cultural diffusion (2024)

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cultural diffusion (2024)


What is cultural diffusion? ›

Cultural diffusion refers to when certain cultural values, ideas, or even cultures are adopted by different cultures. These other cultures then either blend or merge with the adopted culture depending on circ*mstances such as level of influence or number geographical proximity to the adopted culture.

What are 3 real world examples of cultural diffusion? ›

Examples of cultural diffusion today include K-Pop, Bollywood movies, Hollywood movies, ideas, memes, and just about anything else that can be spread via the Internet and social media.

What is an example of a historical diffusion? ›

Examples of diffusion include the spread of the war chariot and iron smelting in ancient times, and the use of automobiles and Western business suits in the 20th century.

What is an example of cultural diffusion AP Human Geography? ›

Colonialism is a violent form of cultural diffusion. Here's an example: Christianity started in Israel but is now practiced all over the world, initially spread by the Roman Empire. Through missionaries that spread religious beliefs, Christianity is one of the universalizing religions practiced worldwide.

What is an example of cultural diffusion and why? ›

Common Cultural Diffusions

The spread of music throughout the world also illustrates cultural diffusion. For example, jazz started in the US as a blend of African and European musical traditions. Now, it's enjoyed across the globe, taking on many different variations within the genre.

What is an example of a diffusion? ›

A tea bag immersed in a cup of hot water will diffuse into the water and change its colour. A spray of perfume or room freshener will get diffused into the air by which we can sense the odour. Sugar gets dissolved evenly and sweetens the water without having to stir it.

What are the 2 best examples of cultural diffusion? ›

One example of cultural diffusion is the availability of Chinese food in America. Another example of cultural diffusion is how most world cultures have access to cell phones and usually smartphones.

Which is an example of cultural diffusion? ›

Cultural diffusion happens through times of conflict, migration, and trade. Diffusion from migration and trade are especially significant in cultural diffusion along the Silk Road. Examples of ideas that spread via cultural diffusion include philosophy, religion, fashion, language, and technology.

What are the two types of cultural diffusion? ›

3.4 Types of Cultural Diffusion
  • Relocation Diffusion occurs when people move from their original location to another and bring their innovations with them. ...
  • Expansion Diffusion is the spread of an idea through a population where the amount of those influenced grows continuously larger.
Dec 30, 2022

What is cultural diffusion in history? ›

A common argument against cultural appropriation is the concept of cultural diffusion: a normal process by which communities exchange and assimilate other cultures. Often, arguments against cultural appropriation will equate appropriation with diffusion.

What is an example of cultural diffusion in early North America? ›

An example of an effect of cultural diffusion in early North America is the introduction of European goods and technology to Native American communities. As European settlements grew in the 1600s, European goods like textiles, metal cooking implements, and flint and steel were adopted by Native Americans.

What is an example of diffusion from an everyday experience? ›

Perfume is sprayed in one part of a room, yet soon it diffuses so that you can smell it everywhere. A drop of food coloring diffuses throughout the water in a glass so that, eventually, the entire glass will be colored.

What are some examples of cultural diffusion in us? ›

  • Food: One of the most obvious examples of cultural diffusion is the spread of food items and cuisine around the world. ...
  • Clothing: Another example of cultural diffusion is the way in which clothing styles have been adopted by people in different cultures.
Feb 13, 2024

What is an example of cultural diffusion quizlet? ›

An example of direct diffusion is between the United States and Canada, where the people living on the border of these two countries engage in hockey, which started in Canada, and baseball, which is popular in American culture.

What is the cultural diffusion of Christianity? ›

Christianity did spread through cultural diffusion. Early Christians converted other people nearby. Also, Christians have traveled over to numerous other countries, bringing their religion with them. These are examples of how it spread through cultural diffusion.

What is example of cultural diffusion? ›

One example of cultural diffusion is the availability of Chinese food in America. Another example of cultural diffusion is how most world cultures have access to cell phones and usually smartphones.

What is the definition of diffusion? ›

Diffusion is the natural movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration due to random molecular motion. Movement will continue until a state of equal concentration occurs. Examples: food dye spreading out in a cup of water or a smell slowly dissipating throughout a room.

What is an example of a cultural drift? ›

An example of a cultural trait potentially influenced by drift is the name given to newborn babies. Most parents choose a pre-existing name for their child, while others invent a new name. Over time, some names become more prevalent, while others decline in frequency and may even be lost from a population.

Is cultural diffusion good or bad? ›

Cultural diffusion has the potential to be negative, positive, or neutral. Discriminatory attitudes toward women, minority groups, and those with disabilities are examples of negative cultural diffusion. Advances in technology or health practices are examples of positive cultural diffusion.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.