Franchise Agreement: How They Work, 8 Key Elements (2024)

A legal, binding contract between the Franchisor and Franchisee is legally known as Franchise agreement. The functionof a franchise agreement is to give franchisee an authority to use the fran..

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Overview of Franchise Agreement

A legal, binding contract between the Franchisor and Franchisee is legally known as Franchiseagreement. The function of a franchise agreement is to give franchisee an authority to use thefranchisor's system and proprietary marks to manage a franchised business. In laymen term, itis an agreement in which a well-established business (franchisor) decides to give its brand,operational model and other required support to another party called franchisee. Franchisor allowsthe franchisee to run a similar business in exchange for a fee and share in the income generated.This agreement contains the professional and legal terms and conditions that both the parties willshare in their tenure. Franchise agreement helps in maintaining a cordial relationship between thefranchisee and franchisor. The agreement contains the name of the brand, the length of franchiseagreement, and amount of fees, clauses that deals with penal provision, compensation andcancellation of the franchise. The Indian franchising industry is experiencing vigorous growth anddevelopment.

What Does Franchise Agreement Include?

A legal necessary paper between the franchisor and franchisee which defines the roles andresponsibilities of both the parties is known as Franchise Agreement. It is necessary to go throughFranchise Disclosure Necessary Paper (FDD) before signing the franchise agreement. FDD preciselymentions even the minute details of the agreement. It narrates what one can expect from thesettlement, mentions franchisor and franchisee's name, the sort of franchise that is beingpurchased, information in relation to past execution of the franchisor with the project, the region,promotional strategies and the kind of help that a franchisee may need to grow the business.

Franchise Agreement is a legal proof of broad deal between two parties. It contains information likefranchisee's commitments, litigation's underlying expenses, income claims. Gain a goodknowledge on the financial status of the business to clearly understand this necessary paper.

Elements of a Franchise Agreement

An Outline of the Relationship

A Franchise agreement covers the name of the people who are involved in the agreement, ownership ofthe intellectual property. The agreement also talks about the obligations of the franchisee tomanage their business as per the standards provided by the franchisor.

Duration of the Agreement

This clause tells about the course of the franchisor-franchisee relationship. Initially, franchiseeis asked to pay an initial fee to legally become a part of the relationship which is furtherfollowed by continuing fees to maintain their position.

Location and Territory

The Franchise Agreement also covers the location and territory allocated to its franchise. Though,the location allocated is different in each agreement. Franchise agreement defines two types ofterritories:

  • Exclusive Territory
  • Non-exclusive Territory

Exclusive Territory

Only one franchise is allowed in an exclusive territory zone. The franchisor does not have the rightto sell more than one franchise in that particular area. The territory assigned will remainexclusive to that particular franchise only.

Non-Exclusive Territory

In a non-exclusive territory, the franchisor has the right to sell more than one franchise in thatparticular territory.

Use of Intellectual Property

Trademarks, patents, and manuals are also the part of agreement, which is offered by the franchisorto the franchisee. The agreement also states the expected use of trademarks, patents, and manuals.


Franchisors narrate the franchisees on the efforts to be put in for advertising the brand.


All franchise agreements need the franchise to obtain insurance so that they can cover the functionsof their business.


This section of the agreement mentions training provided by the franchisor which includes seminars,meetings, etc that the franchisor will ask the franchisee to attend.

Benefits of Franchise Agreement

Business Privilege

A franchise agreement gives you the power to access to the trademarked business logo, the productsand all kinds of marketing expertise that a franchise can provide you. Franchise agreement legallygives you the permission to use a known trademarked business name and logo as part of business plan.

Control of the Brand

Once legally coming into an agreement the franchiser shall be able to states the terms and conditionsregarding the usage of the brand, penalty to be imposed and rules and regulations to be followed.

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Types of Franchise Agreement

Single Unit Franchise Agreement

This is the traditional and most common form franchising. This kind of agreement issues the rightsand obligations regarding the establishment of the franchise. It also narrates the operations of thefranchise. Though, franchisees are responsible to invest in their own capital and use theirmanagerial skills to grow their business.

Multi-Unit Franchise Agreement

Franchisor has the right to issue more than one franchised unit to the franchisee, in other words,this agreement allows the operation and establishment of more than one franchise unit. But it isessential for the multi-unit franchise to have smart financial capability which works as animportant asset in the growth of the business.

Master Franchise Agreement

In this type of agreement franchisor grants the right for a specific country, region or continent,hence empowering the master franchisee to provide a full range of products and services of thefranchisor. Moreover, the master franchisee also has the right to recruit other franchisees. Thisway the master franchisee becomes a franchisor to those franchisees who joins the system through itsmaster franchise.

Points to Check Before Signing the Franchise Agreement

Domain Guidelines

Specific regions are allocated in which franchisee can work jointly.

Charges Payable to the Franchisor

This includes accumulated investment, franchise fee expenses, and when the eminences are to be paid.

Service Offered by the Franchisor

It covers required training, promoting duties, and the products and services provided by thefranchise to the customers.

Renewal of Agreement

The specific time period of the agreement is mentioned and it also contains information related tothe renewal.

Publicizing and Promotions

The franchisor should provide the content, appearance, and recurrence of publicizing implemented bythe franchisee.

Transfer Rights

Franchisors commonly maintain whatever authority is needed to endorse the terms of any exchange andthe transference. Likewise, franchisors determine that they have the privilege of first refusal orto purchase back a franchise.

Key Laws Governing Franchising in India

The Indian Contract Act, 1872

This act defines the law regarding the fundamental aspects of the agreement between the franchisorand the franchisee. The Indian Contract Act finalizes the principles such as offer and acceptance,consideration, breach of contract and various related activities.

The Competition Act,2002

Any arrangement in regards to production, distribution, acquisition, supply or control of goods thatmay happen to cause an adverse effect on the competition within the country is prohibited under thisAct.

Consumer Protection Act, 1996

This Act is formulated keeping the interest of consumer’s in mind. This act has given the rightto consumers to file a complaint against the franchisee and the franchisor. In case of any flaweither in the product or service a consumer can entertain the right to file a complaint against theunit. Consumer Protection Act protects consumers from unfair trade practices.

The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999

When there is foreign currency and foreign assets are include this act comes into action.International brands like Reebok, KFC, Nike, controls and manages their franchise in India with thisAct. The Indian government is improvising the laws which will help the international brands inopening and managing their franchise in India.

Frequently Asked Questions

A legal, binding contract between the Franchisor and Franchisee is legally known asFranchise agreement. . In laymen term, it is an agreement in which awell-established business (franchisor) decides to give its brand, operational modeland other required support to another party called franchisee.

In laymen term, it is an agreement in which a well-establishedbusiness (franchisor) decides to give its brand, operational model and otherrequired support to another party called franchisee.

Don't think too much about the answer; just explore thepossibilities of these questions:

  • How is your experience with your first unit opening
  • What are the result of marketing programs
  • How much can you earn?
  • If you had to do it all over again, would you still buy this franchise?

Franchising is a method of distributing products or services. Atleast two levels of people are involved in a franchise system: (1) the franchisor,who lends his trademark or trade name and a business system; and (2) the franchisee,who pays a royalty and often an initial fee for the right to do business under thefranchisor's name and system. Technically, the contract binding the two parties isthe franchise, but that term is often used to mean the actual businessthat the franchisee operates.

There are a number of aspects to the franchising method that appealto prospective business owners. For example, easy access to an established productand a proven method of operating a business reduces the many risks of opening abusiness. In fact, U.S. Small Business Administration and U.S. Department ofCommerce statistics show a significantly lower failure rate for franchisedbusinesses than for other business start-ups. The franchisee purchases not only atrademark, but also the experience and expertise of the franchiser's organization.However, a franchise does not ensure easy success. If you are not prepared for thetotal commitment of time, energy and financial resources that any business requires,you should stop and reconsider your decision to enter the franchise business.

In this type of agreement franchisor grants the right for a specificcountry, region or continent, hence empowering the master franchisee to provide afull range of products and services of the franchisor. Moreover, the masterfranchisee also has the right to recruit other franchisees. This way the masterfranchisee becomes a franchisor to those franchisees who joins the system throughits master franchise.

This Act is formulated keeping the interest of consumer's inmind. This act has given the right to consumers to file a complaint against thefranchisee and the franchisor. In case of any flaw either in the product or servicea consumer can entertain the right to file a complaint against the unit. ConsumerProtection Act protects consumers from unfair trade practices.

  • Names, addresses and telephone numbers of other franchisees and a properdiscussion with them about the entire business, the customer response and thecompany support.
  • Take proper advise on the franchise agreement.
  • A fully audited financial statement of the seller if they are a ltd company or aprivate ltd company. If any other format, request for the information.
  • The cost required starting and maintaining the business. Please make specialnote of working capital or ongoing costs which you may have to incur afterstarting the business.
  • The responsibilities you and the seller will share once you buy a franchise.
  • Litigation involving the company or its officers, if any.
  • Again, use your professional support to examine all of these issues. Some of thecontract terms may be negotiable. Find out before you sign; otherwise, it willbe too late.

When there is foreign currency and foreign assets are include thisact comes into action. International brands like Reebok, KFC, Nike, controls andmanages their franchise in India with this Act. The Indian government is improvisingthe laws which will help the international brands in opening and managing theirfranchise in India.

You could research and invest in a wide variety of national andinternational franchise opportunities, agencies, dealerships, distributorships andexisting franchises on sale.

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Franchise Agreement: How They Work, 8 Key Elements (2024)


What are the key elements of a franchise agreement? ›

The key elements of a franchise agreement generally include:
  • Territory rights. ...
  • Minimum performance standards. ...
  • Franchisors services requirements. ...
  • Franchisee payments. ...
  • Trademark use. ...
  • Advertising standards. ...
  • Exclusivity clause. ...
  • Insurance requirements.

How do franchise agreements work? ›

A franchise agreement is a contract under which the franchisor grants the franchisee the right to operate a business, or offer, sell, or distribute goods or services identified or associated with the franchisor's trademark.

How does a franchise works? ›

A franchise enables you, the investor or franchisee, to operate a business. You pay a franchise fee and you get a format or system developed by the company (franchisor), the right to use the franchisor's name for a specific number of years and assistance.

What is the 10 year franchise agreement? ›

Predictability and Stability: A ten-year agreement provides a predictable timeline for both parties. The franchisee can plan their business strategy, investments, and financial projections with more certainty. Meanwhile, the franchisor can maintain more stable and predictable franchise network growth.

What are the four key elements for franchising your business? ›

Here's a 4 of the key elements a business should have in place if it is to successfully franchise.
  • Niche products or services. The world is already crowded with one-stop shops and all-in-one stores. ...
  • Widespread demand. ...
  • Simple and effective system. ...
  • Vision and plan.
Oct 21, 2022

What is the structure of a franchise agreement? ›

A typical franchise agreement should include clauses pertaining to location, duration, operation, fees, and use of intellectual property. However, basic knowledge would not suffice to conclude such an important contract, and professional legal advice is necessary.

What are the conditions of a franchise agreement? ›

What are the key elements of a franchise agreement? Key elements typically include the rights and obligations of both the franchisor and franchisee, franchise fees, territorial rights, duration of the agreement, training and support provided by the franchisor, marketing requirements, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

What is the most important document in a franchise relationship? ›

The franchise agreement is the binding contract between you and your franchisee. It explains all rights and obligations for both parties and protects the integrity of your franchise system and your trademarks. This is one of the first documents you will send to a prospective franchisee.

How do franchise owners get paid? ›

The answer is multifaceted. Most franchise owners pay an initial franchise fee during the startup phase, followed by ongoing royalties based on a percentage of their sales. In return, they get paid fixed and percentage fees based on total gross sales and other factors.

How does selling a franchise work? ›

Ways to Sell Your Franchise Business
  1. Consult the franchisor. They may have a list of potential buyers who've inquired with them about buying a franchise. ...
  2. Work with a franchise broker. These business brokers specialize in selling franchises and often have an existing network of prospective franchisees. ...
  3. Sell it yourself.
Jan 22, 2024

What happens if you break a franchise agreement? ›

If you terminate a franchise agreement early, you may face consequences such as financial penalties and other costs. Additionally, your relationship with both the franchisor and could be damaged, and you might lose any potential benefits and support provided by the franchisor.

Is a franchise a legal agreement? ›

A franchise agreement is a legal, binding contract between a franchisor and franchisee. In the United States franchise agreements are enforced at the State level.

Do franchise agreements expire? ›

Franchise Agreements are fixed term agreements, commonly lasting for five or ten years. It sounds like a long time, but those years will fly by.

What are the three typical franchise agreements? ›

There are 4 basic types of franchise agreements: Single-unit, multi-unit, area development and master franchising. A single-unit franchise is the most common and is simply where a franchisor grants a franchisee rights to open and operate one single franchise unit.

What to look out for in a franchise agreement? ›

The agreement should state how long it is in effect for, usually 10 to 20 years. Most franchise agreements include a clause that allows you to renew the contract. Ending the agreement. Your agreement will state when and how you can terminate your franchise.

What constitutes a franchise agreement? ›

The franchise agreement is a legally binding contract. It sets out the rules of the franchising relationship that both the franchisor and franchisee have agreed to.

What are the three main components of a franchise strategy? ›

A successful franchise strategy consists of three main components:
  • Franchisee Selection. Choosing the right franchisees is a critical aspect of success. ...
  • Training and Support. Comprehensive training and ongoing support are essential. ...
  • Technology Integration.
Oct 26, 2023

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.