Appendix A: Word Parts and What They Mean: MedlinePlus (2024)

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Understanding Medical Words: A Tutorial

Appendix A: Word Parts and What They Mean

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Here is a list of word parts. They may be at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a medical word.

  • General Words
  • Body Parts and Disorders
  • Positions and Directions
  • Numbers and Amounts
  • Colors
  • Physical Properties and Shapes
  • Good and Bad
  • Procedures, Diagnosis and Surgery

General Words

Part Definition
-acpertaining to
andr-, andro-male
chem-, chemo-chemistry
cyt-, cyto-cell
-blast-, -blasto, -blasticbud, germ
-cyte, -cyticcell
fibr-, fibro-fiber
gluco-, glycol-glucose, sugar
gyn-, gyno-, gynec-female
hetero-other, different
hydr-, hydro-water
idio-self, one's own
-itypertaining to
-ous pertaining to
oxy-sharp, acute, oxygen
pan-, pant-, panto-all or everywhere
pharmaco-drug, medicine
re-again, backward
somat-, somatico-, somato-body, bodily

Body Parts and Disorders

Part Definition
acous-, acouso-hearing
aden-, adeno-gland
adip-, adipo-fat
adren-, adreno-gland
angi-, angio-blood vessel
ateri-, aterio-artery
arthr-, arthro-joint
bronch-, bronchi-bronchus (large airway that leads from the trachea (windpipe) to a lung)
bucc-, bucco-cheek
burs-, burso-bursa (a small, fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between a bone and other moving parts)
carcin-, carcino-cancer
cardi-, cardio-heart
cephal-, cephalo-head
Coron- heart
cost- rib
crani-, cranio-brain
cutane skin
cyst-, cysti-, cysto-bladder or sac
dactyl-, dactylo-digit (finger or toe)
derm-, dermato-skin
duodeno-duodenum (the first part of your small intestine, right after your stomach)
gloss-, gloss-tongue
gnath-, gnatho-jaw
hem, hema-, hemat-, hemato-, hemo-blood
hepat-, hepatico-, hepato-liver
hidr-, hidro-sweat
hist-, histio-, histo-tissue
hyster-, hystero-uterus
ileo-ileum (the lower part of the small intestine)
irid-, irido-iris
ischi-, ischio-ischium (the lower and back part of the hip bone)
-iumstructure or tissue
kerat-, kerato-cornea (eye or skin)
lacrim-, lacrimo-tear (from your eyes)
lact-, lacti-, lacto-milk
laryng-, laryngo-larynx (voice box)
lingu-, linguo-tongue
lip-, lipo-fat
lith-, litho-stone
lymph-, lympho-lymph
mamm, mast-, masto-breast
mening-, meningo-meninges (the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord)
muscul-, musclo-muscle
my-, myo-muscle
myel-, myelo-spinal cord OR bone marrow
myring-, myringo-eardrum
nephr-, nephro-kidney
neur-, neuri-, neuronnerve
odont-, odonto-tooth
onych-, onycho-fingernail, toenail
oo-egg, ovary
oophor-, oophoro-ovary
op-, opt- vision
ophthalm-, ophthalmo-eye
orchid-, orchido-, orchio-testis
ost-, oste-, osteo-bone
ot-, oto-ear
ovari-, ovario-, ovi-, ovo-ovary
phalang- phalanx (any bone in the fingers or toes)
pharyng-, pharyngo-pharynx, throat
phleb-, phlebo-vein
phob-, phobiafear
phren-, phreni-, phrenico-, phreno-diaphragm
pleur-, pleura-, pleuro-rib, pleura (membrane that wraps around the outside of your lungs and lines the inside of your chest cavity)
pneum-, pneuma-, pneumat-, pneumato-air, lung
pod-, podofoot
psych-, psyche-, psycho-mind
proct-, procto-anus, rectum
pyel-, pyelo-pelvis
rect-, recto-rectum
ren-, reno-kidney
retin- retina (of the eye)
rhin-, rhino-nose
salping-, salpingo-tube
sial-, sialo-saliva, salivary gland
sigmoid-, sigmoido-sigmoid colon
splanchn-, splanchni-, splanchno-viscera (internal organ)
sperma-, spermato-, spermo-sperm
splen-, spleno-spleen
spondyl-, spondylo-vertebra
stern- sternum (breastbone)
stom-, stoma-, stomat-, stomato-mouth
thel-, thelo-nipples
thorac-, thoracico-, thoraco-chest
thromb-, thrombo-blood clot
thyr-, thyro-thyroid gland
trache-, tracheo-trachea (windpipe)
tympan-, tympano-eardrum
ur-, uro-urine
uri-, uric-, urico-uric acid
-uriain the urine
varic-, varico-duct, blood vessel
vasculo-blood vessel
ven-, veno- vein
vertebr-vertebra, spine
vesic-, vesico-vesicle (cyst or pouch)

Positions and Directions

Part Definition
ab-, abs-away from
ambi-both sides
ante-before, forward
cycl-circle, cycle
dextr-, dextro-right side
de-away from, ending
dia-across, through
ect-, ecto-, exo-outer; outside
end-, endo-, ent- enter-, entero-, within; inner
epi-Upon, outside of
ex-, extra-beyond
infra-beneath; below
meta-beyond, change
para-alongside, abnormal
post-behind, after
pre-before, in front
retro-backward, behind
sinistr-, sinistro-left, left side
supra-above, upon
sy-. syl-, sym-, syn-, sys-together
trans-across, through

Numbers and Amounts

Part Definition
brady- slow
hyper-above, beyond, excessive
hypo-under, deficient
iso-equal, like
macro-large, long, big
meg-, mega-, megal-, megalo-great, large
mic-, micro-small
mon-, mono-one
olig-, oligo-few, little
poly-many, excessive
tri- three


Part Definition
chlor-, chloro-green
chrom-, chromato-color
erythr-, erythro-red
leuk-, leuko-white
melan-, melano-black
xanth-, xantho-yellow

Physical Properties and Shapes

Part Definition
elect- electrical activity
kin-, kine-, kinesi-, kinesio-, kino-movement
kyph-, kypho-humped
morph-, morpho-shape
rhabd-, rhabdo-rod-shaped, striated
scoli-, scolio-twisted
cry-, cryo-cold
phon-, phono-sound
phot-, photo-light
reticul-, reticulo-net
therm-, thermo-heat
tono-tone, tension, pressure

Good and Bad

Part Definition
-alge-, -algesipain
a-, an-without; lacking
dis-separation, taking apart
-dyniapain, swelling
dys-difficult, abnormal
-eal, -ialpertaining to
-ectasisexpansion or dilation
-emiablood condition
-esis state or condition
eu-good, well
-iasiscondition, formation of
-ites, -itis inflammation
-lysis, -lytic, lyso-, lys-break down, destruction, dissolving
mal-bad, abnormal
-maniamorbid impulse towards an object/thing
myc-, myco-fungus
myx-, myxo-mucus
necr-, necro-death
orth-, ortho-straight, normal, correct
-osiscondition, usually abnormal
-pathy, patho-, path-disease
-peniadeficiency, lack of
-phagia, phagy eating, swallowing
-plasia, -plasticgrowth
pro-favoring, supporting
pro-favoring, supporting
-ptosisfalling, drooping
onco-tumor, bulk, volume
-rrhage, -rrhagicbleeding
-rrhea flow or discharge
sarco-muscular, fleshlike
schisto-split, cleft, division
schiz-, schizosplit, cleft
sclera-, sclero-hardness
-spasmmuscle condition
-stasislevel, unchanging
sten-, steno-narrowed, blocked

Procedures, Diagnosis and Surgery

Parts Definition
-centesissurgical puncture to remove fluid
-desissurgical binding
-ectomycut out, removal
-gram, -graph, -graphyrecording, written
-meterdevice used for measuring
-metry measurement of
-opsyvisual examination
-pexysurgical fixation
-plastysurgical reconstruction
radio- radiation, radius
-scope, -scopy examine, for examining
-stomysurgical opening
-tomycutting; incision
Appendix A: Word Parts and What They Mean: MedlinePlus (2024)


What is the root word in appendix? ›

appendix (n.)

1540s, "subjoined addition to a document or book," from Latin appendix "an addition, continuation, something attached," from appendere "cause to hang (from something)," from ad "to" (see ad-) + pendere "to hang" (from PIE root *(s)pen- "to draw, stretch, spin").

What is the suffix of the word appendix? ›

For example, the term “appendicitis” can be defined as inflammation of the appendix by its word parts –itis (inflammation) and appendic/o (appendix).

What is the root word and suffix of appendectomy? ›

For example, in "appendectomy," the suffix "-ectomy" means "removal" or "excision," while the root word "append-" refers to the appendix. Therefore, an appendectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the appendix.

What is the combining form for appendix? ›

Combining Forms

abdomin/o: abdomen, abdominal. an/o: anus. antr/o: antrum. append/o, appendic/o: appendix.

What does appendix mean in word? ›

What is an appendix? A section at the end of a paper that includes information that is too detailed for the text of the paper itself and would "burden the reader" or be "distracting," or "inappropriate" (APA, 2019, p. 41-42).

What is an example of an appendix? ›

Appendices can consist of figures, tables, maps, photographs, raw data, computer programs, musical examples, interview questions, sample questionnaires, etc.

Is appendix part of word count? ›

Question: Is the appendix included in the word count? No, as a general rule appendices are not included in your overall word count.

Is appendix Latin? ›

Appendices, a plural borrowed directly from Latin, is the usual plural, especially in scholarly writing, when referring to supplementary material at the end of a book. Appendixes is the usual plural in the anatomical meaning.

What is the Latin word for inflammation of appendix? ›

The word appendicitis stems from Latin, combining appendix and -itis, and it means the inflammation of the appendix.

What is the suffix in medical terminology? ›

Suffix: The suffix appears at the end of a term and may indicate a specialty, test, procedure, function, disorder, or status. Otherwise, it may define whether the word is a noun, verb, or adjective.

What does the suffix word mean? ›

1. a letter, syllable, or group of syllables added at the end of a word or word base to change its meaning, give it grammatical function, or form a new word (Ex.: -ish in smallish, -ed in walked, -ness in darkness) 2. anything added to the end of something else.

How do you shorten the word appendix? ›

The abbreviation for "appendix" is "app." and "appx." It is commonly used in documents, reports, or academic papers to refer to supplementary material or additional information that is included at the end of the main text.

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