Credit Cards to get with 500 Credit Score | Bright Money (2024)

Your Credit Score is like a financial fingerprint, a three-digit number that can open doors or slam them shut when it comes to borrowing money or obtaining credit. Lenders use this crucial factor to determine your creditworthiness, and a low Credit Score can significantly limit your financial options. If you find yourself with a 500 Credit Score, you're not alone, but you may wonder, "What Credit Card can I get with a 500 Credit Score?"

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore your options, strategies for improving your credit, and what to watch out for when you have a lower Credit Score.

Read more: What is a Credit: Everything you need to know in 2023

What Credit Cards can I get with a 500 Credit Score?

With a Credit Score of 500, Secured Credit Cards are generally the most accessible option. In addition to the ones mentioned, you can also consider the OpenSky Secured Visa Credit Card and the Green Dot Visa Secured Credit Card. These cards typically require a security deposit, which becomes your credit limit.

For unSecured Credit Cards, your options are limited with a 500 Credit Score, and approval is less likely. However, you might explore Credit Cards specifically designed for rebuilding credit, such as the Capital One Platinum Credit Card or the Indigo Platinum Mastercard. Keep in mind that these unsecured options may come with higher fees and lower credit limits.

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Understanding Credit Scores

Before we dive into the world of Credit Cards for a 500 Credit Score, let's start by understanding what a Credit Score is and how it's calculated.

A Credit Score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness. It's a way for lenders to assess the risk of lending you money. The most commonly used credit scoring model is the FICO score, developed by the Fair Isaac Corporation. FICO scores range from 300 to 850, with higher scores indicating better creditworthiness.

Here's a breakdown of FICO score ranges:

  • Exceptional: 800 and above
  • Very Good: 740 to 799
  • Good: 670 to 739
  • Fair: 580 to 669
  • Poor: 300 to 579

A Credit Score of 500 falls into the "Poor" category, which means you have a challenging road ahead when it comes to obtaining credit. Lenders typically view lower Credit Scores as a sign of higher risk, making it harder to get approved for loans or Credit Cards, and you may face higher interest rates if you are approved.[1]

Read more: How to apply for a Credit Card with bad credit

Why is your Credit Score so Low?

Several factors contribute to your Credit Score, and understanding them can help you make strategic decisions to improve it:

  • Payment History (35%): Your payment history is the most critical factor in your Credit Score. It includes whether you've paid your bills on time, had late payments, or defaulted on loans
  • Credit Utilization (30%): This is the ratio of your Credit Card balances to your Credit Card limits. High Credit Card balances relative to your credit limits can hurt your score
  • Length of Credit History (15%): The longer you've had credit accounts, the better it is for your score. This factor looks at the age of your oldest and newest accounts and the average age of all your accounts
  • Types of Credit (10%): Having a mix of different types of credit, such as Credit Cards, installment loans, and mortgages, can positively impact your score
  • New Credit Inquiries (10%): Each time you apply for new credit, a hard inquiry is recorded on your credit report. Too many hard inquiries in a short period can negatively affect your score[1]

Now that you understand the basics of Credit Scores, let's explore your Credit Card options with a 500 Credit Score.

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Credit Card options for a 500 Credit Score

When your Credit Score is 500, you'll face limited options for Credit Cards, and the cards available may come with higher interest rates and fees. However, there are still some choices to consider:

1. Secured Credit Cards

Secured Credit Cards are designed for individuals with poor or no credit history. They require you to make a security deposit, which typically serves as your credit limit. Secured cards are an excellent way to rebuild your credit because they report your payment history to the credit bureaus.

Here are a few Secured Credit Cards to consider:

  • Discover it Secured Credit Card: This card is popular among those looking to build or rebuild their credit. It offers cashback rewards and has no annual fee
  • Capital One Secured Mastercard: This card has a low initial security deposit requirement and provides the opportunity to increase your credit limit with responsible card use
  • OpenSky Secured Visa Credit Card: This card doesn't require a credit check, making it accessible to those with very low Credit Scores[2]

2. Store Credit Cards

Some store Credit Cards are more lenient when it comes to Credit Score requirements. These cards are often easier to qualify for, but they tend to have higher interest rates.

  • Fingerhut Credit Account: Fingerhut offers a credit account that's more accessible to individuals with lower Credit Scores. It's an online retailer where you can use your credit to purchase
  • Macy's Credit Card: Macy's often provides store Credit Cards with lower Credit Score requirements, and you can use them to earn discounts and rewards on Macy's purchases[2]

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3. Credit Union or Local Bank Cards

Some credit unions and local banks may offer Credit Cards with more forgiving Credit Score requirements. They may be more willing to work with you if you have a relationship with them.

  • Navy Federal Credit Union nRewards Secured Credit Card: If you're eligible for Navy Federal Credit Union membership, this card can be a good option. It offers rewards and a path to improving your credit
  • Local Credit Union Cards: Check with credit unions in your area to see if they have Credit Card options for individuals with lower Credit Scores[2]

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Strategies to improve your Credit Score

While you may start with a 500 Credit Score, the goal is to improve it over time. Here are some strategies to help boost your Credit Score:

  • Credit Builder Loan: Consider taking out a credit builder loan, a unique financial product designed to help individuals build or rebuild credit. With this type of loan, you make small, manageable payments over a specified period, and once it's paid off, your positive payment history is reported to the credit bureaus, potentially improving your score
  • Getting Payments Reported: Ensure that your on-time payments are reported to the credit bureaus. This can include not just Credit Cards and loans but also utilities and rent payments. Some services and apps specialize in reporting these payments to the credit bureaus, helping to boost your credit profile
  • Reduce Credit Card Balances: Aim to keep your Credit Card balances low in relation to your credit limits. High credit utilization can negatively affect your Credit Score. Try to maintain a utilization rate below 30% for the best results
  • Timely Payments: Make all of your payments on time. Payment history is a significant factor in your Credit Score, so consistently paying bills when due is crucial for improvement
  • Diversify Your Credit Mix: Having a mix of credit types, such as Credit Cards, installment loans, and retail accounts, can positively impact your score. If you don't have diverse credit, consider responsibly applying for a different type of credit account
  • Regularly Check Your Credit Report: Review your credit reports from all three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) for errors and discrepancies. Dispute any inaccuracies you find to ensure your credit report reflects your true financial history
  • Avoid New Credit Inquiries: Be cautious about applying for too much new credit within a short period, as multiple hard inquiries can temporarily lower your score. Only apply for credit when necessary

Remember, improving your Credit Score takes time, patience, and consistent financial responsibility. Gradually implementing these strategies can help you see positive changes in your credit profile over time.[3]

Read more: 8 reasons why your Credit Score is important

# What to Watch Out For

When you have a low Credit Score, it's essential to be cautious about certain pitfalls:

1. High Fees and Interest Rates: Many Credit Cards designed for individuals with poor credit come with high annual fees and interest rates. Be aware of the costs associated with these cards and consider them carefully

2. Predatory Lenders: Be wary of lenders that target individuals with low Credit Scores. Some may engage in predatory lending practices, offering high-cost loans or Credit Cards with hidden fees. Always read the terms and conditions and compare offers

3. Not All Cards Help Rebuild Credit: Not every Credit Card will help you improve your Credit Score. Ensure that the card you choose reports your payment history to the credit bureaus, which is crucial for building or rebuilding credit

4. Avoid Maxing Out Your Credit Limit: Even with a Secured Credit Card, avoid maxing out your credit limit. High Credit Card balances relative to your limit can have a negative impact on your Credit Score[3]

Final Thoughts

A 500 Credit Score presents some challenges, but it's not the end of the road to your financial future. By choosing the right Credit Card options and implementing responsible credit habits, you can work towards improving your Credit Score over time. It's essential to be patient and persistent, as building or rebuilding credit is gradual.

Keep a close eye on your credit report, and celebrate your progress as your score begins to climb. Remember that financial responsibility and wise credit decisions are key to achieving better credit in the future.

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1. Can I get a Credit Card with a 500 Credit Score?

Yes, it's possible to get a Credit Card with a 500 Credit Score, but your options will be limited. Secured Credit Cards and certain store Credit Cards are often more accessible for individuals with lower Credit Scores. These cards typically require a security deposit, which is your credit limit. While they can help you rebuild your credit, be prepared for higher interest rates and fees.

2. How long does it take to improve a 500 Credit Score?

The time it takes to improve a 500 Credit Score varies depending on your financial habits and the steps you take to boost your credit. Consistently making on-time payments, reducing Credit Card balances, and addressing negative items on your credit report can lead to gradual improvement. It may take several months or even a few years to see significant changes, so patience and persistence are key.

3. Can becoming an authorized user on someone's Credit Card help my score?

Yes, becoming an authorized user on someone else's Credit Card can potentially help your Credit Score. If the primary cardholder has a positive payment history and low Credit Card balances, it can reflect positively on your credit report. However, be cautious, as any negative activity on the account can also impact your credit.

4. Should I apply for multiple Credit Cards with a 500 Credit Score?

Applying for multiple Credit Cards when you have a 500 Credit Score may not be advisable. Each application results in a hard inquiry, which can lower your score. It's best to be selective and apply for cards that align with your financial goals and are likely to be approved to avoid further damaging your credit.

5. What are the risks of predatory lenders for low-credit individuals?

Predatory lenders target individuals with low Credit Scores, often offering high-cost loans or Credit Cards with hidden fees. These lenders can trap you in a cycle of debt, making it challenging to improve your financial situation. Always read the fine print, compare offers, and be cautious of lenders that seem too good to be true.

Credit Cards to get with 500 Credit Score | Bright Money (2024)
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