Basics > Means (2024)

Compare the means of two or more variables or groups in the data

The compare means t-test is used to compare the mean of a variable inone group to the mean of the same variable in one, or more, othergroups. The null hypothesis for the difference between the groups in thepopulation is set to zero. We test this hypothesis using sampledata.

We can perform either a one-tailed test (i.e., less thanor greater than) or a two-tailed test (see the ‘Alternativehypothesis’ dropdown). We use one-tailed tests to evaluate if theavailable data provide evidence that the difference in sample meansbetween groups is less than (or greater than ) zero.

Example: Professor salaries

We have access to the nine-month academic salary for AssistantProfessors, Associate Professors and Professors in a college in the U.S(2008-09). The data were collected as part of an on-going effort by thecollege’s administration to monitor salary differences between male andfemale faculty members. The data has 397 observations and the following6 variables.

  • rank = a factor with levels AsstProf, AssocProf, and Prof
  • discipline = a factor with levels A (“theoretical” departments) or B(“applied” departments)
  • = years since PhD
  • yrs.service = years of service
  • sex = a factor with levels Female and Male
  • salary = nine-month salary, in dollars

The data are part of the CAR package and are linked to the book: FoxJ. and Weisberg, S. (2011) An R Companion to Applied Regression, SecondEdition Sage.

Suppose we want to test if professors of lower rank earn lowersalaries compared to those of higher rank. To test this hypothesis wefirst select professor rank and select salaryas the numerical variable to compare across ranks. In theChoose combinations box select all available entries toconduct pair-wise comparisons across the three levels. Note thatremoving all entries will automatically select all combinations. We areinterested in a one-sided hypothesis (i.e., less than).

Basics > Means (1)

The first two blocks of output show basic information about the test(e.g., selected variables and confidence levels) and summary statistics(e.g., mean, standard deviation, margin or error, etc. per group). Thefinal block of output shows the following:

  • Null hyp. is the null hypothesis andAlt. hyp. the alternative hypothesis
  • diff is the difference between the sample means for twogroups (e.g., 80775.99 - 93876.44 = -13100.45). If the null hypothesisis true we expect this difference to be small (i.e., close to zero)
  • p.value is the probability of finding a value asextreme or more extreme than diff if the null hypothesis istrue

If we check Show additional statistics the followingoutput is added:

Pairwise mean comparisons (t-test)Data : salary Variables : rank, salary Samples : independent Confidence: 0.95 Adjustment: None rank mean n n_missing sd se me AsstProf 80,775.985 67 0 8,174.113 998.627 1,993.823 AssocProf 93,876.438 64 0 13,831.700 1,728.962 3,455.056 Prof 126,772.109 266 0 27,718.675 1,699.541 3,346.322 Null hyp. Alt. hyp. diff p.value se t.value df 0% 95% AsstProf = AssocProf AsstProf < AssocProf -13100.45 < .001 1996.639 -6.561 101.286 -Inf -9785.958 *** AsstProf = Prof AsstProf < Prof -45996.12 < .001 1971.217 -23.334 324.340 -Inf -42744.474 *** AssocProf = Prof AssocProf < Prof -32895.67 < .001 2424.407 -13.569 199.325 -Inf -28889.256 ***Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
  • se is the standard error (i.e., the standard deviationof the sampling distribution of diff)
  • t.value is the t statistic associated withdiff that we can compare to a t-distribution (i.e.,diff / se)
  • df is the degrees of freedom associated with thestatistical test. Note that the Welch approximation is used for thedegrees of freedom
  • 0% 95% show the 95% confidence interval around thedifference in sample means. These numbers provide a range within whichthe true population difference is likely to fall


There are three approaches we can use to evaluate the nullhypothesis. We will choose a significance level of 0.05.1 Ofcourse, each approach will lead to the same conclusion.


Because each of the p.values is smaller than thesignificance level we reject the null hypothesis for each evaluated pairof professor ranks. The data suggest that associate professors make morethan assistant professors and professors make more than assistant andassociate professors. Note also the ’***’ that are used as an indicatorfor significance.

confidence interval

Because zero is not contained in any of theconfidence intervals we reject the null hypothesis for each evaluatedcombination of ranks. Because our alternative hypothesis isLess than the confidence interval is actually an upperbound for the difference in salaries in the population at a 95%confidence level (i.e., -9785.958, -42744.474, and -28889.256)


Because the calculated t.values (-6.561, -23.334, and -13.569) aresmaller than the corresponding criticalt.value we reject the null hypothesis for each evaluated combination ofranks. We can obtain the critical t.value by using the probabilitycalculator in the Basics menu. Using the test for assistantversus associate professors as an example, we find that for at-distribution with 101.286 degrees of freedom (see df) thecritical t.value is 1.66. We choose 0.05 as the lower probability boundbecause the alternative hypothesis is Less than.

Basics > Means (2)

In addition to the numerical output provided in the Summarytab we can also investigate the association between rankand salary visually (see the Plot tab). The screenshot below shows a scatter plot of professor salaries and a bar chartwith confidence interval (black) and standard error (blue) bars.Consistent with the results shown in the Summary tab there isclear separation between the salaries across ranks. We could also chooseto plot the sample data as a box plot or as a set of density curves.

Basics > Means (3)

Multiple comparison adjustment

The more comparisons we evaluate the more likely we are to find a“significant” result just by chance even if the null hypothesis is true.If we conduct 100 tests and set our significance levelat 0.05 (or 5%) we can expect to find 5 p.values smaller than or equalto 0.05 even if the are no associations in the population.

Bonferroni adjustment ensures the p.values are scaled appropriatelygiven the number of tests conducted.This XKCD cartoonexpresses the need for this type of adjustments very clearly.

Stats speak

This is a comparison of means test of the nullhypothesis that the true population difference in meansis equal to 0. Using a significance level of 0.05, wereject the null hypothesis for each pair of ranks evaluated, andconclude that the true population difference in meansis less than 0.

The p.value for the test of differences in salaries between assistantand associate professors is < .001. This is theprobability of observing a sample difference in meansthat is as or more extreme than the sample difference inmeans from the data if the null hypothesis is true. In thiscase, it is the probability of observing a sample difference inmeans that is less than (or equal to)-13100.45 if the true population difference inmeans is 0.

The 95% confidence bound is -9785.958. If repeatedsamples were taken and the 95% confidence bound computed for each one,the true population mean would be below the lower bound in 95% of thesamples

1 The significance level, often denotedby \(\alpha\), is the highestprobability you are willing to accept of rejecting the null hypothesiswhen it is actually true. A commonly used significance level is 0.05 (or5%)

Report > Rmd

Add code toReport> Rmd to (re)create the analysis by clicking the icon on the bottomleft of your screen or by pressing ALT-enter on yourkeyboard.

If a plot was created it can be customized using ggplot2commands (e.g.,plot(result, plots = "scatter", custom = TRUE) + labs(title = "Compare means")).SeeData> Visualize for details.


For an overview of related R-functions used by Radiant to evaluatemeans seeBasics> Means

The key function from the stats package used in thecompare_means tool is t.test.

Video Tutorials

Copy-and-paste the full command below into the RStudio console (i.e.,the bottom-left window) and press return to gain access to all materialsused in the hypothesis testing module of theRadiantTutorial Series:


Compare MeansHypothesis Test

  • This video shows how to conduct a compare means hypothesis test
  • Topics List:
    • Calculate summary statistics by groups
    • Setup a hypothesis test for compare means in Radiant
    • Use the p.value and confidence interval to evaluate the hypothesistest

© Vincent Nijs (2019) Basics > Means (4)

Basics > Means (2024)


What is the full meaning of basics? ›

the simplest and most important facts, ideas, or things connected with something: I really must learn the basics of first aid. The school can't even afford basics such as books and paper. Synonyms. essential.

What does it mean to be basic? ›

What does basic mean? In slang, basic characterizes someone or something as unoriginal, unexceptional, and mainstream. A basic girl—or basic bitch as she is often insulted—is said to like pumpkin spice lattes, UGG boots, and taking lots of selfies, for instance.

What is the explanation of basics? ›

something that is fundamental or basic; an essential ingredient, principle, procedure, etc. SYNONYMS 1. elementary, essential, key, primary; basal; underlying.

What is called a basic? ›

serving as or forming a base. elemental, elementary, primary. of or being the essential or basic part. foundational, fundamental, rudimentary, underlying. being or involving basic facts or principles.

What does your basics mean? ›

(beɪsɪks ) 1. plural noun. The basics of something are its simplest, most important elements, ideas, or principles, in contrast to more complicated or detailed ones.

Does BASIC mean beginner? ›

BASIC stands for Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It is a simple programming language that was developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz in the 1960s. BASIC opened the door for people who did not identify as mathematicians or scientists to write computer code and develop software programs.

Is basic mean easy? ›

/ˈbeɪ.sɪk/ B1. simple and not complicated, so able to provide the base or starting point from which something can develop: I really need to get some basic financial advice. He only has a basic command of English (= he only knows the most important and simple words and expressions).

What is a good definition of basic? ›

a. : of, relating to, or forming the base or essence : fundamental. basic truths. b. : concerned with fundamental scientific principles : not applied.

What makes you basic? ›

While the idea of being basic is a little flexible, it generally refers to anyone who has a mainstream, unoriginal, and mid-American vibe.

What does got basics mean? ›

: to return to a simpler way of doing something or thinking about something.

What is basic in simple terms? ›

(beɪsɪk ) 1. adjective. You use basic to describe things, activities, and principles that are very important or necessary, and on which others depend.

What is the concept of basics? ›

Basic Concepts refer to those words, terms and prepositions which assist us in the perception and description of the world. These concepts are usually learned as an integral part of the process of language acquisition within the framework of the home, kindergarten and school.

What does it mean when someone says you are basic? ›

Basic is a slang term in American popular culture used pejoratively to describe middle class white people, especially women, who are perceived to prefer mainstream products, trends, and music.

What is a better word than "basic"? ›

Synonyms Antonyms. Strongest matches. elemental, essential, key, main, necessary, primary, primitive, underlying, vital. Strong matches. capital, central, chief, principal, radical.

What is something that is basic? ›

Definition of basic. as in rudimentary. of or relating to the simplest facts or theories of a subject you'll need a basic knowledge of computers to get any sort of office work. rudimentary. elementary.

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