Grow Up Already! Why It Takes So Long to Mature (2024)

The phone is ringing again at the posh day spa where Betsy Patterson ushers in an elegant new client. A customer is calling to schedule an eyebrow wax, but Betsy can’t fit her in; the 41-year-old esthetician and masseuse is fully booked for the next week. “Tell her I’m sorry” Betsy asks the receptionist. Then, self-assuredly, she leads the way back to her high-tech facial treatment room.

Watching this confident professional analyze her client’s vexing skin problems, it’s hard to believe there was ever a time when Betsy herself didn’t fit in. This irony is not lost on the vibrant, dark-haired beauty who twenty years ago was a divorced, unemployed high school dropout forced to move back home with her parents after her second child was born.

“I didn’t develop the patterns of behavior it took to be an adult,” Betsy recalls during a brief break between clients. “I’d go out and buy an expensive car and make the first payment, but that was it. My Dad would always have to pay the rest.”

The attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD) that made Betsy’s high school years so miserable made her early adulthood a daily disaster. “My twenties was a period of going from job to job,” she says. “I was always getting fired or screwing up.”

Some of the screw ups scared her. Once, while employed at a nursing home, she confused two patients’ medications. “I had thought I might want to be a nurse,” she says. “But I realized then that it was never going to happen.” A job in finance ended in a similar disaster. “My boss said to me ‘You have thirty days to straighten up.’ But I told him, You might as well just go ahead and fire me now because it’s not going to get any better.” So he did.

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Eventually things did get better for Betsy, a transformation she credits in part to having to care for her two young sons. “The one thing I knew how to do well was to be a great mother,” she says. “I probably never would have grown up if I hadn’t felt such a responsibility for them.”

That sense of responsibility grew even greater when her second son was diagnosed with ADHD. Then in her mid-thirties, Betsy obtained her esthetician’s license and sent herself to massage school. Today, she’s busily employed, supporting her family, and finally content.” I found something I really love to do that I’m good at, she says. The part I love most is the daily contact with people.”

A Question of Maturity

Betsy’s story is typical of many young adults with ADHD. The maturation process is slower for young adults with ADHD and it’s not linear, says Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D., Director of Chesapeake Psychological Services of Maryland and co-author of Understanding Girls With ADHD. There’s a lot of up and down, back and forth. It’s slow, but that doesn’t mean they’re never going to get there. Sometimes they don’t until they’re 35 or 40 years old, which was the case for Betsy. “I don’t think I really reached adulthood until I was forty” she admits. But Betsy didn’t realize that the reason my be partly neurobiological.

The brain’s frontal lobes, which are involved in ADHD, continue to mature until we reach age 35. In practical terms, this means that people with ADHD can expect some lessening of their symptoms over time. Many will not match the emotional maturity of a 21-year-old until their late 30’s. So while most people graduating from college take time to adjust to adult life, people with ADHD need more time, more family support, and more professional help.

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More Time

Parents can’t solve their adult children’s problems, but their actions can hurt or help. Comparing newly graduated young adults with ADHD to higher achieving peers and siblings hurts. Patience helps.

Parents really need to alter their expectations, says Nadeau, who sees dozens of young adults in her practice. Lots of what I’m doing at work is really parent education. Parents are comparing their kids with ADHD to peers who are going to graduate school, doing internships, and getting high-paying jobs. I try to help parents understand that there are some things that people with ADHD are bad at and they always will be. They need support, not criticism.

At the same time, graduates with ADHD need to take more time. Don’t be in such a crazy hurry to settle down, says Nadeau, who advises recent graduates to spend a year or two living far from home on their own. She suggests they take menial jobs to support themselves temporarily before making a commitment to a significant career. They need to develop independent living skills first, says Nadeau, Paying the rent, registering the car, things like that. They can’t transition to self sufficiency and a demanding job successfully at the same time. And living far away gets parents out of the rescue mode.

Nadeau tells of one client who took off for Alaska to find herself. “Her parents were furious,” Nadeau recalls. We’re prone to want our kids to be clones of us. But during that time she worked her way up to a marketing job, and within a few years she had worked her way back to an executive job with a high powered marketing firm in her home town.

Sometimes you have to let kids follow their whim, she says.

More Parental Support

Parents can expect their twenty-something kids with ADHD to move back home from time to time, and should not regard it as a disaster. Like Betsy, young adults with ADHD often need to regroup. There’s a lot of back and forth, from an apartment situation that doesn’t work out with a room mate, back to the parents’ home, back to an apartment, back home. You have to be willing to support them during this period but with clear limits. These limits should include:

  • Rent: Tell them it’s fine to move home, but that after three months they’ll have to start paying rent.
  • Telephones: They must agree to install their own phone line so the family avoids teenage arguments over using it.
  • Belongings: They must be responsible for personal laundry, cleaning, and housework.
  • Meals: They are responsible for their own meals, but are welcome to join the family as long as adequate notice is given.
  • Expenditures: They must pay all their own bills. The biggest mistake I’ve seen parents make is paying off their kids’ charge cards, says Nadeau. Young adults need to learn to put the brakes on themselves or suffer the consequences.

In short, parents should nudge but not push, support but not coddle. The maturation process for people with ADHD proceeds in fits and starts. It’s a process, says Nadeau. You have to help them move toward self sufficiency. It’s not going to happen overnight.

More Professional Help

People with ADHD absolutely have more trouble with the school-to-work transition, says Sonya Goodwin-Layton, an ADHD counselor in Louisville, Kentucky. They don’t yet have enough self-reliance, self-discipline, ability to pay attention, time management skills, capacity to break down complex tasks, or focus to meet deadlines.

Layton finds the typical patient’s need for constant stimulation leads to frequent job changes, which looks bad on a resume. That’s one reason it’s especially important to choose a career and job with extra care. Indeed, many of the time honored ways of finding employment – Mom is friendly with the boss, or the neighbor down the street owns the company B can be disastrous for people with ADHD, leading to disenchantment, failure, and excessive job hopping.

Career Counselors: Get thee to a career counselor. That’s the principal advice of experts working with young adults with ADHD who are first entering the job market. A career counselor with ADHD experience will be adept at matching strengths and weaknesses with ADHD-friendly job situations. Night owls, for instance, may do better in a profession with late shift opportunities, such as hospitality. If hyperactivity is an issue, a career counselor can suggest occupations that don’t require sitting at a desk all day.

Skilled counselors also may use tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a personality assessment tool that helps the counselor recommend careers and job environments based on how a client’s personality interacts with their ADHD. For example:

Extroverts with ADHD may falter in a Dilbert style office because they’re likely to be distracted frequently by co-workers. Instead., they might consider field sales where they can put their extroversion to good use.

Intuitive people with ADHD who are bursting with new ideas may excel at first in creative tasks, but may be too distracted by their own thoughts to follow projects to completion. They’ll probably need to work in environments with enough structure and supervision to help them stay focused and productive.

Certainly for Betsy, part of finding the right career also meant letting go of the expectations of others. Both of Betsy’s parents and siblings were college graduates, and she constantly felt as if she didn’t measure up. Her sense of failure was exacerbated by her unsuccessful attempts in fields such as finance and medicine, fields that were in keeping with her family’s socioeconomic expectations but had little to do with her own predilections. When Betsy developed the emotional independence that comes with greater maturity, she finally ended up in a situation that was right for her.

ADHD Coaches: While the right career choice reduces the risk of failure, ADHD tendencies can still stand in the way of success. That’s why experts recommend hiring an ADHD coach to help get through the first critical years on the job.

ADHD coaches are like sports coaches who help players from the sidelines. The coach’s job is to challenge, encourage and motivate, says Nancy Ratey, a co-developer of ADHD coaching in the United States. People with ADHD need to re-create elements of the environment that made them successful in the past. Coaches can help them re-create these successes by identifying what helped them succeed.”

Coaches usually work by telephone, providing help, concrete instruction, and encouragement up to three times per week. For young adults in their first jobs, a coach can:

  • Develop planning and time management systems;
  • Devise strategies for staying focused and on task;
  • Help divide large, overwhelming tasks into smaller, manageable pieces;
  • Foster a more realistic assessment of what can be accomplished in a given time period;
  • Role-play to improve a client’s social and professional interactions with colleagues, supervisors and others.

Coach Madelyn Griffith-Haynie recalls one ADHD client who felt that co-workers were avoiding him. She noticed right away that his speaking voice was more like a yell. She surmised that when he spoke to co-workers, they would back away so he wouldn’t be yelling close up. Indeed, he was so unaware of his effect on people that he’d follow them until they were backed into a corner.

When Griffith-Haynie asked him if he’d ever noticed people backing away, he started to cry. Apparently he thought it was because people didn’t like him, when in fact they were only trying to avoid his yelling voice. Griffith-Haynie started by instructing him to whisper when speaking with others up close. After three months of rehearsing by whispering, he learned to speak at the proper volume. Coaching did the trick.

It’s all right for parents to help financially with coaching, which can cost between $40 and $120 per hour. But when coaching costs are beyond a family’s means, parents should never act as their adult child’s coach. It’s too infantilizing, says Dr. Nadeau. Friends of the family and mature peers can be enlisted to provide some aspects of coaching; for example, reminding, role playing, and walking through tasks step by step.

Some clients ask coaches to prod, remind, motivate and even hound them every day; they need hands-on help getting up in the morning, getting to work on time, completing tasks, and meeting deadlines. The objective is for the client to repeat appropriate behaviors until they become habit. The overall goal of coaching is to establish a routine, says Sonya Goodwin-Layton, who is also a certified professional coach.

Eventually, most people with ADHD do get there, even though some continue to need help every step of the way. I’m working right now with a 39-year-old who is graduating from college this summer and bursting with pride, says Nadeau. “Now I’m walking him through the job application process.

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Grow Up Already! Why It Takes So Long to Mature (2024)


Do people with ADHD mature slower? ›

Summary. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes differences in brain growth, development, and function. ADHD can also cause delayed maturation and activity differences in certain brain regions. The differences of the ADHD brain can affect thinking, behavior, and emotions.

Does ADHD cause immaturity? ›

It's not uncommon for kids to struggle with making new friends. But ADHD can cause specific immature behaviors, causing kids to be an outcast amongst peers.

Why is my ADHD getting worse as I get older? ›

Other things that can make ADHD symptoms more difficult as you get older include: Stress. A busy schedule and feeling overwhelmed can trigger an episode of ADHD symptoms. But it's a circular relationship: Your ADHD itself may also cause stress because it's harder to filter out stressors around you.

What age is ADHD hardest? ›

At what age are symptoms of ADHD the worst? The symptoms of hyperactivity are typically most severe at age 7 to 8, gradually declining thereafter. Peak severity of impulsive behaviour is usually at age 7 or 8. There is no specific age of peak severity for inattentive behaviour.

What is the 30% rule for ADHD? ›

A leading expert on ADHD believes that children with ADHD typically lag behind their peers by 30%, which means that their emotional age is roughly 30% less than their actual age.

Do people with ADHD age faster? ›

And untreated ADHD, especially in the teen years, can play a role in faster aging and possibility a shorter lifespan. Biological aging refers to how old your body's cells are, as measured by changes in cell structure and components.

Are ADHD brains younger? ›

"In children with ADHD, the brain matures in a normal pattern but is delayed by three years in some regions, when compared to children without the disorder," said the study's lead investigator, Dr. Philip Shaw, a child psychiatrist at the National Institute of Mental Health.

What are the strange behaviors of ADHD? ›

Kids with ADHD often have behavior problems. They get angry quickly, throw tantrums, and refuse to do things they don't want to do. These kids aren't trying to be bad. The problem is that ADHD can make it hard for them to do things they find difficult or boring.

What social skills are immature with ADHD? ›

Areas of social functioning that are impacted include: listening to others, initiating conversations at appropriate times, frequently interrupting, missing social cues, withdrawing, and talking excessively. These challenges can influence everyday interactions at school, at home, and within the community.

What age is ADHD at its worse? ›

While each person's experience is different, ADHD usually do not get worse with age. However, how your ADHD traits present and affect your life can change depending on factors like stress, your environment, and the type of supports that are available to you.

At what age does ADHD start to decline? ›

These symptoms are usually seen by the time a child is four years old and typically increase over the next three to four years. The symptoms may peak in severity when the child is seven to eight years of age, after which they often begin to decline.

How does a person with ADHD think? ›

The thoughts a person with ADHD tend to jump without stopping to worry about the details. Additionally, many people with ADHD report feeling more relaxed when they're most active, so this activity stream can often be comforting. This lack of inhibition in thought can also result in more tangential connections.

Is ADHD a form of autism? ›

Autism spectrum disorder and ADHD are related in several ways. ADHD is not on the autism spectrum, but they have some of the same symptoms. And having one of these conditions increases the chances of having the other. Experts have changed the way they think about how autism and ADHD are related.

Does ADHD affect IQ? ›

Even though ADHD itself may not cause lower IQ scores, difficulties with learning at school may lead to lower IQ scores in some people with ADHD.

What are the 5 levels of ADHD? ›

Here are the 6 different types of ADHD, each with different brain function issues and treatment protocols.
  • Type 1: Classic ADD. ...
  • Type 2: Inattentive ADD. ...
  • Type 3: Overfocused ADD. ...
  • Type 4: Temporal Lobe ADD. ...
  • Type 5: Limbic ADD. ...
  • Type 6: Ring of Fire ADD.

Does ADHD cause slow development? ›

A lag in social development is another result of ADHD. There may be poor performance in applying social skills (sharing or cooperating), minding his manners, following moral conduct codes, and acquiring adaptive behaviors (rule development and safety consciousness).

Do people with ADHD tend to be slow? ›

The connection between mental and psychom*otor processing and ADHD is complex. Slow processing speed is sometimes a symptom of ADHD — but not always. People living with ADHD may feel like their brains are going faster, yet they do things more slowly.

Do people with ADHD frontal lobe develop slower? ›

The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that helps people to organize, plan, pay attention, and make decisions. Parts of the frontal lobe may mature a few years later in people with ADHD.

Do kids with ADHD grow slower? ›

Children with ADHD at fourth grade had almost 4 times higher odds of short stature. Children with ADHD at K grew at a slower rate from K to fourth grade (difference in ΔHAZ = 0.23, 95% confidence interval = 0.04-0.42) and had less gain in BMI (difference in ΔBMIZ = 0.16, 95% confidence interval = 0.03-0.29).

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.