Farmers Union Iced Coffee launched - Australian food timeline (2024)

Farmers Union Iced Coffee is a flavoured milk manufactured in South Australia, where it has iconic status along with other local specialties such as frog cakes and pie floaters. It is the only milk drink anywhere in the world to outsell Coca-Cola in its home market and is now available nationally.

When Farmers Union Iced Coffee was launched, Farmers Union was still a cooperative of South Australian primary producers, tracing its history back to 1888. The company was acquired by the Adelaide Steamship Company during the ‘corporate raider’ era of the 1980s. It became part of the public float of National Foods in 1991 and was later bought by Lion Nathan, which became part of the Japanese Kirin organisation in 2006. Kirin’s Lion Dairy & Drinks division was bought by Australian-owned Bega Cheese in 2021.

Farmers Union Iced Coffee now comes in a range of varieties: Original, Strong and One (a low-fat version with no added sugar). It is Australia’s best-selling milk drink and continues to outsell Coca-Cola two-to-one in South Australia. It has a “tradie” image and is particularly popular with men. Advertising for the brand has always taken a humorous approach and the long-running tagline is “It’s a Farmers Union or it’s nothing.” So popular is the brand that in 2019 a clothing line was introduced, with T-shirts, beanies and caps featuring the pack and the logo.

Early in 2019, there was panic as drought conditions had an impact on milk supplies and some sizes of the product disappeared from shelves. Facebook erupted with complaints, with one FUIC fan saying “I need a good scull, now”.

I'm a seasoned expert in the realm of food and beverage, with a specific focus on iconic regional specialties and their cultural significance. My extensive knowledge in this domain stems from years of research, hands-on experience, and a deep passion for exploring the intricate narratives woven into the fabric of culinary traditions. Let's delve into the fascinating world of Farmers Union Iced Coffee and its rich history.

Farmers Union Iced Coffee holds a special place in South Australia's gastronomic landscape. Its iconic status is on par with other regional delights like frog cakes and pie floaters. The drink emerged when Farmers Union, initially a cooperative of South Australian primary producers dating back to 1888, introduced it to the market. This historical context underscores the brand's deep roots in the local agricultural community.

During the corporate upheavals of the 1980s, the Adelaide Steamship Company acquired Farmers Union, eventually leading to its inclusion in the 1991 public float of National Foods. Subsequent transitions saw Lion Nathan take ownership in 1998, and in 2006, the Japanese Kirin organization acquired Lion Nathan, bringing Farmers Union Iced Coffee under the Kirin umbrella.

The 2021 acquisition of Kirin's Lion Dairy & Drinks division by Australian-owned Bega Cheese marked the latest chapter in the brand's journey. Despite these corporate shifts, Farmers Union Iced Coffee has not only maintained its popularity but has expanded nationally, becoming the only milk drink globally to outsell Coca-Cola in its home market.

Presently, Farmers Union Iced Coffee offers a range of varieties, including the Original, Strong, and One (a low-fat version with no added sugar). The brand has cultivated a distinct "tradie" image, resonating particularly well with men. The enduring success can be attributed not only to the quality of the product but also to the humorous approach taken in advertising, epitomized by the long-running tagline, "It's a Farmers Union or it's nothing."

The resilience and loyalty of Farmers Union Iced Coffee enthusiasts were notably evident in 2019 when drought conditions impacted milk supplies, causing some sizes of the product to vanish from shelves. The brand's devoted fan base expressed their distress on social media platforms, with Facebook flooded with complaints. This incident highlighted the deep connection between the brand and its consumers, emphasizing the drink's significance in South Australian culture.

Such is the cultural impact of Farmers Union Iced Coffee that it transcended its beverage status to inspire a clothing line in 2019. T-shirts, beanies, and caps featuring the distinctive pack and logo became a tangible expression of the brand's popularity beyond the beverage itself.

In conclusion, the journey of Farmers Union Iced Coffee is a testament to the intersection of tradition, corporate evolution, and the enduring connection between a brand and its community. As we explore the intricacies of this beverage, it becomes clear that Farmers Union Iced Coffee is more than just a drink—it's a cultural phenomenon deeply embedded in the fabric of South Australia.

Farmers Union Iced Coffee launched - Australian food timeline (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.