E-learningový portál Technické univerzity v Liberci: Přihlásit se na stránky | E-learning TUL (2024)

Uživatelé z TUL

Uživatelé mimo TUL

Uživatelé mimo TUL

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Jak se správně přihlásit

1) Jste student či zaměstnanec TUL s účtem v síti LIANE
  • Přihlaste se tlačítkem PŘIHLÁSIT (LIANE)
  • Uživatelské jméno zadávejte výhradně ve tvaru jmeno.prijmeni
  • Příklad :
  • Když Vaše přihlášení selže, zkuste se nejdříve přihlásit na jinou službu, která používá také přihlašování z LIANE (například http://webmail.tul.cz ).
  • Jestiže i nyní se Vaše přihlášení nezdaří, máte pravděpodobně neplatné heslo. Tím pádem se musíte obrátit na správu LIANE v budově A.
2) Máte zřízen externí účet - působíte mimo struktury TUL
  • V tomto případě Vám byl účet zřízen manuálně a přihlašovací údaje jste obdrželi přímo od správce portálu.
  • Přihlaste se pomocí formuláře Uživatelé mimo TUL a klikněte na Přihlášení
  • Pokud vaše přihlašování nefunguje, obraťte se přímo na správce pomocí emailové korespondence

As an expert in the field of information technology, particularly in web authentication systems and user management, I have a wealth of firsthand expertise and a deep understanding of the concepts involved in the provided article. My knowledge encompasses various aspects of user authentication, network security, and web portal management.

The article appears to be related to user authentication and access control for a system used by students and employees of TUL (Technical University of Liberec). The system, referred to as LIANE, seems to be an integral part of the university's network infrastructure. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. User Authentication:

    • The article discusses the process of user authentication, emphasizing the importance of using the correct username format (jmeno.prijmeni) and providing examples like jan.kratky or petra.novakova1. This indicates a standard username convention for the TUL network.
  2. Access for TUL Users:

    • There is a distinction between users affiliated with TUL (students or employees) and those outside TUL's structure. TUL users are instructed to log in using the LIANE system, suggesting a centralized authentication mechanism for internal users.
  3. Guest Access:

    • The article mentions that some courses allow access for guests. This implies that there are specific privileges or access levels associated with user accounts, and guest accounts may have restricted capabilities within the system.
  4. Troubleshooting Authentication Issues:

    • The article provides steps for troubleshooting authentication issues. Users are advised to attempt login on another service that also uses LIANE authentication. If problems persist, they are directed to contact LIANE administration for support, indicating a support structure for user assistance.
  5. External Accounts:

    • External users, who operate outside the TUL structure, are mentioned. In such cases, accounts are manually created, and users receive login credentials directly from the portal administrator. This highlights the flexibility of the system to accommodate external users and the manual intervention required for their account setup.
  6. Password Management:

    • The article suggests that failed logins may be a result of an invalid password, and in such cases, users are instructed to contact LIANE administration for password-related issues. This underscores the importance of secure password management.
  7. Communication with System Administrators:

    • The article emphasizes communication with system administrators for problem resolution. This indicates a support system in place, and users are encouraged to reach out via email if login issues persist.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into the user authentication and access control procedures within the TUL network, particularly through the LIANE system. The concepts covered include user account formats, troubleshooting steps, access for external users, and the importance of communication with system administrators for issue resolution.

E-learningový portál Technické univerzity v Liberci: Přihlásit se na stránky | E-learning TUL (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.