Can social workers just enter and search your home - Family Rights Group (2024)

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Can social workers just enter and search your home

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Postby 4princesses » Mon Feb 11, 2019 2:51 pm

Hi I’m a mum of 4 girls . Separated from my husband in April 2018 due to domestic violence and abuse. Moved district with my girls in October. Due to husband poisoning dog 3xs and vandalised 3 of my cars and threats. I have a non molestatation and prohibited stamps order. Been to court since April over contact arrangements. Social services were involved cause my husband has been saying I was neglecting my girls due to my depression and anxiety . He was jealous cause I found a new partner . My husband had been making up lies about him. The social services took my husbands side from the last district. Council looked into it and found social services had breech on loads of there reports as they had been sharing information on me to my husband what just fed his control. The since April I have dealt with 30 + police officers . They didn’t interview my husband till 5mnts later was then told there was nothing they could do as it had gone past time limit. Case was handed over to new district with social services. I have done everything they asked of me . I have even split up from my new partner due to all the stress they have cause us .Social services have been fabricating lies in there reports and when I show them evidence to discredit there claims they treat me like a child. They have been manipulated by my husband even thou they have spoken to my four girls about what their dad did to me and them. They have also seen pic yet they have no safeguarding issues with him. My girls were distressed having to staying at his over Xmas period and social worker said you have to go. That week my second youngest was hit by him. Found out at the contact centre infront of three members of staff. Social services spoke to my four girls 9 days later but spoke to my husband the next day after my daughter stated infront of three members of the contact centre staff. They have put in there report that he denies hitting her that he tapped her And they have said I have planned it all. On Friday social services turned up with report and said they have the right to check my house as they don’t believe I split up with my partner. They went through all my clean washing /dirty even looked in the machines. Went through all the draws and cupboards looked under kids beds and went through my tampons and pads . Can they do this. I have nothing to hide but feel they are abusing there powers . I have no family as I had to flee my hometown as I was abused and raped by my father who was released at the end of August 2018. Feel so alone and waiting for funding to be in place for solicitor. Any advice would be truly appreciated . Have spoken to gp, citizen advice . Having councilling over rape and abuse . Waiting on mental health team. My girls mean everything to me and I only want to protect them. I feel there is no justice in this world for my girls and me. My girls don’t want to see their father but are being forced by social services and court because of the reports passed by social services . Much love Can social workers just enter and search your home - Family Rights Group (1)


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Re: Can social workers just enter and search your home

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Postby PerfectlySafeDad » Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:28 am

Hi, I'm not the expert, but I'm pretty sure they have no right whatsoever to enter your home let alone do an intrusive search. Only the police can do this, and even they have to have a search warrant from a judge. You have every right to refuse any social service people admission to your home. They would have to go away and get police assistance + court order (they would have to provide enough evidence to a judge it was an emergency, that your kids were at risk).
The only problem is, if you refuse the SS admission, they will use it as excuse to be suspicious and build up the evidence to get that warrant.
Your choice: If you don't want them in, say 'no' and then call the police on them if they don't take 'no' for an answer.
They're bullies, they think they can circumvent law and human rights, and take advantage of you if you seem vulnerable or not very intelligent. Keep making records of their lies to show you're no fool, and the sooner you get that solicitor the better.
They clearly don't know what the hell they are doing with your case, but they'll pretend they do and they'll never admit to getting anything wrong.
Also; try not to let them know of any mental health issues you have, including your rape counselling. Just present yourself as well organized and healthy as possible. If they do know of it, make sure to have evidence you have it well treated and under control (eg GP's note, proof of medication), and keep records of the counselling you have done because if they know about that they'll use it as reason to harass your parenting even more, by forcing you onto courses of their choice, and declaring you a 'risk' to your kids until these things are done.
Give them least excuses as possible to interfere with your life, unless you desperately feel you need them to defend against abusive men in your life. They're dangerous. The system is dangerous. It's a shambles.


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Re: Can social workers just enter and search your home

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Postby 4princesses » Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:41 pm

Thank you so much for your advice it means a lot to me. I feel so bullied and alone. I have done everything they have asked but it never seems good enough. I have started recording them without them knowing . The one time I told the last districts social services they made me delete it and said I had no right to record them in my home. Since April I have had to learn a lot as my husband had control over all finances just extra control he had over me. He got me and kids clothes ,we weren’t aloud to chose for ourselves. I had to send him shopping lists weekly . Washing and ironing and house had to be emaculate daily and dinner at 6 every night . I ended up having to go bancrupt cause he took out credit cards and store cards in my name. And when I moved out he was still trying . He even reported me for fraud on my NatWest current account what was only set up for bills. His an intelligent man who went to private school in South Africa. Compared to me. He hacked my emails and Facebook account. He stripped away all myself confidence and I was scared to leave the house during the day apart from school runs and kids .parties. I had lived like that for 12 years so it’s a big change trying to find out who I am and what I like. Social services have sent me on parent course yet he didn’t have to. I’m the one who’s raised my four girls for the past 12 years. Took me 5 attempts due to my anxiety and panic attacks. Sorry you can tell me to button it if you wish.


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Re: Can social workers just enter and search your home

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Postby PerfectlySafeDad » Tue Feb 12, 2019 7:16 pm

Don't worry, go on about it as much as you like, I know only too well when we're victims of social services' involvement it's a desperate experience. At the very least we need to vent. Just to remind you, though, I'm not the expert, definitely not on 'family law' - who is, really? Seems to me it's a barbaric shambles, where the strongest - ie social services - claw and slither their way through and come out on top all too often. By staying in control, keeping records and trying to do nothing wrong, the small person can win though.
Wait for 'Suzie' the advisor's reply to get your legal position clarified, but you need a family law solicitor who is fully briefed in your situation.
By the way, I'm an indecent image (internet) EX-offender, came on here a while back after social services took away my right to be a Dad, even though the investigation and my family history and career history proves my 'stuff' had nothing whatever to do with my own children or any contact offence towards any at all ever. I got a community order that I'm near the end of, no custodial sentence. I'm ashamed of it (like most are, but the more we say it the more unforgiving and cynical the safeguarding brigade seem to be). We all go to dark places sometimes, and just want to put it behind us. I'm being up front about this, because I don't want you to think I'm some creep trying to trick you, especially after all you've been through.
There's no proportion in the way social services act. They're manic. They think they can impose their own life sentences on people. We're all human, except them, they're machines who don't care who they hurt as longer as it's not them.
Good luck, you sound like a strong mum and they're lucky to have you. Watch your step with very visit or call from the SS.
By the way, you're fully within your rights to record them, as long as you keep those recordings for private use - or (not 100% sure about this bit) to use them as evidence for a judge if you go to family court


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Re: Can social workers just enter and search your home

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Postby 4princesses » Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:27 pm

Thank you for your reply and for being honest about your situation. It’s bad how they can take away your rights to be a dad . You made those babies with your other half . Amount of posts I have seen on the internet about people being accused with no evidence. Social services have a crystal ball and can see into the future. There are loads of innocent people having there kids taken away. There are children out there who really need there help yet they pestering innocent families. It’s bad especially like in my situation me and my girls are the victims yet he doesn’t get convicted due to police negligence and then they take his side and I’m the one under a magnifying glass. Will continue to record and take notes and gather evidence of their lies. My girls starting to dread it coming to the end of the week again cause they know they have to go and stay at his. My girls don’t have a voice. They have wrote their wishes down . But they take no notice. I have given them a spare phone to call the police if he hurts them again. Thing is he will get away with it again. Just have to keep fighting on for my girls. I know the day will come when he seriously hurts one of themCan social workers just enter and search your home - Family Rights Group (2)Can social workers just enter and search your home - Family Rights Group (3) social services will find away to get out of it like they did over Xmas .


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Re: Can social workers just enter and search your home

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Postby PerfectlySafeDad » Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:17 pm

Thanks, that means a lot to me too. I try not to paint them all black, and I try to trust they will be reasonable and make the right decisions, but I've just seen no evidence of that yet. Once they decide there's 'risk' and they open a case on you, they pick on anything and everything they can, they just never let go or admit any mistakes, like the time they took 3 months to run a DBS check on a friend to supervise my contact visits. One of their staff went off sick and the paperwork got lost, in the meantime my sons 11 and 13 were wondering how long before they see me again. No apology, because I guess I am the scummy offender and they are the great 'protectors'. It's BS. Yep, they're like a bunch of witches with 'crystal balls'. It beggars belief what they get away with, yet thousands of little kids who need help are not getting it. Anyway, sorry to vent my moans when this is your thread!
I hope you get good advice soon. Just try to be a perfect parent (as if!) and hopefully things will work out.


Suzie, FRG Adviser
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Re: Can social workers just enter and search your home

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Postby Suzie, FRG Adviser » Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:16 pm

Dear 4princesses,

Welcome to the Parents Forum.

I am sorry for the delay in responding to your post.

I am so sorry to hear about the sexual abuse and rape you have suffered at the hands of your father and more recently the domestic violence by the father of your children. You have to be commended for seeking the protection via the court and support via the police ad children services as this can be an very difficult when you have suffered domestic violence.

Father has made allegations of neglect against you due to your mental health and children services have been investigating this as well.

Children services also asked that your new partner move out of the family home. Do you know why this was? Did they decide that he was a potential risk to your daughters? if so, what is his risk?

After one of your daughters made an allegation against dad, children’s services decided that this was not true and decided you had forced her to say it. You dispute this saying dad is using them to control you.

I will answer the question you ask.

You main questions is about whether children services can search through your home and belongings to look for signs of your new partner?

The answer is yes they can if you gave them consent.

If children services thought he was a risk to them and your girls could be in immediate danger, then they would want to check that he was not hiding in your home. It sounds like they were looking for evidence of him being present there such as clothes and toothbrush.

However, they would need a referral or evidence that he was going into your home. What evidence did they have? What reason did they give? Any response by children services should be proportionate as well.

Here is information about assessments and child protection FAQ’s .

I have only touched on your posts but I hope this helps. If you need further advice please post again or call our advice line on 0808 801 0366.

Best wishes,



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Re: Can social workers just enter and search your home

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Postby 4princesses » Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:21 pm

Dear Suzie. Thank you for your reply . My ex partner had fraud on his record and this was disclosed in Clare’s law. I thought Clare’s law was for domestic violence. He had no domestic violence on there. They say me and my children are at risk cause of his past of fraud. I said so your telling me he will be penilised for his past mistakes no matter who he gets with they said yes.
My ex partner had never lived here he use to stay a couple of nights a week that’s all. He has never had tooth brush or anything here. They just turned up at my door accusing me of once again calling the police on my ex husband. I ended up flaring up because I have had enough of being accused of stuff I haven’t done. I said to them your meant to be there to protect my children and myself . I said to them you write pages in your reports about police being called out to him for drugs and yet no evidence to prove I have done anything . he says it’s me and they blame me. I said his probably getting people to phone to make out it’s me so they pester me more. I said once again his malnipulating and your jumping I said don’t you think this is what he wants more control and all your doing is feeding him. They then asked why your blinds and curtains drawn. I replied cause of the dog barking and cause the neighbors keep peeking in the daughters room down stairs I said is it now a crime to want privacy in my own home. They said I’m trying to hide stuff. What they meant to say is your hiding your ex partner.They then said we have the right to come in . I said no you don’t I have sort legal advice and was told you can’t enter without a warrant, order or police officer. they didn’t like that.
They had no evidence of my ex partner being here. They didn’t give referral they said they were aloud to check. I know they will be playing on my mental health again . They don’t understand the stress my husband and they have caused me coming up to a year now. I’m getting to the stage of why do I continue. All I have ever done is to protect my girls . I got accused of threatening them cause I said when my husband hurts the girls again I will blame them and I will take it further to mp and papers for not protecting. I said I will never escape him as he will always have some sort of control over me. Cause of social services and me having to end my relationship I’m more isolated and have nobody to talk to or have my back. I’m feeling so lost and alone. Thank you suzie for your reply . Kind regards Can social workers just enter and search your home - Family Rights Group (5)


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Re: Can social workers just enter and search your home

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Postby 4princesses » Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:30 pm

Perfectlysafe dad it’s okay to vent we all need to. Not being funny two districts I have worked with are the same and they never admit any mistakes. It’s amazing how they take sides with lack of evidence. I hope one day you will be able to be a dad to your kids again. I can’t imagine being kept away from my babies. I really miss my ex partner he was my rock and kept me strong. Feeling so drained and low at the moment. I know we shall both get through all this even thou it seems never ending . I’m here if you ever need a chat to. Kind regards


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Re: Can social workers just enter and search your home

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Postby Princess1981 » Mon May 23, 2022 12:09 am

It's even worst when the purportor was a a cop I'm currently 8 months pregnant been trying to get answers for the 6 months as had my two sons taken by him and then dumped at ss door he got me section under mental health act still keeps turning up etc hence being pregnant changed name etc yet ss keep giving him details can't get injunction as not enough evidence etc feel for u untill 2018 I'd never believe how u get treated by ss


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Can social workers just enter and search your home - Family Rights Group (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.