Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (2024)

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The most loved brands in the world nurture intimate connections with their audiences.

They speak directly to their target groups in a way that makes them feel they’re speaking directly to the specific customer’s needs.

But on such a grand scale across such broad markets, how can they be so relevant?

The answer is by using a differentiated strategy.

In this article, you’ll learn how great brands leverage this strategy to grow brand equity, intimacy, and market share.

What Is Differentiated Marketing? (Nike Strategy Example)

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Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (1)

What Is Differentiated Marketing?

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (2)

Differentiated marketing is a strategy brands use to appeal to multiple customer segments within their target market.

It provides brands with a means to be more relevant and expand their reach and market share by addressing specific needs while remaining consistent with their brand positioning and messaging.

They do this by tailoring their product offering and using different messages to specific market segments while staying “on-brand” and in line with the longer-term brand strategy.

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (3)

Some people confuse differentiated marketing with concentrated marketing. But a concentrated marketing strategy is about tailoring the message to a specific customer base while the latter is about focusing your marketing efforts on a specific niche market.

There are many ways a brand can differentiate itself from its competitors, which is where strategy comes in.

There is no one size fits all approach and there are countless ways a brand can engage its audience and achieve its objectives.

Every industry and market is different, which is what brand strategists must define to then analyse the market and define the best approach for each circ*mstance.

Pros and Cons Of Differentiated Marketing

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (4)

Differentiated marketing is a tool brands can use to get in front of various segments of their audience. And like most tools, there are advantages and disadvantages to consider.


Be more relevant to specific segments

Be more specific to market needs

Flexibility to test different segments

Expanded reach and revenue

Increased market share


Increased research & development costs

Increased marketing and management costs

Inconsistent results

Risk of customer response

Risk of diluting brand equity

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Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (5)

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (6)

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (7)

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Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (8)

  • The exact step-by-step process 7-Figure agencies use to bag big clients through brand strategy

  • How to build brands that command premium fees and stop competing for cheap clients

  • How to avoid the expensive amateur mistakes that 95% of brand builders make to fast-track profit growth

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Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (9)

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (10)

Differentiated vs Undifferentiated Marketing

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (11)

Differentiated marketing is about refining offers and marketing messages to be more relevant to a more specified segment of their target audience.

When done right, it can give brands a significant competitive advantage. But it requires in-depth market research and planning, which may come at a higher price than an undifferentiated marketing strategy.

An undifferentiated marketing strategy takes the opposite approach in that there is no differentiation across market segments, offers or messaging.

As it’s simpler, it carries lower costs, but it can also be less effective, especially for small businesses that may not have the advantage of a powerful brand name, even if they have the right mix of potential customers and product quality.

Essentially undifferentiated marketing approaches all market segments in the same way which is otherwise known as mass marketing.

Examples Of Differentiated Marketing Strategy

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (12)

One of the best brand examples to illustrate differentiated marketing in action is Nike.

Nike is a sports and lifestyle brand that creates a variety of products and offers for many different demographics.

Their differentiated marketing strategy allows them to be more relevant and attract customers to different products while fostering brand loyalty in different market segments.

Yet each campaign falls in line with the overarching strategy of the brand.

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (13)

Nike Differentiated Marketing Example

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (14)

For example, Nike will run campaigns that provide specific products and messaging to track and field enthusiasts that will be more relevant to their passion for running.

They can speak directly to their desires, fears, challenges and goals to appeal more directly and be more relevant.

Likewise, they’ll run campaigns that will have separate targeting for football enthusiasts as an example.

These campaigns will, again, be more relevant and consider the athletes, environments, passions and desires of football enthusiasts, which are often completely different from those of other market segments.

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Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (15)

How To Create A Differentiated Marketing Strategy

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (16)

Developing a differentiated marketing strategy is all about specificity.

Each market segment is different and the strategy needs to consider not only what the wants and needs but what messaging will resonate with them and where they’re most likely to congregate so the campaign can reach them.

Here is a process you can follow to define yours.

Step 1: Define Your Audience Segments

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (17)

Every brand has a target market they want to appeal to. Yet, there may be multiple market segments within that market, each representing a more specific group of people, like college students vs. young adults, for example.

To create an effective differentiated marketing strategy you need to get clear on the market segments that exist and the market segments you want to target.

For example, within the sports shoe market, you’ll find a track and field segment. But you’ll also find the tennis segment you may or may not want to target.

Step 2: Understand Each Market

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (18)

Once you’ve dissected your market into the segments you want to target, it’s time to drill down into each segment to get to know them better.

The more you know about each market segment, the more relevant and relatable you can be with your differentiated marketing campaigns.

For each segment, you should understand their









Step 3: Create Unique Offers For Each

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (19)

It is possible to create a differentiated marketing strategy for different segments promoting the same offer to increase the effectiveness of your campaign. Ideally, you would want to promote separate products, services or offers for each segment.

For example, Nike wouldn’t run separate campaigns for track and field and another for football to offer both market segments the same product.

Relevancy is not just about your messaging, it’s about the offer and outcome you provide.

Step 4: Define A Marketing Plan For Each Offer

Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (20)

Once you’ve taken the time to segment your market, get to know them individually and create compelling offers for each, you now must identify the best place to engage them.

Your options here are limited only by where your segments congregate.

Again using Nike as an oversimplified example. They’re more likely to run football market segment campaigns during the time and on the channels that the world cup is being shown.

Campaigns like these can expand across multiple platforms and channels where football fans hang out.

Over To You

Differentiated marketing is an important and flexible strategy for brands to use.

As always, when it comes to branding, every market is different.

Through the brand strategy, they can align their broad market through their shared beliefs, values and passions… through the marketing strategy, they can get much more granular with their offers and messaging to drive more action.

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Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (21)

Stephen Houraghan2022-10-03T15:37:50+11:00

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Differentiated Marketing: The Definitive Guide (Top Brand Examples) (2024)


What is differentiated marketing with example? ›

Differentiated marketing focuses on a specific market, a “different” market, that is interested in buying a certain type of product. For example, a business selling organic dog food is looking to target a specific type of person – a health conscious, animal loving and eco-friendly individual.

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An example of differentiated marketing can be a business offering dietary supplements with multiple target audience segments, from individuals looking for specific nutritional supplements to those who prefer general multivitamins.

What are the 5 brand differentiation strategies? ›

5 Brand Differentiation Strategies
  • Become an innovator.
  • Choose a winning pricing strategy.
  • Solve clients' unique problems.
  • Appeal to emotions.
  • Deliver unique customer support.
18 Aug 2022

What are the 4 main types of product differentiation? ›

Types of product differentiation
  • Vertical differentiation. Vertical differentiation is when customers choose a product by ranking their options from best to the worst using an objective measurement, like price or quality. ...
  • Horizontal differentiation. ...
  • Mixed differentiation.

What are the examples of differentiated products? ›

“Differentiated product” refers to products that can remain competitive despite being put against competing products that are very similar. Cars, smartphones, computers, shoes, and perhaps most notably, bottled water are just a few common examples of differentiated products.

What is an example of differentiation? ›

What are the examples of differentiation? An example of differentiation is velocity which is equal to the rate of change of displacement with respect to time. Another example is acceleration which is equal to the rate of change of velocity with respect to time.

Is Nike differentiated marketing? ›

Nike is a sports and lifestyle brand that creates a variety of products and offers for many different demographics. Their differentiated marketing strategy allows them to be more relevant and attract customers to different products while fostering brand loyalty in different market segments.

How Nike uses differentiation strategy? ›

The generic strategy of differentiation focus influences product development, which is one of Nike's intensive growth strategies for enhancing its products' competitive advantages. Cost leadership involves the strategic objective of minimizing Nike's production costs to maximize profit margins.

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Companies that follow a broad differentiation strategy apply the “prestige for masses” approach. Examples of such companies are BMW and Apple. These brands focus on developing innovative products for the broad market.

What are the 7 branding strategies? ›

Here are seven types of branding strategies that have the potential to build brand equity for your business.
  • Personal Branding. ...
  • Product Branding. ...
  • Corporate Branding. ...
  • Service Branding. ...
  • Co-Branding. ...
  • Online Branding. ...
  • No-Brand Branding. ...
  • Define Your Brand Identity.
29 Jun 2022

What are the 4 types of marketing strategies? ›

What are the 4Ps of marketing? (Marketing mix explained) The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion. They are an example of a “marketing mix,” or the combined tools and methodologies used by marketers to achieve their marketing objectives.

What are the 3 types of differentiation? ›

However, there are three main categories of product differentiation. These include horizontal differentiation, vertical differentiation, and mixed differentiation.

Why differentiation strategy is important? ›

The importance of differentiation in business is clear – it helps companies develop unique niches within competitive industries or markets, thereby enabling them to thrive. Many business owners try to create companies that mean all things to all men, but that's a largely impossible aim.

What is differentiation strategy? ›

Differentiation Strategy Defined

Your differentiation strategy is the way in which you make your firm stand out from otherwise similar competitors in the marketplace. Usually, it involves highlighting a meaningful difference between you and your competitors. And that difference must be valued by your potential clients.

Which of the following is the best example of product differentiation? ›

The answer is a. Two shampoos differ only in their labels, but consumers pay $0.20 more for the label they recognize. Product differentiation happens when a product is somehow the same but branding, labeling, designing, or packaging makes the product distinguishable from another.

How brands can be differentiated? ›

The best way to establish differentiation is to leverage one or more brand differentiators. A brand differentiator is a unique feature, aspect, and/or benefit of your product or service that sets you apart from competing brands.

What is differentiation very short answer? ›

Differentiation is the process of finding the derivative of a function. It can also be defined as the process of finding the rate of change of a function with respect to its variables.

Is Apple a differentiated product? ›

Apple differentiates its products by pricing them higher than its competitors implying that the products are better quality and incorporate the latest technology.

Does Starbucks use differentiated marketing? ›

Starbucks Coffee uses the broad differentiation generic strategy for competitive advantage. In Michael Porter's framework, this strategy involves making the business and its products different from other coffeehouse firms.

Does Adidas use differentiation strategy? ›

The Adidas strategies focus on the broad differentiation, innovation, trying to produce new products, services and processes in order to cope up with the competition.

What is Starbucks differentiation strategy? ›

Starbucks business strategy can be classified as product differentiation. Accordingly, the coffee chain giant focuses on the quality of its products and customers pay premium prices for high quality.

What strategy does Adidas use? ›

Adidas's five-year strategy, released in 2015, is called “Creating the New”. Adidas describes itself as a digital company and aims to be the best brand of sporting apparel in the world. They use digitalization in the future as a key part of their marketing strategy.

Which company uses product differentiation? ›

Let's take a look at some popular examples of differentiated companies: Apple. While there are tons of tech companies out there, Apple has successfully differentiated its products over the years through innovation and product design.

How does Coca Cola use differentiation strategy? ›

Coca-Cola uses the differentiation competition strategy to improve its core competitiveness, brand awareness, consumer loyalty, and value awareness to occupy a dominant position in the industry.

What are the 4 types of brand? ›

What Are 4 Types of Brands? There are numerous types of brands, but the four most common ones include corporate brands, personal brands, product brands, and service brands.

What are the 4 stages of branding? ›

If you are part of a marketing team tasked with building your company's brand, you can follow these four steps:
  • Determine your target audience.
  • Position your product and business.
  • Define your company's personality.
  • Choose a logo and slogan.

What are the 6 sources of product differentiation? ›

  • PRICE. Closely associated with quality, differences in price often signal to consumers that a product with a higher price point is trustworthy and reliable. ...
  • PEOPLE. ...
  • FEATURES. ...
  • DESIGN. ...
  • MARKETING. ...
24 Jul 2019

What are the 3 brand strategies? ›

The three brand strategies commonly used amongst large firms for deciding which products will contribute to which brand names are Multi-product Branding, Multi-branding, and Private Branding.

What are the 7 marketing functions? ›

The 7 functions of marketing are promotion, selling, product/service management, marketing information management, pricing, financing and distribution. Understanding the core functions of marketing can help you better focus your efforts and strategies to support your business.

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The 5 areas you need to make decisions about are: PRODUCT, PRICE, PROMOTION, PLACE AND PEOPLE. Although the 5 Ps are somewhat controllable, they are always subject to your internal and external marketing environments. Read on to find out more about each of the Ps.

What are the 5 elements of differentiated instruction? ›

  • Differentiated instruction is based on modification of four elements: content, process,
  • product, and affect/learning environment. This modification is guided by the.
  • teacher‟s understanding of student needs—the students‟ readiness, interests, and.
  • learning profile.

What are 3 elements of differentiated instruction? ›

As teachers begin to differentiate instruction, there are three main instructional elements that they can adjust to meet the needs of their learners: Content—the knowledge and skills students need to master. Process—the activities students use to master the content. Product—the method students use to demonstrate ...

What are the benefits of differentiation? ›

Advantages of Product Differentiation
  • It creates additional value. Product differentiation will give your prospective customers added value. ...
  • It develops brand loyalty. ...
  • It allows businesses to compete in different ways.
17 May 2022

How do you achieve differentiation? ›

Differentiation strategy involves capitalizing on your brand's uniqueness to gain a competitive advantage in a saturated market. Your plan might involve offering a low-cost substitute for a popular product or service, a cheeky digital marketing strategy, or a combination of features.

What is an example of differentiation focus strategy? ›

Some firms using a focused differentiation strategy concentrate their efforts on a particular sales channel, such as selling over the Internet only. Others target particular demographic groups. One example is Breezes Resorts, a company that caters to couples without children.

What is undifferentiated marketing example? ›

Undifferentiated marketing is a form of marketing where a company designs only one message for its entire audience. It is also known as mass marketing, and it is a commonly used marketing strategy. For instance, Coca-Cola uses an undifferentiated marketing strategy to vocalize its entire audience.

What is a differentiated strategy in marketing? ›

Differentiation strategy involves capitalizing on your brand's uniqueness to gain a competitive advantage in a saturated market. Your plan might involve offering a low-cost substitute for a popular product or service, a cheeky digital marketing strategy, or a combination of features.

What is Starbucks product differentiation? ›

Starbucks business strategy can be classified as product differentiation. Accordingly, the coffee chain giant focuses on the quality of its products and customers pay premium prices for high quality.

How does Apple use differentiation strategy? ›

Apple attempts to increase market demand for its products through differentiation, which entails making its products unique and attractive to consumers. The company's products have always been designed to be ahead of peers. Despite high competition, Apple has succeeded in creating demand for its products.

What are 5 examples of marketing? ›

  • Get on the Phone and Cold Call. Whether they call current customers or members of the general public, companies often simply call people up on the phone and offer them services. ...
  • Send a Punchy Newsletter. ...
  • Search Engine Marketing. ...
  • Meeting Customers at Trade Shows. ...
  • Product Placement in Entertainment.

Which brand uses undifferentiated marketing? ›

The Coca-Cola brand represents a perfect example of undifferentiated marketing. Throughout their campaigns, Coca-Cola speaks to broad markets without differentiation.

Is Starbucks differentiated or undifferentiated? ›

Starbucks Coffee uses the broad differentiation generic strategy for competitive advantage. In Michael Porter's framework, this strategy involves making the business and its products different from other coffeehouse firms.

Why is differentiated marketing important? ›

Differentiated marketing can help businesses adapt to changes within their industries, to product demands and the overall markets to which they appeal. With more than one segment, product type and level of service, businesses can ensure future revenue even if one market becomes no longer viable.

Why is differentiation important in marketing? ›

Differentiation is a key aspect of effectively marketing a business. It is what tells people why you're superior to other businesses and competitors in the space. If you can't beat other businesses based on cost, then perhaps you can beat them based on luxury, convenience or customer service.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.