Europe: Human Geography (2024)

Europe is the second-smallest continent. The name


, or Europa, is believed to be of Greek origin, as it is the name of a princess in Greek mythology. The name


may also come from combining the Greek roots eur- (wide) and -op (seeing) to form the phrase “wide-gazing.”


is often described as a “peninsula of


.” A


is a piece of land surrounded by water on three sides.


is a


of the Eurasian super


and is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian seas to the south.


’s main


are the Iberian, Italian, and Balkan, located in southern


, and the Scandinavian and Jutland, located in northern


. The link between these


has made


a dominant economic, social, and cultural force throughout recorded history.


’s physical geography, environment and resources, and human geography can be considered separately.



is home to the citizens of Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland), and Vatican City.

Cultural Geography


has a long history of human development and is considered the birthplace of Western Civilization. Today, this cultural wealth is used to solidify the


Community and is exported to the rest of the world as one of the


’s greatest global assets.

Historic Cultures
Indigenous cultures shaped, and were shaped by, the varied geography of


. Physical features, weather-related phenomena, and local


had a deep impact on how historic


cultures prospered, interacted, and believed their world worked.

The geography and climate of the Mediterranean region, for example, directly influenced Greek


. Most Greek gods and goddesses are representations of the active physical elements that made up the local landscape. The volcanoes of Lemnos, an island in the Mediterranean, and Mount Etna, on the island of Sicily, were believed to be the forges of Hephaestus, the Greek god of fire. Ancient Greeks also believed reigning gods imprisoned lesser gods underneath the volcanoes. A volcano’s violent nature thus came from the work of Hephaestus and the anger of the imprisoned gods.

The ancient Greeks’ connection to the sea also deeply influenced their


beliefs. Greece’s many earthquakes, and the tsunamis they caused, were connected to the sea god Poseidon, known as the “Earth Shaker.” Cults and temples centered on Poseidon were built throughout the Aegean and Mediterranean seas as a means of appeasing the god.

As maritime trade and exploration developed in the region, winds and currents connected to Poseidon became important in Greek


. The gods could both reward and punish travelers and


with favorable or unfavorable sea conditions. This is a main theme of The Odyssey, an epic poem written by Homer, in which these key elements of the sea both help and hurt the hero.

Other cultures developed around the unique


at their disposal. The Sami culture of


, for example, was deeply connected to the


reindeer herds of the Arctic. The Sami followed and cared for these herds during their grazing cycle. During the harsh winter, the Sami ate all parts of the animal. They created clothing and tents out of reindeer hides, sewing together the cloth with twine made from the animal’s tendons.

Keeping track of herds and individual animals became increasingly important in Sami life. In order to distinguish herds, families and communities developed a pattern of cuts and notches on the animals’ ears.

Reindeer were also the Sami’s main method of transporting goods during their nomadic journeys. These journeys varied in length, depending on the migration patterns of specific reindeer herds. Some reindeer herds have a home range of up to 5,000 square kilometers (1,930 square miles).

Reindeer herding is still an important aspect of Sami culture, which continues to thrive in northern


and Russia’s Kola



Distinct physical features had a lasting impact on how


cultures communicated with each other. With its central


location but geographic remoteness, the Alps region developed into a unique crossroads for


’s dominant languages, and a refuge for its archaic languages. This linguistic diversity is present in the Alpine regions of many contemporary


countries today.

Switzerland, for example, has four official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansch. During the Middle Ages, dominant


powers conquered the strategically important mountain territory of the Alps. Around 400 CE, the Alemanni, a Germanic tribe, invaded present-day northern Switzerland. Today, this is the German-speaking region of the country.

Around this same time, Roman conquerors took over present-day southern Switzerland. Latin, the language of Rome, evolved into French in the western region, and Italian in the south. Because of their remoteness, however, all these regions have distinct dialects that differ slightly from their parent language. Swiss-Italian is


from Italian.

Romansch, an endangered language, is also derived from


. Fewer than a million people are fluent in Romansch. The language survives in Switzerland because of the remote location of its native speakers.

Contemporary Cultures

’s rich and diverse cultural heritage continues to flourish today. With such a large number of nationalities compacted into such a small area,


strongly supports individual cultural identities and products.



Capitals of Culture program, started in 1985, has become one of


’s most important and high-profile cultural events. The goals of the program are local, regional, and global. The program highlights


’s rich cultural diversity, celebrates its cultural ties, and brings people of different


backgrounds together. The program has provided a lasting


boost to cities and regions, raised their international profiles, and enhanced their images in the eyes of their own inhabitants.

Each year, two or three cities are chosen to produce a year-long program of cultural events. This program must not only highlight the city’s unique cultural heritage, but also feature new events that unite a range of cultural practices from across


. All of the events must come together under a common theme or themes. One Capital of Culture of 2011, Turku, Finland, focused on culture’s positive influence on health and well-being. Many of its events encouraged community involvement and civic engagement. Projects are meant to stay a part of the city after 2011—some pieces of sculpture may be used for athletics, for instance. Turku officials hope to inspire other


countries to undertake similar projects.


also strengthens ties between its diverse peoples and cultures by supporting multilingual education. The European Union has 23 official languages, and the


has more than 60




immigrant communities are bringing in new languages to the


, including Arabic, Hindi, and Mandarin.

A 2006


study showed that 53 percent of respondents could speak a second language, while 28 percent could speak two fo


languages. The study also showed that only 8 percent of respondents considered language-learning unimportant.




has adopted a multilingual language policy with the goal that everyone should be able to speak at least two languages in addition to their own. By supporting this policy, the



hopes it will strengthen social, educational, professional, and


ties in


and make the


more competitive in global markets.


’s cultural products also help unify the region. Certain countries and regions have even developed an identity or “branding” focused on specific products and exports.


design, for instance, is primarily focused on fashion and home wares. It is characterized by simple, minimalist design and low-cost mass production. Important


companies focused on designed products include Electrolux, which makes home electronics, and Ikea and H&M, famous around the world for inexpensive but well-designed home furnishings and clothing, respectively.

Italian fashion is also an important cultural export. The city of Milan is regarded as a major fashion capital, hosting an international fashion week twice a year. The city is home to the headquarters of luxury brands such as Valentino, Gucci, Versace, and Prada. Milan is also home to important


fashion magazines, such as Grazia, Vogue Italia, and Vera.

German automotive design has a global reputation for excellence and prestige. Automobile companies such as BMW, Mercedes, and Audi are known throughout the world for creating cars with dynamic designs and an engaging driving experience. The country is also home to a number of outstanding schools for automotive design, such as the Hochschule Esslingen and Hochschule Pforzheim.

Political Geography


’s long history and


progress have been shaped by its

political geography


Political geography

is the internal and external relationships between governments, citizens, and territories. Early


, in fact, shaped global ideas of citizenship and


. These ideas have been tested during times of peace and military conflict, and continue to be redefined today.

Historic Issues

’s early political history can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome, both of which profoundly affected how

Western civilizations

govern their territories and citizens.

Described as the birthplace of democracy, ancient Greece revolved around the polis, or city-state. City-states were unique in that they were governed not by a hereditary ruler, but by a political body that represented its citizens. This idea of citizenship—of being connected to and having a voice in your community—became the basic building block of


. The word “


” has Greek roots: demos-, meaning “people,” and -kratos, meaning “power.” Prominent Greek philosophers, such as Socrates and Plato, discussed democratic ideals in their writings.


and politicians have used these writings to uphold and defend the democratic tradition ever since.

Roman civilization had a major influence on Western concepts of law,


, and the military. At its largest, Rome controlled approximately 6.5 million square kilometers (2.5 million square miles) of land.

The Roman approach to conquering and controlling territory is often considered to be the basis of Western imperialism.


is a policy of extending a nation’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force.


is a policy that has been used throughout history, most notably by


powers and the United States. Other political institutions of Rome persist throughout


and former


colonies. Some of these concepts include the idea of an elected Senate and the stationing of military troops outside a country’s home region.

World War I and World War II dramatically affected the

political geography



. World War I (1914-1918) left about 16 million people dead. The Central Powers (led by the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire) fell to the forces of the Allied Powers (led by the United Kingdom, France, and the Russian Empire). By the end of the war, the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires collapsed and broke into a dozen separate nations.


between existing nations, such as Poland and Russia, were entirely redrawn.

World War II (1939-1945) left about 43 million


dead, including about 6 million who died in the Holocaust. The


was the mass murder of Jews under the Nazi regime. World War II also left more than 40 million refugees, contributed to the independence of


colonies throughout the world, and devastated the urban infrastructure of many



As a result of the devastation of World War II, Western


’s leadership in global politics diminished. The United States began to lead the Western world, while the Soviet Union, with its capital in the Eastern


city of Moscow, Russia, led the so-called Eastern Bloc. The relationship between the United States, with a free-market economy, and the

Soviet Union

, with a communist economy, was known as the Cold War.

The “Iron Curtain” represents



political geography

during the Cold War. The Iron Curtain was an ideological boundary that divided


into two blocs—Western countries influenced by the United States, and Eastern countries influenced by the

Soviet Union

. International


and military organizations developed on either side of the Iron Curtain. The United States and the

Soviet Union

built up huge nuclear arsenals, with many missiles aimed at targets throughout



The Iron Curtain took on the physical shape of


defenses, walls, and limited


. The nation of Germany was divided in two. In fact, the most famous symbol of the Iron Curtain was the Berlin Wall, which divided the East German city of Berlin into western and eastern-controlled parts.



and political demise of the

Soviet Union

led to the end of the Iron Curtain in the late 1980s. During this time, a number of anti-communist revolutions swept central and eastern


. These


eventually lead to the end of the Cold War, symbolized by the falling of the

Berlin Wall

in 1989.

Contemporary Issues

is now broadly defined in the context of the



(EU), an


and political body officially created by the Maastricht Treaty in 1993. The EU works to create a unified structure for social,


, military, and


policies of its member states.

Today, the



is composed of 27 member states, with new members mainly coming from central and eastern


. The financial and diplomatic success of the EU has led to its rapid growth across the





is one of the strongest currencies in the world. The


is the second-most popular currency (behind the American dollar) and is used daily by more than 320 million people. Nations that use the


as a unit of


are called the “



Leadership of the EU, split among different branches and institutions, is a working model of international cooperation. The EU accepts few candidates: member states must maintain a stable, democratic form of


, a

free-market economy

, and commitment to the rule of law.

The rapid growth of the



, however, has caused a number of administrative and political tensions. Critics believe the process of attaining EU membership is too difficult for


’s developing economies. Strict EU regulations place a heavy burden on developing countries to compete with their more developed neighbors.

The global financial crisis, which began around 2008, has caused these tensions to elevate dramatically. The

financial crisis

is defined by debt and high unemployment. The



created a $957 billion “rescue package” for the EU economy, primarily for countries that had unsustainable


rates. These countries included Greece, Ireland, Spain, and Portugal. This rescue package has caused tensions to rise between


competitive countries and the in


countries that they are helping to rescue. In


countries must now deal with strict budgets and declining incomes while more financially stable countries are forcing taxpayers to help fund the financial rescue.

The status of


is also a source of tension and debate in


. Historically,


has been a center of immigration. The



has established the Schengen Area—a zone where


can travel from country to country without having to show their passports. The

financial crisis

, along with concerns about


’ connections to terrorism and religious extremism, has caused


to develop a more guarded approach to immigration. Some critics argue these attitudes are xenophobic. Xenophobia is an intense dislike or fear of people from other places or cultures.

Two events demonstrate this debate. In 2005, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published 12 cartoons featuring Islamic subjects. The political cartoons sought to engage in the debate surrounding Muslim extremism. Many Muslim organizations, however, saw the cartoons as bigoted, racist, and insulting. Protests developed across the Muslim world, and demonstrators set fire to Danish embassies in Lebanon, Iran, and Syria. These events had a devastating effect on Denmark’s reputation as a progressive and welcoming country. The debate surrounding the cartoons also intensified strained relations between the


world and the West.

In 2010, the French


dismantled illegal


camps throughout France. These camps were mostly populated by Roma, also called Gypsies. Roma are a people and culture native to central and eastern


. In the face of an


crisis, EU citizens of poorer member countries, such as the Roma of Bulgaria and Romania, often migrate to more developed EU countries in search of work. Developed countries, however, are also facing


challenges. These nations do not feel an obligation to accept illegal


, seeing them as both a threat and a burden.

Supporters of the crackdown want to stop illegal immigration. Critics argue the move was racist.

Future Issues
An important predictor of


’s political and


future is its efforts to minimize the effects of climate change.


is often seen as a world leader in


friendly technologies and legislation. The 2009 United Nations

Climate Change

Conference was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. As part of an international agreement signed at the conference, all 27 member states of the



agreed to reduce carbon emissions by 20 percent by 2020 (from 1990 levels).

The EU also notified the UN of a “conditional offer to increase this cut to 30 percent, provided that other major emitters agree to take on their fair share of a global reduction effort.” This conditional offer illustrates the tension that was present at the conference between developed countries’ high

carbon emissions

and developing countries’ low or rising carbon use. In fact, many developing nations argued that the Copenhagen Accord was drafted by a small group of powerful countries and unfairly disadvantages poorer countries, many of which are expected to suffer the worst effects of

climate change


The ageing of


’s population is also expected to dramatically affect the


’s social, political, and financial future. The overall population of


is set to drop from roughly 590 million to 542 million by 2050. The proportion of people older than 65 will grow from 16 percent to 28 percent. These projected changes will have two major effects: There will be a smaller work force to create a dynamic and industrious economy, and


and citizens will have to care for more elderly people.

These changes will affect different regions of


in different ways. A study completed by the Berlin Institute for Population and Development found that


, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, western Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Austria, and France have the best prospects of supporting vibrant and


successful societies. Many of the most socially and


powerful elements of these societies will be led by



Developing countries, such as those in eastern and southern


, are expected to bear the worst of the depopulation trend. Among the struggling economies that may suffer from

carbon emission

limits are Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova.

Thus, it seems that


’s historic disparities between north and south, west and east, will continue to widen in the future. Enacting regional social policies and



, especially through bodies like the



, may help curb that trend.

Fast Fact

Population Density
188 people per square kilometer

Fast Fact

Highest Elevation
Mount Elbrus, Russia (5,642 meters/18,510 feet)

Fast Fact

Most Renewable Electricity Produced
Iceland (99.9%: hydropower, geothermal)

Fast Fact

Largest Urban Area
Moscow, Russia (16.2 million people)

Fast Fact

Largest Watershed
Volga River (1.38 million square km/532,821 square miles)

Europe: Human Geography (2024)


What is Europe's human geography? ›

The human geography of Europe is the distribution of people on the European continent. The European Union covers much of western Europe, while former Soviet countries cover much of eastern Europe. These areas are divided into various countries, such as Italy and Russia.

What is the short answer of human geography? ›

Human geography or anthropogeography is the branch of geography which studies spatial relationships between human communities, cultures, economies, and their interactions with the environment, examples of which include urban sprawl and urban redevelopment.

What are the 4 major landforms in Europe? ›

Europe has four main landforms, many islands and peninsulas, and various climate types. The four main landforms include the Alpine region, Central Uplands, Northern Lowlands, and Western Highlands.

What are the geographic limits of Europe? ›

Europe is the second-smallest continent. Only Oceania has less landmass. Europe extends from the island nation of Iceland in the west to the Ural Mountains of Russia in the east. Europe's northernmost point is the Svalbard archipelago of Norway, and it reaches as far south as the islands of Greece and Malta.

What is Europe known for? ›

Europe's rich agricultural and industrial diversity has made the continent a center of trade and commerce for centuries. It is centrally located between the two other “Old World” continents, Africa and Asia.

What is unique about Europe's geography? ›

The physical geography of Europe has a special topography that is only present in that continent. This unique feature is known as a fjord. A fjord is an extensive thin sea inlet that is in between very tall and rocky cliffs. Fjords usually form when the ice sheets subdue.

Is human geography hard? ›

AP Human Geography is often labeled as moderately to highly difficult, primarily for its unique course content. While the concept of human geography may seem foreign to many students, chances are they've already explored some of the course's tenets on their own.

What are 5 examples of human geography? ›

Cultural geography, economic geography, health geography, historical geography, political geography, population geography, rural geography, and social geography are examples of sub-disciplinary studies in human geography that focus on distinct aspects of human activity and organization.

What is geography answers? ›

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth's surface and the human societies spread across it.

How was Europe formed? ›

A cultural definition of Europe as the lands of Latin Christendom coalesced in the 8th century, signifying the new cultural condominium created through the confluence of Germanic traditions and Christian-Latin culture, defined partly in contrast with Byzantium and Islam, and limited to northern Iberia, the British ...

What types of land are in Europe? ›

Four broad topographic units can be simply, yet usefully, distinguished in the continent of Europe. Those are coastal and interior lowlands, central uplands and plateaus, the northwestern highlands, and southern Europe.

How is Europe divided geographically? ›

Europe has been traditionally divided into regions based on location according to the four points of the compass: Eastern Europe, southern Europe, Western Europe, and northern Europe. The British Isles are often considered a separate region but can be included as a part of Western Europe.

How many regions does Europe have? ›

The United Nations Geoscheme divides Europe into 4 subregions: Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Northern Europe, and Southern Europe.

Is Europe geographically a continent? ›

Europe is the western peninsula of the giant "supercontinent" of Eurasia. Europe is divided from Asia by a series of watersheds, including the Ural River and the Caspian and Black Seas. Europe is the second-smallest continent.

What is the human environment interaction of Europe? ›

Europe's factories produce high amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions. These combine with water vapor and oxygen to form acid rain or snow. Winds carry the emissions to other parts of Europe, affecting an estimated one-fourth of all European forests.

What is this human geography? ›

Human geography is the branch of geography that deals with humans and their communities, cultures, economies and interactions with the environment. Typically, human geography explores how these subjects vary spatially and temporally in different parts of the world.

What is the human density of Europe? ›

Europe Population (LIVE)

The population density in Europe is 34 per Km2 (87 people per mi2).

What's in human geography? ›

Human geography consists of a number of sub-disciplinary fields that focus on different elements of human activity and organization, for example, cultural geography, economic geography, health geography, historical geography, political geography, population geography, rural geography, social geography, transport ...

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.