” or to show surprise that something has happened before we expected (source).

Using “Already” in Sentences

“Already” can refer to something in the present or past but cannot refer to something in the future. We also don’t use “already” in negative sentences. Consider the sentences below.

  • We have already sold more than half the tickets, and we’ve only just opened!
  • She was already seated at the table when he arrived at the restaurant.
  • Get further discounts off our already low prices!

We mostly use “already” in the perfect tenses. In present perfect, it means “before now,” and in the past perfect or future perfect, it translates best as “before then.” Consider the following examples in each of the perfect tenses.

Present Perfect:

  • You missed seeing them; they have already left.
  • He wanted to go out for lunch, but I have already eaten.
  • We have already booked our Christmas vacation, and it’s only March!

Past Perfect:

  • They had already left, so I missed the chance to say goodbye.
  • I had already eaten when he invited me for lunch.
  • Had you already heard about his problems before you saw him?

Future Perfect:

  • They will have already fetched their luggage by the time you get there.
  • By next month, she will have already written the first two chapters.
  • I will have already packed before the taxi arrives.

Speakers of American English may also use “already” just with the simple past tense of a verb rather than a perfect tense, as we demonstrate in the examples below. This is less common in British English and more likely in everyday conversation rather than formal written English.

  • I already told you not to call me again.
  • She already left New York.
  • We already ate dinner.

Using “Has Already” and “Had Already” in a Sentence

As you will have seen from the earlier examples, “already” functions much like other adverbs, and we usually place it between the subject and the main verb (or after the auxiliary verb) (source).

  • Jane has already made dinner.
  • The family had already heard the bad news before the police arrived.
  • We had already voted before the polling station closed.

Sometimes, we place “already” at the end of a sentence. This is especially to show surprise or give greater emphasis, as we show below.

  • Gosh, Jane has finished dinner already!
  • Have you booked your trip already?
  • Has she arrived already?

Rarely, we place “already” at the beginning of a sentence. We would likely do this in formal writing, and it’s not something you’re likely to hear in everyday conversation.

  • Already more than half the adult population has been vaccinated.
  • Already the army’s withdrawal has been witnessed.
  • Already we have sold more than a million copies of the book.

I Have Already or I Had Already?

If you’re still wondering which expression is correct, “I have already” or “I had already,” remember that it depends on which of the perfect tenses you are using.

The auxiliary verb “has/have” signals present perfect — an action completed from some time in the past up to now. The auxiliary verb “had” signals past perfect — an action completed from some time in the past to another time in the past.

Consider the sentences below, which will help us in deciding whether to use “have/has” or “had.”

  • I have already grilled the steak.
  • I had already grilled the steak.

Both of these sentences are correct. However, what’s missing is the context that will help us determine whether to use past perfect or present perfect. If we add in some further information, it should be clear.

Read the sentences below and decide whether we should use “have” or “had.”

  • I had/have already grilled the steak before he said he was vegetarian.
  • Hurry up with the salad; I had/have already grilled the steak!

It should be clear that the first sentence is past perfect and we should use “had” — I had grilled the steak in the past, and he said he was vegetarian, also in the past.

The second sentence is present perfect, and we should use “have” — I completed the action of grilling the steak, and now, in the present, you must hurry with the salad.

Had Already or Have Already: Which is Correct? (2)

Other Verbs

Let’s look at some other verbs that we commonly use with “has/had already.” You may wonder whether we should say “had already been” or “have already been.” What about “have already had” or “had already had?”

Each of these is correct, but you just need to know which perfect tense you’re using so that you select the correct one. This article is written for strategiesforparents.com.

  • I have already been to the store, so I can’t help you.
  • I had already been to the store before he asked me to buy milk.
  • I have already had my medicine today.
  • I had already had my medicine before he reminded me.

To read more about this complex topic, click here to read “Has Been or Had Been: How to Use the Perfect Tense.”

Final Thoughts

As you progress with mastering the English language, you will come across examples that may seem confusing. However, it’s always useful to refer to the grammar rules you have learned, which will help you understand the speaker’s intent.

In the case of “had already” vs. “have already,” it’s important that you have a clear picture of the perfect tenses. You will then know that “have already” is present perfect and “had already” is past perfect, and you’ll be able to choose which is appropriate in your context.

Sentences don’t exist in a vacuum, and you must be clear on the context of what you’re saying. Some English words convey information about time, so if you’re saying, “have already,” then you’re talking about something that happened up until now.

If you’re saying, “had already,” then you’re talking about something that happened before something else.

Had Already or Have Already: Which is Correct? (2024)


Had already done or have already done? ›

The correct is I have already done.

Is it already had or have? ›

Both, but not interchangeably. If “have” is an auxiliary, “already” comes after it, before the participle - “I have already answered this question”. If “have” is being used in the sense of “possess”, “already” precedes it - “No thank you, I already have one of those”.

Had already Meaning? ›

: prior to a specified or implied past, present, or future time : by this time : previously. He had already left when I called.

Had already Which tense? ›

Already means that something happened earlier than we expected. With Present Perfect already usually goes after have or has and before the main verb. Examples - We've already had our breakfast.

Have already completed or had already completed? ›

Choose "have completed" if the subject of the present perfect sentence is plural. If you're still describing a situation that's happening in the present, but your subject is plural—like "the kids", "we", or "they"—use "have completed." X Research source Check out these examples: They have completed their project.

Have already finished or had already finished? ›

I have already done it is correct.

When to use I have or had? ›

As a main verb, use have/has for the present tense and had for the past tense, as shown in these examples:
  1. I have a muffin and a cup of coffee.
  2. Yesterday I had a piece of toast and a cup of tea.

Can we use already with had? ›

You use already to show that something has happened, or that something had happened before the moment you are referring to. Speakers of British English use already with a verb in a perfect tense, putting it after 'have', 'has', or 'had', or at the end of a clause.

Is have had correct grammar? ›

It's important to understand that “have had” is the present perfect tense of the verb have. This tense is used when we talk about the past, when the past has some connection to what is happening now.

Had already went or had already gone? ›

If you aren't sure whether to use gone or went, remember that gone always needs an auxiliary verb before it (has, have, had, is, am, are, was, were, be), but went doesn't. I could have gone to the store yesterday. I could have went to the store.

Had already or had been? ›

We had already been given is the correct form. The other one doesn't sound natural. In general, in the passive voice, "already" is placed between "been" and past participle of varb.

Had already been or gone? ›

Both have been to and have gone to can be used in future and past perfect forms. Had been to indicates that someone has gone to another place and returned. On the other hand, had gone to indicates that the person was not present at some time in the past.

What is the perfect past tense of already? ›

Already can also be used with the past perfect to express that something had happened before something else: She had already eaten when he arrived. Jackson had already done his homework when he was asked for help.

Can I use past tense after already? ›

Already: typical errors

We don't use the past simple with already for something which was completed before something else happened. Instead, we use the past perfect.

How do you use already in past tense? ›

Already can be placed before the main verb (past participle) or at the end of the sentence: I have already been to Tokyo. I have been to Tokyo already.

Had already submitted or have already submitted? ›

Present perfect tense is used, because the actions related to your application (review and decision) are in the present time frame. Past perfect would be correct if those actions were completed: I had submitted the application, but the position was already filled. Save this answer.

Is it correct to say had finished? ›

So, the correct usage is 'has finished'. If the sentence would have in past perfect (it is used to indicate a completed action of the past that happened before another event took place), then 'had finished' should have been used. Past simple (finished) indicates an action that has already been completed.

Which is correct I have completed or I had completed? ›

In my point of view, "I had completed my task" is correct, but for present tense it's become "I have completed my work" is correct.

Has already come or has already came? ›

1) Correct option - The sentence 'He has already come' is the correct option. The main verb 'come' is the third form of the verb. The sentence is given in the present perfect tense where the auxiliary verb 'has' is used which is grammatically correct as per point 5.

Have already came or come? ›

First of all , let me make a correction here.... You cannot say " I have came" It is grammatically incorrect. The correct way of saying /writing it would be: "I have come"(Past tense) I came is used when you are speaking of the past. Something that already happened.

What are examples of had? ›

[M] [T] He had just arrived. [M] [T] He had one daughter. [M] [T] I had my pen stolen. [M] [T] We had a rough time.

Did you have lunch or have you had lunch? ›

Both of the phrases are correct in their respective forms. The first phrase “Have you had your lunch?” is in its past present form or you are asking him/her about their present situation that he/she has just come past.

Can we use have and had in one sentence? ›

Grammatically, you can combine HAD and HAVE when making a verb in the present perfect verb tense. For example: "I have had lunch already," which means you already ate your lunch before now. Return to Questions and Answers about English.

Have had or had had grammar? ›

The past perfect form of have is had had (had + past participle form of have). The past perfect tense is used when we are talking about the past and want to refer back to an earlier past time. She felt marvelous after she had had a good night's sleep. They dismissed him before he had had a chance to apologize.

Did you have or had? ›

Did you have food? “Did you have food” is the correct one. Because whenever we use did, verb in the sentence should be in the present, this is because did already represents past, it makes no sense to use the two past words.

Have done and had done? ›

Have done --- Have done is a present perfect tense, generally it is used when the action is completed recently/just now. Had done-- Had done is a past perfect tense, generally refers to something which happened earlier in the past, before another action also occured in the past.

Had already saw or had already seen? ›

⚡ Quick summary

Saw is the past tense form, as in I saw him yesterday. Seen is the past participle form and is used to form the perfect verb tenses, as in She has seen every movie in the series (present perfect tense) and She had seen every movie in the series until this one (past perfect tense).

Had already gone meaning? ›

implies a short time ago. I just missed the train, it had just left. Whereas. the train had already gone. might mean you missed the train by a greater amount of time than "left".

Which is correct I had gone or I have gone? ›

“Had gone” is the past perfect. We use it to talk about something that happened before something else in the past. “Have gone” is present perfect. We use it to talk about something that happened before now - or, more accurately, something that happened in a time frame that continues up to the present moment.

Had already been or have already been? ›

“Had been” is used to mean that something happened in the past and has already ended. “Have been” and “has been” are used to mean that something began in the past and has lasted into the present time.

Is have already been correct? ›

Both are correct, but you use "have already been" to talk about the present, and "had already been" to talk about a past event.

What is the present perfect tense of have? ›

In order to form the present perfect tense, we use the word have or has followed by the past participle of the verb. For regular verbs, the past participle is a form of the verb that ends in -ed, -d, or -t. For example, the past participle of cook is cooked and so the present perfect tense would be have/has cooked.

What are the 10 examples of present perfect tense? ›

Examples of Present Perfect Tense
  • I have written articles on different topics.
  • He has read various kinds of books.
  • They have played football.
  • She has taken coffee.
  • He has gone to the library.
  • We have shopped in this market.
  • We have watched movies in this Cineplex.
  • You have shopped in that market.

Can we use had in past perfect tense? ›

The past perfect is made from the verb had and the past participle of a verb: I had finished the work. She had gone.

What are the three forms of have? ›

Have is an irregular verb. Its three forms are have, had, had.

Can we use already in past continuous tense? ›

3. “Already” is usually used with Past Perfect and Present Perfect Tense. However, we can also use “already” with Simple Present, Present Continuous and Simple Past Tense.

Is it wrong to use two past tenses? ›

It is not correct to use two past tense words together. Therefore, the verb that follows "did" and "didn't" should be in the present form. The next time you hear someone say, "I didn't heard the phone," we hope you will recognize the mistake and avoid it.

What comes after already past or present tense? ›

The adverb already means before now or before a particular time in the past. So it is usually used in the present perfect and the past perfect.

What is the rule of past tenses? ›

Typically, you would form the past tense as follows: Take the root form of the verb (the one you will find in our amazing dictionary) and add –ed to the end. If the verb ends in -e, you would just add a -d. For example, the simple past tense of look is looked, and the simple past tense of ignite is ignited.

Have you already eaten or have you eaten yet? ›

They are both correct and they both mean the same thing. In both of these sentences you are asking if something (an action or an event) has taken place and is now in the past — the eating.

Had already or had already been? ›

We had already been given is the correct form. The other one doesn't sound natural. In general, in the passive voice, "already" is placed between "been" and past participle of varb.

Had already gone or had gone already? ›

The correct answer is: She had already gone there. Past participle form of the verb is also known as the third form of the verb.

Has already been or had already been? ›

Both are correct, but you use "have already been" to talk about the present, and "had already been" to talk about a past event.

Is I have already submitted correct? ›

is correct. Present perfect tense is used, because the actions related to your application (review and decision) are in the present time frame. Past perfect would be correct if those actions were completed: I had submitted the application, but the position was already filled.

Has already passed or has already past? ›

These two words, past and passed, are two words that cause a lot of confusion in the English language. Past is never used as a verb, that is a good way to remember the difference. Passed is always a verb.

Do have and had go together? ›

As a main verb, use have/has for the present tense and had for the past tense, as shown in these examples: I have a muffin and a cup of coffee. Yesterday I had a piece of toast and a cup of tea.

Has gone or had been? ›

Reminder: have been is the present perfect tense of to be, and have gone is the present perfect tense of to go. However, in some contexts, the meanings can be different. I have been refers to a completed journey (or journeys) in the past. I have gone can refer to a journey from which the speaker has not yet returned.

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.