CBSE Class 7 English Grammar - Pronoun (2024)

CBSE Class 7 English Grammar – Pronoun

Definition of Pronoun
A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun and does the work of a noun,
e.g:Ram is a boy. Ram reads in class seventh. Ram is a good athelete.
Ram works hard. Ram obeys his parents. Ram is an ideal student.
Here, A boy Ram has been described and a few of his qualities have been said. But, the repeated use of a noun lets the beauty of writing fade away and hence we need to replace the noun by a pronoun. When we use pronoun in place of the noun then it preserves the beauty of writing.
Ram is a boy. He reads in class seventh. He is a good athelete. He works hard. He obeys his parents. He is an ideal student.
Now, as the pronoun ‘He’ has replaced the noun ‘Ram’ the sentences are very much pleasing to read. Pronoun saves the noun from getting repeated and also beautifies the sentence.

Types of Pronouns

Personal Pronoun
Pronouns that indicate person, thing, animal etc are called personal pronouns.
In English Grammar, there are three types of person

  1. First Person
    The speaker is the first person. I, we, me, us, my, our, mine and ours are pronouns of first person.
  2. Second Person
    The listener is the second person. You, your and yours are the pronouns of second person.
  3. Third Person
    About whom/which the speaker is saying something. He, she, it, they, him, her, them, his, her, its, their are pronouns of third person.
    CBSE Class 7 English Grammar - Pronoun (1)
    Read the following examples
    (i) Goldy wants to talk to you.
    (ii) He didn’t his new bicycle.
    (iii) The horse was moving its tail.
    (iv) Jiya said that the bangle was hers.
    (v) Nidhi is has not come today. Do you know where she is.

Indefinite Pronouns
Pronouns that show an indefinite or an uncertain number of people, person or thing,

  1. All were hungry.
  2. None is happy these days.
  3. Some were very much pleased.

Here, all, none, some are indefinite pronouns because they don’t give any certain idea about the number of person or thing.
These are all, none, some, any, much, more, one, many, other, someone, somebody, anyone, anybody etc.

Interrogative Pronouns
Pronouns that are used to ask questions are interrogative pronouns.

  1. What is your name?
  2. Where is the Taj Mahal situated?

Here, what and where are interrogative pronouns as these words are used to ask a question.
These are who, whom, whose, what, which, where, when, why, how, whence, wherever etc.

Relative Pronouns
Pronouns that are used to join two sentences and reveal the relation with the noun that comes before it.

  1. I know the man who is a fighter.
  2. I like the book which has a hologram.

In the above sentences who and which join the two parts of sentence and reveals the relation with the antecedent noun.
CBSE Class 7 English Grammar - Pronoun (2)
Read the following examples

  1. Sourabh who is a diligent worker is loved by everyone.
  2. Do you know the girl whom you talked to in the party?
  3. Nigar whose ring was stolen is my neighbour.
  4. I have returned the money which I borrowed from her.
  5. It is only the thirteenth question in KBC which may fetch you seven crores.

Demonstrative Pronouns
Pronouns that are used to show or to indicate some nouns are called demonstrative pronoun,

  1. This is my house.
  2. Those are lily flowers.
    CBSE Class 7 English Grammar - Pronoun (3)

Distributive Pronouns
Pronouns that are used to show the distribution of a noun are called Distributive Pronouns,

  1. Each soldier has a gun.
  2. Any of these books will do.

These are none, any, some, each, every, either, neither, no one, everyone, everybody, no body etc.

Reciprocal Pronouns
Pronouns that are made up of two different pronouns and show a mutual relationship are called the Reciprocal Pronouns.

  1. Raj and Seema love each other.
  2. Indians love one another.
    CBSE Class 7 English Grammar - Pronoun (4)

Reflexive Pronouns
Pronouns that show the effect of work upon the subject are called Reflexive Pronouns,

  1. We enjoyed ourselves.
  2. She praised herself.

Emphatic Pronouns
When reflexive pronouns are used for the purpose of emphasising it becomes an emphatic pronoun. It is either used just after the subject or in the mid of the sentence,

  1. I myself will go.
  2. You yourself can make a way.

Practice Questions and Solutions

Question 1:
In the sentences given below identify the pronoun and state its type.

  1. She met me on the highways.
  2. I forgot my purse in the hall.
  3. Who are you talking to over the phone.
  4. She lost the book which I gave her.
  5. Each and every aspect has been discussed.


  1. She, me – Personal pronoun
  2. I, my – Personal pronoun
  3. Who – Interrogative pronoun
    You – Personal pronoun
  4. She, I, her – Personal pronoun
    Which – Relative pronoun
  5. Each, every – Distributive pronoun

Question 2:
Fill in the blanks with suitable possessive pronouns.

  1. We have done …………..duty.
  2. She called …………..mother yesterday.
  3. You should keep ………… clean.
  4. I can do ………… easily.
  5. The house has …………..boundaries decorated.


  1. our
  2. her
  3. your
  4. my
  5. its

Fill in the blanks by using suitable interrogative pronoun.

  1. Do you know ………….. I am?
  2. In ………… does the river Nile flow?
  3. ………….. are you upset all these days?
  4. ………….. type of dress would she like?
  5. …………..does the bell ring usually?


  1. who
  2. which
  3. Why
  4. Which
  5. When

Fill in the blanks by using suitable relative pronoun.

  1. He is the man …………..did all this.
  2. I know the way …………..can lead to highway.
  3. She broke the vase …………..her dad had gifted.
  4. I have done the work ………….. will make you happy.
  5. The man ………… a thief has been shot dead.


  1. who
  2. that/which
  3. that/which
  4. that/which
  5. who

Choose the correct form of pronoun; from among the four options given before each example; to fill in the blanks.

  1. Most of the politicians work for …………… own selfish interests.
    (a) her (b) their
    (c) his (d) themselves
  2. Do you know ………… name?
    (a) him (b) his
    (c) himself (d) her
  3. The boy ………….. you were waiting for is here.
    (a) him (b) who
    (c) his (d) whom
  4. You should respect ………….. job and take pride in doing it.
    (a) his (b) her
    (c) our (d) your
  5. India is proud of ………….. great, rich culture.
    (a) him (b) its
    (c) itself (d) their
  6. ………….. aim is to eradicate corruption from the world.
    (a) I (b) Mine
    (c) Our (d) Theirs
  7. They will find out their way by …………..
    (a) you (b) them
    (c) himself (d) themselves
  8. Angiosperms are the plants …………..bear flowers and produce fruits.
    (a) which (b) who
    (c) whose (d) whom
  9. He knows …………..duties as well as rights very well.
    (a) him (b) theirs
    (c) his (d) himself
  10. We must value …………. great heritage.
    (a) our (b) ourselves
    (c) us (d) ourself


  1. (b) their
  2. (b) his
  3. (d) whom
  4. (d) your
  5. (b) its
  6. (c) Our
  7. (d) themselves
  8. (a) which
  9. (c) his
  10. (a) our

There are two blanks in each of the following examples. Four pair of options have been provided in each example. Pick the correct pair to form meaningful sentences.

  1. God helps ………….. who helps ………….
    (a) they/themselves
    (b) we/ourselves
    (c) them/themselves
    (d) him/himself
  2. I don’t know ……… name but I know ………….
    (a) your/her (b) her/your
    (c) yourself/himself (d) your/hers
  3. Why doesn’t ………… take .…………. medicine on time?
    (a) you/your (b) she/her
    (c) they/their (d) he/him
  4. …………. brain, sometimes doesn’t follow …………….. orders.
    (a) My/my (b) l/my
    (c) My/mine (d) My/me
  5. Anurag …………. participates in the games though ………….. coaches junior players too.
    (a) him/he (b) his/himself
    (c) himself/he (d) himself/him


  1. (d) him/himself
  2. (d) your, hers
  3. (b) she/her
  4. (a) my/my
  5. (c) himself/he

Rewrite the following sentences replacing all the nouns (personal) with suitable pronouns.

  1. Plato was the greatest disciple of Socrates.
  2. The man gave some instructions to the woman.
  3. Why don’t people understand this?
  4. Shourya tried to recollect the girl’s name.
  5. The old man took the boy in his arms.


  1. He was the greatest disciple of his.
  2. He gave some instructions to her.
  3. Why don’t they understand this?
  4. He tried to recollect her name.
  5. He took him in his arms.
CBSE Class 7 English Grammar - Pronoun (2024)


What is a pronoun Class 7 answer? ›

A pronoun is a word utilized to replace a noun; usually, it is used to avert the repetition of nouns in a sentence or a paragraph. Some examples of nouns are she, he, him, her, I, me, you, your, us, we, they, them, etc. They are used to enhance the reading and writing experience by removing the repetition of nouns.

How many pronouns are there in class 7? ›

Interesting Facts About Pronoun for Class 7 Students

There are different types of pronouns such as possessive pronouns, personal pronouns, interrogative pronouns, reciprocal pronouns, etc. There are two types of possessive pronouns – weak and absolute.

What is the pronoun question answer? ›

Pronouns are used in place of nouns in sentences. They are of different types, namely, personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns, relative pronouns, reciprocal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, subject pronouns, object pronouns and so on.

What is a pronoun in Grade 7? ›

A pronoun is a word used to replace a noun in a sentence. Pronouns are used so repetition of the same noun can be avoided. Types of Pronouns - Personal Pronouns Personal pronouns can be the subject of a sentence. They are: I, he, she, it, they, we and you.

What is pronoun in very short answer? ›

What is a pronoun? A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to either a noun that has already been mentioned or to a noun that does not need to be named specifically.

Does English have 7 subject pronouns? ›

There are 7 subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. We and they are plural subject pronouns. They can also be used in the singular if it is used to avoid gender assumptions.

What are the pronouns for Year 7? ›

There are 12 personal pronouns for a person or group, and they are: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us and them. Personal pronouns help to avoid repetition of the same word used to refer to somebody. If the noun is plural, then the pronoun replacing it is also plural.

What are indefinite pronouns Class 7? ›

What are the examples of indefinite pronouns? The examples of indefinite pronouns are anybody, anyone, anything, everybody, everyone, everything, somebody, someone, something, nobody, no one, nothing, each, each one, either, neither, both, others, few, several, many, most, more, all, some, none etc.

How to use pronouns correctly? ›

She and I. RULE: Pronouns have three cases: nominative (I, you, he, she, it, they), possessive (my, your, his, her, their), and objective (me, him, her, him, us, them). Use the nominative case when the pronoun is the subject of your sentence, and remember the rule of manners: always put the other person's name first!

What is a pronoun worksheet? ›

Pronouns must agree with their antecedent (the noun they are referring to). In these worksheets, students complete sentences by selecting the correct pronoun from the word bank. Replacing nouns with pronouns Subject and object pronouns.

What questions do direct pronouns answer? ›

While direct objects answer the questions “what?” or “whom?” about the action of the verb, indirect objects answer questions like “to whom?” or “for what?”

What is a pronoun Class 7 CBSE? ›

Personal pronouns are written in the first person, second person and third person. Personal pronouns take the place of words for people, animals and things. They are I, we, you he, she, they, it, me in the subject form and me, us, you, him, her, them, it in the object form.

How can I memorize pronouns easily? ›

Remembering Pronouns
  1. Re-iterate the pronouns right away. If I repeat the pronouns right away in conversation, it helps my brain remember.
  2. Mental practice. ...
  3. Write it down. ...
  4. Encourage students to select pronouns in Canvas.
Jan 27, 2023

What is a pronoun in simple words? ›

A pronoun is a word that stands in for a noun, often to avoid the need to repeat the same noun over and over. Like nouns, pronouns can refer to people, things, concepts, and places. Most sentences contain at least one noun or pronoun.

What are examples of pronouns? ›

Some examples of personal pronouns are I, you, he, she, we, they, him, her, he, she, us and them. Subject Pronouns are pronouns that perform the action in a sentence. Some examples of subject pronouns are I, you, we, he, she, it, they and one. Object Pronouns are pronouns that receive the action in a sentence.

What is pronoun in Grade 10? ›

Pronouns are words that replace, refer to, or stand in for nouns. There are eight different types of pronouns; personal, impersonal, reflexive, intensive, relative, interrogative, demonstrative, and indefinite.

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