Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (2024)

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Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (1)

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Acad Forensic Pathol. 2016 Mar; 6(1): 19–27.

Published online 2016 Mar 1. doi:10.23907/2016.003

PMCID: PMC6474513

PMID: 31239870

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This article has been corrected. See Acad Forensic Pathol. 2017 December 01; 7(4): 667.


Recovering bodies from water is a common task for any medical examiner or coroneroffice. Unfortunately, there will be a significant postmortem interval beforemany of these remains are found. A thorough scene investigation must beundertaken to determine if the location of the death and that of the bodyrecovery are the same. Decomposition in a wet environment differs from that inother settings, both in the changes that occur and the rate at which they occur.It is essential that the forensic pathologist or medicolegal death investigatorrecognize and appreciate the uniqueness of immersed and submerged remains. Thetypical decomposition changes proceed more slowly in the water, primarily due tocooler temperatures and the anaerobic environment. However, once a body isremoved from the water, putrefaction will likely be accelerated. Postmortemchanges are not only affected by water temperature, but also by current as wellas obstacles and structures, both natural and man-made, that may interact withthe remains. The anaerobic nature of decomposition for wet or submerged remainsmay result in adipocere formation, a unique and fascinating process that resultsfrom incomplete transformation of lipids by bacteria. Insect and animal speciesfeeding on the remains are different for submerged bodies. Postmortem predationmay cause external defects that mimic injuries and should be interpreted withcare. Forensic pathologists and medicolegal death investigators must be aware ofthe postmortem changes that may occur with submerged and immersed bodies.

Keywords: Forensic pathology, Water, Submersion, Drowning, Adipocere, Postmortem changes


The accurate interpretation of postmortem changes is an essential skill for anyforensic pathologist or medicolegal death investigator. That being said, postmortemchanges can assist or hinder a death investigation. Perhaps the most beneficialfeature of postmortem change is in assisting with estimating the postmorteminterval, though the imprecision of this estimation is well recognized and should betaken into account. Characteristic changes that occur to a body after death follow asomewhat predictable timetable and placed into the context of the death scene andwitness accounts, as available, provide the investigator with a rough estimate ofthe time of death. On the other hand, postmortem changes alter the appearance of thebody, making wounds and other evidence of the body's interaction with theenvironment more difficult to interpret or even recognize. Artifacts introduced bydecomposition obscure external morphologic features of the individual andputrefaction alters key autopsy observations such as organ weights and tissueintegrity. Advanced decomposition may completely preclude any detailed gross orhistologic examination of major organs.

Establishing cause and manner of death for bodies recovered from a liquidenvironment, typically from water, is challenging enough without the additionalcomplexity of interpreting postmortem changes. One must first establish that therecovery location is the primary death scene. For example, a death may occur on landthe body subsequently placed in the water as a means of disposal. Alternatively, astrong current or tidal activity may move the body a considerable distance fromwhere the decedent entered the water. Particular attention should be paid toanything weighting the body down, external wrappings like blankets, curtains orsheets, clothing on the body, and the presumed circ*mstances that would have placedthat body in the water environment. Once that is accomplished, attention may befocused on the condition of the remains, evidence of interaction between the bodyand the surroundings, and proper interpretation of postmortem animal predation.


Decomposition in Water

Decomposition progresses far differently in a liquid medium compared to whatoccurs in air. Similar to the usual decomposition process that occurs in a dryenvironment, postmortem changes in water are affected by temperature, animalpredation, clothing, and microorganisms. Additional variables such as currentand the physical changes brought about by saturation of the tissue will alterthe appearance of a body located in water. The author and others have observedthat postmortem decomposition proceeds rapidly after the body is removed fromthe liquid environment. For that reason it is recommended that the postmortemexamination not be delayed for any significant length of time after a body isrecovered from the water (1).

Early Postmortem Changes and Signs of Immersion

If a body of water is the primary death scene and the body has been immersed foronly a short period of time, the position of the body will be affected byclothing and any personal effects on the body (Image 1). If the individual hasdrowned, typically the body will initially submerge and assume what has beencalled the “drowning position.” This is where the anterior aspect of theindividual faces the bottom of the body of the water and the extremities andhead hang downward toward the bottom while the individual's back is toward thesurface (Image 2)(2). In shallow water, thehands, knees, dorsal aspect of the feet, and the forehead may drag along thebottom, creating postmortem cutaneous abrasions that may be difficult todifferentiate from antemortem injuries (Image 3). These abrasions will beexaggerated in a strong current. As putrefaction progresses and gases are formedfrom bacterial activity, the body will typically surface unless entangled or thebuoyancy is altered by clothing or personal effects. In a strong current orrough sea state the remains may strike rocks or brush with enough force tocreate the appearance of significant external trauma to the body.

Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (2)

Clothing on a drowning victim will alter the buoyancy and the progressionof decomposition. It may also be misleading as in this case where anitem of clothing has the appearance of a blindfold.

Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (3)

A body in the water in the standard “drowning position” with the anterioraspect of the body facing the bottom of the river. As the body entersshallow water the distal extremities and forehead are frequently draggedalong the bottom.

Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (4)

As the hands and feet drag along the bottom, abrasions occur on theextensor surfaces. Differentiating antemortem injuries from postmortemchanges may be difficult.

Perhaps the most well-known external change that immersion in liquid has on thebody is wrinkling of the skin, particularly involving the hands and feet (3). Traditionally this has beencalled “washerwoman's hands” or “washerwoman's changes,” though a betterdesignation on the autopsy report would be cutaneous changes of immersion(Image 4).Cutis anserina or goose flesh is another cutaneous change of immersion and iscaused by rigor of the erector pilli muscles within the skin. Both of thesechanges, wrinkling and cutis anserina, will occur as a postmortem change and donot require the individual to be alive upon entering the water (2). The usual postmortem changesof vascular marbling, dark discoloration of skin and soft tissue, bloating, andputrefaction occur in the water as they do on land though at a different rate,particularly in cold water (4). Sloughing of the skin, particularly involving the hands and feet, iscommon with prolonged immersion (Image 5).

Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (5)

Cutaneous changes of immersion with marked wrinkling of the skin andeventual sloughing of skin, also known as “washerwoman changes.”

Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (6)

Typical postmortem changes combined with mud and debris as well assloughing of the skin of the hands and feet are typical for bodiesrecovered from the water.

Drowning victims frequently have fluid collections in the pleural cavities atautopsy regardless of the postmortem interval. While some of the pleural fluidmay represent true effusion occurring as part of the drowning process, fluidaccumulation in the pleural spaces is also commonly present in bodies recoveredfrom the water that have undergone decomposition irrespective of the cause ofdeath. A similar phenomenon is seen with the presence of dirt and vegetation inthe respiratory tract. Some aspiration of foreign material may occur during thedrowning process, though water and debris may also enter the respiratory tree inthe postmortem period, particularly in turbulent water. Compared tonondecomposed bodies recovered from water, bodies that have undergonedecomposition and recovered from water have been found to have increased pleuralfluid accumulation, increased animal predation, and more commonly have dirt andvegetation in the lower respiratory tract (5). Rigor mortis and livor mortis are typicallypresent in bodies recovered from the water though the onset and waning of theseclassic postmortem changes may be altered by water temperature, current,changing of body position due to movement, and level of activity prior to death.Pink discoloration of the teeth and gums, an observation once thought to be asign of drowning, is likely due to lividity in these tissues occurring while thebody is in the aforementioned drowning position (6).

Temperature and Current

In most cases, the temperature of the water will be cooler than the ambient airtemperature. Cooler temperatures generally slow the decomposition process.Exceptions include hot tubs and tropical bodies of water. Current has primarilya mechanical effect on bodies in water. The body itself may be dragged for adistance, creating artifacts that can be mistaken for injuries. The remains orclothing may also get caught on rocks, branches and other objects in the water,creating artifacts that require proper interpretation (Image 6). Not only willa strong current transport the remains for a moderate or even long distance, butother objects in the water can get caught up in the current and come intocontact with the remains in a similar manner. In the ocean or fast runningrivers and streams the body may strike rocks or brush creating postmortemabrasions and lacerations. Actual injuries may be difficult to appreciate due toleaching of blood from the wounds by the liquid environment. A strong currentwill enhance the leaching process and a careful assessment for any vitalreaction is required to distinguish postmortem from antemortem trauma on thebody. Water temperature and current will affect the rate of cooling for a bodyin a liquid environment. The core temperature of the body at the time ofrecovery is even less helpful in determining postmortem interval when the bodyis recovered from water.

Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (7)

The current may cause the body to come into contact with rocks or drag abody into brush, creating postmortem changes that require properinterpretation.


Adipocere formation may occur in wet or immersed bodies. Adipocere is ayellow-brown, waxy material composed of long chain hydrocarbons such as oleic,palmitic, and stearic acids. It is produced by the conversion of neutral lipidsto these compounds as part of the putrefaction process. Both enzymes in the bodyand within bacteria contribute to the conversion of lipids present in the bodyto the components of adipocere. Inadequate oxygen combined with a surplus oflipids results in insufficient microbial degradation. Adipocere has acharacteristic appearance and is generally resistant to further decomposition(Images 7 andand88). The formationof adipocere usually occurs over a somewhat lengthy postmortem period, typicallyseveral months (7-9). However, relatively rapid formation ofadipocere has been described (10).

Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (8)

Adipocere formation in remains recovered from a moist environment.

(Image courtesy of Krista Timm MD, Denver Office of the MedicalExaminer).

Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (9)

Adipocere formation and partial skeletonization in remains recovered froma moist environment.

(Image courtesy of Krista Timm MD, Denver Office of the MedicalExaminer).

A similar putrefaction change may be observed on the surfaces of solid organs,particularly the liver, and on the surfaces of mucous membranes. White spotsthat have a somewhat miliary appearance have been observed in bodies that havebeen submerged for prolonged periods. This is presumed to be a breakdown oflipids in a process similar to adipocere formation or saponification(Image9).

Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (10)

White spots on a mucosal surface from a drowning victim are part of thedecomposition process.

Animal Predation

Animal predation, including insect activity, is very different in the waterenvironment. In some cases, the body will be floating on the surface and theusual arthropod predators such as blowflies and carrion beetles will have accessto exposed tissue. The immersed portion of the body will be subject to differentpredators. Aquatic insects may alter the appearance and condition of theremains. Large animals such as turtles, large fish, and large crustaceans willcause tissue damage that in some cases may mimic trauma to the body. Smallerfishes, crabs, shrimp, and invertebrates prey on soft tissue and if given theopportunity can completely deflesh exposed parts of the body. Fish, turtles, andother animals may aggressively feed on remains and in the ocean environment,large carnivores such as sharks will create postmortem artifacts. It is notunusual for small fish and crustaceans to gain access to the interior of thebody through skin and soft tissue defects or even normal body orifices (11,12). Examples of rapid skeletonization ofremains have been noted in tropical waters where carnivorous predators areabundant, such as the Amazon region of South America (Image 10). In the ocean, severalspecies of sharks and other large carnivorous fish commonly feed on humanremains. Large portions of human tissue, including entire extremities, have beenrecovered from the stomachs of sharks with some frequency. Sharks possessseveral rows of teeth and commonly, the teeth may be recovered from a bitewound. In most cases it will be concluded that the shark fed on the remainsafter the individual was deceased.

Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (11)

Rapid skeletonization of remains may occur in bodies of water in tropicalareas due to water temperature and carnivorous fish species. Thisindividual reportedly went missing only a few days prior torecovery.

(Image courtesy of Sergio Viegas, Divers Alert Network Brazil).


Determining the cause and manner of death for bodies recovered from water can bechallenging. The challenge becomes even greater as the postmortem intervalincreases. The progression of decomposition changes in a liquid environment isaltered by temperature, current, interaction between the remains and the physicalenvironment, and animal predation. While postmortem putrefaction takes place as itdoes in a dry environment, differences in bacterial flora and an anaerobicatmosphere alter the usual chemical processes and with significant postmortemintervals may result in the conversion of fats to adipocere. Forensic pathologistsand medicolegal death investigators must be familiar with the expected postmortemchanges that occur in immersed and submerged bodies as well as postmortem artifactssuch as animal predation that may be misinterpreted as antemortem injuries.


Financial Disclosure

The author has indicated that he does not have financial relationships todisclose that are relevant to this manuscript


As per Journal Policies, ethical approval was not required for thismanuscript


This article does not contain any studies conducted with animals or on livinghuman subjects


No identifiable personal data were presented in this manuscsript


The author, reviewers, editors, and publication staff do not report any relevantconflicts of interest


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Articles from Academic Forensic Pathology are provided here courtesy of SAGE Publications

As a seasoned expert in forensic pathology, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. My expertise in the field allows me to navigate complex topics with precision and clarity, making me a reliable source for information related to postmortem changes, especially in cases involving bodies recovered from water.

Now, delving into the article titled "Recovering bodies from water: Postmortem changes and challenges," published in the Acad Forensic Pathol in March 2016, I will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the concepts covered.

Article Information:

  • Title: Recovering bodies from water: Postmortem changes and challenges
  • Journal: Acad Forensic Pathol
  • Volume: 6(1)
  • Publication Date: March 2016
  • DOI: 10.23907/2016.003
  • PMCID: PMC6474513
  • PMID: 31239870
  • Author: James L. Caruso, MD

Key Concepts:

  1. Introduction:

    • The article addresses the common task of recovering bodies from water, emphasizing the significant postmortem interval before discovery.
    • It highlights the importance of a thorough scene investigation to determine the congruence between the death location and body recovery site.
  2. Decomposition in a Wet Environment:

    • Decomposition in water differs from other settings, affected by temperature, anaerobic conditions, and the presence of obstacles.
    • Forensic pathologists must recognize the unique characteristics of immersed and submerged remains.
  3. Early Postmortem Changes and Signs of Immersion:

    • Describes the effects of immersion on the body, including the "drowning position" and abrasions caused by contact with the bottom.
    • Discusses postmortem changes such as skin wrinkling, cutis anserina, and pleural fluid accumulation in drowning victims.
  4. Temperature and Current:

    • Explores the impact of water temperature and currents on the decomposition process and the movement of remains.
    • Highlights how water temperature influences the rate of cooling and the challenges in determining the postmortem interval.
  5. Adipocere Formation:

    • Explains the formation of adipocere in wet or immersed bodies, a waxy material resulting from the incomplete transformation of lipids by bacteria.
    • Emphasizes the characteristic appearance and resistance to further decomposition.
  6. Animal Predation:

    • Details the differences in animal predation in water, involving aquatic insects, large animals, and even carnivorous fish.
    • Caution is advised to differentiate postmortem predation from antemortem injuries.
  7. Conclusion:

    • Summarizes the challenges in determining the cause and manner of death for bodies recovered from water.
    • Highlights the importance of understanding postmortem changes and potential artifacts, including animal predation.

By comprehensively covering these concepts, the article provides valuable insights for forensic pathologists and medicolegal death investigators dealing with cases of bodies recovered from water.

Decomposition Changes in Bodies Recovered from Water (2024)
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