Factors Shaping the Choice of Strategy (2024)

Factors Shaping the Choice of Strategy
Societal, Political, Regulatory, and Citizenship Considerations
All organizations operate within the broader community of society. What an enterprise can and cannot do strategywise is always constrained by what is legal, by what complies with government policies and regulatory requirements, by what is considered ethical, and by what is in accord with societal expectations and the standards of good community citizenship.

Competitive Conditions and Overall Industry Attractiveness
An industry's competitive conditions and overall attractiveness are big strategy-determining factors. A company's strategy has to be tailored to the nature and mix of competitive factors in play : price, product quality, performance features, service, warranties, and so on. When competitive conditions intensify significantly, a company must respond with strategic actions to protect its position.

The Company's Market Opportunities and External Threats
The particular business opportunities open to a company and the threatening external developments that it faces are key influences on strategy. Both point to the need for strategic action. A company's strategy needs to be deliberately aimed at capturing its best growth opportunities, especially the ones that hold the most promise for building sustainable competitive advantage and enhancing profitability. Likewise, strategy should provide a defense against external threats to the company's well-being and future performance.

Company Resource Strengths, Competencies, and Competitive Capabilities
One of the most pivotal strategy-shaping internal considerations is whether a company has or can acquire the resources, competencies, and capabilities needed to execute a strategy proficiently. These are the factors that can enable an enterprise to capitalize on a particular opportunity, give the firm a competitive edge in the marketplace, and become a cornerstone of the enterprise's strategy.

You can download excellent powerpoint slides on Marketing Strategy and Marketing Management HERE.

The Personal Ambitions, Business Philosophies, and Ethical Beliefs of Managers
Managers do not dispassionately assess what strategic course to steer. Their choices are typically influenced by their own vision of how to compete and how to position the enterprise and by what image and standing they want the company to have. Both casual observation and formal studies indicate that managers' ambitions, values, business philosophies, attitudes toward risk, and ethical beliefs have important influences on strategy.

The Influence of Shared Values and Company Culture on Strategy
An organization's policies, practices, traditions, philosophical beliefs, and ways of doing things combine to create a distinctive culture. Typically, the stronger a company's culture, the more that culture is likely to shape the company's strategic actions, sometimes even dominating the choice of strategic moves. This is because culture-related values and beliefs are so embedded in management's strategic thinking and actions that they condition how the enterprise does business and responds to external events.


What are the criteria for weeding out candidate strategies? How can a manager judge which strategic option is best for the company? What are the standards for determining whether a strategy is successful or not? Three tests can be used to evaluate the merits of one strategy over another:

1. The Goodness of Fit Test : A good strategy has to be well matched to industry and competitive conditions, market opportunities and threats, and other aspects of the enterprise's external environment. At the same time, it has to be tailored to the company's resource strengths and weaknesses, competencies, and competitive capabilities.

2. The Competitive Advantage Test : A good strategy leads to sustainable competitive advantage. The bigger the competitive edge that a strategy helps build, the more powerful and effective it is.

3. The Performance Test : A good strategy boosts company performance. Two kinds of performance improvements are the most telling of a strategy's caliber: gains in profitability and gains in the company's competitive strength and long-term market position.

Source of Reference:
Arthur Thompson and Strickland, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, McGraw Hill. You can obtain this excellent bookhereFactors Shaping the Choice of Strategy (1)

Indonesian version of strategy article like this can also be seen at www.StrategiManajemen.net

Factors Shaping the Choice of Strategy (2)

Factors Shaping the Choice of Strategy (2024)


What are the factors that shape strategy? ›

Factors that Influence Strategic Planning in your Organization
  • Risk Management. ...
  • Engagement. ...
  • Performance Measurement. ...
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. ...
  • Data Analytics. ...
  • Program Evaluation and Evidence-Based Analysis.
19 Sept 2022

What are the five 5 factors that you need to consider in creating a strategy? ›

Successful Strategic Planning: Five Factors
  • Remember the purpose of planning. Communications plans are intended to drive action in pursuit of outcomes. ...
  • Use facts and data. ...
  • Tie your plan to specific business objectives. ...
  • Set verifiable goals. ...
  • Build in accountability.
28 Sept 2020

What factors have an impact on the use of strategies? ›

Factors influencing changes in strategic management may be internal or external to the business organization. Some of these factors include management functions, structural transformations, competition, socio-economic factors, laws and technology.

What factors influence the strategic choices a company will face? ›

To avoid this fate, companies should examine their strategic choices through four critical, interdependent lenses—the company's financial performance, market opportunities, competitive advantage, and operating model (exhibit).

What are the five forces that shape strategy? ›

These forces include the number and power of a company's competitive rivals, potential new market entrants, suppliers, customers, and substitute products that influence a company's profitability. Five Forces analysis can be used to guide business strategy to increase competitive advantage.

What are the 7 elements of strategy? ›

Here are the 7 basic elements of a strategic plan: vision, mission, SWOT analysis, core values, goals, objectives, and action plans.

What are the 8 elements of a strategic plan? ›

What are strategic plan elements?
  • Vision statement. The vision statement is an important part of a strategic plan as it provides a short summary highlighting what your business will look like in the future. ...
  • Mission statement. ...
  • Goals and objectives. ...
  • SWOT analysis. ...
  • Action plan. ...
  • KPIs.
12 Nov 2020

What are the 5 key elements of strategic thinking? ›

Liedtka (1998) mentions five characteristics of strategic thinking: systems perspective, intent focused, thinking in time, hypothesis driven and intelligent opportunism.

What are the 7 factors that influence a decision? ›

7 Factors and Personal Characteristics That Have an Impact on the Decision Making In an Organisation
  • Programmed versus non-programmed decisions:
  • Information inputs:
  • Prejudice:
  • Cognitive constraints:
  • Attitudes about risk and uncertainty:
  • Personal habits:
  • Social and cultural influences:

What are the factors that affect the choice of an organization? ›

Although many things can affect the choice of an appropriate structure for an organization, the following five factors are the most common: size, life cycle, strategy, environment, and technology.

What are key strategic choices? ›

Strategic Choices Defined

Your strategic choices could include determining what products and services to sell, where to sell them, how to sell them and what target markets to sell them to. Strategic tools are the specific methods you use to set and reach goals.

What is Porter's 5 forces used for? ›

Porter's Five Forces Model is an important tool for understanding the main competitive forces at work in an industry. This can help you to assess the attractiveness of an industry, and pinpoint areas where you can adjust your strategy to improve profitability.

Who designed the five forces that shape competition strategy? ›

Porter's Five Forces Framework was first published in the Harvard Business Review in 1979 by famed academic Michael Porter, and has come to be renowned as a seminal management framework.

What is Porter's 5 forces analysis example? ›

Examples: High barrier to entry and high exit barrier (for example, telecommunications, energy) High barrier to entry and low exit barrier (for example, consulting, education) Low barrier to entry and high exit barrier (for example, hotels, ironworks)

What are the 5 steps in strategic planning? ›

What is strategic planning?
  1. Define your vision.
  2. Assess where you are.
  3. Determine your priorities and objectives.
  4. Define responsibilities.
  5. Measure and evaluate results.
19 Aug 2022

What are the four pillars of strategy? ›

The 4 pillars for strategy are: Vision, Analysis, Target & Plan. A strategy needs to built on the foundation of an overarching vision that it is meant to achieve. In this sense it is important to acquire guidance on the vision from supervisory authorities of the strategy.

What are the 3 factors to consider in strategy implementation? ›

3 Factors to Consider When Implementing Your Business Strategy
  • Concentrate on your sales efforts. Creating a focused, proactive and high performing sales function is often one of the biggest challenges facing a business. ...
  • Align your employees to deliver. ...
  • What gets measured gets done – Ensure you are on track.
11 Oct 2016

What are the 3 parts of strategic choice? ›

Strategic choice has three parts that include the generation of strategic options, evaluation of the options, and selection of the strategy. During strategic choice, there may be many strategic options; therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the selected option is the best.

What are the three key elements of strategy? ›

Strategy is comprised of three parts: Vision, Goals, and Initiatives:
  • Vision describes who the customers are, what customers need, and how you plan to deliver a unique offering.
  • Goals are quantifiable and define what you want to achieve in the next quarter, year, or 18 months.
28 Apr 2015

What are the 10 strategic planning steps? ›

The Strategic Planning Process: 10 essential steps for success
  1. Determine who needs to be in the room. ...
  2. Identify a facilitator. ...
  3. Define terms. ...
  4. Assess the environment. ...
  5. Answer six key strategic questions. ...
  6. Know how you will differentiate. ...
  7. Establish your vision, mission and values. ...
  8. Create Commitments, Initiatives and Tactics.
4 Feb 2015

What are the six dimensions of a strategic decisions? ›

The six dimensions - strategy, culture, organisation, processes, technology, customers and partners - are applied in the DMAT to assess digital maturity.

What the are 3 C's of a strategic action? ›

The 3 Cs are: Company, Customers and Competitors - the three semi-fixed environmental factors in your market.

What are the six elements of strategic planning? ›

Skipping these important steps can leave your organization without direction. Read ahead to learn more about the six vital elements of strategic planning: vision, mission, objectives, strategy, approach, and tactics.

What are the 6 factors of the decision making process? ›

The Decision‐Making Process
  • Define the problem.
  • Identify limiting factors.
  • Develop potential alternatives.
  • Analyze the alternatives.
  • Select the best alternative.
  • Implement the decision.
  • Establish a control and evaluation system.

What are the five factors of influence? ›

5 Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour
  • Psychological Factors.
  • Social Factors.
  • Cultural Factors.
  • Economic Factors.
  • Personal Factors.
1 Dec 2022

What are three common influences on choices? ›

Family history, memories, group trust, and cultural expectations tend to heavily influence the decisions we make. The way our brains remember (and what we forget), and our friends' choices all sway our decisions, especially those around childbearing.

What are 4 factors used to choose a form of business organization? ›

Here are some factors to consider when deciding on the right structure for your new business:
  • Liability. One of the most important factors in considering whether or not to incorporate your business is liability. ...
  • Taxes. ...
  • Time and Money. ...
  • Multiple Founders. ...
  • Raising Money.
16 Aug 2016

What are the factors to be considered while selecting? ›

Seven factors affecting the outcomes of your selection process
  • The recruitment campaign. ...
  • The geographic location of candidates. ...
  • The literacy skills of the candidates. ...
  • The number of candidates applying for a position. ...
  • The correct use of assessment. ...
  • Attractiveness of the position. ...
  • The selection process itself.
18 May 2017

What influences your choice of business idea? ›

Top 10 Factors Influencing Choice of Business Organization
  • This article throws light upon the top ten factors influencing the choice of business organization. The factors: 1. ...
  • Liability of Owners:
  • Life of Organization:
  • Transferability of Ownership:
  • Flexibility:
  • Tax Liability:
  • Legal Formalities:
  • Geographical Mobility:

Why strategy is a choice? ›

In short, strategy is choice. More specifically, strategy is an integrated set of choices that uniquely positions the firm in its industry so as to create sustainable advantage and superior value relative to the competition. Too often CEO's allow the urgent to cloud out the important.

What are the 5 factors you will consider in putting a kind of business? ›

Well, there are some important factors to bear in mind when launching a business.
  • A great idea. “No business can develop in the absence of a great idea. ...
  • Funding and budget. ...
  • What is your business plan? ...
  • Legal documentation. ...
  • Passion. ...
  • Find the right equipment. ...
  • Know when you need help.

What are the five 5 factors to consider when a company transforms its traditional strategy to a digital marketing strategy? ›

The 5 stages of strategic digital marketing planning include plan, reach, act, convert and engage. In this section, we will summarise the key success factors for each stage of your digital marketing strategy, with examples, integrated across the Smart Insights RACE Framework.

What are the 5 key factors for success when preparing a business plan? ›

As a reminder, the 5 Key Success Factors are:
  • Strategic Focus (Leadership, Management, Planning)
  • People (Personnel, Staff, Learning, Development)
  • Operations (Processes, Work)
  • Marketing (Customer Relations, Sales, Responsiveness)
  • Finances (Assets, Facilities, Equipment)
1 Apr 2015

What are the important factors to consider in choosing a business? ›

What Business Should I Start? 6 Factors to Help You Decide
  • Budget. A message from. ...
  • Available time and resources. Consider the amount of time and resources you will need to get your business idea off the ground. ...
  • Scalability. ...
  • Market size and demand. ...
  • Your industry expertise. ...
  • Your passion and interest.
2 Aug 2021

What are the 6 factors that influence the business environment? ›

In this article, we will define the general environment in business and explore the six forces affecting a business's operations using the PESTEL analysis tool.
What are general environment forces?
  • Political factors. ...
  • Economic conditions. ...
  • Sociocultural factors. ...
  • Technology. ...
  • Environment. ...
  • Legal.
3 May 2021

What are the 6 key components of business strategy? ›

What are the key components of a business strategy?
  1. Vision and objectives. A business strategy is intended to help you reach your business objectives. ...
  2. Core values. ...
  3. SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) ...
  4. Tactics and operational delivery. ...
  5. Resources and resource allocation. ...
  6. Measurement and analysis.

What are the 5 6 most important elements of your company's strategy? ›

Skipping these important steps can leave your organization without direction. Read ahead to learn more about the six vital elements of strategic planning: vision, mission, objectives, strategy, approach, and tactics.

What are the top 10 success factors? ›

Top Ten Critical Success Factors
  • Communication skills (oral and written). ...
  • Interpersonal skills. ...
  • Confidence. ...
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills. ...
  • Flexibility. ...
  • Self-motivation. ...
  • Leadership. It means different things to different people. ...
  • Teamwork. People love working with people who they work well with.
5 Oct 2009

What are the six leading success factors? ›

“six success factors” — focused, directed, nurtured, engaged, connected, and valued (see sidebar, Six Success Factors Defined).

What are the 5 C's of success? ›

Clarity, communication, collaboration, consensus and compromise are critical to success in business, politics and life. Without them, you'll be deadlocked (as our government has been) and fail to achieve much of anything. Without recognizing these five Cs, you won't achieve meaningful results.

What are the 3 main planning strategies? ›

Three major types of plans can help managers achieve their organization's goals: strategic, tactical, and operational. Operational plans lead to the achievement of tactical plans, which in turn lead to the attainment of strategic plans.

What are the 4 strategic process? ›

The four phases of strategic management are formulation, implementation, evaluation and modification.

What are the principles of strategy? ›

Principles for Strategy Development
  • Know Yourself. Whether as individuals or as organizations, we sometimes forget to remember who we are. ...
  • Know Your Market. To really know yourself, you need to know the world around you. ...
  • Build On Your Strengths. ...
  • Make Decision-Making Criteria Explicit. ...
  • Identify Your Big Question.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.